Brazilians aren't whi-

Attached: brazil_protest_SP.jpg (1600x1200, 191K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nobody says this but memers. Brazil is only marginally less white than America even, and the southern cone area is still majority white and always will be.

Shills with false Brazil flag and posting misinformation crying out loud

Attached: Brazil_1312218.jpg (1600x1200, 410K)

>there are white people in a country so that means the whole country is white

technically speaking, Brazil is still majority white. It's also projected to remain majority white.


The region from Uruguay to Chile has a lot of white people.

Attached: crowd_sp.jpg (1600x1200, 491K)

by 2050, Brazil be unironically whiter than America. Hell, parts of central Mexico will be whiter than America.

Those are the upper class, most of Brazil is shitskins

Designer Baby technology can change that.

Attached: walking_1315620.jpg (1600x1200, 593K)

If Brazilians shut down on immigration and pump out babies the country may very well be completely white in a few hundred generation, they're the largest genetic group it's promising.

But many are white.

Attached: brazil_patriot_girl.jpg (200x200, 11K)

We will never be fully white. We could have a majority "white" people if at least 20million Europeans were to emigrate to our country.

They look like Beaners.
What's the point?

Brazilians are the proof that good does not exist.

Race is not skin color, despite what your turd world country may believe.
Pro Tip: just one little piece of feces taints a barrel of milk

Attached: albino.png (669x272, 253K)

is the USA white?

Some Brazilians are, some aren't. Pretty simple.

That kid is so cute

>Maybe some are
Most aren't

>pics of random mestizos and mulattoes
>hurr dur white
Sorry, Marcelo, but you will never be white.
You can be many things in life, you can be a detective, you can be an astronaut, but you can never be white.
In order to be white, both of your parents must be white. Only white women can produce white children. Mestizo women and mulattas are incapable of that.


Yeah and way more are non-white which is why Brazil has so many shitholes

Same goes for America all our worst shitholes are full of non-whites Detroit, Baltimore, St.Louis, etc.

Some Brazilians are white but less than 50%

Those aren't Mestizos or mulattoes. Those are the white upper/middle class which is a minority compared to the mass of shitskins.

Mentally brazilians are niggerer than any other South American country

Some of the, mainly in the south, are white, The north is full with fabelaniggers.

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No thoughts on Brazil
People who have been there wrote that mostly shitskins

Chile is white!!! i salute my fellow african south american brazilian brothers. bungueyoo kumbaleee.

Take a lot at that party in Brazil.

Attached: Brazil_Santa_Catarina_party.jpg (2352x1568, 590K)

BRAZILERO !!!!!!!!

Attached: Thumbs Up.jpg (533x300, 37K)

Nothing more cringey than portuguese-indians LARPing as Germans. You're not helping your case

Attached: aw.png (759x481, 34K)

>Posts picture of Cuban refugee

One more Cuban for you

Attached: amanda-goecking.jpg (448x673, 73K)

Picture from the North.

To those who claim "only the South is white".

Attached: Pomeranos-2-600x445.jpg (600x445, 70K)

Brazil's only problem is they tried the bleaching meme and it failed misersbly.

Brazil is mutt-central, what are you trying to prove? That's like posting a picture of downtown detroit and claiming that the US majoritarily black. Just embrace your monkeyness

Holy shit

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Brazil is only 20% protestant white
South Europeans are showing us Catholics are useless.

i hate americans
you know nothing about other countries yet you pretend you are the gods of the planet
yes op is a dumb fugg whos not helping too, but there are white people in brazil.
in the end of the 1800s and beginning of 1900s, after slavery, the gov had a plan to LITERALLY BLEACH the people of this country. Also they wanted white people to work instead of niggers
so what they did?
spread a bunch of propaganda about this land as being plentiful and good to the evropoors
this was before wws, remember.
so germans, north italians and polacks came to the country, and settled in sao paulo, rio de janeiro, parana, santa catarina, rio grande do sul.
The three last states is where the majority of whites on the country are.
they also went to other states too.
So, time passed and i was born, being the descendent of the 5th generation of the italians who first came here to this country. Im in the process of getting citizenship too as i find the birth certificates and etc of my ancestors.
Im also portuguese and partly netherlands descended
yes i might have some drops of negro or indian blood, but my skin is really white and i have gree eyes, too. So even if i do, its an insignificant ammount.
im in Rio de janeiro right now and the negro-descended population is gigantic, if you like mulatas and negras this is the place for you. But there are also whites(tho most are probably contaminated) and they make a big percentage too.

>Brazil is only marginally less white than America
Kek, the two most mongrelized nations on Earth. Cope harder.

The thing about most of Caribbean, Latin and South-American countries is that they're a mix of Europeans, natives and often blacks. So you can divide the nations into sub-populations of Europeans/whites, blacks, natives and just mutts. I even have pure Norwegian relatives who lived in Rio. Most of the nations, with exception of maybe Chile and Argentina, is majority mutt and therefore non-white. Then there are geographical clusters of whites, like in the south of Brazil. What I propose to every white person who lives in such a region is to try to have a secession movement based on their ethnicity so that you can amputate the necrotic third world that is making your life hell.

Most Brazilians with fair skin think they are white, they aren't, and this is why they are bullied by everyone.
They can't even trace their ancestors 3 generations back.

Its simple, if all your great grandparents came here in the immigration wave in the 1800s, and have European surnames you are white.

Portuguese surnames don't count. If you have ancestors with portuguese surnames, they are more likely mutts that came here between 1530-1770~(therefore they mixed), otherwise, if they didn't, it means they came from a more recent immigration wave, which means you could claim portuguese citizenship. If you can't, you are a mutt.

I hope this was informative, might non-white compatriot.

this pic is from pomerode a santa catarina city, ive been there
its literally in the filename ffs

>vai se fuder cara para de zuar os gringos pqp

>yes i might have some drops of negro or indian blood, but my skin is really white and i have gree eyes, too.

pls be baiting

Do you really think majority of our evangelicals are white?

This is a Brazilian chick I discovered after picking an image from a Google who I could say looks like a chick who could potentially be my sister.
But I’m not imagining things when I look and most of them are shades of brown.

Attached: D89FDB7D-45E2-436B-8233-A9175DB39F10.jpg (542x816, 51K)

>Not everyone in Brazil isn't white
Ftfy. Brazil is full of non whites. Yes, there are whites in South America. That doesn't mean that doesn't mean that it's the primary make up.

i read up until the hue hue hue part

how far did you make it anons?

>most of them
Not chicks. Brazilians. There’s Brazilians of them.

I'm showing you the reality. Brazil has at least 40 million whites and more 100 million European-descendants (not necessarily pure white, but on the white phenotype side anyway).

Nope, the pic is from the ES.

Niggers are 13% of Brazil.

That 50% myth doesn't exist. It's clearly a Jewish lie to claim tri-racial people are niggers.

Many DNA tests have been posted here before.

The same people who claim the US was "made by immigrants and not Europeans". We know the US was built by Europeans.

Attached: brazilian_fiorella_mattheis.jpg (300x225, 8K)

i said i might
i only say that because my grandma was born with the mongolian mark
my dad is "pure italian" only in my moms family, who also state they are all white, may there be some mutt blood
also even if i have x ancestry doesnt mean i have x dna.


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Bro just give it up, non-nigger does not equate to white. What part of mutt-central don't you understand? You are all a bunch of brown lunch bags larping as white, what's considered "white" in Brazil is brown shit anywhere else in the civilized world.

you are not brazilian stop using the ip please
>pic is from ES
first its not from ES
second ES is not a "northern state"
third, fuck you
fourth stop citing fake statistics
>13% of brazilians are black
wrong. Thats what brazilians indentify as.
for instance, there was a case that people on the north were indentifying themselves as yellow, but didnt even know what it meant and were not yellow (probably mostly mestiços)

i understand where it comes from for you, since south italians immigrated to the US, but north italians are different. I even know the communes that my ancestors lived.
(austrian border)

kys spic

Brazilians have to be the people with the highest inferiority complexes in the whole world. Why be ashamed of what you are. To build a prosperous country you need to be proud.

Have you ever stopped to think that these things you are told by the so called "white race" from Europe and North America are done just to demoralize you as a people.

They keep telling you cannot be successful the way you are, because they do not want competition from you.

a fucking leaf

brazil is running out of white sperm they need our help pol

Attached: qqqq.png (594x528, 133K)

>t. pasta nigger

Attached: 1543003174187.jpg (348x450, 28K)

>This is a Brazilian chick I discovered after picking an image from a Google who I could say looks like a chick who could potentially be my sister.
You are that British guy who fucked and has kids with your sister

Stop posting photos of mongrels, you stupid mutt
OP is a light skinned mongrel who thinks he is white

trust me we never are gonna be successfull
the people here are just so goddamn dumb and obnoxious u have no idea dude.
think american niggers, but more normal acting
they are simply too dumb to rebel and do anything. It has been like this since day 1 on 1500

>the guy that creates Brazil is white threads

Attached: found the 4channer.png (85x65, 12K)

that guy unironically looks like me

Kek this is me but weaker

Don't forget to donate, white burgers

Attached: FB_IMG_1521822723880.jpg (480x709, 44K)

I have been to Brazil for work purposes, and the country is not the hell idiots on this board make it out to be. It does have problems, but it also does a lot of things really well.

Banking in Brazil is more advanced than here in Canada for starters. Brazilians have more car manufacturers than Canada does, and so on. Most of the companies we have in North America, you have it as well in Brazil. The Sao Paulo stock exchange is the biggest in Latin America, and on a technological level, on par with North America. Brazil has a bigger economy than all of South America put together.

The biggest problem with Brazil is corruption, but Mexico is even worse then Brazil for corruption and violence. This can only be resolved with social change.

Another user

By the way, is this guy the philosopher teacher that has an youtube channel?

Attached: another anon .png (69x56, 9K)

Wrong in so many ways
White means pure european, I doubt more than 5% of the population is white
Niggers are way more than 13%

para de postar unha do polegar cara

Looks like him but he isn't the type of person who would go to a riot


Show flag pajeet




True and black pilling

BASED and REDPILLED on facts.

I'd make a joke about Brazil being non-white but that'd be hypocritical on my part since the US is really not in much of a better position.

>You are that British guy who fucked and has kids with your sister
why are you surprised, toothpaste?

>highest inferiority complexes in the whole world
the pot calling the kettle black

Wow you found some Cariocas. Now post Baianos.

>oh look a larping sheepshagger
just get on with it and fuck your sister mate


Time for a war

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Still incredibly dangerous. Brazilian wealth disparity puts the states to shame. The Brazilian middle class live in gated communities only rivaled by white South African gated communities in regards to security. Many are white flighting to Europe. My wow bro left São Paulo for Denmark a few years back.
All this said, God Bless Brazil and Jair.

My god, you fuckers are fucking stupid. America is not a mutt nation. If you walk down a street in America, you will not see a mixed hybrid. Maybe one out of every 1,000 in a liberal area, 0.000001 out of every 1000 in a conservative area.

Meanwhile, if you were to walk down a street in Brazil, you would see a ton of mixed mulattoes. When the average non-American thinks of the average American, they envision a white guy. When the average non-Brazilian envisions the average Brazilian, they think of a Mexican-looking guy. Sorry Braziltards, but that's the truth and nothing but.

The US has even more racial mixing than Brazil. Brazil is primarily European + Negro + Indian. The US is European+Asian+Bindis+Arabs+Jews+Negros+Indio.

>America is not a mutt nation.
It must be blissful to live in Maine.


Even if all of these people could be considered white, football nationalism is stupid and anyone who practises it should be butchered in the streets.

Indian meaning, Native American.

post hand and time stamp

I live in a major city. 90%+ of the people I see every day are shitskins and mutts many are clearly immigrants that just got here. They are flooding in daily with no sign if stopping. I don't know what paradise you live in but it's not a major city.

I live in a liberal east coast area and I rarely see any mixed people.

Stop fapping and do something for your country.

I have some native blood from my great grandma and I’m White as fuck. If you have negro blood it had to have been like great great grandparent for you not to notice.

Not true, user
Whites in USA are mostly 100% european
Most of "whites" in Brazil are light skinned mongrels with only 70% european DNA

too lazy for that also other anons already posted pics
you can also come here to santa catarina we have some intersting tourism here too

Bro I know all about Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. I know it's not a meme, but the point is if you didn't have that stupid Blanqueamiento policy you'd have more even whites than you do now.

You dumb Spic. The mutts are everywhere. The only major white population are in the rural area or middle america