Ask someone who exclusively goes after women in relationships anything

Ask someone who exclusively goes after women in relationships anything

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What makes you think this is interesting enough to start a thread?

Y u do dis?

Because pretty much everyone that posts on this board is lonely af and I think its fun

Its a lot more satisfying sweeping a woman off her feet and having her leave behind everything than finding some random bitch at the bar

What's the longest you've been with one of these women?

3 years

Are you a nigger

Had 2 run ins with this, the first time was in high school but the kid was a little bitch and got the shit kicked out of him and then thrown out of the party

2nd time the guy came to the girl I was withs house to confront me and he got arrested

Honestly though I live for that kinda shit

Nah I'm white

Have you considered the repercussions of stealing the girl of someone who doesn't take the law into consequence and has no problem disfiguring you for revenge? What will you do when this is eventually the case? Sure most guys are non confrontational but you're just playing a numbers game.

I always make the girl break it off before I consider dating her.


Thrill seeking is fun and all but you're tearing up relationships. Its incredibly easy to track people down, lets hope some gang banger doesnt run an asset search for 70$, find your ssi, address and gets his boys to blind side you on your way home. So far you've been confronted by children or idiots. Women are all whores and will always trade up or cheat, living honestly and successfully is more challenging than banging thots that were going to cheat anyway.

Has your girl cheated on You? You might reconsider being on the receiving end. Might not, but you're certainly adding to the pool of shitbags. Ive broken up a few relationships by being the better catch but never intended to break a couple up.

It's not exactly hard to do, the vast majority of women are willing to cheat eventually, just have to find one who's bored enough. I'd say it's actually more of a challenge to get a single woman because she doesn't feel that she's settled yet.

At any rate, if she'll cheat for you she'll cheat on you, you're a fool to stay with any of these women for anything more than a week, and you're a degenerate for having sex outside of marriage.

Are you in a relationship yourself and have you ever cheated on any of these women while in a relationship with one of them?

Also, wanna fuck?

Never, the past 3 LTR's I've been in I broke up with them for various reasons (moving, unlikable personalities to name some). My ex gf from a looong time ago still stalks me.

When you do what I do you learn how to control your girlfriend. A lot of my strategy is simply being better than whoever they're dating. I come from a pretty wealthy family, have a really good career, and know when to be overly sweet as well as assertive

> and you're a degenerate for having sex outside of marriage.
I know this is bait but marrying anyone without finding out if they're good in bed, or even like sex let alone sexually compatible with you is ridiculous.
Also there is nothing a man can get by marrying a women he can't get by staying unmarried.
Can all be achieved outside of signing a contract that binds you to a person that can legally cheat on you, take your children and assets and is an all around bad deal.

Any advice for the stubborn married ones? She never lets me forget about her husband but she keeps talking to me, and though I do believe her I haven't ever seen a ring on her finger desu

Currently I just got into a relationship, never cheated on any of my partners however I have dumped girls in the 'exclusive but not dating' phase for other girls

This, partially. If you're not a bitch and know how to sweep women off their feet they'll do anything to keep you forever. The biggest risk I have usually is women threatening to kill themselves over me and shit

Sounds fun. I would do it myself but I could not live thinking about how there is an increasing number of people out there who want to kill me. I am not rich or anything so I can't afford bodyguards, maybe you can.

It is also kinda dumb. Women commit less and less every passing day, by now it is easier to find single women than taken women.

nice larp op

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>If you're not a bitch and know how to sweep women off their feet they'll do anything to keep you forever.
Any tips?

For starters, be good at sex. And don't take that as "I need to fuck her and make her cum", no you need to work that shit.

Put on some really good music, have intense foreplay, talk to her, make her smile, laugh. Then you can have sex with her, and when you do, fuck her slow and get all the way in her, stare at her in the eyes and talk dirty to her, pin her wrists down, all that shit. Afterwards you need to cuddle with her and just talk, it should be pretty easy to talk at this point, post-sex you should be in a talkative mood.

You want to literally blow her fucking mind while having sex. 90% of women have never had good passionate sex.

>make good money
>Be fit
>live honestly
>dress well
>fuck incredibly well, try to go 5-10x a session if you have the time or learn how if you cant
>understand you're more valuable than her, you REQUIRE more than she does to be attractive
>always treat her like you could dump her
>be willing to walk away from the relationship at any time
>explain nothing, always deflect answers
> learn what a follicular phase is and up your aggression and dominance around that time in her cycle. Fuck the desire to meet other men out of her during this time.
>be unreadable, flat out ghost her for a month, surprise her with an intimate gift and always give her shit and humble her ego
>be interesting and invested in your own priorities and hobbies, Women leech off of your personality and like what you like. If you're boring she's bored
>Never give her ultimatums, if she crosses a line and starts chatting up a guy or whatever, you can't dictate what SHE does but you're not going to be involved with someone who does XYZ and mean it. Just fucking leave. She'll come right back. Ambivilance to outcome is the most attractive feature in a man.

Are you me?

This is great advice, a bit overkill thought, you don't need to go 5-10x a session, if you fuck well enough she should be unable to have sex the rest of the night

Damn this sounds miserable

Its more methodical a little more subtle than that. Some women will make you subconsciously do this too them as well

But I don't want to treat someone/ be treated in that way. I want a person i can talk plainly to about shit at the end of the day and feel comfortable with. Some of the shit user listed (make it sound like you could leave anytime) doesn't sound like a healthy relationship.

You still can, the girl I dated for 3 years our relationship was like the off and on.

When things were going smooth it was just a normal relationship, when things got rocky you go into that mode. You really only have to keep up the act till she's 'happy' again. Then you just go back to normal shit

Also this kind of relationship just might not be your thing. It's mentally exhausting. Also the girls you can pull this off with are generally HUGE nymphos and you'll be expected to have sex ALL the time which can be exhausting

op i like your style but you know as well as i do that this isn't a viable route to completing your civic duty of raising kids to be responsible adults. sure you can slay puss but honestly anyone can hit home runs if they stay in their own ballpark. you're duty bound to making the world a better place by raising the next generation of leaders, anything you do in the meantime is meaningless and strays you away from what matters in life.

Yeah I basically just went into this thread out of curiosity. Going after someone in a relationship really doesn't sit right with me.