Happy Nardoğan

May Teŋri bring you Good Tidings this Nardoğan.

Attached: Teŋri.jpg (622x223, 8K)

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I thank KARABOGA (tengri) everyday that I wasn't born a wh*Toid subhuman but with substantial BLACK ancestry of the Great BLACK Dravidic tribes.

Pagan celebrations thread?

How do I have the most voik yule this season?

It's Tangra.

I would suggest having a Tree. The Turks were the first to celebrate Winter Solstice with a Tree. Brought to the Germanic Tribes by the Hun Khaganate.


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Fuck off, shitskin.

Attached: Seljuk Warrior.jpg (386x386, 42K)

When will he give me a qt neo-Cuman Türk gf???

Attached: Tengri.png (960x800, 1.64M)

Go to Qazaq El.

Fug is that

That yellow Mongoloid God is dead, with its followers fully converted to the Islamic way of life. Inshallah we will conquer all the false idols in the world, and slaughter their followers. In due time.

Attached: Muslim conquest.png (1920x1210, 1.46M)

shut the fuck up paki

Fuck off you Aboriginal mixed,Goofy Indian. You're not black.

Attached: Poo chronicles.jpg (1031x336, 262K)

Name related, you sissy skinned girly white emasculated faggot. I'm Somali.

Attached: Cross wielding faggot (you).jpg (800x820, 91K)

Kazakhstan. Also I highly recommend Yakut Territory.

yes you too

What do you get when you cross a Snickers Bar with a Light Bulb?

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I had 3 hours of daylight yesterday and worked outside in -20 temps.
My face is cracked, hands cracked, teeth hurt, and I head out now for another day in the Arctic.

All religions are in the honor of Tengri, it's all different fingers on the same hand.

Your mothers prolapsed anus, now go get a dental plan horse face.

Attached: Niggah please.png (2000x2000, 1.21M)

No, the yellow Mongoloid God has a different Character archetype. His will is non existent anyway, so who cares about what he is? Even those frozen, yellow zipper faced orangutans in Mongolia don't care for him.

Attached: Failed abortion (you).jpg (125x125, 3K)

I'm Nogai Tatar, I don't take orders from an Abeed Tat



So you're a down syndrome afflicted Mongoloid? That's even worse, lmao. Your entire race is the least sexually desired "ethnic" group in the context of dating.

Attached: ugly Mongoloid.jpg (570x399, 55K)

What is Asian Singles? Also there is rumors about you that you associate with the German Homosexual.

Fuck off with those shit links, your crappy Mongoloid heritage doesn't interest me. Besides all I know about the Mongols, is how they ruined the Islamic golden age. Wallahi if I saw you outside in the street, I would slit your throat from ear to ear.

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Pink asshole = girl famalam, so he's not gay if I'm brown. Besides he's a tranny, so he enjoys abuse.

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Happy Nardoğan Tat Boi.

Attached: Turkish Pepe.jpg (480x270, 22K)

By Teŋri, you will probably catch AIDS.

I doubt it, girly white sissies like taking it in the ass. So they usually have experience with that sort of thing, besides they usually prep their ass cracks before intercourse. So the risk of stds is pretty low, at least from what I've seen and in my experience.

Attached: European man 2.jpg (1512x2015, 234K)


Made up bullshit, and go fuck a European sissy if you want to celebrate something.

Attached: European man in drag.jpg (456x810, 46K)

God jul


You are following a path of degeneracy, I have abandoned the Western Way for the Türk Way. Remember it starts of with you liking sissies, then you become one.

Attached: Sakha_beauty.jpg (220x331, 34K)

Merry Christmas, bitch.

dass right

We wuz Khans n sheeet

Off pardon.

Fuck tanqueray

Are you that cross dressing Norwegian I saw yesterday day in the Finn golian thread? If so, slip me some snap shots of your ass crack in lingerie. Don't forget the time stamp btw.

Attached: With the crack of her ass.gif (400x388, 43K)

Fuck your manlet oriented Mongoloid culture, and there's nothing degenerate about a man loving his white sissy anally. It's always been this way, even some other Somali who immigrated to the west some years ago, indulged in anal play with his Swedish/or some other European ethnicity cock holster. He even made it into the news, Lmao.

Attached: fecal grease.png (768x768, 152K)

I'm saying this as the honorable enemy, you will not be able to pick up the sword whilst succumbing to such degeneracy.

Attached: Bilge Qaγan.jpg (430x225, 16K)

Never end up in the Metro, ever!

I'm over 6'2, you yellow Asiatic manlet.
>You will not be able to pick up ect

I could probably gape rape a Moroccan tourist, while cutting her head off with one arm. Lmao.

Attached: Oriental down syndrome.jpg (574x800, 97K)

You can be 6'2, and a tranny too! We asiatic manlets once made the world fear us, whites, chinese, muslims etc. I am only 5'5 but it's a good bill of health and intelligence that counts for everything to do with conquest.

Any books or resources for Tengrism? I want to learn more about it.

Here is Olonkho. youtube.com/watch?v=pGW455mSDN0

Will watch. On the off-chance I bump into you again, would you consider making a pastebin or something?
I'm missing out on stuff, I'm sure.
Also why does he put his hand on his head like a Muslim does when he recites the adhan? I'm tone-deaf, but I'm guessing there's some reason for it.

Much Islamic Ritual originates from Old Turkic Ritual. Considering many Turkmens became Islamic Clerics in the 11th century.

Unfortunately, yes.
What's it for? Just a way to keep the sound even or something?
Sadly I don't understand the language he is saying. I hope that someday there will be more resources on Tengrism in English.

I don't either, very few reciters of the Olonkho exist today. But from what I can gather a baby from space landed on Earth in this saga. Turkmens brought peace and prosperity to a previously fractured Arab World. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khwarazmian_dynasty

May Tengri's flock rule the lands once more one day.

My father's ancestors were English, how do I embrace the old ways and do away with the cuckoldry that is the Abrahamic faiths?

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I should add that I know this is completely unrelated to the thread but I'm just casting a wide net.

Thank you. May Teŋri bless you.

And you my brother.

Simple. Follow Tengriism and marry a Yakut woman.