Get It Off Your Chest!

I can't run away from this anymore

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I just want a friend

Reading Jow Forums is enough to make me think that sex isn't worth it.

Posting in this thread too because I'd really like a response. If you're my B, I'll message you in a heartbeat.

I go on Jow Forums to remind myself how awful normalfags are.

I hacked into my 18+ y/o sisters facebook and jerked off to her pictures
I knocked up a girl when we were 15 and she had a miscarriage

My milfy neighbor invited me in today. We sat on her couch and chatted, she told me about her four brothers, then she showed me something on her wall and touched her ass. Just a slight caress, it was nicer than I'd expected. She giggled and sort of blushed, and then I blushed and let out a little "sorry" with a chuckle, and she smiled.
Then as I left she said "see you sooner than later" and nearly fucking winked.


I'm probably gonna have to work seven days a week for weeks at a time starting in August.
I'm dreading it.

I don’t want to say goodbye but you aren’t trying hard enough and someone else is trying really hard. I need to feel loved, appreciated, respected and your words, while beautiful to see, aren’t as strong as actions. Cheap trinkets won’t win me over either. I want the real deal. Tell me you have it in you.

You'll be fine user.

Sometimes I have sexual fantasies of my former therapist.

ive stolen lots of shit via the internet
I smoked weed once and had a panic attack and I think it fucked my brain up forever
My dad is a drunk and never showed me how to be a man

For real.

I mean I've done this kind of thing before but still it ain't gonna be fun.

I think about my ex's when I jerk off, and still have pictures of them in folders.

I always feel horrible after I cum.

I talked to this other girl while still dating her. Not even anything suggestive I just got really drunk one night. I still feel awful.

Nothing's fun you'll pull through.

Delete the folder. It's easy enough, and eliminates the problem forever.

regular porn doesn't do it for me, I think about having sex with her while looking at pictures of videos of us fucking. My brain says no, but my dick says yes.

Which is why your brain should decide to delete it all.
Regular porn will start to "do it" for you again without access to creep pics
Delete the folder, don't stalk on FB or IG

I'm almost in this exact situation. Fortunately I didn't send any trinkets, else I'd be worrying that was you Elle.

>My dad is a drunk and never showed me how to be a man

Yeah I know that one. I think I've learned more about how to be a man by watching my dad be such a fucking pisshead baby mess in my adult life than I ever learned when I was a boy. I have a lot of disrespect verging on hatred for the man that is likely not very healthy to keep harbouring, but honestly without it I think I'd still be a timid child.

I am Deeply afraid I've missed out on "Mutual first time"-sex.

I'm almost 23 and I've never had a real job.

I'm afraid of people when I go outside, so I don't like to go outside.

>I'm almost 23 and I've never had a real job.

I didn't have a job until I was around that age, and I was so fucking scared. I worried about if I would even be able to hold down the job or function. Turns out a lot of that fear is in your head, most people in dead-end jobs have just as much issues as you, and some even try less than you do. Start your work history, try hard, get a good recommendation and get a better job.

Being forced to interact with people will be good for you user.

To whom and from whom?

I feel worthless. I have no accomplishments whatsoever. I volunteer at a youth group and all my peers are working, graduated from school, or taking leadership roles, and I'm at home living with my parents, no job, stuck at a CC, drinking my sorrows away, forgetting to take medicine on time, and fucking depressed. I should just kill myself but there are a few people I'll miss too much.

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Why kill yourself user? You only get one life, only you have the ability to make the changes to improve that life. What do you have to lose by trying? Happiness is a choice.

I’m seriously thinking of doing a Spade/Bourdain tonight.

My life is a nightmare I just want to end.

J - thanks for being my friend and offering to marry me.

Other J - thanks for the sweet dreams

T and S - my death is on your heads


>tfw I'm my exes boss
>she dumped me but now I'm the asshole because I stopped cutting her slack and expect her to actually work instead of being on her phone all day
>she dumped me but still expects special treatment and then blew up my phone yesterday telling me how terrible of a person I am after a month of no contact
>only 3 more weeks until I can leave for my new job
At first I was angry at her but now all I feel is happy that my indifferent behavior towards her got to her to the point she felt the need to text me. Am I bad person for getting joy out iof her anger? I feel like it's karma for how she treated me but I don't feel like I even hate her.

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Don't do it user. Most people regret committing suicide but are not able to stop it from happening. Why throw your life away when you could say fuck it, and start fresh. Even if you don't succeed, you can at least say you tried. Lots of people are equally as miserable as you, you may find comfort in the sorrow of others.

I just told my crush(who is a very good friend) how I feel. She does not feel the same but still wants to be friends. I'm still going to be friends with her.

the weird thing is we've talked even more than usual since I told her.

I fucked up. Violated her trust completely, took advantage of her, and I didn't even do that right. I feel guilty and dumb. She sees me as manipulative and invasive, but also as a complete fucking moron.

I wish she hadn't forgiven me. I wish this hadn't happened. I wish it wasn't so.

When you can get things off your chest with someone, it stops being a matter on your mind that prevents real conversation from taking place. Opening up to someone about something is incredibly liberating.

don't do it senpai, 9 in 10 regret committing suicide

I can sense your loss of interest in me. Who do you change for?

I guess I should just give up on romance

It's overrated for sure, but remember, you're still on Jow Forums. Maybe not the Jow Forums of '07 or even of '12, but still Jow Forums.
They don't, say goodbye and get on with your life.
A therapist is someone you can trust with your deepest thoughts, so it's not that strange that you feel something for them, especially if you think they were attractive.
>I am Deeply afraid I've missed out on "Mutual first time"-sex.
You probably did, but that's an overrated experience that you probably only want because coming-of-age films hype it up and it seems like every other person had it. I know it sounds dumb, but you probably only want it because you didn't have it. If you had it earlier in life, you wouldn't think back on it all that fondly.
>I'm afraid of people when I go outside, so I don't like to go outside.
Just remember that bravery isn't not being scared of things, it's doing things in spite of how scary they may be.
I've been here too long to moralfag but as someone who also tried to kill himself a couple of times I have to ask, what's wrong?
>I guess I should just give up on romance
"Romance" is a fiction, just live love and learn.

I'll do anything. What can I do?

You're getting more to drink, huh?

I've been harming myself for the past few days. I just mad and then unleash it upon myself.

Knew you would jump ship when an easier or more appealing option showed itself to you, or we wouldn't be in this position. Too bad I'm always right, it would be nice to be wrong for once.

You are projecting user to whom are you are saying this too and your initials.

I was going to talk to this cute cashier in Harris Teeter today, then some asshole worker directed me to the self check-out.

Yeah I know you have a self-checkout option. I was standing in this line for a reason.

>Too bad I'm always right, it would be nice to be wrong for once.
Just so you know, people who think like this tend to be wrong about a lot of things.

You're dumb and fake as fuck anthony, everyone knows it at work. Idk anyone that likes you, and I want to know how many fucking times you wrote people up besides me. Like seriously why are you on my dick? I want to punch your dumb shit italian face till Ragu gushing from it

chris if you keep this kind of shit up you will be the only reason you're worst fears become reality

What were the trinkets?

How do you cope with being so alone you feel emotionally numb

im 5'9 now
still not tall enough to get a girl but at least im taller than i was last year
i hope i grow after my 19th birthday too, even though its unlikely
either way i hope height stops being such an issue for me

You're losing me to her. I don't want you to. I wanted you. Please say something.

You first

Protip: Making a post on your social media addressing me without using my name is not the same as contacting me to actually fucking talk to me, so if you wanted to talk to me, get over yourself and respond directly or forget it.

I don't have the patience for your telephone kid games, man. I'm dying soon.

Give both initials user.

Are women as bad as anons here say? Even if I think I don't match the descriptions, am I just too dumb to realize since I'm a woman?

I don't wanna.

All three of you, give initials, right now!

It's okay user, you don't have to.


>How do you cope with being so alone you feel emotionally numb
Start doing something creative

To whom and from whom, initials user.

I’m very much in love with this girl that’s with a friend. I may not be getting along with the guy, she’s in a toxic relationship and it I feel for her.

You don't know me

reading all this shit about being strong to women smothers my desire to pursue them. I can't be a stoic block 100% of the time, what the fuck

I was just outside looking at the stars and I became incredibly lonesome for my ex. We were together for 10+ years and I just really started missing her. I have a million years to hate her and not want to he back with her and I never want to be I just miss having her there. Someone I know who is in my corner and now I'm alone. I usually think of the person I "want" to be with and it usually helps but not tonight for some reason. I want to cry but then I won't be able to sleep because of a stuffy nose. Wish you were here with me C.

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I’m happy with my body! Like, actually happy. Two fucking years and a ton of work and self hate and shit, but I actually am. I posted pictures of myself on Instagram, willingly, and I didn’t feel sick after. It only just fully hit me how far I’ve gotten. I let friends take pictures of me, I don’t get worried when someone tries to flirt with me, I don’t feel uncomfortable at the gym anymore. Hell, I felt okay posting pictures on Jow Forums for once. I have fucking abs?? I can wear crop tops and not be anxious, I dress like a total lesbian tool and I don’t even feel bad anymore because I am one! And it works on me! I’m down a hundred and fifty fucking pounds, I’ve got a date tomorrow, and it’s....okay? Like, I feel okay. I don’t feel like a jackass eating in public anymore, I sat around with a bunch of coworkers in the park and ate half a bag of hot cheetos and didn’t care about it. Holy fuck.
I feel a little bad about having spent eight damn years being fat, but I don’t mind it so much anymore because now I actually feel comfortable in my skin. Just, holy shit. I feel so much better and it only just registered properly.

I don’t have anyone to really tell about this stuff now, though, but it’s fine, honestly. I’m okay with yelling into the void. I’m down more than ten dress sizes. Just, oh my god?? I actually feel good about myself.

I hope y’all have good days coming, seriously.

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I'm sorry for being a girl...

Why are you sorry?

The last time I was here, I prayed for God to kill me if I couldn't be with the one I love. I'm still alive so maybe there's hope.

Everybody hates girls and says they're inherently unable to love and stuff like that

God, I'm so scared I'm going to die alone. And I'm gay too, I'm already hated by most of the world and alienated out of my family and social groups. I'm not even gonna be able to start a family anyway. It's fucked. I have tried meeting people, going on dates, even fucking complete strangers, and I am still trapped here unable to escape the feelings I have for you. It's been so long and I've done so much to move on- there's no point in feeling like this cause I can't reach out, you don't give a fuck, but I can't get rid of these thoughts.
I can turn off my mind though.
I'm considering it strongly now

Just don't do anything stupid.

Those are just bitter guys who feel worn out and unloved. Rather than apologize, prevent perfectly decent guys from becoming that toxic by having some sympathy for them. But it sounds like you probably already do that, so don't feel bad.

Thanks user

I'm drunk as fuck so bear with me.
I'm taking this girl out for a birthday dinner tomorrow. Known her for 3 months. We're basically dating but not official. I just made her a gift box made up of little items I know she'll love, and this letter I wrote to her. Thoughts?

"Hey it's your bestfriend John"

That is the first text message I ever sent you. I remember we got along great since day 1. We were making "thats what she said" jokes our first shift together. We backstocked kid shoes your first day. I remember being nervous because I knew I wanted to get your number before I left. I said something like "oh yeah just finish that. If you have any questions just text me...". I remember the time we played waterpoof Uno during your lunch. How the first time we hung out we went bowling even though we never went, and we went to Happy Lamb Mongolian Hot Pot. I loved that day. You wore my sweater and the next day it still smelled like you.. Then I took you to Sonic one night and we just talked in the parking lot. The next time I took you to Wawa and you ate your sandwich before we even got back to the mall. Then one Friday we went to cash our checks and then I took you to Baskin Robbins. I pull up to your house and you told me to park in the lot. I set my car to park. You turn to me and go "so what have your past relationships been like". Chiquitita I'll never forget that look you gave me. I knew something was going to happen between us. Next thing I know you and I are cheek to cheek. I leaned for the kiss as "Island in the Sun" was playing.

pt 1

"highly" physically disabled (chronic back and foot pain, migraines, hypothyroidism), from laughably pathetic amount of training in Army. Was told back had more wear than most professional athletes.

Can no longer chase dreams because of said physical disabilities despite almost 20 years of experience and training in area of said dreams.

PTSD from childhood trauma that resurfaced prior to service causes anxiety and depression as well as spurts of anger and sadness. What little exercise I can manage helps immensely but it is a far shadow of what it used to be.

Tried going back to school for Master's and PhD coming out of service and and got screwed saying my GPA was too low after they already took my application, rec letters and had spoken to them clearing the application.

Went to community college to get teaching cert, started to develop frequent migraines after a year and a half and had severe issues concentrating, especially in bright rooms like classrooms.

Credit wrecked from previous college loans (Had B.S. before service) not being able to hold work due to migraines and everything else wrong and current funds only being enough to live off of.

Was engaged but that ended after a year and a half when I axed her for being a money grubbing parasite who did nothing but try to use me as a gopher. I didn't work but paid 90% of the bills. She worked and paid 10%, said it was to let me feel like a man. Next week I was back home

Now, living at home helping take care of mother on oxygen with COPD and splitting the bills so its easier on both of us. Nothing much to offer a woman, certainly not a future, and I don't feel too bad about it as I feel most of the time relationships are too much of a hassle and feel like trusting the other person will always let me down somehow.

But still, I get lonely sometimes and wonder if I should just try and there actually is some hope and if it IS worthwhile? Some companionship would be nice, but i'll live either way.

pt 2

You're nothing short of amazing. I love taking my lunches with you. How much fun we have as we backstock a shoe or take in a truck. I get butterflies everytime I get a text from you. I love your laugh. How you giggle when kiss you on your ear. How you get shy when you start singing in the car. The way you bite your lip when you think. How you know when I'm stressed. How you know when I'm upset. The love you have for your family. Your willingess to try new things. To go new places. I could go on.

I knew there was something special about you from the day I met you. I just met you and I feel like I can tell you anything. You don't many people like that in life. So I wanted to make this day as special as the way you are to me. To make you feel as beautiful as the person you are. To see that look on your face like the night of our first kiss.

Happy Birthday Anonette

I miss your voice.

Whether she thinks this is sweet or gets turned off depends on how much she likes you, and I don't know how much she likes you.

GODDAMMIT I tried to space it to look nice and I end up with this mess. choke on my giant "Reddit Space" wall of text, faggots!

(thanks for reading though if you do)

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these past few days she's gone from likes to me loves me in a sense. Like we took our lunch together the other day and we held hands under the table the whole time. She's texted me twice this week at 3am like "baby i can't sleep" type stuff.


To whom, from whom

I keep fucking up the simplest things with women, had a make out session with a friend and she was clinging to me with her legs to so who could stay longer me standing, or her holding, eventually let her win, few other mish mash with her. Then after establishing we just close friend's, with one of her friends started getting close real quick made out session again and a few others then recently out of the blue hear from a friend she aint interested and she just wants to be friends. now another one of her friends is going for me and I'm worried it's gonna be the same cycle cause every time it hurts a little bit and I was tired as shit and agreed to a date when i feel like I should have said no, and I still like the first gal and it kills me to see her even snuggle up with this other guy who's a cool bro, but I know she waiting till marriage and wants a Christian guy yet neither me or the other guy is so it's like wtf, we both fit the requirements she's told me about except for the Christian part, hell the guy and I had a quick egg cook off, I won according to all of the group there except bro cause his were traditional scrambled eggs while mine were those Ramsay ones. Think it might be my shitty communication skills that causes this cycle help pls

I feel the same. I've been on Jow Forums for too long.

You don't have to be "strong", that's ridiculous

Egg guy, sidenote all of these people know each other

I can barely concentrate. My brain always goes to a random cringy, painful moment in my life. This has risen a lot in the past 4 months. On top of this, I feel like all down and upset like due to my own mental "internal conflict" about the past. My actual life right now is actually at a good place. I would never actually commit suicide, seek out death, but if death happened to come to me early then I would not be so upset over it, especially if it is quick and relatively painless
What the fuck do I do?

Yeah it's a weird feeling and probably not a good thing reading all men's opinions about women here as a girl.

My best friend of 10 years has been a really shitty friend lately. Ever since she broke up with her last boyfriend, it led to us getting into a fight. 8 months later, I'm pretty sure she's depressed and heading toward alcoholism. I try to talk to her and maybe help but she pushes me away... But lately I've been going through some issues and she's the person I can talk to. She's been so hard to get in touch with, and when I do get in touch with her she doesn't even put in any effort. It's so infuriating and heartbreaking at the same time... I've had issues losing friends like that ever since I lost my best friend as a child, so this is just bringing up so many cruel feelings. I just want to tell her that she's being shitty, and that I don't want to deal with her if she's going to act like this, but I know it might also not be her fault.

I mean, it's not that hard to be a rock. Besides you only have to fake it around women if it doesn't come naturally.

Are you from bloody israel or estonia or something

Egg guy, just so y'all know a good way to feel good about yourself is to tell yourself I love you, be it mentally or verbally it helps, say it a ton whenever you get too self critical or said. Even if you don't believe it that word gets through to most people's subconscious and wow does it help keep that pain away

Assuming we can all be mature and admit that there's serious problems in the way both genders act, just take it as the end result of some behaviors you should avoid enacting.


Forgive yourself and accept the fact that you're human and made mistakes. The actual answer is a far more complex form of the simple statement I just said, but the same shit happens to me as well.

It is very common among trauma victims that have anxiety or anxiety patients in general. I would seek therapy, professional therapy, otherwise the guilt is going to eat at you until you get someone face to face telling you it is ok and if it is something more than anxiety you can get the further help you need.

Fuck the whiteknighting bullshit, but you've got to take 99% of the immature edgelord garbage you see on here as an example of what inexperienced, immature and easily impressed young men mistake for what it is to "be a man" or how they should behave towards other people.

They don't know any better and that is why they're here.

t.Old fuck

Everyone thinks I'm this huge slut who'll fuck anything, but I actually get really attached to one guy emotionally that is never around and then just flirt with/sleep with his closest friends til he comes back around, then I fuck and dump him as he implodes because he finds out I've shagged all his mates.
I'm also married to someone whose friends I do not want but that means I can get away with fucking everyone they don't know. Wheeee.

I'm burnt right now thinking there's a possibility my main crush for years actually fucks around as well. Reading these just made me aware of that possibility and I don't think I'm ready for it. Fuck.

Yeah reading posts here make me realize a lot of men suck too

False Flag or too stupid to exist.

i will never stop loving him. even when im old and wrinkly i will wonder where he went and why he left. i will never love again the way i did with him.

That's cute honey

Girl i am really interested had her phone read by her mom and told me to fuck off or she'd call the cops for harassing her daughter.

Deleted the number so i wouldn't end up texting her and ruining my life with some bullshit charge.

Thought about her for the last few days alot and ended up finding her on instagram, where i decided to follow her but she hasn't said anything or blocked me.... She's got a boyfriend now but i still feel the need to message her and see if she has any feelings, i know her mom is leaving for a week at the end of july.

i feel like i can't wait any longer to find out or at least know if i should move on.

Last time i talked to her was around new years, i could understand if she had to let me go because of 7 months with no contact but i'm hoping she still has some feelings.