Mfw Mitch McConnell unleashes the nuclear option to fund the wall

>mfw Mitch McConnell unleashes the nuclear option to fund the wall.

"I'm afraid the wall will be quite operational when your friends arrive"

Turtle man attack mode: Activate

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Absolutely terrible idea.

>Thinks the fucking neocons are going to help us
You people are the same idiots who use mental gymnastics to defend Trumpstein's new gun control measures through the fucking ATF.


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Okay user, I'll bite. Why?

If the Senate went the way of the Democrats, it's not unlikely they'd do the same. Of course, that's probably your argument, but not setting the precedent now wouldn't prevent them from doing it in the future.

Who could've guess that Makin' Murica Great Again would include releasing felons from prison and implementing gun control/accessory bans?!
BASED right, fellow MIGApede?

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>shilling for McConnell
If there was any more proof you needed that this board was subverted by Republican shills after 2016...

You're not wrong.

There's a difference between shilling for McConnell, and hoping he does something that gets the wall funded.

Incoming liberal flood of tears forecast for tomorrow afternoon. Suicide watch for Pelosi and company plus a warning of riots and protests.


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McConnell doesn't give a shit about the wall, He'll send a bill without wall funding to Trump's desk, and Trump will sign it like a cuck.

>muh libral tears!
The liberals got exactly what they wanted. No wall, and gun control. Trumpstein is the lefts wet fucking dream, especially because most of the GOP voters are going along with all of it.

I agree. Much cheaper to just invest in land mines, razor wire and mercenaries that shoot on sight

never gonna happen

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The current funding bill from the House has 5.7 Billion in it for the wall. If McConnell pulls the Nuclear Option it'll go through with wall money.

Slow and steady

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The time to do that was at the beginning of the Trump administration, not two weeks before you lose the fucking house for partial wall funding.

What’s your opinion on Israel?

Thank god McConnell isn't retarded and won't do it.

Agreed 100%, but as the saying goes: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

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>muh 5.7 BILLION!
The wall is predicted to cost over 20 billion. Your little 5.7 isn't even a drop in the bucket. Come back when you've actually got the full funding with earmarks intact, then you can claim Trumpstein actually fulfilled his promise. Because as of January? The Dems will NEVER allow the rest of that money for wall funding.
Israel is a rogue state that deserves to be glassed, as well as all their puppets in Washington lined up and fucking shot.

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No one is saying Trump is batting a .100. It's probably more like a .95 ;)


More like .40
Unless you're pro-gun control, and leftykike SCOTUS justices who are in favor of planned parenthood. Not to mention going full c.uck on the wall, and the omnibus bill.
Nice refutation, MIGAtard

Listen, as long as more wall gets funded it's a move in the right direction. Maybe he's pulling troops out of Syria and Afghanistan to put them down on the border and build the rest with military funding. I don't know, nobody does.

That doesn't explain why its a bad idea to do it now.

War Turtle! Attack!

Trump needs to hold out for more money....full funding. $5 billion wont get it done as a whole.

There isn't any time to hold out for more. The House goes Democrat at the beginning of next month.

>I don't know, nobody does
Oh I know full well what's going to happen. Trump has gone full neolib/neocon in the last week, especially with domestic issues such as further trampling on the 2nd Amendment.
>Some of the wall gets funded
It's literally ALL or NOTHING. The democrats have set a precedent with the last election. The committed OPEN FRAUD at the ballot box, and NOBODY GAVE A FUCK. That was their test run to see what they could get away with. You'd better believe it's about to be much, more worse in 2020 now that they know they can get away with it. Trump didn't punish that nigger bitch in Broward County at all. Nothing happened to her.
The democrats are going to win in 2020. Be it through voter fraud or just their energized masses of idiots. If the wall does not get funded, in full, NOW, then you and I will NEVER see it's funding, much less it's construction. This is the last stand. If you're going to c.uck out, and accept the measly, feeble little fucking scraps of 5.7 billion, then you are a coward, as well as all the other Trumpcucks who would see this utter insult of barely a quarter of the wall funding as a "win."

>There isn't any time!
Blame Trump. He's the one who waited over 2 god damned years to get around to this issue.
>We can't hold out for more!
Then the government stays shut the fuck down until full funding is achieved. It really is that fucking simple. Full wall funding, or those kikes on the Hill don't get their fucking gibs. Big whoop. 90% of those congressman and senators deserve to be shot for treason anyway, much less continue to receive their fucking paychecks when they can't do their job.

Turtle power up

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>Blame Trump
Well don't forget to blame (((Paul Ryan))) too for not putting his House majority to good use.

Paul Ryan's wife is literally on Soro's payroll. He needs to be hung, and his wife raped and killed for treason too.
Truth is, the entire government NEEDS to just collapse already. It's not legitimate in any way anymore, and only serves either Israel, or their criminal syndicate here in the States. Trump was never a "savior" even though most on this board voted for him (myself included) when we actually believed the bullshit he peddled to us.
It was mostly lies and bullshit, and I can't say I'm surprised. He's a politician. He's one of the criminal elite himself.

Agreed 100%

That gets back to a post I made yesterday or the other day that Trump was only selected by (((them))) to keep us from fighting before it was too late for us to do anything. Had Hillary won, we'd be out on the streets like the French by now.

>Implying I mind paying for the wall

There is so much other bullshit we pay for, why would I complain about getting something I want? It's worth paying for.

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Dems winning the House is the best timeline ever. Magatards are losing it

Sounds about right. Trump was only put in power to placate us.

Does he do cocaine?

Srsly. We pay for gooks to drop anchor chinklets in Orange County homes, suddenly draw the line at a defensive wall?

Mitch doesn't need to. Trump hasn't signed the Criminal Justice Reform bill yet.

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Something ' s definitely in the works
We must prepare ourselves

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Yeah, and still waiting on that executive order stopping anchor babies.

>Muh 4D checkers!
This meme needs to fucking die already. It's not true by any means.

Someone redpill me on mitch. Is he just another neocon sellout or a secret badass?

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He has his moments.

2/3 Chamber of Commerce, Big Business First, 1/3 neocon