Man Behind Border Wall GoFundMe Ran Fake News Websites >The man who has raised over $9 million for Trump’s border wall on GoFundMe previously ran a network of fake news websites, NBC News reports. >Brian Kolfage, a triple-amputee Iraq War veteran who made the fundraising page, reportedly fails to mention his history of running a Facebook page called Right Wing News on the GoFundMe. >Right Wing News reportedly had a “ring of affiliate sites” which frequently posted conspiracy theories during the 2016 election. >The site was taken down by Facebook earlier this year for “using fake accounts… to drive traffic to their websites” and being “ad farms” disguised as forums for political debate, according to NBC. >After the page and websites were taken down, Kolfage reportedly created another fundraiser called Fight4FreeSpeech—which also is not mentioned on the border wall GoFundMe.
I consider the Jews scared by this article, I'm gonna go donate now.
Cooper Robinson
Luis Perry
(((They’re))) less afraid of that money going to the wall then the goyim finding out that they can pool this amount of their own money together so quickly
Jesus christ these niggers even attack a triple amputee when they're conservative. Liberals are bullying niggers.
Bentley Butler
>Being a racist piece of shit is ok if you're an amputee
In a just world they would cut his other arm off and roll him down a hill.
Wyatt Bailey
He cries out as he strikes you, even when you don’t have enough limbs to strike back. Maybe a spitball
Dominic Harris
>going after a triple-amputee veteran
Jesus Christ, these "people" have no shame.
Camden Wilson
>attacking an amputee veteran because he shitposted really hard
Adam Stewart
Fuck all illegal immigrants, even the white ones.
Mason Bailey
>Kolfage’s other page, Military Grade Coffee, which sold coffee was also deleted: “Facebook also deleted my other business page. >I own a coffee company called Military Grade Coffee Company [which donates 10% of all profits back to veteran organizations]. >We don’t post politics, we sell coffee and support veteran charities.
Give shekels Goyim, I give 10 percent back to the soldiers. Give shekels for the wall, if the wall is not built, I will give 10% back to the soldiers, he will keep the money just like Milo did with his grant
>move money to foundation >probably exempt from a bunch of tax laws >call it democracy >people admire his embezzling because of this
Chase Rodriguez
He worked for the daily beast?
Luis Carter
But the Daily Beast is a fake news website
Charles Watson
I don't watch CNN and I don't know about this.
Ethan Gonzalez
Don't care, donated anyways. Fuck illegals.
GoFundMe will refund it anyways.
Colton Turner
>frequently posted conspiracy theories during the 2016 election. Like CNN's conspiracy theories on Russia hacking the election?
Brayden Hernandez
Caleb Lopez
No those aren't conspiracy theories CNN said they happened so that's more than enough proof.
Juan Gray
19$ for 500g of organic coffee good business, double the price then give a little bit back of your profits, that's charity business, he's taking more money per item than most of coffee sellers would do Beta orbiters love getting scammed
>someone made a thread last night how the man who made the GoFundMe lives in Broward County >thread slid off the front page extremely fast, never talked about again >Jow Forums getting flooded with threads while the GoFundMe account keeps raising my millions in a single day >people keep claiming it's not a scam over and over again while failing to provide a single source to back up their claims
That place is a spook town, anything that comes out of there is a psy op
Camden Peterson
>daily jew calling anyone else fake news Get the rope
Leo Anderson
>Kolfage also ran Right Wing News’ shuttered affiliate sites including VeteranAF and FreedomDaily, which pushed false conspiracy theories, like ones claiming Hillary Clinton was secretly hiding deadly illnesses and fake voter fraud stories days before the 2016 election. >The shuttering of Kolfage’s sites came a month after Michigan man Joel Vangheluwe sued FreedomDaily and other right wing sites for misidentifying him as the driver of the car that plowed into a group of peaceful protestors at a 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. >The FreedomDaily article relied on the image board Jow Forums as its major source, according to a letter provided to the court by the contributor named in the suit. >Kolfage was not listed as a defendant. Seems like Kolfage is a Jow Forumsack
Camden Barnes
When the daily beast and facebook calls someone fake news they must be based.
Leo Hughes
>The men behind the gofundme ran fake news websites >t. The daily beast
Oliver Wood
>like ones claiming Hillary Clinton was secretly hiding deadly illnesses and fake voter fraud stories days before the 2016 election. She literally had to be fucking mandhandled and thrown into the back of a van. We all saw it happen live. She barfed up demonic green fucking goobers into a glass of water. And oh yes I'm sure these dem outlets would love to bury all those voter fraud stories now that they found out she actually got fewer votes than reported.
Jackson Rivera
Just donated $20
Jose Turner
I donated yesterday after reading this article I’m donating again•.
Logan White
>going after a gimp goy who's scamming people
I only care because he's associated with me.
Levi Sanchez
>Seems like Kolfage is a Jow Forumsack
Even more of a reason to give him the money. It doesn't look like he is a shill.
William Martin
funny that your pic has a fake as fuck news aggregator in it
Owen Davis
>Joel Vangheluwe sued FreedomDaily and other right wing sites for misidentifying him as the driver of the car
lol people did legit checks and the car led straight to him
Jackson Brooks
yea I thought something was up with this guy he was involved in all these foundations and shit and this whole thing was getting way more attention than it deserved. it all seemed manufactured for his publicity
Leo Cruz
how much would you donate to the wall to prove that his "fake news" account actually had real news like seth rich
Kevin Bell
>fake news telling us what fake news is Can you donate even if you're not American? I want to donate now.
I was going to comment that this shit looks suspicious in the first place because of the lack of shills reeing over it. but most of the shilling is done in the guise of polfags, which makes little sense to me. these posts hit autosage so there has to be a shill presence here of some magnitude but the most they can manage is just slight confusion instead of demoralization and derail. They clearly want this topic to be considered.
The topic is basically the most important thing on this shit hole they try to control.
yes. saw some other foreigners donate. this is honestly the coolest part about this. but I'm not sold on it being a good idea, theres no requirement that the recipient do anything with the money
Josiah Morales
The Daily Beat is fake news and part of "ring of affiliate sites" which are also fake news.
Parker Rivera
kek that’s actually funny. maybe I’ll send you guys some leafy rainbow dollars toward saving western civilization. Since you guys have to come rescue us when Trudeau lets the shitskins take over
Chase Lopez
Who cares? Don't buy it if you think it's too expensive?
I donated a few hours ago and posted in another thread. Not doing this for (you)s but it's for the rest of you to not lose hope yet. People elsewhere around the world are pitching in.
>He ran a right wing news site that got take down by faceberg >See guys? it's a scam!
Whew, the level of reach here by you shills is nuts.
A guy who has nearly 200,000 people that have donated, who gives out his home address, full name, and has a picture of him and his family, is actually just going to pocket the possible hundreds of millions of dollars and get away with it? Is anyone stupid enough to believe that?
For real, fuck off you shills.
Jeremiah Russell
Thanks for keeping this thread bumped, rabbi! Wall's going up and there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT hahahaha
Brayden White
>According to the Treasury Department, general donations to the feds are directed to a “Gifts to the United States” fund, set aside for “general use” by the federal government or “budget needs.” >Specific federal agencies can’t touch this funding without a congressional appropriation. >Some agencies can accept gifts directly for earmarked purposes, but it was not clear if the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the borders, was among them. >The DHS did not immediately respond to a request for clarification. >Furthermore, GoFundMe’s terms of service prohibit “not using funds for their stated purpose,” meaning that if the DHS were unable to accept the windfall, Kolfage may have to reimburse his campaign’s donors.
MSM complaining about someone else creating fake news FTW
Chase Jenkins
A donation to them because they run off tips apparently.
Lincoln Wright
economy tanking, foreign relations worse than they have been in the past 50 years. Tariffs failed Trump had ot beg china for help. Wall failed, not built by mexico, funded by american people. Mattis the fuckin mad dog even thinks this man is a retard. I dont get how fellow republicans can take this hsit anymore, why still support a fucking puppet that does whatever israel says? I just dont get it man, shit is dying and you all are sitting back being stupid while boomers laugh as you vote for their policies.
Tyler Rogers
So the options are:
1. It goes to the wall 2. people are reimbursed
Wheres the scam, retard?
Grayson Lee
>(((may need to)))
Henry Hall
>tfw was in that bread >tfw told y'all miramar = 100% judaism >tfw immediately get called a kike by jidf bridage >mfw find this bread
Luke Murphy
You're the one bumping it because you're stupid enough to keep answering, trying to get the last word. And here I thought, Asians prided themselves on supposedly being so fucking smart?.
Jacob Lopez
>why still support a fucking puppet that does whatever israel says?
Is that why he's taking troops out of syria and afgan? Because Bibi sure as hell isn't happy about it.
Keep your stories straight shill, they're more effective that way.
Jack Cruz
>bumps thread again But that's exactly what I want, schlomo. Gets more exposure to Jow Forums about just how scared you kikes are that you have (((the daily beast))) and their affiliate circle shrieking in semitic rage about it.
Wall's going up and there is NOTHING you can do about it. You still haven't told me how that makes you feel. How do you feel, rabbi?
>be japanese >simply existing drives kikes to outright shrieking rage
How does it feel knowing the wall's going up and there's nothing you can do to stop it?
Carter Allen
Nolan Smith
They killed Christ, user. They’re irredeemable.
Bentley Long
Looks like he raised too much money, now they're assassinating his character.
How about this, if this fails, we start a large group shared compaign with legal protections in place that stop any possible worries or fuckups on where the money goes. How would the media spin that one? "Bunch of racist immigrant haters raise wall money" or would they just go after gofund me instead "gofundme problematic compaign sign this petition to make them stop"
OR! A bunch of antifa style protestors outside the crowdfund site's offices campaigning to make them stop. Like we live in a world where bankers and special interests DO NOT want people acting on their own for their interests. It is possible to do, but you have to be prepared for the backlash, and this is it.
rofl yeah, they surely dont want us to pull out of there so that the middle east becomes a shit hole even more so and 200 million more refuges come to white countries. You fucking idiot traitor.
Joshua Williams
Stock market is not the economy Mattis made an emotional decision because he didn’t get his way No more sandnigger wars Fuck Israel
Prepare your anus, because you’re probably on the list for our all inclusive resort at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.