Morrocan Berbers apologise for the act of their savage Arab countrymen

Morrocan Berbers apologise for the act of their savage Arab countrymen

Attached: berbers.png (1600x900, 1.06M)

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Bump for peace in Morocco

Right. Berbers. Not Arabs. Bandits, not ISIS terrorists. The flimsy right-wing narrative from yesterday is fucking GONE.

Why should these people have to apologize, do white people apologize after every mass shooting for white people

When your country is shit and needs tourism this sort of shit is pretty bad press

Also literally beheading foreigners in their underwear is 100000x worse than mass shootings

Did they do it? Why are they apologizing? Does it make it ok? Is it a trick to keep big titted blondes coming?

He explains how he is a mountain guide and it will effect his business lmao.

This is the worst part.

You know from their faces, they don't give a shit about the girls. They probably all think those infidel whores got what they deserved.

It's all Islam Taqyya, lying bastards.
The only reason they apologize and are all so VERY VERY saddened by those UNSPEAKABLE acts __is because they need the tourism to keep flowing in.

>GUCCI tracksuit
>Speaks English
>Paved streets

Yeah guess they really are berbers


>Also literally beheading foreigners in their underwear is 100000x worse than mass shootings
A level of retardation I have not seen

For optics? Yes it is

People are desensitized to trucks of peace and suicide bombs and mass shootings because they happen so often

Something like this doesn't happen very often, only under ISIS or Mexican cartel maybe and that's not widely disseminated news

To keep Gibbs coming

Like he said, this kind of violence and crime against tourists is new in Morrocco, especially to rural Berbers. Sure, you had the bombing in Marrakesh in 2011 (which is still quite recent when tourism has been present in Morocco since the 1800s), but this kind of brutal violence against innocent people is new. Innocent people's livelihood and their own dignity is also being affected. Arab culture has also always prided itself on its hospitality to outsiders, despite the recent negative stereotypes regarding terrorism that only started since the 80s. All the innocent Arabs can do is just apologise. At least it's better than South Americans who couldn't give a fuck and probably laugh when they find out some tourist got raped and murdered.

>chopped off head

Do you understand group dynamics?

They're doing it because their GDP is 20% tourism. They depend on it.

Give it up, Ahmed. They literally said they're doing it for Syria and ISIS.

“We recognize that Europeans support our nation’s tourism industry and don’t condone murdering potential tourists.”

Well, these lads aren’t idiots at least.

>give up, this is the narrative we're supposed to repeat
>repeat repeat repeat the narrative

God I feel so bad for Morrocco just more trumped up lies from the right wing. That's it my next holiday is going to be taking my daughters over there. I do hear it's beautiful.

I bet you feel pretty stupid now racists. Turns out not everyone in Morrocco is a murderer. Turns out there are murders of every race in every country.

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every Christian will be in hell why people cry about two sluts

any figures or ideas on how tourism has been effected by this or is it too early to tell

>in this country people will invite you to their home
yeah they sure do



...bye bye tourism

The guys who did it were Berbers. There's barely any Arabs left in Morocco and they don't live in Atlas mountains which is pretty much 100% Berber.

I think it is our responsibility to denounce all white mass shooters and terrorists and I'm usually the first one to say fuck em, and to let them rot in hell and that once they commit acts like that, that they no longer belong to the white brotherhood.

Berbers are white

What's it like to have parents that are also niece and nephew?

>go hiking alone in rural appalachia
>nothing happens, maybe some one tries to sell you some meth
>go hiking in berberstan
>get decapped

Attached: 1531448323795.png (640x636, 681K)

god do i wanna go to appalachia

Attached: 1545266870791.png (500x340, 161K)

If you'd make a picture like that with muslims, you wont be able to upload the file.

>want to travel the states more to visit friends, nat parks etc
>cucked Canadian dollar

Attached: fun.gif (400x316, 979K)

>>go hiking alone in rural appalachia
>>nothing happens
Someone needs to watch Deliverance...

dey are good boys they din du nothin

>visit a berber
>ask for a close shave
>damn dyslexia

Attached: 4chinz.jpg (404x164, 18K)

refers to a fictional film. literaly kys fgt.


The common thread you are so artfully avoiding is they are MUSLIMS killing NON MUSLIMS

Fuck no

Another lefty retard wrong about everyhing yet again. The muslim fags made a video the week before they cut these girls throats with isis garb and a flag, and they said it was for isis in the beheading video itself. What fucking narrative?

half of my family is from eastern kentucky, i wish i believed in god so i could sing like they do.


No, that's what they said themselves. Go fuck a goat or something.

Only an Amerimutt would look at guys in the OP and think they're white.

It is aimed at you, Bandits, Bermers, arabs, ISIS whatever man, MUSLIM filth doing Allah's bidding

Morocco is really not that bad for Islam countries, been in worse. They get a shitload of white tourists and the government there is stable and wants that white money. Like visiting many countries, it's relatively safe if you're not stupid about it, stay in hotels or someone you know. There are many places in the US with nigs that are just as dangerous, although you'd probably just be shot/stabbed and not beheaded.

White female tourists, sleeping in a tent, in a remote area, in a country with isolated radical groups is pretty fucking retarded.

>chops off two thots heads
Sowwy, so sowwy

>keeps repeating, like a furby

>it's Muslim vs Christian, come OOOONNNNN
holy fuck you've been had.

>That's it my next holiday is going to be taking my daughters over there. I do hear it's beautiful.
Don't bring any turtle necks, the knife gets caught in the strands

They're lamenting a possible loss of coal burners doing sex tourism to morocco.

>Morocco is really not that bad for Islam countries, been in worse
why would you even go to shit places like that? why would you even spend money on traveling there or even a single dollar on those shit skins? I guess when you print money like there is no tomorrow then you its not your money and you dont feel responsible with your spending

hollyjew propaganda =/= reality

Someone needs to stop letting hollyjew form their worldview

>please send more whores who spend money before we kill them


white people don't apologize because you have collective white guilt.

mostly blacks in the US of course.

what a revelation, all countries have murders.

Sleazy kike goon

Obviously you should take precautions to defend yourself from anyone/anything, but we all know which place we'd rather fucking backpack through completely alone if we had no other choice.

And even if they did kill me, I doubt they'd cut my head off while I was still alive after raping me.

Never ever trust a Muslim

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They are all Berbers and Amazigh that happen to speak Arabic.

They look like they'd fit in the cast of The Sopranos

You could bring a gun or pepper spray if you're going out camping. Even if you traveled to a country full of living saints, you'd want to be prepared for an animal attack.

yeah bring a anti-rape bracelet and a rape whistle

all is forgiven then :^)

So they are white subhumans then

Get back to worshiping Poohammad's bodily fluids, fag idolator.

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Tourism is obviously going to take a hit. Whether or not you think these guys actually care about the headless thots, everyone cares about having a job and getting paid for it so once Moccocans start feeling their wallets getting lighter their going to want the heads of the murderers.

I dunno how the system works in Morroco, but I think they should execute the murderers to discourage any other ISIS wannabes from further hurting their revenue.

so gullible goyim hahwhites
will believe him and go tourist there
and they can loot them.

they know this will drop all their huwhites tourists they feed on.

so this will help keep the huwhites cows coming in.

simply damage control.

No. My point is Arabs are in the Arabian Peninsula (known now for Gulf countries and Yemen)
They have completely different culture and traditions.

id rather get shot than beheaded by muslims

How is Morocco even a huge vacation destination?

Nah, Mo was directly influenced by his knowledge of Judaism and christianity and was largely rejected by his countrymen for this

as far as islamic countries go, its the safest especially after the problems in egypt

plus its close to europe so cheaper flights

They seem honest at least.

Attached: amED399.png (585x773, 92K)

Poor shitskins are going to lose a lot of tourism shekels. That's really what they care about. I expect Morocco to round up some jihadis to save face but the damage is done. White whore roasties will go to another brown country to search for brown dick.

Then go back home.

Down vote the video


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Jow Forums will find a way to hate them

Why did the image thumbnail change to that??

>what is Adam Smith's invisible hand

Morocco is the only Islamic country I have an ounce of respect for.

I did until this shit, they're like our oldest trading partner.

I think if you were european and found yourself in a minority area here that you would be treated well. It's white american men that need to worry about ghettos, not blonde scandinavian women

You know that behind closed doors they’re cackling like madmen about the two stupid headless hikers of the north

They recognised you before France did.
Morocco is like your biggest fan.

They're one of our very first allies, and have been since.

It was practically part of France and Spain (and Ceuta and Melilla still are) until the 1950s and filled with Europeans, so it was seen as a peaceful and easy to reach exotic location for Europeans, even after independence in 1956. This was before Spain developed its own tourism industry. After independence, it continued to develop itself as a cheap tourist location for boomer backpackers looking for hashish, prostitutes, sun and an alien culture. Islamic terrorism didn't really become a thing until the 90s, but Morrocco has been relying on its safe and stable colonial past for its economy and now its own internal problems are starting to catch up with it (high youth unemployment, imported gangsta culture from nafris in the EU and America, drugs, and of course Islam).

Image different than the one you sent? You're being monitored.

They are fucking all arabs you fucking poo skinned shit

Right, Jow Forums prides itself on not being such normy cancer that it knows a wink of history, well Morocco is Americans first fucking friend you retards.

Jew magics.

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I can't decide whether i should care or not, on one hand it's another instance of why Islam should be glassed but on the other two coal burners paid the toll and were prevented from bring more HIV back to the west.

The image is correct but the thumbnail is different, it says support peace, boycott israel.

1. The image was designed to do that,

2. It's a bug that happens from time to time.

Basically it's fine, stop worrying.

Let's try again.

Attached: amED399.jpg (585x773, 110K)

Never mind, the fb account has been finally deleted, it was getting spammed with these comments.

The film "The Battle of Algiers" is set in Algeria but it shows hard France fought to keep North Africa part of European civilization (of course, they failed). This is the legacy that Morocco's tourist industry still relies on