i really really really love the scene from re:Zero where Emilia makes Subaru rest on her lap, plays with his hair, talk to him then whisper in his ear, then Subaru starts crying like a baby and get off everything off his chest to emilia, and then sleep like an angel on her lap. i think it's so romantic and lovely i want to replicate it with my bf. i want him to rest his head on my lap or chest while i play with his hair and have him cry and tell me everything. the problem is, he's kind of.. emotionless? i've never seen him shed a tear in my life. much less put himself in a position where i'm protective over him like this position. how do i get it to happen? i think it would be the most romantic and womanly thing i could do ever.
The scene:
(sorry for shit quality couldn't find anything better, it's a really beautiful scene)
Want to replicate anime scene with my bf
sounds like you want him to go through a tragedy that will make him have an emotional breakdown just so you can fulfill some kind of fantasy
What the hell? It's not like that at all. I just want him to open his heart to me.
The best you can do is make sure he knows that you want to be there for him. Your bf isn't gonna want to cry in front of you, and it'll take a hell of a lot to convince him that you really want him to open up that much.
You say that you want that but I don't think you really do and if your boyfriend has any experience he won't believe you either.
What makes you say that? You don't know anything about me.
He believes all women are disgusted by men displaying any vulnerable emotion, and that you will lose all respect for him if he does this.
Men know that as soon as they show a woman weakness she will lose respect for him and walk all over him.
Gotta keep the balance of power.
Ah shit hivemind as fuck.
It's true tho
This is just dumb. Women naturally have motherly and protective instincts towards people they love. In fact, if anything women value emotion more than men do. Most of you never talked to a girl in your life but you act like you're some experts.
For their children. No women you're dating wants to be your mom. That's why you see so many faggots on here crying about their gf leaving or losing interest because they're clingy like a little kid that lost their mommy looking for a replacement.
>Most of you never talked to a girl in your life but you act like you're some experts
Pretty ironic you'd say that when it's painfully obvious you have had no experience with these situations.
They're right though, at least in general. Finding a woman that actually loves you is pretty rare. Most people are of middling goodness and piety, that includes women. Why take the risk?
Lol you act like when women go through breakup it's easy for them? It's never easy for anybody. You guys should stop feeling sorry for yourselves. It's ridiculous. I don't know what sort of experiences you've been through for you to draw these conclusions, but I hope you get to see something that makes you realize they're not correct soon, at least for most women.
>Why take the risk?
No risk no reward, user. Are you a good enough person to truly love a woman?
How am I feeling sorry for myself by saying women you date don't want to be your second mom? It makes sense that you would try to defend it because all you can keep coming up with is random personal attacks when confronted with something you don't like. Much like a child.
Whatever. I'm not the one reducing an entire gender as creatures devoid of sympathy for their partners.
>twisting my words now
shhhh go have your gf tuck you in. You sound sleepy.
Why should a man truly love woman if women are not capable of love and loyalty. This is the biggest mistake many men make.
Women are as capable of loyalty as anyone else. As in, some are and some are not.
Jesus, nobody is answering the ladies question.
Look the best you're going to get is to write up a script of what scene you want and make a cute couple activity of acting it out. You both will feel the emotions for eachother as much as you can without have a genuine experience.
>I want you to lie your head on my lap and tell me all of your problems.
Is this really so hard?
Really depends on what type of man your bf is OP. If he's the more sensitive type you can probably get him to do it if you use the right words. If he's the more macho type you'll probably have to get him drunk, and even then you'll probably get nothing. Keep in mind not everybody has super deep internal issues.