I have to die alone because i live in america and every girl is a slut (this thread isn't really meant for girls id...

i have to die alone because i live in america and every girl is a slut (this thread isn't really meant for girls id suggest you dont read it because you'll get offended). the other day i was walking through another town to get to my friends house and i stopped at 2 stores and saw 2 girls in each and both of them were wearing the same exact thing. a shirt that was nothing but straps and like tiny tiny ass shorts that literally just covered their ass and nothing else like it was literally just showing their entire thigh and leg and you could see their ass perfectly and i was just off staring in this distance and this chick looked behind all grumpy and weird like she was pissed i WASNT staring at her ass!

every chick i see on social media and everything else is just like half naked and a complete slut. every girl i see on instagram has braless and naked pictures and pictures with their tits ass and vag out and they're not even paid for it. they just do it for fun. like why. every girl i see these days they dont even try and look cute or anything they're all like in constant club slut mode. i see someone recording and every time the camera gets to a girl she just drops down turns around and starts twerking her ass like instincitvely. no smile no hand sign or cute face or anything just "oh look attention act like a whore derp" from literally every girl i see they're literally like retarded slut children. i have to talk to girls online because i have literally not met a girl in the past 4 FUCKING FOUR years that isn't a cum slut.

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every girl i talk to has like 80 dudes they're talking to and the chick just sticks their claws in whichever dude fucks her out first and then the dude acts like he has a prize or something. it's gotten to the point i dont even care about chicks looks i just want a girl with a nice personality and i haven't seen it in years. the only chicks i talk to that dont disgust me are from asia and the middle east and stuff. but those girls are like complete virgins and stuff that might be a bit much i dont need a girl thats like an untouched virgin i just want a girl that like only has sex in relationships and isn't getting around all the time and half naked on social media and shit. i have not found one not slutty girl the only time i see a girl not being a slut on social media is if they're fat and ugly and thats the only reason. they're still sluts.

Print this out, and show it to a qualified therapist.

You need help, and I hope you find it.

coming from a girl who thinks its more reasonable for all you to dress half naked on social media but its unreasonable for me to find someone whos not a classless whore. ok.

Do you live in a red light district or something. I don't understand what you're saying. I'm from an Arab country but I know it can't be that bad. Even in American movies I still see girls who dress quite modestly and I'm sure most girls don't fuck whoever because any grown up person is aware of the consequences of casual sex.

It's not that bad. He just has a messed up world view and attitude.

>wearing shorts and a shirt when it's a million fucking degrees outside means that all girls everywhere forever are sluts

maybe you'd be better off moving to Afghanistan or something where women have to walk around wearing sleeping bags 365 days a year 24/7

no its pretty bad idk what it is I live in a trashy ass area but im not talking about just here. every time I go on Instagram I see half naked sluts and if you just look through random profiles every single girl you'll literally see has half naked pictures, no bra on half the time, see through clothing. ive been bored on Instagram for like 2 days and 99% of the chicks I can tell you have really slutty pictures in their profile.

the only ones saying girls aren't sluts here are girls because...well...they're also sluts. especially on Jow Forums these girls are the biggest whores because they're all godless.

I was wearing a light hoodie and shorts down to my knees. girls can wear shorts that covers their thigh it would be literally no hotter at all they just chose to do the way that gets them attention.

>the only chicks i talk to that dont disgust me are from asia and the middle east and stuff. but those girls are like complete virgins and stuff that might be a bit much i dont need a girl thats like an untouched virgin i just want a girl that like only has sex in relationships and isn't getting around all the time and half naked on social media and shit.
from this sentence alone i can conclude you're a hypocrite who doesn't believe in any true virtue principles. you're just angry that they're not whoring themselves to you personally.

Shut up, pussy.

Well instagram isn't real life. You see too many of these girls because they have a lot of followers and get a lot of attention not because all girls in real life are like this. The fact is, insta famous girls only make up a tiny minority of world female population. Maybe try following different people? On my IG I, mostly, follow artists accounts so what I don't see many girls with whorish clothing and more beautiful drawings and fanart. You shouldn't look at the things that make you feel bad. Maybe if you're religious try following accounts dedicated to religion.

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>goes on IG where people go for attention
>"My god, all womens in whole world like this."
>feels justified in hating everyone

how would you know what is or isn't hotter when you're wearing a hoodie in the middle of summer

they also want to work on their summer tan

>they only want to get a tan to attract more men reeeee women are all sluts

or they just want to look good for the sake of looking good.

The internet was a mistake.

I came back to remind you you're still a pussy.

Where I live, it's pretty bad. And I live in the South. LMAO
Don't listen to

You don't need to bully him. If he wasn't willing to change he wouldn't be asking on an advice board. Just help him understand.

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>i have to die alone because i live in america
Don’t die yet till you do your pic related duty. Remember those roasties and douche chads don’t deserve to live, if you die while letting them outlive you they’ll just continue their degeneracies.

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OP, I feel you. A common theme I see with American females is how entitled and bratty they are. I mean, girls in general are like that but American females take it to a whole another level. They demand you give them everything. Your undivided attention 24/7 and treat them like princesses despite the fact their personalities are as interesting as a piece of cardboard, they don't look like anything special and they put no effort into everything. With men, in order to get a girlfriend, you must be funny, good looking and willing to show her you're willing to put up with her. With girls (I don't like to call them women), they simply don't have to do much. I see 5/10 girls dating 8/10 guys. Could you imagine a 5/10 guy dating a 8/10 gal? No, cause it's rare. Why do guys go after the most boring basic bitches but girls go after the superior option? Are men just really fucking stupid? Or do girls really just play that hard to get?

Also, what happened to women wearing beautiful outfits? Like I said, they all talk and act the same. American ''women'' are just boring to me. I don't really feel anything around them. I can't wait to move out of this hell-hole.

>i have literally not met a girl in the past 4 FUCKING FOUR years that isn't a cum slut.
What happened before that?

You’re over reacting a bit lad, but yes I do agree. There are a lot of sluts in the USA. It sucks

why care when im dead.

im hoping this is right I live in a small ass trashy town and all the girls here are like smoking cigarettes and giving handjobs in yoga pants at 13. I really wanna just move somewhere where the people aren't shit

nah they're just kinda hoes. im starting to think America is just like a semi nudist colony or something now

>I see 5/10 girls dating 8/10 guys.

It’s literally chad’s Fault. Even tho Chad can get (and does) get 10/10 girls, Chad also goes for the lower tier girls because lower tier girls are much easier. 10/10 girls will still expect Chad to spend some money on dinner and drinks before she sucks his dick. But not the lower tier ones.. the lower tier ones just want to fuck a hot guy so they put out very easily. The lazy chad accepts this with delight because it saves him time and money. This then creates a problem because the 4/10 women now expect more attractive men because Chad just validated them. That’s why 4/10 women won’t date 4/10 men. Because they know they are capable of 8-9/10 dick

go your own way, OP. when these thots burn down civilization and take their slaves with them, only those who chose not to interact will live on.

>i have to die alone because i live in america and every girl is a slut
You deserve to die alone. The world may not be fair but it is balanced.

actually its the boomers' fault. when in doubt, remember that the eternal boomer is and will always be the destroyer of decency.

im not really a virgin or hate women tho I just kinda am sick of how every girl is a slut and its hard to ignore I mean literally everywhere I go there's a pair of tits or ass hanging out in every direction its getting fucking annoying.

its getting really annoying chicks can just go blow tons of dudes at parties and post nudes all over the internet and then wake up and its a new day and none of it matters and you're lucky just to be able to text them. as soon as you send them a message that requires thought or is not like typical brainless mainstream shit they just reply with "ok?" and stop talking. im noticing the younger the girl the sluttier im trying to find more girls my own age but its hard because i look so young everyone assumes im 18-19.

every single younger girl i've talked to just sounds like a complete slut. they all have some rape or attempted rape story. they're all just fucking dudes relentlessly and sending nudes everywhere. i mean i understand having a sex drive that's normal but it's like everyone in america is just high drunk and horny 24/7 or something and they're all retarded.

i mean im not the brighest or most well behaved person out there but these people...jesus christ. its literally like ghommora.

>chicks can just go blow tons of dudes at parties and post nudes all over the internet

Most of them don't do that. Stop thinking that porn is real and that what you see on the internet accurately reflects real life.

all the girls ive met talked to and dated were classy and cared more about their self respect and stuff and the girls I dated before were on the honor roll and had nice families and shit now I just find like degenerate slut chicks with piercings running around half naked as much as possible taking drugs and going to clubs at 17.

the last non slutty chick i talked to was a long distance relationship and she was 18 and still a virgin and i haven't met another chick close to that since like 2012. they're getting younger and younger too i just see younger girls running around in slutty outfits. idk what i'd do if i had a daughter. i'd float on a door out of this country on a door like the cubans if i had to.

You are not alone. I was seeing this back in 2003. After finishing high-school a few years before.

I was pretty popular in HS ( Not that it mattered at all too me. ) - I preferred being around then "nerds" as I liked video games / D&D and what not. But. My high school was pretty chill so if I got along with someone no one caused them much trouble.

Anyway. I've moved since then and have lived all over the world. Lo'n'behold. The vast majority of "girls" in the US here are totally trash attention whores.

They'd sooner let their mouth fall on some nignogs dicks then have any self respect or self control.

It's like the vast majority of women where given too much "liberation" and decided to act like rabid animals rather than as equals with men.

Instead it became "All men are bad" ( Insert intelligent educated men be it white / black / hispanic / asian / middle eastern ) Thus, we will act like sluts and go after the lowest common denominators ( insert nignogs / rednecks / spics / gooks and mohamads )

Yet. WE are suppose to be ok with this, because "free pussy." I get the same angered looks as you. I've seen plenty of bimbos standing around in slut wear and they get angry at me or leer at me because I'm not gawking at their pathetic attention grabbing slut cloths.

I have more respect for myself. That's all that matters to me. Too bad they have none for themselves.

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>I get the same angered looks as you. I've seen plenty of bimbos standing around in slut wear and they get angry at me or leer at me

I think this is just paranoid schizophrenia

man I went to a small school and its what most of them do. this one girl kept sucking off a jock even though he treated her like shit and he told the whole school they all made fun of her and she went back and did it again and then he kept doing it and she sent him pussy pics and then he went around showing the whole school and now she has a fiancé and has a kid with the dude and he has no idea

there another girl that sucked off everyone got gang banged at a party and after high school she just found some dude with an ok job had a kid and settled down.

there was even some girl here who was born in a rich family and there was a rumor going around that she fucked some dude for a couple of beers at a party. literally every girl that i heard of from that school was a slut and the best it got was some girls were only kinda slutty

I left out the part ( why I mentioned high school )

We had a few girls that dressed, acted like the vast majority of american girls today.

They where isolated, unfriended by nearly everyone and mocked. I'm not sure what changed so much from them to now.

i noticed that too. it used to be gross for a girl to sleep around now you're a slut if you don't I remember if a girl wore too much slutty girls the girls would go behind their back and make fun of her now its like every single girl has no bra, a thong on, the smallest shorts they could find, etc. unless they're fat then they just try showing off their tits as much as possible without showing how much they sag lmao

Here's the thing, user. Either you want to an incredibly judgmental, bitter and spiteful ass hat who insists on crucifying anybody and everybody every moment of the day or you want to be a decent person that decent women will be attracted to you.

This toxic attitude and anger you have is like a cloud hanging above your head, user. Every relatively intelligent, well-adjusted woman with a decent head on her shoulders can see it from a mile away and they avoid it like the plague. Your attitude is a woman repellant. Even in the cases that you're correct, user, and the women you're interacting with are vapid and childish, nobody wants to be with someone who can't shut the fuck up about it. No one wants to be with someone who is so constantly enraged by the fact that people they don't like exist that they can't get on with their own life. You're so incredibly bitter that it creates a literal fog that prevents anybody from seeing any good in you. All they see is this pissed off husk that is so desperate and angry from a lack of love and affection that lashing out at other people is the only thing that makes you feel any better.

Everybody can see it, OP. Slut this and slut that. Whore this and whore that. Its exhausting. You think you're hiding it when you're walking around in public but you're not. You're completely see through and on the inside everyone sees what a scared, lonely, self-loathing child you are. This may sound harsh but its the reality. You need to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask whats more important to you; finding happiness or keeping your defense mechanisms. You can't have both.

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Totally. Because, while I stand in line at a store and there's a few other dudes standing around gawking at the slut wearing slut wear attention clothing. Eyeing each of them like she would flat out suck their dicks if they just asked.

And when her eyes fall onto mine and I'm not gawking at her like an unemployed "wannabe" gang member. Somehow her facial expression changes from ( Look at me I'm a tasty slut that has no self respect to - WTF why is this guy not slobbing all over himself. )

Clearly, I'm a paranoid schizo.

Or. Perhaps I'm observant and not afraid to look people in the eye.

man I dont just hate everyone for no reason. I don't care if a girl dates or has sex but it's just rediuclous when every girl is taking naked pictures on Instagram and running around half naked 24/7. it's like they're trying on purpose.

ive been saying this for years and I swear its true if Instagram and facebook let girls upload nude photos without having to censor it there would be so many fucking girls uploading their nudes just for fun.

yes, OP, just take the blue-pill. women are fantastic, there is nothing wrong with the trends in their behavior. their validation of you is worth gold, diamonds even!
hell, why not marry one of them while youre at it? dont worry, im sure she breaks the mold and it won't end in your proxy-slavery :^)

also yea I see what youre saying theres a few girls like that but its really rare. those girls are kinda too boring though I want a girl whos kinda good but not completely stuck up like that. a lot of the smarter girls ive seen like you talked about are just kinda boring and plain. they don't really do anything to their looks just wear a sweater and walk around with a notebook in their hands. im trying to find something in between but its so rare its giving me anxiety

>most of them
> literally every girl

You listed three girls in your post. 3

>when her eyes fall onto mine and I'm not gawking at her

You are gawking at her though, giving her autism eyes and she's probably worried that you might pull out a gun and shoot up the place

What an idiotic response. This person has no clue and wants to live in the clouds of arrogance and "dreams."

OP, like myself simply are pointing out shitty flaws we see in the vast majority of "American" girls. Not ALL women.

Could OP, you and me use some self reflection and trying to better / improve ourselves. Sure. We all do.

THAT'S the KEY different between intelligent rational thinking men. And not childish "American" women. You are just trying to turn it onto OP and anyone that thinks like him.

You may choose to look at things in a "chill bro" mentality. But that doesn't change how things actually are.

You should do exactly as you told him. Look inn the mirror and work on you. Cause you obviously need it more than anyone else in this thread.

I'm not interested in your excuses or any more word vomit about how terrible everyone is. Your choices are to either learn to deal with your anger and resentment or die alone.

I'll repeat it; deal with your anger or go the grave as miserable and lonely as you are right now. Those are your options. You cannot have both. Its up to you.

That's the longest, stupidest straw-man I've ever read.

Lmao. You must be 18 or older to be on Jow Forums.

Reading is not your strong suit, eh? Attack instead of reading what I wrote. Typical.

Enjoy always being a burger flipper. Its obvious you couldn't handle real situations.

>Enjoy always being a burger flipper.

lol wat

did you reply to the wrong post where did that come from

I know what you wrote, a big old blogpost about how you're staring at sluts and being mad at them and looking at their slutty slut "cloths" that only sluts would wear like the sluts they are - but uh not gawking at them or anything uh no just being "observant"

>OP, like myself simply are pointing out shitty flaws we see in the vast majority of "American" girls
So answer me this; how does this benefit you? How does fixating on how terrible what you perceive as the "vast majority" of girls are do to strengthen who you are as a person? You spend hours online screaming about how you hate instagram girls and every girl is a slut and then you shut computer and what then? How have you inched any closer to finding someone who loves you? Finding someone you care about? Finding a decent, intelligent, empathetic person that you can depend on and be your best self with?

That's my issue with this "intelligent, rational thinking men" bullshit because nothing about it is intelligent or rational. Its not seeing the forest for the trees. Its erecting this sensationalized boogeyman that you can spend all of your time blaming your problems on and in the mean time accomplishing absolutely nothing.

>And not childish "American" women. You are just trying to turn it onto OP and anyone that thinks like him.
That's exactly what I'm trying to do. How he thinks has lead him down the road to being angry, bitter and alone. What is your defense of that? Explain to me exactly how this line of thinking has at all benefited his mental health or the progress of his life? Do you not believe in the concept that the intention you put out in the world is the one you receive back? Do you not believe that anger and bitterness merely produces more anger and bitterness? Do you not believe that positivity, empathy and passion breed positive outcomes? Stop with your knee-jerk reaction and answer these questions. If you can give me one good reason why OP's mentality driving him into a pit of anger and loneliness is a positive thing then I'll hand you the keys to this whole debate and throw myself in front of traffic.

>Attack instead of reading what I wrote

Look at what YOU wrote in your very post.

>i have to die alone because i live in america and every girl is a slut (this thread isn't really meant for girls id suggest you dont read it because you'll get offended).
Good but why should I care? Men need to realise that whores are their own making. Most men are weak and easily manipulated by sex and girls know that so they flaunt their arses and act shameless so they can land a guy who will pamper them. And men love it becaue they get to see these half-naked whores and wank to them later. Moreover some genius came up with a brilliant idea of telling young impressionable girls that feminism is about parading around half-naked and braless and now these little thots do exactly that and men absolutely love it. Then some beta fuck resurfaces complaining that girls are promiscuous or slutty. Sorry user but that's just how men shaped women.

Love isn't real user, treat relationships like a business agreement to get what you want. Then maybe, just maybe you can screw them over before they do it to you.

Attitudes like these are the reason unremarkable girls who happen to not be complete turbosluts think they're special.

Really? So is your mother a slut too?

What does this even mean

You have the mistaken belief that you are someone with value and are therefore in a position to judge others. I'm sorry that no one will touch you, OP. There's always hookers

op here....its mostly girls in this generation. im in my mid to early 20s and when I was growing up girls weren't half as slutty and we didn't have cell phones and social media and shit shit just got crazy in the past few years is what I was trying to say

It means this ridiculous stereotype convinces plain jane that she's special and unique and not like the other girls

What stereotype? Also, upon what measurement are you declaring people "plain janes"? Are you talking about girls that don't particularly interest you or some universally agreed upon benchmark? What does being a "plain jane" entail? Are you implying that someone can only be either unique or not? See, this is what I never understand about autist metrics. It makes sense when you're talking on the internet with a bunch of other autists that also know nothing about women but the second you step outside and actually speak with real people none of it makes any sense.

On top of that, why in the world do you give a shit about some random girl you don't find particularly interesting having a self-confidence that you don't think she deserves? Why does that rustle your jimmies so much? That's my biggest question. If you could answer just that one that'd be cool.

I guess your only option is to kill yourself. No woman is good enough for you. Time to end your life and ascend to the heavens with the rest of the gods.