Gavin will rise again

Gavin will rise again.

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I genuinely think he's Jewish.


get out of here with your blown out asshole Gav. Also it's us not uz leafnigger mongoloid.

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cumia said he'd rehire him in a second. so my best guess is that gavin doesn't want a new show. when interviewed by alex jones, he said his next thing might be litigation, wtf

I don't want him to. He abandoned his comrades, as faggily named as they were. He's a bitch coward.

Some guy who had a show where he'd put stuff up his ass.

I thought his name was Milo. But he was the gay guy who showed his butt hole for white supremacy

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What a faggot

He could totally go back to Compound, but he might not want to right now. It's understandable. If you saw him on Nightline he seems to really regret that fans of his are going to prison, and his political half serious rants are starting to affect his family.

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i don't like gavin, just making this clear before i say maybe the gayest thing of my life: it's crazy how influential he's been on today's culture. from vice to proud boys. i'm impressed.
i think you can put him anywhere and he will succeed in some way.

MUh optics!

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Dont forget dat optics!

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He's a fascinating guy.

The only thing that's rising are his estrogen levels.

Gavin if you're reading this, get back on the horse.

i watched his rogan interviews, and he's full of shit about almost everything. like i dont believe for a second he's actually catholic.
i really don't get how he affects today's culture so much.

Yeah, despite all of the reasons not to, I still like the guy. He'll be stuck in flaccid alt-light mode forever, but I credit Gavin's Vice magazine in the early 00s for exposing me to Jim Goad and a bunch of other wrongthink that lead me to where I am today.

He's a badass

Gavin. Get back to CompoundMedia. Now. I know it's a step down/backwards and anthony is really fucking cheap, but you need a platform and you have no reliable web presence.

that Nightline report was actually one of the more sensible ones done on the pb

Unlikely, he passed his second wind.

It only seems that way because you follow him and his little sphere of influence. I’ve only ever seen this guy twice (once in a YouTube thumbnail and now on here). Whenever you’re involved in something it tends to feel like it’s everywhere because you’re seeing it more, but it’s a self fulfilling prophecy kind of deal.

To me, I would just say it’s some dipshit who dresses like a frontier ventriloquist on Dr. Quinn medicine woman.

Is he the goatse man?

Trump needs to prosecute these social media companies.

alt-lightards BTFO lol

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this is the only Gavin that matters, no one cares about your shit tier political money grabbing faggot who produces nothing but utter shit

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Admit that all forms of liberalism are a mistake, and that the founders set up the nation with an inherently flawed and easily subverted ideology that must be discarded. Forge a new identity thats relatively anti-US, and know that any appeals to patriotism or the 'Murica approach are tools meant to keep you complicit in the game

Punk knight

Have you seen my friend Gavin!? Gavin!