Do girls care more about height than looks? Especially white girls
Do girls care more about height than looks? Especially white girls
they can get both
Don’t try to understand women. Just focus on getting jacked. Everything else will fall into place once you get big enough.
Gotta strive to have it all, but all things being equal it seems like height edges out looks. Although I imagine being extremely ugly or extremely short will easily outweigh the other factor in any situation.
1. Be higher than her
2. Be good looking mother fucker
easy puss
the height thing is mostly a meme
most girls will care about face way more than about how tall you are (as long as you're a few cm taller than her)
if u taller by 3 inches than her u be fine
but yeah she will pick tall over attractive obviously
>Especially white girls
White girls don't care about anything. They get so much attention for just being white they do whatever they want.
height is part of looks. you can be 6'4 but if you're a skinnyfat autist you're not going to get any
The dudes I see with the most girls are in the 5'10, 5'11 range.
I almost NEVER see a guy over 6'2 with a girlfriend. Height is a meme. Girls only want the average of every attribute for some reason.
>I almost NEVER see a guy over 6'2 with a girlfriend.
It depends on where you live. In mid-America people tend to be taller so up to 6' 6" is no problem finding girlfriend.
Above that can be a problem
That is bullshit
I know everyone says it, and everyone is tired of hearing it, but it really depends from girl to girl.
Some care, some don't. If you're not tall you can't change it, deal with the hand you've been dealt
Money>>>>>>Social standing>Face>Height>PP>>>>>>Personality>>>>>>>>>everything else
It depends on a number of factors and the type of person you're trying to pursue. Generally money and social standing are going to be a significant determining factor in your ability to find a partner and maintain a meaningful relationship. Bonus points if you happen to have a nice face and are around the 5'10" mark. In Australia, at least where I'm from, who you're friends with probably plays the biggest part in who you can and cannot date as I've seen extremely average looking men dating gorgeous women. These blokes tend to be hard working (tradies) and have lots of friends. We're social creatures and our ability to be social is important in the eyes of anyone regardless of whether you're trying to find a man or a woman.
I like being dominated by smaller men, it shows their power over me despite their size difference
Australian women are all extreme social butterflies
They would prefer 6/10 looks ‘social chad’ than 8/10 looks low friend group normie
>the height thing is mostly a meme
t. manlet
Women want guys 5'9 at MINIMUM, below 6'0 is pushing it for their standards.
Yes. I'd rather date a tall guy than a short pretty one.
I'm a tall guy at 6'3". Got an email I could hit you up? [spoiler]>inb4 thirsty[/spoiler]
Height will always make you appear better looking and more powerful. It's a confirmation bias.
Depends where you live and you gotta be realistic. If you're 5'7-5'9 try dating shorter girls
I think so, it's basic biology if I'm bigger than her it means I can protect her (in theory) better. I myself don''t care about height more than I care about weight.
They care about money more than either
This. It’s misrable waking up a 5 2 man with a bigger ego than my height allows without people thinking I’m compensating.
I've dated across the height spectrum. My ex-husband was 6'9 and I'm 5'2. Everything was uncomfortable. Walking any where, holding hands, fuck even having sex was a chore. Give me a guy at my height or maybe 3 inches taller at the most and I'm golden.
You fell for the height meme bitch. Get fucked. Suffer.
>6'9 and I'm 5'2
Really? That's almost two feet taller than you, what the fuck?
That's because men of average or below average height have better looks. When is the last time you saw a guy 6'3" or taller who is good looking? That's right, they are pretty rare.
Talk about coping. Height will always take away from your looks. The taller you are the less physically attractive you are. Fortunately, girls don't care about looks as much as guys do, so that's why even tall men can get girls.
Biggest mistake of my life. Tall people have it hard. Finding clothing for that mongoloid was hard and expensive. Shoes was as well. A bed? Yeah had to be a california kind or nothing. Shower heads were never tall enough. Cars never had enough leg room. Plus his entire family was like that. His sister who was 15 or so at the time was 6'2.
>girls don't care about looks as much as guys do
But his height made your cunt wet, didn't it?
>Do girls care more about height than looks?
Height is only an issue once it becomes an issue.
If you're a 5'9" manlet dating a 5'9" woman, it usually won't matter, they just won't wear heels often.
If you're a 5'6" dwarf dating a 5'6" woman, it usually won't matter, they just won't wear heels often.
If you're 5'6" and trying to date anyone taller you're probably fucked.
Women won't care what you look like or how tall you are until it causes problems with their social capital, they don't want people talking about the height difference or how they are dating someone so much less attractive than they are.
In all of those years I think he and I had maybe 3 or 4 memorable nights. Every act of any sexual encounter was unbearable plus tall people are not coordinated.
I’m a 5’7” basically 5’6” guy dating a 5’9” girl, and I’m not even that into her. The two girls I’m crushing on are 5 foot and 5’4”. I don’t know how this chick who’s taller then me had such an interest in me but she does...
I dunno I basically have come to the conclusion that attraction must be more complex and personal then simple shit like man must be tall women must be short man must be manly women must be womanly. The main reason I say this is that sometimes I get turned down by ugly chicks that I think are well within my league, and then this hot bitch comes along and actually liked me... so how’s that work...
Where do you get this garbage from? The 5'6" guys I know all have no trouble getting girls of all heights. It's not uncommon to see tall girls with shorter guys.
Gee, I wonder why such a nice and stable guy like you is still a virgin. It must be your height. If you were tall you'd be swimming in pussy.
>taller you are the less attractive
Exactly the opposite, though. There's a limit of course, most women probably don't want a guy taller than 6'3 or 6'5. On the other hand, a woman being shorter is generally regarded as more attractive by men but that doesn't mean men want midgets.
What makes you say that? It's generally accepted the most physically attractive white males are around 5'8" to 5'10".
I wouldn’t want to date a low confidence loser who concerns himself mostly with superficialities.
>tall people have it hard
Abnormally short or tall people have it hard. Average tall people are living in easy mode.
Why you being so rude bitch
>Alain Delon will never be your bf
Why live
Not him, but I never understood these posts girls make about guys. Where did you get that he was a virgin and claimed to be a nice guy or whatever? Or is it just damage control since his post somehow offended you?
manlet detected
I'm 5'6". Some care about one more than the other. But no girl is not attracted to someone who is confident and outgoing. I know it sounds like bullshit but it's true.
Well statistically 5'6" guys get more pussy than tall guys.
What if the girl is tall? Like 6' or more
Do they still limit themselves to guys taller than them?
This make my penis the big penis.
It also motivates me to go back to the gym.
I'm not him but he is right dude
I know a 5’7” guy that gets more ass than a toilet seat but he’s cocky which sort of compensates for his lack of height
160cm Guy here, dated plenty of taller women, It doesn't matter as much If you are not constantly showing insecurity about It, the only real difference is: If you are asking them out there's a higher chance of being rejected, but jeep trying And you are golden
looks > height
>the height thing is mostly a meme
>just get jacked
works everi tiem
Honestly i like shorter guys I'm not into scrawny string bean looking dudes
in what a shitholecountry do you live?
No girl limits herself to guys taller than her. That includes girls over 6'.
Someone got triggered. How come?
Height is part of looks.
It defines the bodytype and looks mainly. Too tall and you are lanky and awkward for example.