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Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-5424971,00.html

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What is?

israel is fucked

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Thanks Trump, you're the next Führer

Maybe is just Jew shills, but the world is coming to chance.
>France's 'Yellow Vest' protests take an anti-Semitic turn,7340,L-5424971,00.html

holy's habbening.

Meanwhile in Israshit

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>Rothschild to sell trust services business
They are afraid

Holy shit, I'm so happy

it's hard to believe what i'm seeing

How recent is this?
also damn those women are pretty ugly

>Rothschild industries have worked on some of the biggest deals in history, including the funding of the British Army in the battle against Napoleon.
the Corsican was onto them

israel's about to get a massive influx of activist/protester types. hens coming home to roost.

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a Christmas miracle.
peace on earth and goodwill to man

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The 7 is the perfect number according Pythagoras

Seems almost like (((Gematria)))?
Either way I hope what happens is good

Seems like you're a moron.

lel they drank their own kool-aid


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How so?
It's some form of hebrew code/cipher involving numbers

gematria that is

Because the amount of days between 2 dates isn't Gemaitria...

You brainlets actually think that the US is gonna close the fucking embassy in Jerusalem that they just opened and pull out of Israel? I want some of the crack ya'll been smoking!

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Now if only we can get Israel to leave the USA

I really hope there isn't a false flag to make the US cancel leaving Israel

Yet your wageslave bux still go to them

just opened? are you serious

ah I see
I only knew of the hebrew/number connection, I'll have to look more into it

Just means Turkey is going to fuck shit up soon, USA is still zog you faggot.

Soon enough they will be forced to rely on God.
Their allies, their lies, and their empty religion will fail them.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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Pic related is Gematria.

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he starts fighting with the fed and starts leaving the middle east all in the same week?!?!

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If you think Trump or any other US president in the last 100 years is truly acting against Jewish interests then you need to kill yourself as soon as possible you naive retards

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Yes. Serious. The embassy moved to Jerusalem back in May.

Based, these idiots honestly think Trump is anti Israel, he was bailed out by jews.. John fucking bolton as secdef? Fucking christ..

no, we think the turn taken at the yellow vest protests, the divestiture of rothschild inc, the open threats of retaliation from netanyaho, the terror and panic quaking all of kikery...that's what we think is interdesting.
we occupy nearly every single middle eastern nation, and jews the world over are going into turbo-kvetch about our withdrawal from syria? much more is moving right beneath the surface. shit's about ghet sciesmic.

You're a faggot. This means that Israel is gradually losing control over the USA.
Without the USA in the Middle East, it can no longer subjugate the Arabs, and the United States knows this very well.

oh my god, user... that picture- i am at a loss for words. Holy shit.

it's called 4d chess

Oho, Interesting
saved for good luck and good faith in donny

Donald Trump was born exactly 700 days before the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, and on his first full day in office he was exactly 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old. (Confirm)
He was elected on Prime Minister Netanyahu's 7th year, 7th month and 7th full day in office! (Prime Minister of Israel) Netanyahu was sworn in just before midnight on March 31, 2009, and his first full day in office was April 1, 2009. (Confirm)
He even beat Hillary Clinton by 77 votes in the Electoral College because of 7 "faithless" electors. (Two voted against Donald Trump, while five voted against Hillary Clinton, bringing the final tally to 304-227 votes.)
Exactly 7 months later from his first full day in office on January 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse occurred - the first since before the nation was formed in 1776 to be seen exclusively in the United States.
All these most recent events occurred in the Hebrew year 5777.
On July 7, 2017 (7/7/17), Donald Trump met with Vladimir Putin for the first time face-to-face when Vladimir Putin was exactly 777 months old - to the day - in the Hebrew year, 5777. (Confirm)
On July 11, 2018, in the 77th week since Donald Trump's inauguration, he was the 777th richest person in the world, according to Forbes.
>7 hours into presidency, Trump turned 7 decades, 7 months and 7 days old.
>7th US President from New York
>Skipped the 7th debate
>Has 7 family members
>First conference after becoming president was 77 minutes long
>Mother's name is Mary
>Father's middle name is Christ
>The name Donald Trump means "the ruler of the world, graced by God and a descendant of a drummer."
>Hillary fell deathly ill while running against him
>Everyone who goes against him has bad fortune
>Works with a global private intelligence agency and has Tesla's technology
>His predictions always come true

What about JFK?

Most people have no idea about Trump's past, it's pathetic.

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its a reopening tho, it has no importance

The golem turns on its master

You guys are starting to sound like a bunch of fucking Q user retards. The Yellow Vest protests in France never had a thing to do with protesting against government corruption, a Deep State or (((them))). The stupid fuckers in France are just flinging shit and screaming because they don't want to have to pay taxes on all the stupid socialist policies they fucking asked for years ago.

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So, you're a QTard, eh?

are my eyes deceiving me

>The stupid fuckers in France are just flinging shit and screaming because they don't want to have to pay taxes on all the stupid socialist policies they fucking asked for years ago.
Do you really believe in socialist government in Europe?
Lol men, please, read some book

Wellllll.....fucking checked?

you can independently verify every single point.

Hrs talking about the 777 get

no i mean your digits bro

Oh fug, I didn't even notice.

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>What about JFK

The guy who got his head blown off by the CIA? You just proved my point. None of these guys will dare challenge them because he was made an example.
Ever since the creation of the Federal Reserve America has been under Jewish dictatorship with goy puppets pretending to control things, and even before that, Jewish control was widespread in the US otherwise the fed wouldn't have been created in the first place.

As a mathematician, when I see patterns of numbers I get intuition about functions.

Either one of two conclusions can come about from such unnatural patterns: 1) We live in a timeline with time travel. 2) We live in a simulation with functions that repeat at a core level but grow in complexity as the system repeats the functions.

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My ID is Dr7

Kek is with us

I've seen some shit. But nothing like this.

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I'm a bit skeptical when it comes to digits but I gotta check this

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I’ve had the same thought. What if ancient gods and angels and demons are functions that became deprecated and obsolete? You can still access them, but hardly anyone uses them anymore.

H-holy shit!

Checked and checked

really? those are the only two options? God is far more likely than time travel my dude

Kek is dead.

Attached: Kek Is Dead.jpg (480x640, 157K)

What did kek mean by this?

Trump to be JFK'd soon

How does boofing tie into this?

When he says functions that mathematical jargon for god.

Boofing was a term Kavanaugh said was for farting. The book which contained the word that confirms this has the word Trump next to it.

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Boofing also means sticking drugs up your ass. Why did you include it in the infographic?

Because the media claimed it didn't mean to fart, but it did and Trump's name was right next to the proof. Is there something you're not understanding?

I approve.

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I don't mean to disuade from 'god', nor did i mean to only relay those two options. Let me backtrack infact. I do believe in god, and I was speaking more from a mathematical standpoint. God could be this repeating pattern within the simulation- the same cycles are written about in nearly every possible way across all recorded human history.

Yes, user. Absolutely everything that happened since 2015 I am having trouble understanding.

I know exactly why.

And I said, “Hear now, leaders of Jacob and rulers of the people of Israel! Should you not know what is fair? Yet you hate good and love sin. You tear off the skin from my people and the flesh from their bones. You eat my people’s flesh, pull their skin off, break their bones, and cut them up like meat for the pot.” Then they will cry to the Lord, but He will not answer them. He will hide His face from them at that time, because they have done sinful things.

This is what the Lord says about the men who speak in God’s name and lead my people the wrong way. When they have something to eat, they speak of peace. But they make holy war against him who does not feed them. So night will come to you without a special dream. Darkness will come to you without any word about the future. The sun will go down on those who speak about special dreams, and the day will become dark over them. Those who tell what is going to happen in the future will be ashamed. Those who learn about the future using their secret ways will be ashamed. They will all cover their mouths because there is no answer from God. But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, with what is fair, and with strength. I am able to make known to Jacob his wrong-doing, and to Israel his sin. Now listen to this, you leaders of Jacob and rulers of the people of Israel. You hate what is fair, and turn everything around that is right. You built Zion with blood and Jerusalem with much wrong-doing. Her leaders take pay in secret for doing wrong. Her religious leaders teach for a price. Her men who tell what is going to happen in the future do it for money. Yet they rest upon the Lord and say, “Is not the Lord among us? No trouble will come to us.” So because of you Zion will be plowed as a field. Jerusalem will be laid waste. And the mountain of the Lord’s house will be covered with trees.

>Kike fed reserve bankers inflating dollars for over 100 years
>Current kike banker increases interest rates irrespective of knowing the ramifications of affecting an entire country
>Kike doesn’t care because he gets his orders from other kikes like the Rothschilds
>Trump being a nationalist at heart, will not accept that kind of behavior (even though he has a kike daughter and son in law)
>Instead of diconnecting from the fed (preferred solution) Trump shows the super kike he has a hand to play as well
>Pulls out protection of the kike hive in the middle east as fast as possible
>Makes a statement telling the kikes his (the US) are not tolerating kikery over there anymore and we’re not PAYING to be a babysitter
>Meanwhile Trump reveals who the actual kike lovers in the media and DC are irrespective of their ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative ‘ views
>Plans the next phase of DC upheaval

Divine trips of truth

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Is it just me, or does Kek disappear for anwhile when things seem to be going wrong then reappears when they turn around?

Jews need god not volence or guns , not wars or death BUT GOD


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Fucking based.

God is not a repeating pattern

Well here it is boys, the screencap.

What a beautiful trips get. Completely as it should be.

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Yes that's the idea.

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This pleases me.

not working for me

That fucking useless orenge cocksucker. he can forget about 2020.

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>God is not a repeating pattern

IsraEL is fucked

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