I like this woman, she’s got more balls then the entire GOP

I like this woman, she’s got more balls then the entire GOP.

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Teachers don't need more pay. They're baby sitters who willingly chose a career where they get 4+ months off a year.

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beep boop

Wait... Just wait, guys. Wait. Is she taking a jab at the federal reserve? "How are the going to pay for it? Well, obviously they are going to take out a loan...
>inb4 shes suicided

good luck with the thread, hope you get lots of replies

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>prescription refill subsidies
jesus christ
what is this world coming to?

Fuck Ocasio Cortez. If the lights go out and civil war breaks loose... these are the people that will die first

i thought she was taking time off from her drama posting? said she was stressed and needed a vacation.

That’s a list of things!

So if this doesn’t pass the senate then Trump can call out Pelosi?

>she is jewish
sorry alex, the game was rigged from the start.

Just like obama found $150 billion for Iran.
Imagine how many teachers, water pipes, college tuitions that would have paid.
Like she even gives a flying fuck. Besides I thought she was on stress leave already???

And not things to pick up at the store for my dinner

Hang that psycho cunt from the highest tree in America.

>teacher pay
They're paid what they're worth.
>or replacing water pipes
Sure, when the next budget is drawn up.
>college tuition
Are there are not enough sheeeeiiits and brother fuckers currently on the country's indoctrination campuses?
>prescription refill subsidies
We can't have our dopey, compliant pillheads sobering up and using their brains again!
>green jobs
Literally huwhat?

What a surprise, libthot announces via social media that she's taking a LITERALLY SHAKING FROM STRESS YOU PEOPLE ARE SO MEAN EVERYONE BUT ME IS A NAZI break, and five minutes later she's right back at it, spreading her idiot disease with gusto.

Hawaii news tonight: military is building 500 million dollar radar on Oahu. Next story: food bank got 25 thousand from football pledge and it's a big help.
We have highest homeless rate in country, but fuck the people. Bogus toys that do nothing are more important.

shills, shills everywhere.

>they chose a pic where she's rubbing her hands together smiling


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Did they really use the hand rubbing pic? That have to be doing this on purpose, tp kek.

Why you have to be right everytime Jow Forums

Even a retarded monkey can be an American public school teacher.

There’s no vacation for socialists.

>Work a 9 to 5 job where your lesson plans never change and are provided for you.
>Have a solid 4 months off for the summer.
>Why don't I make $500,000?!?

You're not wrong. Teachers really are glorified babysitters at this point. I keep looking at home schooling options for my son.

She is talking about state and local funding.

She is so fucking stupid, the memes about her write themselves. She's gonna be comedy gold for Jow Forums over the next couple years.

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I’m still undecided if she’s a qt yet, she’s like the hit or miss girl

Not a word about the 38B for israel though. She doesn't question that.

It’s a tough one.

I suspect we shall have to convene a congress of the Commonwealth to decide

>green jobs
>implying the government should just arbitrarily employ people

>spreading her idiot disease with gusto.
I like this; she's not just being stupid, she's being stupid with great aplomb.

Ok why dont we stop funding planned parenthood and give the money to those things?

And by increasing teacher pay they miraculously get better?
As long as there is no working method to evaluate the quality of teachers, there is no need to increase pay.

Fuck off with the AOC shilling.

We can do all of those things... just as soon as we secure our border and discard the shitskin parasites. I'll give a taconigger leaning analogy: You don't put hydraulics on your car when your engine block is cracked.

Same way everything else is paid for: fake money invented out of nowhere that'll be held over the slaves heads as "debt"

38 BILLION? No way they get that much.

It's $3bill each year. That money goes right back to US military companies. So it's actually a weird government donation right into the hands of ammunition, arms manufacturers, security developers etc. Just via Tel Aviv.

>all that shit she just said

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This fucking bitch, I swear

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The real answer is the federal government doesn’t actually have the authority to handle any of those issues, they are all supposed to be state responsibilities.

Trump is a businessman.
for him the wall is business investment, it will return in one year.

Homelessness is only solved by creating more mental institution run by the government. Goodluck with that, wish they would 90% of homeless have head trauma/mental illness. Homeles are fucking braindead, not lazy

That's a good arguement she makes but those little fence jumpers are here to invade our country. Soooooo. How many of those wall jumpers is she planning to let live with her.

>Teacher pay
Fuck no
>water pipes
Maybe, I'm listening
>school tuition
Fuck no
>prescription subsidies
Fuck no
>green jobs
Oh I get it, she was joking


fuck that nigger shit

We honestly could cut our budget by a trillion easy. It was only just over 3 trillion not too long ago...plenty of wasteful spending.... imagine the US getting a check for 1 trillion, like $2,840 a piece!

>Green jobs
Literally who could be this fucking stupid

> she’s got more balls then the entire GOP.

You are confusing eyeballs with hairy balls.


>water pipes

Isn't that a local council issue?

My question, why didn’t dems push this when they had the power?

No, she doesn't have balls. Only a female could be this retarded.

The amount of money it would save in crime prevention will be worth it, in fact a mass deportation would pay for itself at this point.

Also the vast majority of the problem is no child left behind which causes administrative overburden that sucks up the money in the system. Studies also show that throwing more money at schools has no real effect on outcomes for students.


Very much a state issue

What if we just found 5.7billion to kill all commies?

In my oppinion she's just constantly whining about spending money on something else and critiquing what others are doing. I've not seen her suggest how to make money yet, or propose anything that makes sense. It's just muh PoC, muh waman, muh lgbt, muh climate change muh renewable energy. Just every god damn thing you can virtue signal about that's what she does. Anything she thinks progressives will pat her on the back for saying, that's pretty much all she says. Meanwhile she takes time off for self care.

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Dear Octaco-Chalupa's Social Media Team,

You really need to chill the fuck out; stop posting threads and reassess.

I get that you guys are just going with what you know; under normal circumstances, you'd be correct in thinking that you should prioritize building/promoting a brand-perception.

However, these are not normal circumstances. The gravy-train (taco wagon?) to which your jobs are hitched, for better or worse, is a literal walking meme.

As with any meme, the best thing you can do for her is just let her spread naturally. You've been pushing way too hard for quite a while now and you're about to hit the forced-meme point of no return.

Your goblina is going to become a Congressional Milhouse if you aren't careful

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OP is literally a shill. why do people respond to these threads without saging? can you not help yourselves?

she's talking about her vag

Enjoy your nordic-style politician Burgers. Its gonna a hell of a ride for you.

Right, it's never how to get the tax revenue or how to finance it. It's just how to use it. The literal brainlet is drooling in surprise over.
>oh wow we got another 5.7 billion out of this magic place i don't know where it comes from. Where does the moneys come from?
>ooh but since we have it why are you not spending it on getting people like me a brain? WHY. IT IS SO NOT RIGHT. I mean zomg we had 5.7 billion just laying around in this magical money place. And we didn't even know: how does that happen?
>how are they paying for it
Same answer as for the last two years. Tarifs on mexicos export to the US would be one surefire way of doing it. Mexico literally has no choice to sell to the US or mexicas economy would be destroyed, thus literally no choice but to pay for it. Also Illegal immigration costs the us taxpayer over 100 billion every year. So let's say 5.7 billion USD for a border wall is a pretty good investment.

Hey 150 billion $ for based Iran

She's an actual socialist/communist. I hate how this dumb beaner is even comparing. But yes she loves spending money on stupid shit like any progressive does.

if you like her so much, why dont you come to EU where you can help us abolish civilization

>5.7 billion for a wall, why don't you gibs me dat instead whiteboy!?

the absolute state of the modern left

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this lol, tards

IF the teachers want more money they should teach better.

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> shaming of someone doing a face mask because finally stressed
Wait.... What????
Is this real????
Ho. Ly. Faaark.

This is what i think about everytime she opens her fucking mouth or makes one of these tweets.
Because that's what it is, it's all inane virtue signalling. She's just mentioning groups and topics that usually in sjw circles they'd pat her on the back for. She doesn't have a clue about these things. The problem for her it sounds really stupid when you do it outside of tumblr as a general thing. Because you are just mentioning groups and things that you expect people to go.
>awww looks he cares about stuff
And really have no fucking clue how to do anything or even understand how these things work.

>yfw if she had the choice of what to do with 5.7billion, she would give it to israel

>Complains about spending money on stupid shit
>Gimme 5 billion for a wall or ill shut down the government

Muh niggers.

It's bait so idiots like you will search it and share it

Notice how they're complaining about the wall but not the 38 billion in aid to Israel

Well she's not really doing that, but the dumb part about the tweet is she's asking advice on how to relax. She also did it on her instagram. Because apparently a 28 year old elected politician is too inept to know how to relax/wind down. So she needs a week off to learn how to do it. And is asking the american public to tell her how on twitter and instagram.
You are really not supposed to ask other people how to do stuff like that. What does she think her job is? She doesn't even know how to relax?
>plz halp i don't know what i am doing.
It's like she thinks she's a celebrity or whatever that's not really supposed to do anything but post inane attention seeking shit on twitter.

>what if we gave leftists more money to indoctrinate our kids
Fuck off, most teachers should be hung.

>notice how no one's asking how they're going to pay for it
That's fucking rich, coming from her.

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There's a lot you can learn from old books

Also shows how out of touch she is. There's no country that spends more money on education per pupil than USA in the first place, unless you take it as % of gdp then norway is first. But per pupil in hard money nobody beats USA in how much they spend per pupil. So why exactly is it USA should spend more on education? What's that going to do. Clearly she has a degrees in economics that she just scraped by on so much that she works on bartender. So throwing more money on education when you are already the top spender per pupil in the world. is not really the brightest idea.

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He didn’t find it, the US froze those Iranian assets. He was going to give it back after almost 50 years. It would be like the US giving back all the bitcoin they stole from DPR

Why doesn't she care about that trump inherited a 20 trillion deficit because nobody had been willing to raise taxes for the last 15 years in the US. But just spent on whatever they wanted anyways. It's incredibly amusing to me to watch schumer and pelosi pretend as if they are concerned about the deficit, after 8 years of US democrats raising it to the level trump inherited. And then trying to block 5 billion in wall funding when they were just spending money like a drunk guy at a casino without financing it for the past 8 years HAHAHA

Surely you understand the meaning of you get what you pay for. Bad pay = bad teachers = bad education = dumb people = easily kept quiet/ are easily distracted = getting fucked over by the government.

The homeless should be rounded up into camps and literally liquidated then fed intravenously to the infirm. Or maybe used to heat people's homes via incineration.

>Hawaii news tonight: military is building 500 million dollar radar on Oahu. Next story: food bank got 25 thousand from football pledge and it's a big help.
>We have highest homeless rate in country, but fuck the people. Bogus toys that do nothing are more important.
I hear what you are saying. USA has a lot of issues.
>Even when the school lunch program was excluded from the group of means-tested government programs, there were still 32,467,000 people in America under 18 (or 44.3 percent of that demographic) living in a household receiving means-tested government assistance.
means 1/3rd of US people are on some kind of government assistance.
Meanwhile nobody wants to pay higher taxes so the national debt just increases instead to pay for it, and you got too many who are not paying taxes as it is or not working. And ofcourse wild spending on other things like 7 trillion in the middle east without getting anything out of it other than fake excuse for muslims to immigrate to europe and USA and other nations for that matter.
21 trillion in US debt.
Here's the thing. If homeless people are such an issue. Why the fuck do americans give a shit about illegal aliens and people in other countries? every god damn illegal alien makes this problem much worse. Illegal aliens dealing with them costs the US taxpayer over 100 billion each year. You can't fucking pay for all these people, can't even pay for your own citizens as it is. Already spending more than you already have, so you do need high productivity like trump is doing otherwise you are not going to dig your way out of this one.
But why didn't anyone have a fucking problem with that till trump took office? Clearly he didn't just come into office and then wops 21 trillion in debt 1/3rd of americans on government assistance etc. I mean this doesn't just happen over a couple of years.

Sorry quoted the wrong thing.
>In 2017, the Census Bureau estimates, according to the table, that there were approximately 322,549,000 people living in the United States. Of these, 114,637,000—or 35.5 percent—lived in a household that received means-tested government assistance.

t. Overpaid English teacher

Homeschooling is expensive and the more parents employ homeschooling teachers the more expensive it gets. School your damn child on your own, an hour a day at home is enough for you to impart the knowledge necessary for a successful adult.

Why do you think her troublesome family had to flee spain? For much the same reason she's stirring up trouble here. These kinds of families, that have gotten chased out by natives in their past for subversive behaviour always find positions in modern day governments

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>water pipes
Not the Federal Government's responsiblity. State/municipality responsibility.
>teacher pay
See above.
>college tuition
Whole can of worms.
>green jobs
Holy shit, is she advocating make-work? Even shitlibs know that is whack.

Sometimes I think I might like her, then I realize how dumb she is.

I'm a teacher, and I would like to say 'fuck you.'
But I won't, because you're right.
I'm at a new district this year. My old one didn't hire me back. Much like my old district, my new one treats me like crap, as does the union. The state also teats me like crap, forcing me (and all new teachers) to pay for convoluted assessments that I have to take because those before me (read: those protected by the unions) were too fucking dumb to do their jobs correctly.
Last year, after not being hired back, the test scores came out. My kids annihilated every single other class at the same grade level.
The education world doesn't want a teacher like me. They want a yes man (preferably a woman actually), able to go with the flow. Idiot drones who have no problem pumping out the bullshit curriculum I threw out the window. I know exactly why I wasn't rehired, and why my new district is treating me like crap. I'm a threat.
tldr; Should teachers be payed more? Yes.
Should those individuals currently employed to be teachers be payed more? For 90% of them, no. But then again, they aren't really teachers, just drones spitting out politicized curriculum.

You aren't wrong. But CTE teachers could use more Federal Perkins funds, and vocational schools focusing on CTE need to be reopened.

Vocational programs that grant trade certifications or lead to a trade certification are the one saving grace for students who are otherwise too dumb/unruly to get a college-focused education.

Like real talk most highschoolers in Texas who give a shit at least are coming out with certifications or are halfway to getting some sort of lower level certification in welding or as a nursing assistant.

My students come out(if they are trying) with a 4 year engineering portfolio, CAD software certifications, and a full year independent engineering project portfolio to show college admissions.

Career education, certifications, and trades need to be emphasized in secondary education again. We do a disservice to many people who want to work hard, but are never going to be employable in anything other than trades, and the sooner they can start making money, the sooner they can close the gap with people who go to college. That's real social progress.

You are completely on point. Not everyone has the capacity to go to college. We need to stop lying to these kids.

My district is really terrible about this. They put severely mentally retarded kids in mainline classes.

There is one kid who is nearly nonverbal who they have going in to take mainline biology and shit. He literally can't communicate. He can only scream the names of cartoons and his handlers are to just let him walk around the halls screaming when he can't contain himself.


The kid who when asked what the answer to a question is, can only scream "ADVENTURE TIME! DISNEY XD! NATURE CAT! SMURFS!"

Surely you understand that America's teaching unions are basically cartels that suck up the money for themselves leaving even potentially good teachers in the dust with the actual (and more numerous) trash?

Based and redpilled. Was actually nice to hear an opinion from an intelligent school teacher on this.
Keep fighting the good fight.

you are too hard on yourself user, I'm sure you'll do well on those tests like the rest of your classmates

Not all states have unions. All states have issues. The problem is school administrators having to deal with ramping standards while dealing with students who are getting more and more numerous, but also dumber.