Build the wall

9.1 M and tracking.

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Other urls found in this thread:

$9.2 now.

so what are y'all gonna do when this 9.2M suddenly disappears?

the guy is gonna be on laura ingraham tonight, lets see if it jumps after the show

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The creator posted his name, address, and phone number to it.

As it says on the gofundme.
>• How do you know this is not a scam? I'm using my real name, my real information, you can contact me and hold me accountable. People who try to scam you will not be upfront with their information, they will hide and not use their name. I have a public figure Facebook page with a blue check mark issued by facebook that verifies my identity. I'm a retired United States Air Force member who was wounded in Iraq, and lost 3 limbs. I have a website where you can verify more about me. I will respond. I've been on Fox News many times, you can see I'm credible and a real person. Do your research before donating, and contact me if you have any questions.

At least do some basic research before you talk shit, shareblue.

What are you going to do when it doesn't?

when is the senate vote?

Attached: SP_gone.jpg (640x360, 76K)

The Wall just got approved funding, so what happens to the money now? Will the excess cash from this kickstarter go towards aesthetic purposes like gold inlays?

Attached: trumpepe.jpg (326x267, 21K)

Republicans are disgusting.

Step right up suckers!

Attached: thejerk.jpg (850x460, 48K)

Refund or it will go on top of the 5 billion. I'm leaning towards refunds which is on the description of the page.



Well we don't have the wall funding just yet, so it should still remain up. but if we get the funding I imagine there will be a refund as it's no longer needed

>AVERAGES (Changes in past 18 hours)
>$60.71 / Donation (2.65%)▲

Maintaining the average donation of $60.71 means that 16.4 million people need to donate.

Trump received 62 million votes in the election so that means that only 26% of the people who voted for him need to make the average donation and the wall will be funded

Attached: 1490661340996.jpg (655x527, 36K)

I’m thinking to donate just to trigger the fuck out of leftist fags who are losing their collective minds tonight with screams of rage.

This, when is the senate vote?


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update as of 9:10pm est

Attached: 9mil.png (1188x547, 560K)

It's worth it just for that, even if it doesn't reach the goal. But who knows, it might if more wealthy people start chipping in.

old news bucko

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-20 at 9.12.34 PM.png (1018x521, 175K)

Day 4, Hour 11
Currently at
148,874 Donations

AVERAGES (Changes in past 18 hours)
$60.71 / Donation (2.65%)▲
$2,008,755.55 / Day (129.96%)▲
$83,698.14 / Hour
$1,394.96 / Minute
$23.24 / Second


33,083.11 / Day (123.51%)▲
1,378.46 / Hour
22.97 / Minute


Projected Funding Completion Date:
May 1, 2020

Miles of (overland) wall funded:
3.53 / 675 ($2,558,853.63/mile)

Percentage of (overland) wall funded:

It would be cool if we could get poll to set aside all our shit and troll like the hwndu days. Except this day the real trophy is the federal government. Letting them know how useless they really are and that we will do it ourselves

$9.378.042 for me

>he doesn't know where to find the most up to date news

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-20 at 9.16.07 PM.png (343x489, 121K)

>mfw people are donating exorbitant amounts of money hoping that it'll be refunded when it fails to reach its goal

>mfw the kikes pump it up overnight and take all of your money and mail it to Israel

Attached: Obama-Laugh.jpg (3528x2449, 1.42M)


this is going to be the biggest gofundme in history. What could the left raise like this? haha.

Jow Forums has been overrun by shills with subversive defeatist spam that quite literally demotivated people who were already bummed by losing France to Macron, Obamacare, conservatives being censored and now the midterms.

This campaign was set-up by someone who probably doesnt even know Jow Forums exists and yet they appropriated it, why not, turns out that it feels like 2016 again and it's great.

This is the Jow Forums that we should fight to keep. shill free and MAGAing.

the guy who started this is going to be on fox at 10pm hopefully it will be at 10 million by then


I don't know why mine is so behind

what is the biggest gofundme in history?

It will be at 10 million as he is talking.

its gonna be tight but it might. need a couple more corporate $50k donations

I don’t fear that the creator will try to scam. I fear that the government will once they get that money

God bless America, lads

some dudes gave 50,000-10,000 holy crap

Shills literally on suicide watch

Attached: 1533703682676.png (500x463, 99K)

click the donate now button to see the most up to date amount

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-20 at 9.21.42 PM.png (1062x594, 186K)

I dunno Mr. Noseberg what are you gonna do when they finally jam you into that train that goes to the camps.

only $24,991,000,000 left to go!




National Women's Law center fund for sexual harassment lawsuit funding, $21 million and change.

I remember when pol was about pissing everyone off, now the federal government is in our cross hairs and these betas wanna bitch about politics like any of it matters, like we have a say besides uniting here and really fucking shit up. How far we have fallen.

Fuck it im still pushing for that old school beautiful autisim to build that fucking wall.

Trump insisted Mexico would pay for the wall, why raise the money yourselves?

Or are these people accepting the fact that Trump is a pathological liar who can't be trusted to keep his promises.

Attached: Trump (76).jpg (446x750, 29K)


go away shill you have no power here

Tomorrow. The Turtle hasn't announced a time yet.

Just reach 100 million and build a 100 miles wall on the San Diego-Mexicali border.
Just to make Cuckifornians go crazy.

We all know this is a symbolic project.

Attached: mexico-california-border-sized.jpg (1200x675, 100K)

doesn't matter. this is a way of protesting. a way of telling them that yes we actually do want to see the wall built. a way to tell these elitist ivory tower pricks that they actually don't know what is best for us.

you know what fuck it I'm gonna go donate now. I'm a fucking leaf and I'm gonna help build the wall - strictly as a fuck you to lefties

and then when it is built, it will forever stand as a monument of our fuck you attitude for the rest of time

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holy shit it goes up hundreds of dollars every time you refresh

Based Leaf

Forgive me for any times in the past I may have shit on Hockey. You're ok by me, leaf bro.

>$1,394.96 / Minute

That seems...low. I refreshed for the last minute and it averaged $9,500

>We'll have Mexico fund the wall
>h-here's a Gofundme you guys

lol get fucked

A fool and his money soon part ways. Enjoy them using it to sterilize your children, dipshits.

We need 10 by 10.

Fuckin donate a dollar just so they know, it costs about a dollar to drive to show up somewhere to vote, troll these fags. They try to keep problems going so they have shit to run on. Fuck right. Fuck left. Let them know we want a fucking wall


Fuckin donate a dollar just so they know, it costs about a dollar to drive to show up somewhere to vote, troll these fags. They try to keep problems going so they have shit to run on. Fuck right. Fuck left. Let them know we want a fucking wall. If pol cant unite on this, we are lost

literally 4k in roughly 1 minute

Congrats. If this were an attempt to fund a $100 concert ticket, you've raised 95 cents towards the effort.

>chair force
Explains a lot

If a few good men decided the nazis were to much before we got to kicking their ass wed all be speaking german and jap

it goes up 200-300 eveytime you refresh

It will be about 10:10 but ya, happening.

Imagine your governemnt being so retarded, you have to crowdfund an agenda

bad shitposting is bad

It doesn't for me

when you go to the main page click on the donate button, at the next screen you get the up to date total, start refreshing on that screen

ooh, thanks for pleasuring my autism user


It's definately slower than it was earlier today, however I still believe it will make it to 10 million in time.

>in time

it will be over 10 million in like 20 minutes

That's why we need to get behind this, our government really is this corrupt that they will deny the demands of Americans.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have."


you are such a contradictory schill its funny and motivating me to donate more

what a clown

>it will be over 10 million in like 20 minutes

No chance. By my calculations it will hit 10 mil in exactly 1 hour with a margin of error of +/- 4 minutes.

match my donation you faggots

lets build a fucking wall

Attached: fuckyou.png (545x514, 53K)

9.621 M and tracking

He's on FOX with Laura in 10 minutes. When the MSM starts talking about this it will double its speed. 20 million by lunch tomorrow. I've donated 3 times so far. We either get a wall or our money back. Do something nice for your country....DONATE!

the left are terrified of you!

>No chance. By my calculations it will hit 10 mil in exactly 1 hour with a margin of error of +/- 4 minutes.

Attached: tellmemore.jpg (1024x646, 139K)

Attached: jidfhighcommand.jpg (2048x1365, 325K)


Donated 300 already. Not a maga fag or a leftists fag, just want to make a point that we don't need them to decide where our money goes. They are all controlled by corporations and I am over it. In the military and fighting for the country I love. Itd be POL could be the one place where we don't get sucked into left and right and serve these mother fuckers up a cold plate of crow

Ill make sure to bump this thread when I'm right. Or not bump it and hope nobody else does if Im wrong.

How dumb does a chair force nigger have to be to lose all but one limb?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-21 Trump's Mexican Border Wall • Prototype Construction Begins - YouTube.p (1264x800, 849K)


I dunno, why not do the one thing you don't have the guts to do and join the armed service and go into combat then radio back and tell us


Your in?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-20 at 9.57.12 PM.png (403x289, 31K)

>NEW VIDEO ON #GDL and Celebrities naming the Jew, 911 and USS liberty
Here is an opportunity to learn some unique redpills from The Based Man
>the nature of Chaotic-Good and Jow Forums

>100th monkey effect and shitposting

>NXIVM child cult in Columbia

>eternal Memetics and symbolism

>article 13 is the great meme Iconoclasm of 2018

>prophecy of a cyber future IF we DONT act

>your leading a revolution and dont even know it

>planned parenthood expose , legal sacrifice

>npc meme 3 part miniseries starts here

>john titor time travel trump doc

>ingersoll lockwood and Baron trumps wonderful adventure

And LOTS MORE, here is a small window into a world you might not know.,..,,,

Rejected for asthma.
You're not and you never tried to enlist.

Look at the shit that get's posted in this thread and tell me it isn't a racist cesspit. I know, since pol loves eugenics so much, why don't you tell me why you shouldn't be sterilized, you muck of existential diarrhea. Heaven knows all you worthless simple-mided slack-jaws will ever contribute to the world is a robust discussion on why faggot is no longer an offensive word. Or, better yet, just stay virgins who can't find a date beyond spilling your greasy seed behind a computer screen. Fuck you.

Fuck everything about this website. Fuck all of you little white dudes who have achieved nothing in your life so you need to be a racist piece of shit to make yourselves feel better. Fuck you because you know that nothing like this would ever happen to you. We need to build a fucking wall just thrown all you white bitches over it. Fuck all of you.