They raped her and sawed her head off while she cried for momma

They raped her and sawed her head off while she cried for momma.

But hey, the roastie got what she deserved, right bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No white person deserves that


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>But hey, the roastie got what she deserved, right bros?

Yep pretty much

She did because their dumb asses went to a shit skin country without armed guards. What did they think would happen?

She was for open borders so yes, she got what she deserved.

If she was a right winger against immigration? Then she would just be dumb as fuck but still not deserving of such a fate

>play stupid games
>win stupid prizes

Still, I feel that the male responsible for her (e.g., father, brother, perhaps an uncle of some sort) should be punished somehow. Maybe spend some time in the stocks. I'll have to think about it.

>travel multicultural wonderland
>White status revoked

>Conquer multicultural hellscape
>White status confirmed

....your choice

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If I drive over 100 miles and hour while drunk, the odds are I would crash and die.
If I was an attractive blonde lesbian with a somewhat attractive blonde lesbian girlfriend and I decided to hike through a shithole 3rd world country that keeps their women covered and makes it difficult for men to have sex with anything other than a goat, then I shouldn't be surprised by the outcome.

Not only did they get what they deserved, they got exactly what they asked for.

Refugees welcome! #NotAllMuslims

I find it hard to have sympathy because if I was her friend and warned her not to go to vacation there because it was dangerous she would have called me racist.


>hating roasties mutually exclusive with hating islam

>But hey, the roastie got what she deserved, right bros?

Literally who? They all look the same

I'm pretty sure the one in the vid didn't get raped she still had her panties on and didn't cry for her mom she just said "OWWW" a few times


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Is there any info on the other girl? You don't seem to hear anything about her. Also what would the prison sentence be like for the three? re their prison as terrible as some of the southeast asian ones?

I'm Moroccan myself and disgusted by the things some people say here on Jow Forums. You guys must be real frustrated woman hating basement dwellers.

they choose to whore around in shitnigger country instead of raising white children there is nothing else to say unless its something funny

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this is just sad.
the pointless death of 2 (reasonably) pretty girls
>lets all laugh at the lefty 'roasties' though

>the roastie got what she deserved, right bros?
Toll paid in full
No more coal burning debt outstanding
Stupid game was played
Stupid prize has been won

When will women learn?

>raped, sawed...

I dont believe any of this.
They said they were murdered in a tent but the video shows a different place.
You (((shills))) cant even organize your bullshit stories correctly. gys

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Sorry, I do not speak Jihadese.
What did OP mean by this post?

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Learn to reflect on your actions

>she cried for momma

they didn't deserve to be beheaded, of course, much like you don't deserve to be run over when you jaywalk, the consequences are out of proportion to the offense

nevertheless you know cars are quite lethal to pedestrians

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The way to get more coverage of this story, which is a redpilling fucking machine, is to get onto some silly femenist web site or youtube channel and point people at pol and say "look these alt-righters are happy they got enriched isnt this disgusting".

People will flood here to get their outrage endorphin hit, and become redpilled by researching the story and the video of these women, and by the other pol content.

So fuck off over to some womans site and talk about how incels are talking shit about these silly dead bitches.

Yeah, serves them right, lol. You're just butthurt because they were pretty white woman, otherwise you wouldn't give a fuck.

Video link pleaseere

How did she come to be out in those woods, in that country, with those men? Was it a long series of stupid and naïve choices? Did no one tell her she was stupid and naïve? So many questions no one is answering...

Right Wing white girls dont get murdered in shithole countrys on sex vacations. This a liberal trait.

Either do something about it in the streets, use it to redpill people or keep crying on the internet.

>If she was a right winger against immigration?
She probably wouldn't have gone to a third world shit hole, for one.
Seems to me like this issue is self solving.

They probably laughed and called the people warning them about the trip prejudice bigots

yeah women freaking SUCK

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Women are like children.
If your child climbs a tree and gets hurt, that's an important lesson.
If your child plays in traffic and dies, no lesson was learned and you are a horrible parent.

Anyone saying this was a good thing and they learned a lesson is subhuman. Nothing hood happened. They died and we are horrible parents.

She went to go hiking at a popular tourist spot.

And your country is a bunch of backwards low IQ shitskin motherfuckers that are holding back mankind. Every single person living in Africa, except for the few white people that are there, deserve to die so that they're no longer a plague on the future progress of mankind.

i.e. Go kill your entire family and friends, then kill yourself Muhammad, you goat fucking barbarian.

You are missing the point
Then upload on all pornsites
The point is to make white people aware and how utterly stupid it is to be an EAT.PRAY.LOVE moran with no self awareness

When you are a weak person who has no power or control over a tragedy. You blame the victims so you dont have to face your own uselessness.

If this was you, or your mother and sister, these lefty traitors would be the first ones to come to the defense of the Muslims and say that the attack had nothing to do with Islam.

They are not worth crying over.

Part of excitement and adventure is risk. Exploration has historically been a male pastime. Today the west is so safe women can't fathom the gritty mortality of reality

Yes and so will you for defending their poorly thought out and impulsive actions. If I went to the negro enclave across town and was beaten to death and robbed would you see me as a martyr or just fucking stupid for relaxing around blacks? Once again, just like the Hannah Hays ordeals, incels are hijacking a movement.

Achmed Mohammed: Pls don't blame the murderous bunch of muslims who committed these brutal murders, blame the victims.
Alahu Ackbar you gullible fucks!

Their daughter grew up to be a brainwashed whore and get murdered. They've been punished enough.

This is a divide and conquer tactic. Of course they were idiotic bluepilled NPC’s. I don’t hate people for saying they got what they deserved. I hate dirty rat muslims for killing a white person. The issue is not about whether or not they deserved it. The issue is when we will choose to take the fight to them instead. It’s been a long time coming and I can’t wait until the time is right to say “screw your optics”

should you hire a brigade of mercanaries if you go to america and get gangraped by a pack of porchmonkeys? no

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>Pro open borders
>Decided to hike in a backwards country where men are known to beat up, rape and kill their own women regularly.
Yeah I'm pretty sure she was at fault here.

Watch the video, retard. She is literally saying "av, av, mor!" which means "ouch, ouch, mom!"
Watch the video yourself instead of relying on articles

>But hey, the roastie got what she deserved, right bros?
Yes. It's the consequence of their actions.

They got what they got. Deserved has nothing to do with it.

It's so poorly shopped. It's not even funny. But yeah tho. I don't have much sympathy for retards that go to sandnigger zones by themselves for muh travels.

Yes absolutely without a doubt. Let the traitors suffer

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Jow Forums is allied with based and redpilled islam

She spilled for mass immigration. Always kill a traitor before an enemy Jim Jam

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Well that's how I feel bout it anyway, yeah.


unironically yes

Here’s the thing, women are dumb as shit, so they didnt really deserve it.

Just as anti white men should reflect on theirs

yup, u nigger humans r absolutely F_U_C_K-E-D

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Absolutely this. And she was not the first feminist to go to a Muslim country and get killed.

As long as women still think Islam is peaceful this will continue to happen.

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I explained it here
She's dead to, her head is seen at the end of bestgore's longer video.

What's this "we" business you limp wristed poofter
I'm looking for the rape videos

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Morocco is the first country that recognized the USA's independence.

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The downvotearoonies just make this funnier. Kek.

They are just picking away at the white man's tolerance over and over, day by day, year by year to see how far the white man can be pushed before he finally pushes back.

>Not using this opportunity to go "See, this is what we want to protect you from!"
Nope, you just have to gloat about being right and miss a key opportunity to sway opinions.

Whole situation pisses me off.

From the bluepilled NPC idiots traveling to fucking Morocco by themselves, to the disgusting subhuman Islam roaches being violent idiotic animals to the bluepilled "alt right" nerds claiming "roasties got what they deserved" while patiently seeing how their people and women get exterminated.


Yeah, pretty much.

Retard, what is your point? That the real bad guys are the ones who enjoy schadenfreude?

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Humans haven't even LIVED on those other planets idiot. No lives so no deaths.

>Lay there with your ass up in the air waiting for another rape
Av! Av! Mor! Arghhh....

What a stupid slut. Not only ugly and dumb, she wasn't even productive. Was taking a worthless degree and trying to fuck above her level by fucking brown men. Nothing of value was lost.

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No, the people saying that (the og ones) were Jews. Then the more impressionable Anons adopted the sentiment. Stop falling for Jewish d&c; the tactics never change.

Ironically, by adopting this sentiment, they are closer to supporting civic nationalism than a racial form of it. Fuck 'em. Ineffectual, the lot of them.
Then upload on all pornsites

Ofcourse it was better if she didn't got killed but yeah that's karma for her. Open borders = white genocide. So basically she got what she deserved and wanted.

You guys keep saying #NotAllMen all the time (when it comes to debunking rape culture) and when a couple of perverted murderers that aren't white do something you just keep yelling
>muh Islam!

These two bitches didn't deserve to die, be raped or any harm.

Y'all do.

I hope we meet in WWIII battlefield. I'll be glad to slit your throats, you trad-cucks.

It's not a matter of deserving, but one of cause and effect. The only ones who deserve something here are the Jews who made them think they would be safe around those people.

yea, but 100% of every1 who drinks water dies

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>implying it's only hating roasties you agree on

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Lots of the shitskins seem to use nordic proxies. Here's an example.

>>Lay there with your ass up in the air waiting for another rape
At that point she is probably so broken that she becomes like the mouse being played with by the cat that doesn't even try to get away anymore.

What if that man genuinely really like tacos that much?

lmao what's with all these shills suddenly getting mad at us for "allowing" this to happen? Is this a new shill tactic?

yeah but where is the rape. this is lame

Here's another shitskin with an American flag. This is extremely common. Probably a spic.

>she made a poor choice and paid the price

I don't think she "deserved" it, but when you play stupid games, you get stupid prizes.

Tells volume about you and others who post here.

>they did not have sex with me so they should instead die
holy fuck why are incels so fucked in the head?

Pure aryan

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We have to defend our beautiful white women.

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You deserve whatever you don't prepare for.
>no self defense training
>no rape prevention training
>no situational awareness
>no cultural awareness
>no mace
>no firearms
>no male security or chaperones
>three local muslims
Exactly WHAT were they prepared for? A vacation. That's it. As soon as a threat approached them, they were so devoid of training they couldn't even recognize it as a threat. They are literally the dumb blond sorority girls in the horror film that walk back into the house where the killer lives.

What has you triggered?

>Lay there with your ass up in the air waiting for another rape
Her hands were bloody before the beheading. She tried to fend them off and ended up getting sliced up for it.

I forgot.... greetings from /x/. Faggot.
No 'human' can ever know the 'Truth'. Once a 'person' does, they are no longer 'Human'.

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Tjinmm of it this way. They sacrificed themselves to give us great propaganda and memes.

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Sven you cuck, if a roastie went to some niggerhood in Detroit alone, yes they too would have deserved it and should have hired mercenaries.

Moral of the story: don't go to places full of niggers and dunecoons alone and expect them to act like humans, because they're not