Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Kassandra Edition

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Attached: take_my_eyes_for_what_Ive_seen.png (400x842, 755K)

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What is the Deutsch opinion on Franke Petry now that the dust has settled? Was the AFD better with her in charge?

I don know, she would have left eventually anyway, but its kind of a waste this way

Attached: 139F1D98-6F07-460B-9192-4A5737C35194.jpg (687x909, 129K)

Think about that poster every morning that I am stuck in traffic on way to wörk. ;)

Attached: fuck_Fahrgemeinschaften.jpg (413x550, 47K)

The only based european is the anti-american one. Prove me wrong.

I tend to agree with you, the transatlantic influence is toxic but primarily due to the parasite that has taken hold of them.

Attached: memeflagged.jpg (1100x739, 103K)

I like that pic, if I would work for some commie carsharing company, I would plaster it all over the citys.
Dats right

Attached: 1E1AFFD4-A15D-4871-9206-160156343037.jpg (500x327, 79K)

With a bit of modification that would actually be a brilliant trolling idea :DD

Attached: Liam_Gallagher.png (480x360, 200K)

The anglo-american world cannot be distinguished from international jewry. They're one element. The underhumans flooding of Europe is the direct consequences of anglo-american, french and russian actions. You're always talking about jews, but you should find the courage to say the truth - shabbos goyim are your enemies. They're not fooled by jews or smth - it's inside of them.

Btw interesting thread for those who want to understand about our origins ... made some contributions too

Attached: dawn.png (2000x1200, 2.25M)

Yeah, maybe we can convince the left-green to put old allied warposters up next election. Would be hella fun

Last working day of this year and approximately 11 hours of ahead. Isn't life beautiful?

Attached: 1515610598977.jpg (339x447, 30K)

*work ahead

Good morning

Attached: DSC8243.jpg (960x639, 251K)

Lookup Michael Klonovsky. He's the guy behind the top AfD politicians.

I detest Frauke Petry. She seeks attention because she's arrogant. Also I find that her voice is very unpleasant to listen to, but that just might be me.

Shout out to Lucke! He was a real guy, with a real agenda. Not an attention seeking hypocrite like now.

> 11 hours of wörk ahead at 11:04 the last day before Christmas
> Isn't life beautiful?

Not for you, apparently.

Good morning, gomfy Navy SEAL! ;)



What about Designer Baby, Klaus?

Attached: clonning_babies.jpg (1024x576, 50K)

Attached: cmtf.png (618x254, 187K)

Don't you think you are wasting so much time, money, and resources with a 200 party system? George Washington said that political parties ruin democracy, so it boggles my mind to vote for a party and not an elect for presidency. We call it "President" for a reason, I just think Germans don't do democracy very well.

> dat flag
showing your true colors, eh?

what did Gerhard mean by this?

Attached: entwurf-reformations-58826249.jpg (630x2876, 433K)

Looks like modern "art" with a distinct satanist tinge. I don't know who the fuck "Gerhard" is but judging by the file name this is a draft for a church's stained glass window celebrating the protestant reformation. If that is indeed so, may the defiler who came up with it rot in hell.

Ah. Gazprom-Gerhard.

Now I don't know what his endgame is, but that window is revolting and definitely does not belong in a church. It amounts to desecrating said church.

Also, nice bit of art criticism in the article:

> Vor elf Jahren hatte ein von Gerhard Richter gestaltetes Fenster für Wirbel gesorgt – der damalige Erzbischof Joachim Meisner kritisierte den Entwurf von dem heute gefragtesten lebenden deutschen Künstler für den Kölner Dom als zu abstrakt und meinte, das Geschenk passe eher in eine Moschee. Heute ist das Richter-Fenster eine Besucherattraktion.

Archbishop (now cardinal) Meisner criticized another window designed by the same artist as "too abstract, would be a better fit for a mosque". I don't think clergy would be allowed to say that sort of thing today, but you know...he's right.

Does anyone know if Dora zwitschert has an alternative account? Apparently her main account was banned on Twitter

> following a agitprop bitch account
Hey, I have heard about this cool new site they call reddit dot COM, it is somewhat similar to slashdot, but more frequently visited. Maybe you would like to take a look, user ;-)