Is this normal Jow Forums?

Is this normal Jow Forums?

>gf says she want a tattoo
>tell her I think tattoos are for low class people
>omg why are you not supporting my life choices
>because I think tattoos look trash
>I do whatever I want
>indeed, but I don't have to put up with your choices I don't approve
>omg why are you so mean
>fine, I'm sorry, show me the tattoo you want
>*cries for a whole day and does not get up from bed*

we have been together for 3 years, she has been suggesting marrying for the last year. I'm against marriage because I spend too much time on this site and it is current year, but slowly I'm changing my mind. However pulling shit like this makes me reconsider.
Is this normal for a relationship? Want to marry her for most of the time and want leave her asap like once every month?

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Pretty much

Nk its a failing relationship lioool

>call your gf low class and trashy
>imply you’ll leave her if she gets a tattoo
>durr why is she so upset

She is fer sher gunna suck my cock while she's out bud

>youre trashy for having your own opinions on things
>why are you upset

For both of your sakes, don't marry her.

It sounds like you are the kind of person that can't say "I don't like this" but instead needs to say "I think this is crap". Which doesn't sound so different, but it.

Don't be so arrogant as to conflagrate your own likes and dislikes with what's good or proper. You have every right to say you don't like tattoos (or anything else, tattoos are just an example). But it's still your responsibility to communicate well and not imply that your girlfriend has shit taste (or anyone else).

>I'm against marriage because I spend too much time on this site and it is current year

What does this even mean? You just don't want to marry and she doesn't want to stop trying to convince you either. Just admit you don't want the same thing.

>3 years
>she wants marriage
>but also wants to spew money at a tattoo
Well, she's probably a 'mommy and daddy will pay for the wedding' which is a great way to divorce after two sexless, miserable years.

But honestly it doesn't sound like you and she see eye to eye anyway so dip, brother. It's not meant to be.

nope, we both want a family I just don't want to sign legal papers, gambling half your shit is no joke even though I'm the sole provider in our household already. It sets bad incentives and literally does not matter

2 years od no sex nooooooueee way id leave after 1 month fuck u


I'll have no ink in mlady XDDDDDD

Yeah, you want a family, but she wants it to be official and you don't. You are worried she will leave you, man, that's no way to start a marriage. I agree with the user here: This relationship is failing, and you know it. Why sing a paper that will shit all over you when it finally explodes?

If you think user is being a White Knight for saying that, then man, what's wrong with you? Even if you were right about something, telling the other person that they are acting like low-class people and that what they like looks like trash is obviously going to make them mad at you. That's basic human interaction.

As other anons said, you might have said this more harshly than you thought. She might have also thought you were directly calling her trashy, instead of just stating your views on the matter.

It could also be that this disagreement means something bigger to her, like you don't support her life choices in general, and that if you two are going to be an official couple, these things shouldn't happen.

Shut up you feminist or divorce lawyer drone. A fucking piece of paper decides what love is? Wtf is even oficial? To get more likes on social (satan) media?

Stating facts has to make way for being polite? Guess we are doomed. Nah you are not trash just a special snowflake.

Fuck you all you brainwashed, guilt riddled, weak ass, retarded drones.

Stating facts and being polite aren’t mutually exclusive, the problem is that tattoos aren’t necessarily low class. This isn’t a fact.

How can you be such a little bitch?
Listen here you littler shit.
Women say one thing,then do another.
She wants a tattoo for attention,they are easy to manipulate.
Ask her if any of her friends are getting one.
They probably are,or have one.
What you should do,is be a man.
Tell her no tattoos allow,beat her up,and rape her into submission.
You even apologized after,telling her what you thought.
Be a man,grab her by the arm,push her down,either on the ground or on a chair/sofa.
And tell her:
No,you are not getting a tattoo,do you understand?
Slap her,before she speaks.
Then ask her "DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"
She better say yes,if not.
Rape her into submission.
When she starts crying,don't stop.
After you are done.
Tell her you only did it for her good.
Cuddle her up a little bit,like you are dealing with a child.
She will soften up a little bit.
Make sure to call her a cheap whore too.
Its optional,but highly preferred.
Remember never,apologize,you are always right,because you are the man.
And she is always wrong,because she is the woman.
What you say is her law,and duty to fulfill.

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>Stating facts has to make way for being polite?

The only fact is your personal feelings about the matter. It's your opinion. And if you can't be civil when sharing your opinion with your GF, then I don't know what to tell you.

>A fucking piece of paper decides what love is?

No, it doesn't. It's just something that she wants, and she is asking you for it. Legally speaking, there are advantages to being married, but that's not the point. She wants to marry you, and you don't want to marry her.

>Shut up you feminist or divorce lawyer drone.

I told you not to get married, dipshit. Do you even read what I write?

Is this bate

I'd expect a teenager being upset about a tattoo not a full grown adult.
It's not 1900 anymore user.
You sound like you have a lot of preconceptions about tattoos that are based out of Jow Forums tier opinions (saying this and I don't even have a tattoo)
I also think it's kinda trashy but come on man. It's a fucking tattoo. Who the hell gives a flying fuck about tattoos.
And I mean. A fucking tattoo doesn't state you are a bad person. It's just a tattoo. It doesn't mean anything.

It's like you are picking a fight out of thin air.

You aren't husband material

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Bits and parts of this actually ring true despite it being obvious satire.

>He thinks I'm joking.

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Jesus Christ, autists like you make me feel much better about myself.

my favorite part about pointing out how fucking retarded it is to tattoo yourself are the triggered roasties that come out of the woodwork to defend their poor choices

kind of like when you point out herpes is disgusting

Haha retard. Yeah suck on that bait. Im not even OP or anyone else.

Kek. Love shitposting

This one is for you too

Everyone says that and then realizes that sex isn't the centerpiece grand-stand that everyone thinks it is, and you tend to only realize it's been strained deliberately after a while.
You could get lucky and get out after a month but not many unhappy couples split quite so easily.

that was hot

Why make a thread at all? Just yell in an empty room.

Maybe because theyre both fools who deserve each other

She’s just overreacting on purpose. Nobody WANTS to get a tattoo that bad. If her “depressive episode” is genuine that means she’s been thinking about it a loooong time before she asked and is upset that you won’t allow it in your relationship.

Best I can suggest is to make it up to her somehow or brace through your own opinions on the matter and make a compromise so she gets what she wants to make her happy. But if you’re firm on your stance stay firm on it and she’ll respect you for it more after the matter.

People are fucking weird about tattoos. The second you imply or outright state it's just for attention and the stupidity of that, they fucking freak out on you. Just stand your ground.

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I don't even care about this particular tattoo, they are trash but I can live with that. The core of the problem is she is throwing a fit after I already give in (rinse and repeat, like once a month for some shitty little issue). No matter what, crying for hours not feels normal. And now I'm in even deeper shit, because her cried out eyes are all on me. It seems impossible to get out of this mess.

I already told you what to do.
Do it.
Stop being a bitch,and enforce your will on her.

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>Taking anything a girl says/does seriously or into consideration

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you're right to be honest with her desu if you think tattoos are trashy then she should know that
it's normal to have discourse over shit like this but also why marry a bitch who gets upset when you're honest

I can't even tell if this is a serious comment or not these days