What is the reason for this? Is it insecurity?
Right after a breakup or on the way out my ex girlfriends became uncharacteristically cold, distant and flat out disrespectful. Like the were suddenly to busy for me to discourage even conversation. It was obviously a front and not what they're genuinely like. These were 5 year long relationships, no kids involved, no cheating, and it was mutual or their idea.
One explanation for their behavior was to avoid inadvertently appearing open to reconciling. I don’t think that way, I suppose it was possibly a passive aggressive way to hurt me for disappointing them despite me always wanting to work things out.
No abuse, controlling behavior, narcissism, or cheating from me - the obvious choices. But i wasnt some push over beta guy either. I gave my girls shit, recieved plenty attention from other women, fucked them like an animal and took em' on well thought out dates and put in the effort to manage a successful relationship. Maybe they needed to exaggerate their decision to ensure they weren’t pulled back in.
I really don't know, does anyone have an explanation?