Thoughts on monkeys?

thoughts on monkeys?

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I could definitely beat an orangutan in a 1v1 fight i am 6 feet those manlets dont stand a chance

Sure thing pastanigger

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le monke

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Ape muscle density is 5x human.
Annoy that placid looking orang utan enough and it would rip your head off in one movement and crap into you still bleeding neck hole.

Friendly reminder

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You couldn't even beat Greece.

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le monke

Manlets btfo

Jamie bring that up

Jannie clean that up

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Better than niggers, but they also belong in Africa.

Small monkeys are cute as fuck. Wish I could have one as a pet.

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That's an ape, not a monkey, dumbass.

Have you visited your local adoption center?

Another black hate thread?

Still better than niggers

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based and chimpilled

I could probably kill the orangutan in a fight out smarting it, humans are more agile so you just slip through the openings, get on it's back and strangle the fucker to death. I mean they can probably hardly scratch their butt, no way they can grab you.
I have also been training MMA for 6 years i have bullet fast reflexes and strong punches but if nothing works i would just bite it off untill it dies

Too many of them around these days, they should fucking stay in Africa.

Africans never domesticated any animals to ride on.

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I like monkeys, they are fun, I like to see them in the sun, i even like to see them on their tum

"Back to the orangutan - it's legs are comparable to our own at about 300% body weight, and it's arms at nearly 600% (300% stronger than its legs) . That gives the orangutan pound-for-pound 620% more muscle strength between its arms and legs than a human."

good luck. keep us updated how long it takes you to die

Better than niggers

An Orangutan has retard strength and extremely long flailing arms. You're gonna get rekt in a straight on fight unless you outsmart it somehow.

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I got a bunch of em

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theyre beautifu creatures

Kek! Is this from a movie or are these legit wild animals?

Perhaps you could live stream your entry into an ape cage next time you visit a zoo.
As soon as any one ape gets annoyed, it will look like the shortest MMA fight in history.
Set up a patreon account so we can provide funds for your mother.

I don't mind them too much, but they don't belong in Europe. Send them back to Africa and let them commit all the crime they want.