The number one priority for western civilisation is the deportation of all muslims from our lands

The number one priority for western civilisation is the deportation of all muslims from our lands.

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My first priority is to play video games and laugh at memes on the internet

Fair enough man, you do you, but these savages need to go

Agree 100%

> bomb our countries
> open your borders
> sign migration pact making migration a human right

you guys need to figure out your strategies. meanwhile, we'll keep breeding.

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>not gassing the kikes

They are cancer, eroding us slowly. So so so many of Europe's problems will be solved with these inbred fucks gone

>jew detected
i'd rather have muslims than feminists

Jews first

Apart from bombing your countries, those are mistakes.

Sandnigger detected. Kill yourself, you "lol muslims r baist" people are the fucking worst on Jow Forums

Literally you are traitors on all levels and should be hung for siding with our biggest enemy

How bad do foreigners and poor citizens tax your free healthcare?
>by that I mean shit up services with non essential requests or exams

>They are cancer,
and kikes are AIDS

What about Germans?
Two world wars and the EU
I feel like getting rid of us should be a higher priority.

In the UK, the biggest leeches are muslims. Our public finances would be in much better shape without muslims clogging up our prisons and welfare offices

Look into your future;

Muslims die, race traitors fry

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>Apart from bombing your countries, those are mistakes.

If you had left us alone, we wouldn't replacing you right now. I look forward when Britain becomes Britainistan. :)

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Are you the same fucking kraut that comes on every thread to try and make it about Germans?

>Two world wars and the EU
kikes x3 retard

Whiter than you, pajeet.

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I come here for anti-german stuff yeah

I want more muslims

I knew you guys had a lot of masochists but that's just weird

Close. It's the deportation of all NON WHITES from our lands. This is the paramount priority.

Kill yourself

All shitskins period, not just Muslims. It is a moral imperative that we remove them all as soon as possible, it is inevitable and the longer we wait, the worse it will be.

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Jow Forums is an anti-german website. Why are you surprised some anti-germans like it here?
People have told me to go to reddit or other websites but every time I looked they always liked Germans and said some nice stuff.
Imagine you genuinely hate all Germans and you want to see us replaced. Where do I go?

You savages have been attacking us ever since that kiddyfucker wrote that book I use as toilet paper

>muslim rage thread
>posts indian chad

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>If you had left us alone
blame the kikes
>Jow Forums is an anti-german website.
no, you're looking for reddit

You guys are doing a good job of getting rid of yourselves.

>You guys are doing a good job of getting rid of yourselves.
Thank you
That is the idea.

kek. we btfo you then when you tried to start shit in the holy land. you've been good goyims for quite some time!

>blame the kikes

You took the kikes sides and became good goyims when we tried to redpill you on them. With jews you lose. Oh well, maybe you know now. Too late tho :^)

>when we tried to redpill you on them
lol when was that?
do you realize kikes literally own us and have for decades?
I'm against bombing your shitholes but it's just not up to me

t.schlomo shekelstein

That’s a rabbi goy.

>Im not your priority
>t.Pajeet Shekelstein

Quoth our resident muslims. GTFO. Go back to Arabia where you can more easily be glassed.

Well gee, I don't know - maybe these last 70 years since the creation of Israel. Like you said though, you were good goyims and still are!

how exactly did you try to redpill us?
>last 70 years
Hitler made a good attempt at liberating us but they're using it against us
>since the creation of Israel
1917 it's not like anyone alive today was responsible
turn off your memeflag btw so we can see where you're from

>how exactly did you try to redpill us?

Oh we've been talking about the jew openly for over 70 years. You just have chosen to ignore it. I won't blame you though. You are good goyims still to this day. Now you pay the price.

May God have mercy on your soul.

idt you understand the magnitude of what's going to happen when whites eventually wake up
I'd go home if I were you

Why dont you want to live with your own people? In your country of origin.

I agree with the Brits on this. Muslims need to go. Muslims should only live in countries that are muslim origin

Go back to turkey

Would have said Allah if you weren't larping. Its fucking pathetic

first the jews, then the arabs.

You spelled 'Jews' wrong

Why don’t you finish the job

Shitslam is gay as fuck and shouldn't exist at all. It's not enough that they be confined to the desert.

How would I alone get rid of all Germans?

The bored uf haight.

start with yourself

50% of Muslims are inbred.

Literally toss a coin in the air to find out or maybe you already know

What would that achieve?
I could do so much more damage to future germans

One dead german achieves nothing. We need a full population replace

Geez goy I’m talking about (((them)))

Have some pride for your country

might give them ideas
be the change you want to see

>Have some pride for your country
Easy to say when your country is not German
Our entire history and "culture" is a joke. There is nothing to be proud off

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>/his/ """meme"""

Yee, lets keep all brown christians, chinks, poos n shit

I know our history is a meme.

my point is nothing in this shitty pic is accurate
Hitler did nothing wrong

Unless you get rid of the Jews, the rest of them aren't going anywhere.

I’m half Irish and the other half mostly German with a little Norwegian but 100% American