What is the point of life other than having a wife and kids?

The thing I want most from life is to have a family of my own. Due to various circumstances, that will probably never happen.

What are some good reasons to live for?

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Other urls found in this thread:

www2.hawaii.edu/~freeman/courses/phil360/16. Myth of Sisyphus.pdf

>What are some good reasons to live for?

Super Smash Bros Ultimate is coming out later this year.

I hope this helps you.

I'm not into video games.

Life is about finding your own reason.
I'll give you hint, though. You aren't going to find it here.

There is no point in anything at all, and you need to learn to be ok with that.
www2.hawaii.edu/~freeman/courses/phil360/16. Myth of Sisyphus.pdf

I post this in every meaning of life thread, but either make do with searching for one, or find a way to live without one.

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>>>What are some good reasons to live for?

>>Super Smash Bros Ultimate is coming out later this year.

>I'm not into video games.

You can look forward to Hideaki Anno releasing the fourth and final film of Rebuild of Evangelion.

Hope this helps.

I don't like anime either.

God, how I hate the French and their faggotry.

Throughout all of history, there was a way out for guys like us. We would go to the marketplace and there'd be a guy beating on a drum. He'd say: Join the corps, see new lands, conquer rich cities, earn glory and gold. And we'd say: Ok, fuck it, I'll go. And then we'd march onto the battlefield and die in the pointless wargame of some aristocrat. Or we'd return as scared heroes and the ladies would swoon on us. Good times.

That option still exists.

In my country the army doesn't take people who are mentally ill unfortunately.

Just pretend to be normal

Hmm, maybe I'll do that, but it could be quite a challenge.

Also I think you have to be physically fit and all. In the old days they'd just take anyone who could hold a musket, but today it's all a lot more professional. Don't know if I could make it.

write a book. wife and kids is just slavery nowadays, go your own way.

what? die in the pointless wargame of some aristocrat? where? even if I where to go to a warzone like Afghanistan I'd probably go home without ever having seen an enemy.

I have written a book. What now?

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The US military if you wanna die in the Middle East, or the Foreign Legion if you wanna die in Africa.

idunno. write another one, get it published, eventually become a full-time writer whose divine farts sell for more than i make a year.
point is, have a project. go nuts.

Why do you want to have a wife and kids?

But I'm not an US citizen and I hate the French. Halp.

The US military lets foreigners join. A lot of people do it to get a fast track to a green card/citizenship.

there are so many books already, why would anyone want to publish mine? I can't motivate myself to write another one, as long as I don't see a way this would ever be a success.

Why can't you have a family?

because the idea of having a loving wife to come home to every day seems really nice?

because kids are super cute and I get jealous whenever I see families with them?

because reproduction is the most important thing in life?


I suppose they give you the feeling of belonging in this world. Also kids are very cute and you can teach them a lot of stuff. And a wife would cook for you and have sex with you and all that.

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hey, I'm 24 too. we're like brothers. i share your sentiments.

>more anons who are only thinking about what they want from a relationship instead of what they can provide

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>mommy issues

We've already settled that we'll never have what we want anyway, right? So why bother lecturing us?

What can you provide for in a relationship, user?

>giving up on what you want because you don't want to put the time in to change yourselves for the better

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I just wish there was some way to fix it

Relationships happen so naturally for 99% of people but for me it's like playing a broken record that never gets past the first 3 seconds.

how can I change any of this stuff?

>you don't want to put the time in to change yourselves for the better
you know why? because i don't even know if the woman i desire exists. and i see no way of finding out. i wouldn't bother at all if it was for any of the woman I've already met.

I have life goals that I work hard to achieve, irrelevant of my relationship status. I have enough experience, both sexually and emotionally, to communicate and work with my partner to keep the relationship healthy, strong, and rooted in mutual trust and respect. I take my partner out on dates about as often as they do for me, and I do what they want and what they propose as often as they do for me. I have issues that I recognize and work on through introspection, and am unafraid to apologize when I step out of line. Likewise, I'm unafraid to demand apology when they upset me. I have hard limits and dealbreakers that I adhere to, as hard as it may be, and at the end of the day, I believe a successful relationship isn't one that lasts indefinitely, but one that provides growth for both parties, so while I do fear losing them, I know I will be able to recover and move on and love again, eventually.

When I sought them out, I did it because I wanted to do things for another, not what they could do for me. I talked to almost 100 people before finding the right person over a period of two and a half years. I did not give up, even when I felt like it and it all seemed hopeless and pointless, and eventually, I prevailed.

wouldn't recommend.
there seem to be some surgery methods, but I don't know much about that.
>ugly face
there are some products that help with that, but I have no personal experience with those.
>no friends
I wouldn't know.
You can always pay, but I guess that isn't your thing. It isn't mine either.
>chronic depression
Dunno. Nothing worked for me till now.
>diagnosed anxiety disorder
Dunno either.

>I talked to almost 100 people before finding the right person over a period of two and a half years.
Wow, impressive.
Try talking 500 people over 8 years with zero (0) results and see if you feel the same way then.

>m-muh numbers are bigger so I'm allowed to be a little bitch with a victim complex

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Why do you hate the french?

>ugly people just don't try hard enough!

Basically because my mother and brother love France and French culture and I'm feeling a bit rebellious. Other than that it's basic German World War butthurt.

>really got into katawara
>all I want to date and have kids with
>is a cute legless boy now
>Tfw there's none IRL online.

Is this the shounen equivalent of katawa shoujo

i like creating shit, fixing stuff.

i get an adrenaline high from fixing cars, i also work as a fine art handler, so when we unbox a rothko painting and hang it on a wall, theres nothing like it, sometimes we are the first people to see a painting or sculpture in decades if it was kept in a collection to appreciate in value.

chase that feeling.

also bloodlust, i chase the feeling i get from competitive martial arts.

One option is the merchant navy. You won't actually be doing fighting. You'll just be sailing around the world. Look it up if you don't know how it works.

Take whatever your reasons for wanting a family was and do the next best thing, probably something like being the resident expert in some inclusive community.

You better not be pulling some incel shit.

Crows mate for life, but not all crows have mates. Plenty of crows are there as support for the breeders.

In human terms, you could be a mentor in some way to younger people or help make your family members' lives easier.

fucking learn self confidence.
create things for your own sake don't focus on the success focus on writing out the story you want to tell.
if you write for the sake of being successful your heart is in the wrong place

My goal is stimulation.
Experiencing all the different feelings available.

Partake in overtly pleasurable sensations, in neutral sensations, and once in a while in unpleasant sensations (the paradox of tragedy). Experience the full range of sensations and emotional states.

The same reason people consume media. But you should opt to consume media for costly/unlikely experiences and live the rest whenever feasible. This is because stronger feelings will results from stronger physical sensations in real life, and from the real-life only sensations of touch, taste, and smell.

change things for the better