Founder of viral fundraiser for Trump's border wall has questionable news past

So yeah, it's a scam.

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It was literally run out of Broward county and if you didn't think that threads being spammed nonstop was fishy you might just be retarded

>So yeah, it's a scam.
WHERE THE FUCK anywhere in that article is it there proof it was a scam ???

Ok dude had a "Right Wing News" page.
That just makes hime MORE cedible dumb ass

the fact a fucking aussie proxy faggot is freaking out about this only confirms suspicions more. I can't wait to see how you react when you find out all the mossad agents in Broward county got assassinated.

lol, having to shill this hard because you're afraid of the people's will.

>The fundraising page doesn’t mention Kolfage’s most recent business venture, a Facebook page titled Right Wing News and a ring of affiliate sites that frequently trafficked in conspiracy theories. In October, Right Wing News was pulled down by Facebook in a sweep of more than 559 pages that the company said were “using fake accounts… to drive traffic to their websites” or “were ad farms using Facebook to mislead people into thinking that they were forums for legitimate political debate.”

Now personally I wouldn't give money to a guy who ran a facebook ad farm, but hey it's your neetbux.

>MSM calling someone else fake news
I'm sold. Definitely a scam.

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how could I have been so blind? i guess i'll have to trust the msm again.

Can't believe they had to pull out the lies and slander strategy over a simple go-fund-me.

>anyone thats right wing must be fake accounts
>still beleive the MSM abotu social media bots

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From the gofundme
>• How do you know this is not a scam? I'm using my real name, my real information, you can contact me and hold me accountable. People who try to scam you will not be upfront with their information, they will hide and not use their name. I have a public figure Facebook page with a blue check mark issued by facebook that verifies my identity. I'm a retired United States Air Force member who was wounded in Iraq, and lost 3 limbs. I have a website where you can verify more about me. I will respond. I've been on Fox News many times, you can see I'm credible and a real person. Do your research before donating, and contact me if you have any questions.

How much money did you lose, er sorry "donate".

The NPC life is a simple life.

You do realize GFM will investigate this guy and return the donations if found fraudulent, right?


>its a scam because:
>facebook didn't like his right wing conspiracies page about how Hillary was sick and that there were fraud in the elections
>or started a free speech group that asked for donations

If only US really was as dangerous to ((journalists)) as ((they)) claim it to be

Let the shills cling to whatever little hope they have, today hasn't been a good day for them.

fuck off faggot scum

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Put your money where your mouth is and donate another hundo. It's worth it right?

I get where you're coming from. Mercy is reserved for those redeemable, however, and helicopter rides for the remainder.

I'm sorry you side has never had a GFM as big as this one and it's scary, but relax, let it just slide right in. You may even end up liking it.

Why not ask him yourself? Going here: gofundm e c o m /TheTrumpWall will lead you to his email address and facebook page.

This was in fact a good day to lurk.
It's like mining through a liberals anal pipe through all its shit looking for a piece of corn and hitting a salt and honey vain attached to a nerve ending.
What wall?
What war for Israel?
What government shutdown?
What Mueller?
What Russia?
Liberals been eating nothing burgers for a long time now.

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> its already at 9.5 million
how fast are you heart palpitations..

I actually didn't even know about this until this thread.
But i think i might send $500 right now. Thx :)
>GFM /TheTrumpWall

IF he's successful, there is ZERO chance of him legally getting away with defrauding $1 Billion.
Trump himself would personally get the attorney general onto him.

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>Facebook misleads people into thinking that they are forums for legitimate political debate.
Remove one word and add another and the statement becomes true.

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wtf I implicitly trust and believe left-wing news now

>it's a scam because the creator is a right-wing retard, he even had FAKE Facebook bots to troll epic style!

Wow that sure showed me

Isn't it like $20mil per mile (1.6km)? So far it's raised enough for a half of a mile of wall. This isn't going to aolve the problem. Trump needs to start getting authoritarian with this shit. This constant cucking and doing ahit for nigger like justice reform is pissing off his base, myself included. We voted for the wall, and it should have already been funded and built. Should have done the wall on day 1. If congress wouldnt have voted for it, he should of had the military do it then. This is bullshit tbqh. Now he's fucked trying to do anything for 2 years since the left controls the house.

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He knows how to run an empire. If it was a CEO position and his company, shit'd be done already.

>as the driver of the car that plowed into a group of peaceful protestors

Jesus christ these news organizations are fucking scum. "peaceful protesters"? The same peaceful protestors who were throwing bottles of piss at people and smashing his car?

Enters the standard smear attack. You leftists don't seem to get it, we are used to this and expect this now, IT NO LONGER WORKS

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That's the price if they use American workers. Because it's community funded mexican workers can be used at like $1 a hour. That drops the price by $8 million per mile when insurance savings are also taken into account for not using American workers.

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"Hi, we're the people who put children in drag shows and lie to you all the time. You and your friends are doing something that scares me. So here is the absolute truth about the person leading you all to do what's scaring me. You trust me, don't you, Jow Forums?"

"Don't you America?"

Violent, piss-throwing degenerates are actually peaceful protesters, peaceful protesters are actually violent, piss-throwing degenerates. Trust the media in this problematic war on truth, goy!

>157,102 people
>in 3 days

>FOX NEWS : 12/20 Laura Ingraham Tonight at 10pm EST in the works.
This is only just getting started.
Its gonna BLOW UP !!!

>“If the 63 million people who voted for Trump each pledge $80, we can build the wall.” That equates to roughly 5Billion Dollars


You can trust us, goy

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HRC about to be indicted
>No report
Comey lied
>No report
Unemployment down
>No report

Ordinary US soldier rallies America to stand up to tyranny and illegal immigration

So why weren't the site legitimate forums? Did they allow discourse about politics?
What's the reason it's a scam if he has ads? every site has ads. Are they scam?

>NBC News
>calling any other agency that reports news "fake"
Ooooooh wow that is rich

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can every stupid as fuck boomer who gave money to this scam site kill themselves?