The Reason You Are So Retarded

I think I've figured out why Jow Forums is full of retard, kys, lonelyhearts dullards. You fucks didn't play outside and so you don't know how to fucking entertain yourselves. Here's how this Gen X'er spent childhood:
Age 2-4: lots of time spent outside digging in the dirt, trying to climb small trees in the yard, standing in the back yard screaming at the top of my lungs to get the neighbor kid to come out, playing through the fence with the neighbor kid once he came out, pretending to be a dinosaur or airplane or robot or other shit (usually stomping around growling, firing pretend ray beams or having my rocket booster blast me off into the air as my helpless victims looked like ants below)
age 5-10: playing in my neighborhood outdoors everyday with other kids; street soccer, football, baseball, tennis, etc.; riding bicycles around the neighborhood in all weather from sun up to whenever the street lights came on
age 11-15: rode our bicycles all over the entire city and out into exurbs; started our own businesses mowing lawns; saved/spent money on shit we want
age 16: saved up from work and bought a car
age 17: girlfriend
age 18: college

Compare/contrast with your retard childhood.

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In what fucking universe do you walk outside and actually fucking see a single human being that isn't walking to or from their car
People tell me they spent their childhood playing outside with people and all I can respond is THERE ARE NO FUCKING PEOPLE OUTSIDE

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Don't remember
Baller in elementary school, started Ice Hockey, Snowboarding, tons of friends
Kind of an outcast in first middle school, move to a new middle school middle of 7th grade and immediately became one of the popular kids
Lost virginity, started smoking weed, tons of friends, going to parties every weekend
Pretty much high school chad at this point
Joined restaurant industry cause was sick of school, all friends went off to college, making great money but completely alone

Spent the next two years alone af but now I'm going to college and just got a gf

>Age 2-4: lots of time spent outside digging in the dirt, trying to climb small trees in the yard, standing in the back yard screaming at the top of my lungs to get the neighbor kid to come out, playing through the fence with the neighbor kid once he came out, pretending to be a dinosaur or airplane or robot or other shit (usually stomping around growling, firing pretend ray beams or having my rocket booster blast me off into the air as my helpless victims looked like ants below)
I did exactly this

>age 5-10: playing in my neighborhood outdoors everyday with other kids; street soccer, football, baseball, tennis, etc.; riding bicycles around the neighborhood in all weather from sun up to whenever the street lights came on
Yeah also did exactly this

>age 11-15: rode our bicycles all over the entire city and out into exurbs; started our own businesses mowing lawns
did this
>saved/spent money on shit we want
did this but only wanted video games

>age 16: saved up from work and bought a car
ok did this

>age 17: girlfriend

>age 18: college
did this

exactly how was this supposed to help, asshole?

Legit question from the gay-tard generation. Answer: You knock on doors of neighbor kids' houses. If you're a little kid, you ask if the kid wants to come out to play. Once you get to be 10 or so, you ask something more badass like, "Hey, wanna go do somethin'?" Some of the kids will say no or they are grounded or too retarded, but some kids will say yes. Play with them.

This is typical sad childhood. Nothing memorable as a little kid. Only organized activities in elementary school; no initiative on the kid's part required. Since you learned not to do anything for yourself in elementary school, with your gay ass organized activities, now you're in food service. Your life is fucked.

I did very little of the things you did and am happily married making $100k+/year writing software with lots of friends and a loving family. My life is fantastic.

>responds to post directed to retard, kys, lonelyhearts dullards
>claims life is fantastic


2-4 I remember my dad hitting my mothers and playing with bricks
5-10 I remember being more social but always lonely
11-15 I was ostracized and hated by everyone
16 I started coding
17 I got my first girlfriend
18 is when I finish my exams

Its ok, user. I'm sure your childhood was perfect and you're perfect.

Sorta the usual childhood, went outside, played with kids and did kid stuff. Diagnosed with the autism then everything started taking a nosedive.

Life became about video games, mom sheltered the shit out of me while school was stupid and shoved me in the retard room locked away from other kids further fucking up my social experience. Spent most of my time believing I was a piece of shit that got in the way of everyone. Barely learned a damn thing compared to other people that age.

Moved to a different school that wasn't retarded about autism and I started learning how to socialize. Spent most of my time still insecure as hell about myself but start realizing a lot of shit I thought when I was younger was bullshit. Started teaching myself how to draw.

Became depressed as hell and locked myself away from a lot of people into a NEET life. Focused on drawing and wasted a lot of time reading stupid shit on Jow Forums.

Started taking care of my looks more, got my drivers license and have been trying new hobbies, went out on dates with girls to improve confidence and learn how to socialize more, getting ready to get a new job and move out.

Despite fucking up horribly with a girl I really got along with I think this year has been amazing for my growth. I don't fear rejection as much anymore and I just want to learn and grow from mistakes and hope people I meet allow me the time to do it. If this autistic kid can grow out of being a insecure NEET I believe most of you assholes can do it too so keep trying. You'll do great if you allow yourself to.

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Good for you user

Too young to remember. I don't know probably did dumb toddler shit.
Discovered video games. Got into a lot of fights at school because I went to a private school and the kids were rich douchebags. My parents pretty much spent a large chunk of their pay to afford my private schooling so I was easily among the poorest kid there. I also got fat and was made fun of mercilessly. That usually is what started the fights.
Did sports. Sometimes I'd have two or three practices per day after school. Was still fat. Still played and obsessed over video games. After 8th grade finally got away from the kids I'd spent the last 10 years with. Went to public school. Joined football and lost 50lbs but still fat.
Continued playing football. Parents didn't want me to get a job because I was to focus on studies. Discovered MMOs and played the shit out of those instead. Had oneitis really bad and missed multiple chances to get laid by girls very obviously flirting with me. Everyone at school liked me but I was still not part of the cool kids. Still fat.

Same as 16 but got really into music and metal. Joined a band. Still fat. Still a kissless dateless virgin.

Band broke up. Quit football. Went to senior ball alone. Had some girl pity dance with me and that was the closest I got to getting laid my entire high school career. Still fat. Graduated and got the hell out of there.

Had to lose my virginity to a whore since I went through college and my entire 20s being a kissless virgin. Have a good job, a degree, a house, a car, and friends/family who love me. Still very fat and addicted to strippers/escorts/camgirls.

You never did shit for yourself. Organized sports like football, video games... You got cheated out of a chance to just fuck around being a wild kid running around loose in the world. So how the hell are you supposed to know what to do with yourself now? There is no organized team of 20-somethings to tell you how to play and you never got to learn on your own.

You're fucked.

I did boy scouts for awhile too. We did lots of camping together and fucking off being dumb kids. Obviously not enough, though.

Boy scouts used to be a good deal in the 80's. Now it's some screwed up gender-bender BS. I don't know where along the way it turned gay-tarded. In the 80's we camped a lot, all weather, all year, long hikes with heavy packs, we ate wild edibles, we made our own lean-to's, we slept under the stars, we pulled a sledge through the snow for miles, we used map and compass, we carried sheath knives, we built our fires from flint and steel and cooked on the fires we built.

I’m in the Irish scouts and they let girls in, it’s just fine

It might be fine like you aren't shooting porn videos or getting preggers, but it's not at all fine that you aren't getting to be boys. Read Lord of the Flies and tell me about where the girls fit in.

I don’t get what you mean.
But I sort of agree, let boys become men, not stigmatized that

I literally did all of that.

When boys are with girls, boys think about the girls. They think about what their secret underthings might feel like or what their little wobbly bits might look like and whether the girl likes them and how they might be nice to kiss. Boys in the woods alone together don't think about any of that shit. They get to be boys. They don't bathe for days, they become their wildest and most terrible selves and are better for having learned that part of themselves and seeing it in others. Boys in the wild alone get to face fears, have courage, feel pain, run wild. Their best selves emerge and they learn things about themselves like how they feel compassion for their hurt friend, they help one another, some emerge as leaders - none of this is possible in the self-conscious social context of the presence of girls.

Yeah I wasn't allowed outside as a kid. It led to a sedentary lifestyle and I only really socialized at school. But I knew these things and I tried to do something about it when I got older but it's hard. It feels like I'm just hardwired this way

You were robbed of something important.

Outside everyday with neighbors and played in the dirt
Played sports outside
Played sports for town/high school
Partying and weed (outside, kinda)

My dad was overprotective, he came from a rough neighborhood and eventually we even had to move back there at one point. I used to blame him, but really at a certain point I could've done something about it. I could've said something or even gone in another route and snuck out whenever I wanted and not give a fuck. I would've been fine.
It's just harder to try to deal with it as an adult because things are so different now. Don't wanna sound defeatist but it just feels like it's too late


Now if only your generation could figure out how to parent, because you are the people raising the shitty kids that everyone complains about. Your generation played outside, but apparently it didn't help you figure out giving a cell phone to an 8 year old is a bad idea. Complain all you want, but who do you think are the ones raising kids to behave this way?

Fuck Gen-X.

God I fucking hate normalfags


I know the feeling. I only really ever left the house to go to school. And sometimes the store. I never went to any parties or friend's houses, either. My parents were and still are insanely overprotective, and my mom is a social recluse. So I guess I am, too. I did have three siblings, and they were... Ok. So i wasn't totally socially fucked. Could never spend time with more than one or two at a time, though.

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You'll get no argument from me here. Coupling for Gen X is an unmitigated disaster from where I stand. The women of Gen X were a trainwreck. It made finding a mate next to impossible. After a long string of unsuccessful relationships, most of my peers just didn't trust any longer. It stems, I think from the broken homes we saw in the 80's, which were a relatively new phenomenon. The Gen X skepticism of authority transcended institutions such as marriage and it was just a disaster. That's no foundation upon which to build families or raise children. I'm not here as a Gen X apologist, but as a rallying cry for the youth of today to let themselves run a bit wild. To have the courage to face fears, allow themselves to become a bit terrible and ferocious and free. Not in the drug addled, lazy ass gamer on welfare in mom's basement sense, but in the sense that it's okay to fail, but it's not ok not to try to be true to yourself.

Can't do anything went to kindergarten
Playing videogames mom always spank me with a hard object because I'm stupid as hell. But cared about school and got a honors in my class.
Graduated elementary and went to highschool. Expecting my highschool life would be great but I got the opposite. I lost my motivation to study, l became lazy as heck, most of my class make fun of me.
Graduated highschool trying to go back from where I was before but can't managed it studying college no gf's because I am still focusing to get my degree.

School, vidya, getting ridiculed... Cuck from cradle to grave.

Your post screams insecurity to prove yourself. You don’t help by ridicule

>its another Chad projects his accomplishments as a bar for what everyone else has to reach thread


Yes Indeed but I don't want ro be like this.

I spent my time working my fucking ass off since child hood and now im gonna work harder so good job guy.

This universe, kids play inside and outside.

>thinks playing outdoors is a accomplishment

You don’t have to be. Put down the iPad, pull on your hiking boots and go into the wilderness alone. It may take time, but it will come.

Watch It or Stand By Me. Notice how the boys adventure all day? That was a typical day in my childhood and totally alien to kids today.

Thanks for simplifying a topic so entirely complex and actively disregarding religious belief, culture, education, social status, gender, upbringing, relationship status of parents, ..........

Same here except it was my mother who was over protective. She grew up in a 3rd world country, walked with her friends to school, went to the park, climbed trees, etc. But when she had us here in the US, she would forbid any actions. She was paranoid by CNN and other news outlets. One time, when I was in 2nd grade, a friend asked me if I could have a playdate with him. I asked my mother, and she told me about a recent killing of a child at a playdate... I still wanted to go, but she had already made her mind on it.

I was never allowed to do anything unless my older (by 1 year) sister accompanied me. I never had a childhood.