How do I get employers to stop illegally discriminating based on disability? It's not something I can easily conceal either, because I have to wear sunglasses all the time. I've applied to 120 engineering jobs and they always break off contact when they find out.
How do I get employers to stop illegally discriminating based on disability...
I have trouble believing that they're discriminating on your disability. It's just that engineering is a fairly mental job and I don't see employers even caring about wheelchair bound engineers in my country. Maybe it's different where you are though.
>I've applied to 120 engineering jobs
I seriously doubt that
>I seriously doubt that
Well I don't know what else to tell you. You'll just have to take my word for it. Now what am I supposed to do?
What kind of disability is this? I don't know how to answer this.
I have partial vision loss from autoimmune retinopathy. I can still drive and do all the job functions, but the cunts freak out when they see the sunglasses. I can't take them off because my retinas get toxic with light exposure.
Depends on your country's laws. Consider applying to several different branches of one company to prove it's institutional discrimination and nit just one asshole. Also make sure to name your disability instead of just saying "I have sensitive eyes"
>Also make sure to name your disability
In my application? That's an instant rejection. I've already experimented and found that the more I withold, the further I get in the interview process.
I understand that you don't want to be rejected from a job due to a disability, but you need to understand that you may not be 100% qualified for the job due to your disability even if you think that you are.
So it's not a mental disability but just a physical one. I think you'll be find if you explain that it doesn't affect your work ability. That's just my opinion but I think you'll be fine.
This is exactly the kind of discrimination I'm talking about. I still have 20/20 central vision.
That's easier said than done. I'm wondering if there are some kind of job placement or advocacy resources I can take advantage of.
It's not discrimination if you don't have perfect vision. You even said you have partial vision loss. Engineers need a keen eye to see details and to make sure everything is built correctly and safely. Poor vision does not help with that at all.
That's not what engineering is: it's mostly computer work and hand calculations. It's against federal law for them to do that, but they're doing it anyway.
Maybe you should try networking more. Meet more engineers and they might be able to hook you up.
No no. Just when you meet in person and the ask why you're wearing sunglasses inside at night, don't tell them you're just a douchebag with sensitive eyes.
>t. Not an engineer.
What if when you go to interview, you just never tell them you have a disability
>Why are you wearing sunglasses?
I'm a cool dude.
ADA. American with Disabilities Act, assuming you're American. Look it up.
>Super glue sunglasses to face
>Yeah well do you mind removing them for the interview, you are inside you know user.
Try taking off your sunglasses for like 5 secs to make eye contact when you shake hands at the start of the interview.
Just tell them you can't take the sunglasses off because they're prescription. You can link back to it by asking about their vision plan in the mandatory "do you have any questions for us" part.
No engineering firm would expect engineers to have perfect vision, in almost all my classes I was the only one without glasses.
I'm just wondering if you're failing the interview because they think you're being rude by wearing the sunglasses. Are you telling them about the !