Should I wake my boyfriend up with a blowjob?
I'll start with saying that he once mentioned he would like that, but I had never done it. Its been a long time since then.
Also weve had a very stressful few days. A lot of depression and fighting, but everything is settled and good now. We had a lot of stress yesterday because of a whole thing of his best friend being an asshole (theyre not on talking terms) and our cat using the bathroom on our couch. (Long story). He also has a bad sunburn (shoulders) from the camping trip we were just on, where he got very little sleep. He got home from work at 7 am this morning, and its now 3:30.
Im just anxious that if i do do it, hell get upset or annoyed and push me off. He isnt the most sexual person. But also maybe it would make him feel better?
He also hasnt showered in whiiiillleee because of things but i could probably suck ot up to make him happy...
Anyone have any advice?
Should I wake my boyfriend up with a blowjob?
I'd go for it, I wish my girl would think of things like this for me lol
Do it when he had enough sleep.
Can someone please explain to me how this image is possible?
What's even remotely difficult about it? You break off part of the banana and put a hot dog in.
They combined banana and hotdog genes.
That constitutes as a rape. You're a sick fuck.
Should I dress a certain way? I sleep naked so I'm naked now, but maybe it would be hotter if I put something sexy on, or just a robe?
It's an extremely common thing that many a man has rejoiced over. Whether or not it's rape, it's a common thing many if not most guys enjoy.
Studies have shown most women enjoy rape as well so by your logic rape should be legal. You're a disgusting sack of shit. Don't reply to my posts ever agian.
Lmao fuck off he has told me before that he wants me to surprise him with it at some point and if he wakes up and doesnt want it ill just stop yall needa calm down
Look at the pixels.
Fantasizing about rape and enjoying being raped are two very different things. I'm saying that many men enjoy their partner waking them up with a blow job, and that it's a case where strict definitions of rape start to get in between human relationships. It's sexual assault to kiss a girl without asking, but almost all girls don't want you to ask beforehand, especially in a relationship.
We know each others boundaries and what were okay with. Anything is really on the table until you hear a no or stop and then you do. It isnt that hard lmao.
That's pretty much what I was saying. In a relationship consent is assumed but can be still retracted at any time. Don't know why couldn't handle it.
If you wanted to wash the area with a soft, warm cloth first, I don't think he'd mind.
lmao I was thinking about the threads where a girls boyfriend would do something when they were sleeping and everyone cried rape.
What a time to be alive.
I regularly wake up with morning wood, but I can't for the life of mine masturbate in the morning. My erection just gets spongy and I have a hard time cumming. In the evening it's a different story. Anyone else?
I do this at least once a week for my husband. He loves it
I would say no.
A surprise blowjob is always welcomed, don't get me wrong, but doing it while he is sleeping is just weird.
There are two parts of why a blowjob is a cool thing for a guy.
The first thing is the physical thing, it feels great. The second thing, which I would say is the most important thing, is the mental part of it.
Do it when he comes home one day as a greeting turned sexual, do it while you ask him about his day. You pick a scenario where you want to do it and then go for it.
When he is sleeping, he wakes up to it and you rob him of the mental aspect of it.
There is no buildup.
That's because girls don't like sex.
That is akin to sexual assault.
I'm sure he'll enjoy it as long as he doesn't drink a lot of liquids before going to bed.
Go for it, and try being more dominant than usual because he will act weird in the first moment no matter what.
If he reacts aggressively he probably needs to go for a piss, and sexual acts lock up your urinary tract causing a lot of pain.
I can't imagine him being upset about it unless he desperately needs the sleep.
fucking do it. wait till he has a shower and clean tho, and after hes gotten at least 6 hours sleep