Jow Forums btfo

Jow Forums btfo

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And then everyone clapped

> People actually belive this shit

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>hace 1 semana (editado)


We will play this as a mission in battlefield VI

>the furier

furries existed back then...fuck.

Any other Jow Forums got any female relatives/ancestors with interesting history/stories?

and then the furier clapped

>believing this

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Dios mio... el ogro de las Americas strikes again

Attached: chin-beard-2.jpg (566x850, 61K)

>spic larping as juden
I see you Donkey.

Attached: 20180704_151006.png (528x619, 414K)

Good thing she had a gun.

>Grandma driving in a military vehicle without getting stopped after 5 min


My memaw was the first woman to step on Mars. Being a former slave, it was difficult for her to invent NASA but she never let anything stop her.


Shit that never happened.

How could she sing Ashes to ashes when David Bowie wasn't born yet?

>> WAS jewish
can you stop being jewish?

I know a holocaust survivor in her 90s. She was hot when she was in the camps at 16 and probably survived because she was used as a rape doll by the filthy germans while they murdered the rest of her family. We were eating lunch at a deli in LA with all her boomer age female kids and relatives. It was at the height of the Weinstein revelations. The boomers were all talking about how horrible Weinstein and others guys were, and she just said "they weren't raped, they could say no. They are just whores." They tried to argue with her and she pretty much obliterated them. She had lost of other amusing insights on the lifestyle of her kids too.

This is in the upcoming Wolfenstein DLC?

>Jew sings about ashes

Hey if she says an old woman used a gun to defend herself against an authoritarian government then I choose to believe her.

Heary Kek this morning, thank you.

>when you get 6 stars in Grand Theft Auschwitz and escape

Freedom of religion doesn’t mean freedom from consequences

and then she woke up


>holocaust survivor
>a real thing

Lol I guess because I went to summer camp I’m a “summer camp survivor” now.

> More hall of cost fanfiction.

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Silently clapped**


>can you stop being jewish?
Yes, get labouring work and a nose job.

And then the royal navymen clapped

You'd be surprised by actually how few real Nazis there are on Jow Forums. I think it's all DisInfo for sho tho.

This is why Politicians say "don't hire a man with scuffed shoes". Scuffed shows are for goy.
On DOTR, hang all wearers of perfect shoes and we can start over without the Fungus.

More believable than snowniggers being Aryan

WW2 was now in 1958.
I thought Jews could do the math?


They're still making those?


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No she was 60 at the time


my grandma ratted out anne frank

Why are kikes such liars?
Then upload on all pornsites

then how fucking old is the one writing that post?

She has to go back

My dad worked at Nintendo in 1945

A real human bean and a real hero
not even the confederacy could have saved little Anne from your grannie

Some kike that is making shit up or a kid who is mistaking his grand grandmother for his grandma

she was going to shoot her, but her rifle had a bump stock on it, so based orange goy travelled back in time and took it from her

a mindful jej

Battlefield expansion DLC confirmed

My gramps firebombed gooks from a b29. Comfy stories.

A relative of my great grandma might have been raped by the Red Army in 1945 :)

There were totally a bunch of women soldiers bro, fuckin battlefield proved this.

at least she got to keep her bicycle and with it her pride as a Dutchwoman

My grandma was 12 in Nazi Germany and was an unironic, non-larper Nazi. Feels pretty good.

kek underrated


story time?

how so ?

My great grandma helped process papers to deport 2 million Mexicans during fdr's reign.


My great Grandpa got mustard gassed in World War I. He also got some medal for capturing a bunch of Germans by himself or something. I'm not sure though since the history of that side of the family is muddled. On the Welsh side my Great Grandpa got black lung.

I hope the day of the rope doesn't happen the day after I get new work boots then since I have to a lot.

My grand grandfather was a major, discharged general major, of the wehrmacht infantry. He was in charge of the blaue divisione of Spanish volunteers, and before in the major state of the 3rd tank division in Russia.

That faggot never had a grandmother.

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why did he delete everyone walks a dinosaur ending?

I too am a Jew and Nazis are bad!

>We will play this as a mission in battlefield VI
Fuck me

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The evolution of the pic is getting Wilder by the day.

>stole a boat from the French
Based French oppressor.

>She was hot when she was in the camps

To be fair most jews were pretty hot haha.
Like on fire haha.

fuck off kike

then they claim they executed **(civilians)**

jewery never ends
OP is a gay gook

my great grandfather was a courier in ww1 and saved a general who was stuck in no-mans land or some shit

Step grandpa was a Panzer 3 driver in North Africa who got captured by free French volunteers. Spent the war in a pow camp and 5 years in Western Germany before coming to the USA. All he wanted to ever do was be a butcher and the war got in the way.

> 1 post by this ID
and then everyone clapped, right?

There are none.
Pleanty of natsoc tho.

My great gramps got arrested in US for being an enemy of the United States during WWII. His crime? He listened to every single Mussolini speech on short range radio and (((they))) got to him.

Attached: Benito_Mussolini_Speech.jpg (367x479, 29K)

....pls clap for my grandma

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My great great grandfather designed the tracks tanks used in ww2 but didn't patent it and had his idea stolen by the first person he showed

indeed we all have our roles to play.

i get it.

Things that never happened.

this is false
my grandfather was a german nazi who told me about how he and his pal left 5 marks and one nigger tied up in their car for five minutes and some jewish women stole the whole thing to bring that black man into Brittan

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yeah OK . I totally believe this

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Why is water wet?

>Things that never happened.
It was real in my mind

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based memaw
did she find any of the figures that were hiding?

My favorite iteration yet.

Dice have to make a new DLC based on that jewess

Kikes and their vivid imagination.. funny

There were tanks with tracks in WW1.
What is patentable about tracked tanks?

Attached: WW1-Tank.jpg (388x130, 14K)

>Germans wanted to remove all jews!
>Germans wouldn't let any jews escape!
yeah that makes sense