ITT Ask the Opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm an insecure/suicidal/anxious person who doesn't leave home
Watch these and follow these channels:
[YouTube] The Unspoken “Secret” to EVERY Transformation! (embed)

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Hmmm, Is it worth potentially pursuing her?

Basically theres this girl at work, she's like 4' 9.
And she seems to be semi interested? Maybe?

Like she'll make small jokes about what I'm doing, or what she's doing. And I have caught her looking towards me a few times.

I think I'm probably over thinking it here?

Please i beg you tell me lads, how do I make a shy guy laugh? We have barely talked before and Im not only socially retarded but quite uncharismatic, but the only thing I want is to make him laugh and have him smile at me, pls help

You dont lose much by asking her on a casual date

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>You dont lose much by asking her on a casual date

Yea, thats true, and it doesnt seem like she hates me. Just afraid incase work gets awkward. And come August, it will be kinda a LDR if anything happens, ass she goes to school somewhere thats like 9hr train ride away

I have a big dick. Sometimes I feel like my girlfriend isn't comfortable fucking but she tells me it's fine when I ask her.
Just to be sure, how can I fuck her while making sure to keep her comfortable?

Go ahead and ask her out man.
You're not supposed to find a chick that is drooling over you to go out on a date with her.
How big?

jokes should help. myself I find Latvian jokes to be one of the best I know.
other than that, just let him feel comfortable around you.

Six and a half inches
Dunno how thick
Reason I'm worried is the last time we fucked I had blood on my dick. She said not to worry, it was probably just part of her period, but I know it wasn't that time of the month. Don't want to hurt her.

Ironically enough, I did find a girl like that too. She asked me out originally. And was all over me (Not physically, but made plenty of advances... I fucked it up. probably not revcoverable, but maybe)

My fear is that she says no, but then I only got to see her for little more than a month. Then theres the chance of it going well, and turning it into a LDR as shes going to school ~9hr drive away

Girls, how long have you stayed in that "fuck him" phase after being broken up with?

Hit him with a joke

>guy goes into his doctor for some stomach pain
>doctor says "[guy] i'm so sorry you only have 3 to 5 minutes to live"
>guy says "can you do anything for me doc?"
>doc says "i can boil you an egg"

Girls, I have dreams. My dream is you! ;_;

can you at least think of a better pasta, cause this one is simply unpleasant to read

Complete the sentence:
>that feel when no _________


>Six and a half inches
Unless it's ridiculously thick she just has a small vagina, or perhaps isn't getting wet enough before penetration

Why do you want to eat carbs that much?

Guy ghosted me after a first date. Why do guys do this??


i want a fucking pizza and some nigiri, but i get violently ill over 40g carbs/day

Girls do this much more. Don't you want some equality? :^)

>you are responsible for your entire gender

You should tell that to as well.

In serious-ness though, you could have the genuine issue where maybe the man in question was shy or something truly extreme caught up.

In unfortunate situations perhaps you were the "back-up" to another partner they were more interested with. Or they're doing some other dumb game.

Depends on the individual desu
>why the fuck can't I reply to people by clicking on the post number tonight?

Why do girls ghost? What do they have to gain from it?

How do I make myself want sex and girls enough to make a real effort to pursue theym. Or should I keep away until a girl I really like comes along?

for example that some creep won't contact them again

Whoa it's almost like this behavior isn't gender specific

the latter

Are you me?

Girl at work has a boyfriend, but I'm pretty sure she's flirting with me when we're together. I'm 99% sure I'll get her number if I ask, but what do I do after that? I don't wanna go too slow and completely friendzone myself, but I also don't wanna do too much since we work together and if she's not interested it could get really weird.
It's pretty hot rn
He's just not that into you.
Why does anyone do it? Sometimes people do it because they're assholes, but most of the time it's because people are trying to avoid confrontation and can keep an option open. The other person hasn't explicitly said "I'm not interested" in case they decide that they do want you, but by not responding they're telling you that they're not interested right now. It's lame and childish, but this is the world we live in when everyone has hundreds or thousands more options an instant message away.
Second for the latter.

>Girl at work has a boyfriend, but I'm pretty sure she's flirting with me when we're together. I'm 99% sure I'll get her number if I ask, but what do I do after that? I don't wanna go too slow and completely friendzone myself, but I also don't wanna do too much since we work together and if she's not interested it could get really weird.

Just try being somewhat friendly for now? IDK really.

But seems like its a sorta common situation?


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>Or should I keep away until a girl I really like comes along?

This was what I did. Worked out well for me but not everyone will be so lucky

girls that slept around a lot. How do you feel when a guy don't want to be in a relationship with you because of that ?

Big sisters
Is it true your purpose of existence is to be given big hugs?

my ex broke up with me in January, she wanted to stay friends but I thought it was best if we went our separate ways and didn't talk anymore. She tried to talk to me a few times but I ignored her, nearly 7 months later shes still stalking my social media trying to check up on me. Given she broke up with me why hasn't she moved on and why does she keep feeling the need to check on what I'm doing?

She wants you back.


Is there a better avenue for dating for someone who really likes video games than online dating or should I just give up and accept that I am alone intrinsically?

She doesn't really want you back, but she doesn't know why you don't want her and this bothers her.

lol they just don't bring up their partner count and let the poor sap assume she's been with 4 guys tops.

Maybe but I don't get this feeling, could be wrong though

I think you're probably right. All her female friends had their ex's wrapped around their fingers after breaking up with them, I remember her showing me group chats how they would basically brag about it. I guess it upset her that she wasn't able to do the same with me, idk

that's just sad

Girls have nothing better to do.

Shy guy here. For both genders.

I'm the quiet type. I dont say much and I'm often nervous in social situations unless I'm comfortable or I'm used to someone. I always get the "Why don't you talk?" question and I never know how to answer that question.

Anyone know of some smooth type of answer or something funny I can respond with? I'm not good at stuff like that and saying "I don't know" makes me look like a buffoon.

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Ask them why they talk so much.

When I was 13 I met a girl at an anime club we both went to. She was two years younger than me. We got along pretty well. 8 years later we match on Tinder and conversation fizzles after three messages. It's been six months. Is it creepy to message her again?

That seems rude, I don't wanna be the "angry guy" either I just wanna meet people and make friends/potential partners

Yes. Its over, man.

Just jokingly say you're a selective mute

When things fizzle on tinder its pretty much over, no harm in trying again. dont worry about being creepy unless you say something obviously so or are basically harassing her

Femanons, help:

Can I fuck everything up when it seems like we're getting along just on one misstep? Like, how quickly can I make everything a mess?

Last night it seemed like everything was going great with two girls, and now both went completely radio silent on me. I don't know what I did and I'm bummed that I messed up.

Tired of feeling like a child when it comes to women, but women seriously have fucked up my confidence with other women. I can't pick up hints anymore because of so many "mixed messages" in the past and miserable attempts of getting with women. I've had luck before, but now I've lost all confidence. How can I get it back?

>I can't pick up hints anymore because of so many "mixed messages"
God damn that's too relatable.

>Can I fuck everything up when it seems like we're getting along just on one misstep? Like, how quickly can I make everything a mess?
Depends entirely on your standing. If I like someone a lot, i will accept a lot more missteps, than if I just felt like giving you a try, despite not really feeling it.
>Last night it seemed like everything was going great with two girls, and now both went completely radio silent on me. I don't know what I did and I'm bummed that I messed up.
>Two girls
You... Do know that girls don't really appreciate you double dipping like that, right? How would you feel if a girl was gunning for you and another guy? Most girls I know would not only not compete for you, both would drop you simply because you were willing to pull that kind of play.

Girls, have you ever dated a foot fetishist?
If you haven't, would you like to?
If you have, did you start liking the fetish and the attention that your feet got?

Girl here, hoping to get some answers mostly from girls, but general advice is just needed. Disclaimer: I am probably slightly autistic. We are all around 30, though I am a few years younger.

>Sister has been dating someone for 2 years
>He is both very cute, and I actually got along really great with him for the entire time he was part of the family.
>They had a squabble about children
>My sister wants children, he doesn't
>They decide to not pursue the relationship any further, because this will clash in the future. They stuck together for another month while they look for separate places
Now, I sorta want to make a move on him... But I am not sure who to talk to first.

I feel like I should speak to my sister first, just to make sure she doesn't think I am overstepping, but I would feel stupid asking her, only to get rejected by her now ex. But I have a few reason for really wanting to go for him, and have been very jealous of my sister for getting to him first. I obviously wouldn't go for him, except for the fact that they broke on good terms (he is still joining us on our family trip in 3 weeks), and that the reason for the break was he didn't want kids.

The thing is, I have had some issues with guys *specifically* because I can't have children. Cancer related stuff, but doctor confirmed it, and I don't even have periods anymore. So hearing they broke because of that... I feel like I would regret it forever if I don't try to at least ask him.

How would I best go about this? Would you ever be okay with your sister/sibling going out with your ex, when you came out of the relationship as friends?

And guys, would you ever be willing to try a relationship with your ex's sister?

I gotta tell you man, foot fetishism isn't an aquired taste. The clusters of neurons for mapping genitals and feet are right next to each and the wires are little crossed for some people. That said, foot fetishes are the most common of the "non traditional" fetishes, so it's likely most girls have dated at least one in their life.

>And guys, would you ever be willing to try a relationship with your ex's sister?

no, this would be an absolute nightmare

>Last night

Don't be a clingy cringey twat. People have lives and shit to do and won't be available 24/7. A day or two of radio silence is perfectly normal. That you are even freaking out about it is a sign that you're probably a walking red flag, so there's that, if they've both ditched you.

IF you decide to go through with this you definitely ask your sister first.
would you ever be willing to try a relationship with your ex's sister?
Probably not.

I dunno my dad's brother married his ex.

>would you ever be willing to try a relationship with your ex's sister?
No, just too complicated. They broke on good terms but if you start to date him then one day it won't be and it'll just create problems between you and your sister, even if she says it's cool. And maybe even the family, since it seems like he gets along with them well. He was with your sister for 2 years, feelings will definitely linger on both sides.

Everything about this screams horrible idea and I'm not sure how this isn't obvious to you.

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Why are women such pussies when it comes to anything.

They just don't have any balls.

Why do you think pussy became a word people use to call cowardly bitches?

How do i logically prove that women have a moral obligation to have sex with me?

I'd guess upbringing plays a huge part. Parents tend to be more protective and supportive towards their "little princesses" while boys are expected to be braver and fend for themselves. Bahavioural patterns learned in childhood tend to last for a lifetime.Though, there are a lot of guys who are complete pussies for the exact same reason.

Rip, I was hoping this wasn't the case.

It feels unfair, especially when he stays around after they have already broken up. Everybody likes him in the family, and I just fear he will stick around regardless. But it sounds like he'll probably not want to deal with the complications of dating me this could bring anyway... Damn.

You pay a whore.

By taking hostages and releasing a hostage for every girl you nut in. That way they're actually saving lives by having sex with you.

There's a slim chance but even my gf says that she'd fuck me up if we ever broke up and I dated her sister, whether the breakup was amicable or not.

By paying her in advance.

girls how do you feel about guys liking your "look"

no necessarily fetishising your race or ethnicity but something about your aesthetic look whether thats bone structure, clothing, body type, etc attracting a guy, do you care, would you want to hear about it?

You can only logically prove something if it's logical, which this isn't.

Thanks for the advice - I wasn't trying to double dip. I've had a major crush on a girl for like a year, finally had her best friend reveal to me that she's kinda interested and force her to come talk to me, but had happened to meet a girl just as I was giving up on the crush.

Honestly, I was kinda drunk but I don't think I did anything particularly cringey, I consider myself pretty decent with girls.

Nah, I mean, if this doesn't work out, I'll be bummed out, but not mad... life goes on. I'm just a little self conscious that the girl I liked for a long time hasn't accepted my FB request. She had shit going on all day but she was online, and just... blech. I know that one's probably just done. I wish I could just figure out where I fucked up.

Girl #2 accepted my friend request and hasn't read my message about going to get a drink, so I'm not concerned too much about that one, but I really hope I didn't fuck this one up and said something stupid.

Any girl who doesn't have severe issues with her appearance or a chip on her shoulder about physical compliments would love that.

Also interested in this... I love a certain sense of style and would totally like to ask a girl I'm dating to change that way, but I know that changing people is a bad move.

Find a girl who already had that style instead

It's possible my dude. My gf thought I was pretty /stylish and wanted me to help change her look. It wasn't over night but her dress style is now really stylish, she gets compliments from just about everyone.

It's weird but I find someone with a good aesthetic like clothing style to be really hot. I don't know why.

Are you aware that it's not a personal attack when I ask you out? Does it just never occur to you that I'm doing it because I like you and not because I see you as a walking fleshlight? For fuck's sake.
Sorry for the obviously hostile question, just had to get it out.

I get irrationally angry when someone asks me out because I feel like they are trying to get between me and my bf.

Well that's the point of that guy's post... you're basically fetishizing them at that point.

I like a really feminine kind of girl with red hair and bangs, but let's be honest, the odds of finding one that has a good personality, isn't insane, and likes me back just as much are very poor.

Logically I think it'd be easier to find a girl who I mesh with, and ask her to change her style, but I know that isn't likely to happen either.

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Who cares what people think man? If a girl liked/fetishized me wearing shirts with rolled up sleeves or something then I'd do it if I also like the same style. Which btw I hear collared shirts with rolled up sleeves is a really attractive look.

I mean, that's understandable. Especially since it's generally proper etiquette to makes sure a girls single before making a move.

That's such an awkward question though. Asking that is honestly a worse feeling than actually asking out.

Well, if it's the girl I'm trying to date that cares, then I should care what people think. I don't personally mind being fetishized, but a lot of people take offense to it, like you don't love everything they have to offer, just what you've built up.

Asking someone if they're single before showing interest pretty much never works at all. If you're in a relationship, it's your job to make it apparent or not get offended at being asked out.

Unless you have a ring and all.

Yeah but you can normally use Facebook for such a thing. And if you don't know a girl well enough to tell if she's single it might not be the best idea to ask her out anyway.

Are you a college student or something?

Protip: Relationships often have to start by asking out someone you've just met and will never see again if you don't ask them out.

What's easier to ask - "Hey, would you like to grab a beer sometime?" or, "Hey, can I have your first and last name to check your Facebook profile and see if you've assigned yourself a relationship status?"

I have a feeling you are asking people out the wrong way. If I get a "hey babe, wanna go out with me?" I get a creepy vibe, and instantly assume you are just looking for sex.

Perhaps try a less direct approach and ask if they are up for coffee at some point. I have never turned down someone asking me out for coffee in my lunch break, because it shows an actual interest in me, not just "lets eat and fuck ayy" that a lot of "interested" autistic chucklefucks do these days.

Why though?

If I am in a relationship, and I get asked out by a guy, I just politely tell him I am not available, and assume he wasn't aware. It seems needlessly hostile to get angry when it could have been an honest mistake.

My approach is usually something around "hey wanna go this Friday? I can't really see that being too creepy, but then again, I'm the one complaining about it on a Himalayan shoemaking website.

>Unless you have a ring and all.
That has never stopped a guy. Probably because so many girls wears rings, I suppose.

I wear a wedding ring, and guys still approach and ask me out. It's not a problem for me, per say, as I am only wearing it as a momento, but it still shows a bit of disregard.

>hey wanna go this Friday? I can't really see that being too creepy
See, if you schedule something Friday, late enough that this will occupy the entire evening, the way you deliver that proposal can feel like a "let's do this, then go home and fuck" proposal.

It's not your fault as such, but with how casual everyone has become lately, this is the new expectation. "Go on a date and fuck" is the tinder way, so you have to go more slow. Ensuring the first date doesn't smell like a setup for sex is a safe way to do that.

And coffee dates are good.

Do girls like if a guy wants to share the music he enjoys with her?

I honestly would never have guessed my problem is that I don't like coffee and that Friday night bowling sends the message that I just want to smash and dash. Thanks, you've chipped away a little of my autism.

I mean, my point still stands, but it's shitty of them to do that. I never would.

But I'll flirt with a girl or ask her out until she tells me she's not interested, has a boyfriend, or I can tell she's not interested without needing to be outright told.

It's just one of those things, we can't signal every single thing we think is okay and isn't, and sometimes we have to deal with unwanted advances. That's reality.

Any good methods for dropping hints at him to let him know I love him? We mostly communicate online.

Ask him out.


How do you feel about your bf having a waifu?

I dont really think im dating her or anything, but shes cute and making OC of her is fun.

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for guys

i can't help but feel jealous my boyfriend looks at porn. i know i shouldn't be and i'm ashamed to bring it up what do

What do you look like and what porn does he look at?

Does it affect your ability to have sex with him?

Also, realize what you feeling is rooted in insecurity and you need to work through that.