Cocksucker Drump SOLD YOUR ASSES OUT! Enjoy your "steel slats" that are easily scalable. Look at this fucking picture! A fucking kiddo is scaling them! Imagine how much "chain migration" will come from him alone!
You're all so FUCKING STUPID! You were TAKEN! You were HAD! You thought this faggot was different, but he wasn't. He is the same as nigger obama. He is the same as Neocon Bush. He is the same as the cocksucker Clintons, or the globalist McCains.
You actually thought that just because the media made dumb attacks against him that he was /yourguy/?
You've all got to fucking wake up. Cocksucker Drump is just another illuminati controlled neocon, zionist, globalist, bankers puppet.
You're a faggot and nobody cares to hear your opinions.
Caleb Campbell
Yes, Yes, CBP explicitly said they wanted to be able to see through the barrier, so we get slats instead of a concrete wall.
Jose Martin
Samuel Sanders
the kike wall seems to be working so why dont we do that? fucking god damn it
Connor Foster
Will they change the chant to "BUILD THE ARTISANAL STEEL SLATS!"
Cuz Cocksucker Drump is just another tool of your globalist elites, most of which are either jewish or allied to israel. He is just another tool of the big banks. He panders to the faggots of America, but breaks all of his promises. He is an evil motherfucker. A very, very, very, very, very evil motherfucker. People will continue to follow him blindly because they believe Drump, the billionaire president of the US who got hundreds of millions of dollars donated to him and his campaign by big business and other rich and powerful people, is "oppressed by the deep state".
They are so easily fooled. They refuse to accept that Drump HIMSELF is just another part of the deep state.
Camden Myers
I hate him. I hate him so badly. He fucked me over so hard. I grieve for the death of my country. That two-faced, lying, orange faggot bitch lied to me. I defended him on websites like this from the unfair media attacks. I defended him on Twitter, youtube and social media before my accounts were deleted. It is true that the media is evil too and that their attacks were unwarranted and senseless, but he himself is ALSO an evil, motherfucking bastard. I am so mad at him. He has betrayed us all. Everything we are will now be dead within a matter of a few short years because of him. Our culture. Our way of life. Our freedoms. Fuck him. Fuck him so hard. I despise him so badly.
You guys look especially retarded lately. So ineffective. Why do you even still do it?
Luis Russell
so you're just doing a lame non-sequitir troll routine eh? get a hobby (vidya doesnt count)
Ryan Russell
Sorry, that meme is incorrect. It shouldn't say "wall". It should say "artistically designed steel slats", as pointed out. How can you still be fooled by him? His administration BANNED BUMP STOCKS the other day. HE ENACTED GUN CONTROL and there wasn't even any reason for it. He just "did it". Just felt like passing gun control. YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER. THIS GUY WAS A NEW YORK DEMOCRAT MOST OF HIS LIFE. WHY DO YOU THINK HE REALLY BELIEVES THIS DUMB SHIT? HE IS JUST FOOLING YOU. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO FUCKING STUPID. THIS IS YOUR CULT MENTALITY. YOUR PSYCHOLOGICAL DEFENSE MECHANISM. ANYONE WHO IS AGAINST YOU IS A "DEEP STATE SHILL". IM NOT A FUCKING "DEEP STATE SHILL", I'M JUST A REAL AND SENSIBLE PERSON. THIS PIECE OF SHIT HAS FUCKED US OVER, WHY CANT YOU SEE IT.
Colton Lee
What is non sequitur man? It's not non sequitur. You people are GULLIBLE.
Angel Lopez
>artistically what a fucking clown and fuck all of the homos that swallow this shit up
The slats thing is pretty retarded. Wetbacks can still smuggle guns and drugs right through them. Might as well invade Mexico or make the employment of illegals punishable by death.
Ryan Clark
I supported him. I supported him based on his rhetoric. I always disliked him on a personal level. I always had major disagreements with him. I never quite "trusted" him, but I hoped for the best. I TRULY did hope that he was different, and that he would get into office and finally do good an right things
Easton Ward
It's not a wall, it's "artistically designed steel slats" as pointed out.
Nathaniel James
Wyatt Roberts
In your picture there's literally a guy holding the kid up, unable to scale the steel slats himself to any degree.
Adrian Moore
Literally any reasonably fit man or woman could scale that thing. It would be nothing to shimmy up it.
Henry Reyes
Haha they're running around crazy n dont know what to do lol. Its fun to watch
Luis Campbell
>this is the first time i've ever supported a candidate and the second they don't fill out every single dream of mine personally I hate them What the fuck is wrong with you kids?
>and the second they don't fill out every single dream of mine i love how you cucks get so defensive and resort to hyperbole. building the wall was pretty central to Trump's campaign among the other things he promised but also couldn't deliver on.
Ethan Lewis
Whatever dude. You laugh at me all you want. It means nothing. I wanted certain parts of his agenda to happen. I wanted an end to war. I wanted an end to the awful immigration problems here. There were some other things he said that was good too. People like you, who are so vicious and hateful towards everyone that doesn't agree with them, are actually the ones that drove me toward supporting him. Your vitriol was just TOO much to bear, and so I chose to side with anyone who was against you. YOU are the true evil of the world, no doubt. My disdain of Trump doesn't change my disdain of you too.
Ryan Davis
Hello Chapo friends, fighting that revolution with 100k Patreon eh? Spreading the controversial and anti-establishment ideas in such underground places like the Guardian or New York Times? Wearing that sweatshop made Le Che shirt? Keep up the good fight, working class rise up and fuck the white males, especially the poor ones!
Nicholas Hill
>man attempts to do good thing >evil people stop good thing >OH MY FUCKING GOD MAN WHO ATTEMPTED TO DO GOOD THING IS EVIL NOW Thinking sure doesn't come easy to you folk does it?
Ian Turner
Lol, I am surprised that you did manage to not mention Palestine in your rant.
Ethan Ramirez
Funny thing about people like you is that you think just because I hate Drump for being a phony and a fake that somehow it means I'm going to start saying "wow, the left was right all along! I should be a communist! I AM actually evil for my white skin, and my male gender! I SHOULD actually give my homeland away to unfettered immigration!"
Like in your minds, this is literally how peoples minds are going to work. I mean surprise surprise, that's not how it works. I still hate you as badly as I did before I had fully turned on Trump.
Juan Martin
Ryder Howard
>it's everyone else's fault but daddy trump's!! 2 years, having control of the House, Senate and Executive branches-- no wall. maybe he should take some responsibility or you niggers hold him to some standard of accountability before you get walked all over again?
Owen Thomas
Nathaniel Robinson
ALL presidents work towards your agenda. They ALL work for the globalist left. Maybe if you understood that, and thus understood that you are actually just their "useful idiot" pawn, we might have some hope. But nope. Evil people like you still exist and continue to play your role in driving the human race toward total global enslavement under the establishment socialist-globalist system.
Joshua Robinson
I really hate you. You are so evil. So horrible. Your ignorance is so deep. Or is it even ignorance? Probably not. You're probably just objective metaphysical evil. Yeah. I know what you really are. You just WANT to see humanity in pain. You're obsessed by some sort of demon or some shit. All you know is pain and misery. All you LOVE is pain and misery. You are genuine objective metaphysical evil. I DO hate you for what you have done to me and my people, maybe that makes you happy.
Jace Bailey
I think you need to talk to somone about your anger issues user
Jaxon King
begone shill, you will be the first funneled into the detention center.
Tyler Thomas
Trumptard tears are delicious. Keep them coming faggots
Jason Thomas
Fucking moron Trump supporters.
Joseph Foster
Seething jew
Leo Adams
FUCK! I guess open borders and socialism are the only possiblities now. You're right! I'll just give up that's the ticket.
what is happening right now? did the jews actually make the greatest play against humanity next to the holocaust? Looks like only God can save us now. We are totally fucked.
Jaxon Anderson
No there aren't WMD in iraq and that's precisely why trump left the middle east. Enjoy hordes of pissed off muslims neighboring your mother country israel with nobody to save you this time faggot
I know the truth of what you are, archon. You only want to cause pain and tribulation for humanity. That is the ONLY thing you are interested in. You don't fool me for one minute. Know that. Just because Trump is also your pawn it doesn't make me hate you any less. And as for the entity whom you have possessed and whose body you are physically influencing, I wish it would wake up. I wish it would wake up to what it has allowed inside of it and reject that being that dwells within its soul and is perpetually corrupting it.
Adam Cooper
>FUCK! I guess open borders and socialism are the only possiblities now. You're right! I'll just give up that's the ticket. because that's totally what i said. this applies to you as well. are all trumpcucks 6 years old?
Yeah, it's a theater. Senate will reject it. Then it will be delayed until Congress changes over, then drump will blame his own failure on democrats as usual.
Hunter Mitchell
ugh all of the people in that meme you mention are also evil people who have worked their entire lives to enslave humanity and fuck them over. Why the fuck would you share a stupid ass meme like that. This is the issue. This is why people like you force people like me to tenuously support someone like Trump. For whatever problems Trump has, NOBODY matches the sheepish hive mentality and perpetual vitriol of the leftists today.
Ryan Bailey
If I was the border patrol, I would grease the fuck out of them and add shrards of glass so imigrants get cut and can't clime.
This is lower quality than the Obama-era "Border Fences," wtf?
Justin King
We dont even care. I dont even sage any more because you fucks fail miserably at what you do. >hurr durr keep the thread up guys we'll get em eventually Lol like what ever floats ur boat mate
Everyone defending twump has forgotten his call to Mexico when he called the wall a political stunt. He's not trying to get it built because he never believed in it.
Blake Lee
Been hitting the soi a bit too hard there, kid
Elijah Edwards
Trump didnt sell anybody out. Hes not the emperor. Congress' house of representatives drafts legistlation. Senate votes on it. Trump can sign or veto.
Aiden Richardson
>We dont even care head in the sand trumpanzees your dear leader's days are coming to an end dems in the house 2019
>we can't let him get the nuclear codes - the post
Adrian Johnson
He is an evil archon. A quantum silicon entity that is divorced from time and space as we know it that takes over the bodies of vulnerable and weak humans and influences them. There are many of them in this thread. The evil archons attack Trump and so part of our instinct might be to defend Trump, but in fact the archons are master deceivers, and they know how to use our own psychology against us.
They will attack Trump unfairly just to get people to blindly support their President and the system that oppresses us. Remember this, because the archons are probably millions of times more intelligent than us in terms of their capacity for information processing and calculation.
Sebastian Collins
Cameron Cook
You have millions of dollars in personal wealth to do that and maintain the grease level on hundreds of miles of fencing for years and years? Lubricating grease slowly falls off and dries out and have to be regreased frequently if left exposed to open air and sun, you know.
Adrian Ramirez
Ok, explain to me in your perfect scenerio what you're hoping for. All I see is somebody knocking the best option to come along in decades but because you're too young to remember how things usually work you see this as a complete failure. By comparison to what everybody else campaigned on we're doing pretty well. So where's this magic candidate you have for us to suddenly run right now, keep in mind they need to win the election and not just your vote.
But it is someone else's fault. Ryan for one and all the other nevertrumpers worked to make sure he couldn't get anything done. The republicans, over half of which were controlled opposition, fought their own president and party leader because they were fucking neocons that wanted to make money off the MIC and support Israel's every whim. Just complete fucking faggots, much like low info you.
William Morales
Here is a picture of an already completed section of the new wall. Not going to be fun to fall off of. Shills using pictures of the old wall.
Then they have to get fucking down, which either they are hoping for a miracle not to break something (and die since most border hoppers are poor and haven't eaten in a while) or hope that they brought some sort of cushion that breaks serious falls
Connor Lewis
Nice id FBI. I like those ideas, the nice part is these fuckers are likely to fall off trying and wreck themselves.