Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm an insecure/suicidal/anxious person who doesn't leave home
Watch these and follow these channels:
[YouTube] The Unspoken “Secret” to EVERY Transformation! (embed)

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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I posted in an earlier thread about how a guy ghosted me, and now 5 days later he completely ignored the last 2 texts I texted him, and just started a brand new conversation.

Should I call this guy out on his bullshit or is it not worth it? Honestly the 5 day radio silence completely turned me off this guy, and I did like him...

what does it mean to you if a girl says she fucked 12 guys on tinder in 2 months

Aight this is pretty important and I hope this gets a response.

One of the dudes I used to be friends with in daycare I recently saw again. He's a cool dude and I'd love to hang with him since he's really chilll. But also his sister, because damn...his sister is quite nice but I however don't know here to well. Is there a way to maybe go out and date or get to know?

I really want to be friends with this dude again and follow up as that takes priority, but his sister, lads....

What do?

I’m a guy that goes to community college and I’m almost 30. I was in the military and make pretty decent money out. Not a bum, but not exactly exciting because obviously I’m in class with 18 year olds. What do 20 year olds think of a 30 year old guy hitting on them? I’m afraid to come off as a creeper but I want to bang some of these young hotties.

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We finally met for a moment last week.
Seem to have similar interests and some shared pains too.
She sounds like me, only female.
I ended up going full spaghetti later by text becasue I felt like she was just toying with me and thought that if I was gonna crash, I may as well burn too.

She hasn't responded with usual "I don't like you like that" type thing.
She's neither confirmed nor denied a mutual feeling. Most women would've after that mess.

What's going on here, femanons?

Our situations wouldn't really allow much to happen between us for a while yet, but what's going with this?

My body wants me to have sex, but I don't want to be promiscuous nor do I really want a girlfriend all that much. What should I do?

Anyone want to come over here?:

it means she disgusts me and is not even worth a pump n dump.

Just jerk off or find a gf
One night stands aren't worth it

When trying to get with a girl (co-worker), do I ask her to hang out as friends first, and then eventually fully ask her out, or do I go straight for it?

Is that really how you want to be treated?

You need extremely good judgement about this or you risk having HR problems.
First gauge if she has any interest you at all. Be lightly flirty and I mean LIGHTLY.
This is a tightrope act when you're a man in the workplace. At the first sign of uncreciprocity, bail.

Now if you happen to be extremely attractive (doubtful) then you can just go for it, but given you are asking on Jow Forums....

Let's just say that's 8 weeks for the sake of convenience. That's 1.5 guys per week. I'm not even close to an Jow Forums poster or a Jow Forumsfag, but that's actually disgusting.

anyone that "ghosts" anyone is a subhuman and doesn't deserve your time or anyone else's.
you will be seen as a creep by most of them. mentally ill girls with daddy issues might be into it.

Are gfs even worth it?

Only ones you actually care about not just for sex

Depends on the gf and whether you're even worth it. A bad relationship will slowly kill you, a good one makes life infinitely better and worthwhile.

Are these just old religious morals or is it actually disgusting for a girl to sleep around this much? What if STDs didn’t exist and pregnancy could be 100% stopped. Would this still be disgusting? I’m not saying you’re wrong, just looking for deeper explanations.

What does it mean when girls on tinder tell you that kind of stuff as well? Do they only tell those details to guys they would fuck or anyone?

>friend of mine says I can't get a gf cause I don't hunt for one

He's right but, I don't fucking know how to do it.

Gf doesn't seem to want to have sex with me, in last month had sex once, every time I try she days no.

Tried being aggresive, gentle, asking and every time she just pushes me away.

We have only been dating 5 months, and it went from sex every time I saw her to nothing, I see her 3 times a week and every time I have been shoved aside.

I have asked her why and she just says she doesn't know why she isn't into it.

Next time I see her will be 2 weeks due to me going away, I won't have had sex for a month.

I just don't get it, is she no longer sexually attracted to me or what.

Has she changed in other ways? Become more distant?

Doesn’t sound good user

>meet girl at work
>get snap day 1
>become friends
>3 days later I ask her to ice cream/movie
>afterwards ask if she thought it was a date or just hanging as friends
>says shes seeing someone but its complicated and says "I hope thats okay?"
>nbd, stay friends
>week or so later
>says shes done with guy
>snaps me less somewhat but wants to hang out more

She has tons of friends and is an extreme social butterfly but shes mostly been hanging out with me. Does she still probably think I like her?

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No that's the weird thing she is the one asking me to come round and wants to go on loads of holidays with me, it started when she changed her contraceptive medication.

Her behavior is no different just no sexual activity, no shady behavior or hiding phone still hanging all over me and kissing me.

very clear sign she's cheating on you

She is either riding another dick or you became fat, disgusting pig who doesn't shower or brush teeth. Or you suck at sex, which became a chore instead of pleasure for her

I look the same, she told me she loves having sex with me and says how good it is when we have sex.

Has crossed my mind, but I doubt that she is sleeping with someone else too.

Creepy unfortunately.

Tell tales signs of cheating dude.

Nigga of course she can be sleeping with someone else. Dating two people at once is easier than you think.

I know it is easy but I doubt she is, no other signs.

She isn't distant, and is the one trying to engage with me, it's like she is the same but with no sex drive.

Last time we had sex was like 7 days ago, seen her 3 times since.

>She isn't distant, and is the one trying to engage with me
If she gives you a gift, you're fucked.

What do you mean?

She has asked me to come round tonight I will confront her about why she isn't having sex again, it's fucking with my head now.

The secret is, and it’s not a secret it’s just nobody believes it and barely uses it, is the moment you care more... YOU LOSE. Work out, have fun, and if she asks you what you think it is, just laugh and be like “I’m lookin to have fun”. The moment you want to get all sweet and lock them down, they loose interest. Subconsciously they go “oh damn, this man is not of any value” and they next you. It’s not like in the movies kiddo. You can’t go outside her house with a boom box and profess you love for her, you’ll get arrested.

She’s just a wet hole, with an experation date (ovaries). Have FUN! Focus on you, get laid, hang out, make money, and the less you care they more they care and you get chased.

If you don’t believe me... what do you have to lose? Try something differently.

Wanting to see you more can be a sign of patching things up but gifts in the mix? That's a sign of cheating guilt. It's a classic mental mechanism of apologizing for cheating without actually saying anything about it.

She wants to see me the same amount it's not more, she always wants to see me it hasn't changed is what I was saying.

I understand what you mean now, but I still don't think she is cheating on me, I'm wondering if she is no longer attracted but I don't see her cheating at this moment.

Last time I saw her she was staring at my face telling me how pretty i am, so I don't get it.

I don't know why exactly, I'm not religious but that math is off-putting. It's hard get know someone in under a week, and sex with strangers that often. It just doesn't speak to having good judgment.

>I posted in an earlier thread about how a guy ghosted me, and now 5 days...

Maybe I, getting old, but I don’t understand what exactly you mean by “ghosting”.

Do you mean he just stopped responding?

Because in my book, ghosting just straight up means he vanished off the face of the earth for you for weeks/months/Year’s and you have no idea whether they’re dead or alive.

What you’re describing sounds like someone who’s just shit/flakey as fuck at communication (or the average online dating interaction)

If you can’t deal with that kind of person without freaking out about it, then don’t. Clearly y’all have different communication needs.

>what does it mean to you if a girl says she fucked 12 guys on tinder in 2 months

She likes casual sex a whole lot more than I do. And I’d probably want her to get tested (for her own sake as much as mine) if we we ever gunna get anywhere serious.

>friend of mine says I can't get a gf cause I don't
hunt for one
>He's right but, I don't fucking know how to do it.

*No one* starts off knowing user. Trial and error, that’s what everyone’s gotta go through at one point or another because everyone’s got their own unique personality, and you can only ever know how to work with what you got and how that relates to what other people have got, through first hand experience.

Like with anything else, some people *are* a little more naturally talented than others, but that doesn’t mean they dont the have to go through their own learning experiences, nor that they’ll always beat out anyone who *isn’t* as talented.

Put yourself out there. Act like a dumbass. Learn.

Casual sex is when you see someone moderately regularly for sex and a no strings attached situation.

12 guys in two months is not casual, that's just straight up hooking up. It really makes you question someones self respect, commitment etc.

This may seem like a given but how do I naturally introduce my gf when I run into someone I know? Should it just be the first thing out my mouth, like "Hey user, this is my girlfriend anonette"? I can't seem to figure out the natural time to introduce them to the girl on my arm/standing near me. I don't want to keep fucking up and not introducing her at all, assistance would be very appreciated.

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>tfw 6’2 girl
How do I feel normal

Just the same as you'd introduce any friend to someone else. I mean, usually it goes like this "Hi user friend, long time no see how you been?" "Good thx, you too I hope?" "Yes very well..." then you point to you GF "This is Anonenette, you guys havent seen each other yet right?" Then they shake hands.

>Casual sex is when you see someone moderately regularly for sex and a no strings attached situation.

Uh... being pedantic, by definition, Nah?

I agree 12 in two is kind of extreme and it’d probably raise flags for me, but probably more about a serious mismatch in lifestyles and expectations than anything else. I wouldn’t jump straight to assuming that *had* to have something wrong with them like you’re implying. I might suspect it, but it’s not like people don’t do plenty of other weird shit that on paper and without context seems a bit suspect. People are multifaceted, and you miss out on a lot of all you do is snap judgements.

>This may seem like a given but how do I naturally introduce my gf when I run into someone I know?

“Hey how’s it going?”
“It’s going great! How are you?
“Great! I’m still . This is my gf . this is blah blah blah”

>>tfw 6’2 girl
>How do I feel normal

Truth is.. you probably won’t unless you move to a very tall country.. but equally true is that when you meet the right people, it doesn’t matter.

I’m a 5’7” guy who grew up with friends all 5’11” to 6’7”.

I’ve literally had girls tell me “Oh, I’m a couple of inches taller than you, is that ok?”

Had family members point out and tease that my gf is taller than me.

But so what? I never really let it bug me, so it never has. My heights just a superficial thing, and anyone who can’t see past that or tries to make me feel awkward about it, not really worth my attention.

I’ve actually got a female friend who’s your height, she’s always kind of awkward and a little self conscious because of it, but as of late, we’ve gotten old enough to the point where I think she’s realizes the same thing I have, at the end of the day that superficial shit doesn’t count for much, and she’s a whole lot more at ease and confident looking for it.

>used to spend forever making myself look good, and wear really nice clothes.
>Never got much attention despite it all, only from my husband (who was the one I did it for anyway)
>Loses my husband, keeps the ring on, but start neglecting myself hard.
>Go trough a depression, start wearing really comfy clothes and not care about how I look
>Been asked out for the third time since I became "single" today
What is happening. I don't understand this. I am even wearing my ring still, why do people give me attention like this? Or did I just enter a different age category that got a new crowd interested or something? Approaching 30, and the guys are generally 35-40, but that's really all I can think of. I feel like I regressed to my shut-in high school self, before my late husband gave me a shot of confidence, and I am starting to feel like making myself look attractive is a detriment somehow.

Can any of you guys give some kind of ideas for what is happening here? Maybe girls who has tried a similar thing?

I'm totally in love with my 23 year old co-worker and we're decent acquaintances and sometimes we text but i feel like she thinks I'm too young for her. I barely turned 20. I heard it's hard to get with older girls because of the drinking age restriction is this true and could be a reason she doesn't like me?

Maybe your face is attractive??????

>I'm totally in love with my 23 year old co-worker
>we're decent acquaintances and sometimes we text

>Or did I just enter a different age category that got a new crowd interested or something?

Probably this.

Also as a dude who’s about your age or a little older, I’ve noticed that as you age, you stop giving as much of a fuck about that superficial shit, and sometimes it just turns you off when people wear *too much* pretension and drapery. Sometimes way more attractive is just when someone is who they are.

Or maybe it’s something as simple and superficial as you were just caking on too much makeup/eyeliner/whatever in the past and now you’re not.

Who knows.

>I'm totally in love with my co-worker
>we're decent acquaintances and sometimes we text
>feel like she thinks I'm too young for her.
>drinking age restriction
> could be a reason she doesn't like me?

No offense, but I’m more inclined to believe it’s fhe fact that claim that you’re in love with someone you barely even know... which.. is very stereotypical naive 19 year old behavior and can be a headache to deal with because it’s usually accompanied by a whole bunch of other overly rash decision making.

As a dude, there was a reason why I stopped dating under 23 after 25. I just got tired of dealing with teen drama.

Girls: how big of a turnoff/turn on is it if a guy lives on a boat? I want to stop renting and can almost afford a decent sized catamaran and I’m thinking about moving into it once my lease is up.

>As a dude, there was a reason why I stopped dating under 23 after 25. I just got tired of dealing with teen drama.

By the way, if I felt this as a *guy* imagine how a woman, who are supposed to mature faster and at an earlier age, and who also have to consider the fact that they have “biological clocks” ticking on how long they have before they can’t give birth (and therefore have less time to waste on non serious relationships) might feel.

Moreso without makeup? That seems unlikely. I don't even bother with creams or oils to eep my skin clean anymore.

I always went with the less obvious makeup style, so that's definitely not the problem. I thought it might be the age thing. It just struck me as odd that I got my first boyfriend turned husband, back when I did nothing to look decent, and then got no attention while I put in a lot of effort, only to suddenly get attention now that I do nothing again. It seems so backwards.

At first I thought people just cared less about quality, and just wanted anyone, regardless of how far below them in the attractiveness scale they might be. The guys I've been approached by so far puts a lot more effort into themselves than I do, and it actually makes me a bit uncomfortable.

I'd hate that, but I work in finance for a real estate agency, so my perception might be skewed.

A home boat is a terrible investment option. The cost of maintainance and the annual depreciation of its value, means you will have lost pretty much the entire amount you used to buy it for at some point, baring the scrap price. A house retains it value much better, and will always have a value.

I like boats, but I would not want any long term commitment to someone making this kind of investment.

>Moreso without makeup? That seems unlikely. I don't even bother with creams or oils to eep my skin clean anymore.
See, you're over complicating things. You're an attractive woman and that's why guys approach you. Take advantage, or don't, but don't try to mystify the unmystical.

As a 27 year old, the only reason I would ever consider a 20 year old guy, is because they are usually a lot more... Malleable. Basically easy to control, form and very eager to prove themselves.

Generally more work than an actual adult though.

>don't try to mystify the unmystical.
I am more likely trying to rationalize spending so much time and money on things that weren't necessary. Oh well.

It's one of those things that might be fun and interesting at first, but would quickly become a "so we will move into a real home when we are going to live together, right?"


>Loses my husband, keeps the ring on
For what purpose.

That said, it looks strange if the married woman suddenly started dressing significantly worse, and doing less work on herself. I know I would assume something was wrong, and might even ask you out for coffee just to see if you needed help with something. And I am also married. Thats just generally a massive red flag that something is wrong, so it might not even be romantic approaches.

Especially if you started wearing more conservative clothing that covers more skin. I'd assume you might be hiding potential bruises or something similar.

>For what purpose.
Died from cancer, and it's difficult to let go. Childish, I know, but I can't quite make myself take it off.

And ouch, I had not considered that angle. Only really my one friend, close family and my immediate boss that knows about this. And I have been asked out for coffee all 3 times, too.. maybe I should try a short sleeved t-shirt tomorrow.

I was walking through my office building and pasted a girl from another company. We both said hi and she complemented my shirt. Was this a come on ?

>pasted a girl from another company
You what?

I walked past her

>We both said hi and she complemented my shirt.
What sort of shirt were you wearing? Could also be it looked weird or messy somehow.

But yeah, it is possible she was coming on to you.

It was a new polo shirt I bought, I desss business casual for my company. I iron all my clothes so it’s not messy.

Guys, how do you deal with your gf's friends. Apparently my gf told me her friends keep telling her shes too hot for me and why did she settle for me. You ever experienced sth like this? Really grinds my gears.

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>Died from cancer, and it's difficult to let go.
And I assume you are about to get on top of the whole depressing thing?

I don't have much experience in the area, but widows to cancer patients are interesting. It's a strange zone between "loyal to the end" and available, accentuated by you wearing the ring despite it all. It's definitely a positive point in your dating resume, for what it matters.

Considering that you are hiding it, it is very likely that people are seeing you as a Damsel in Distress, needing to be rescued from your current commitment, and in fear of sounding insensitive, you do need that.

My father died of cancer, and he made my 47 year old mother promise to not be single in 5 years. You are just better off moving on, and you are not doing any favours to yourself or your dead husband by having a misguided faithfulness towards him. I'd urge you to take the offers you get, especially when it is just coffee dates.

No need to start putting in more effort in your appearance of you dont want to. Clearly people find you interesting enough to consider, so you clearly aren't that bad looking, or maybe it's a combination of your looks and personality they like. Either way, that's not something you should waste. You don't even need to take off the ring just yet if you don't want to.

If you are getting professional help, try asking about it. I am sure your therapist has a good idea of what might help you in your current situation, and moving on likely would be on top of the list of most beneficial changes you can make right now.

Your girlfriend likely hate hearing it as much as you do. I know I did, especially because it attaches too much value to an aspect that just isn't important enough.

Just be open about it with your girl and ensure you are on the same page. If she truly likes you, she doesn't think she is settling, no matter how "hot" she is compared to you.

I need advice.

I've been together with my girlfriend for around 3 months, been official for 3 weeks, and on our first date we talked about our sexual history.
I said I've had 3 shortlasting fwbs and I'm 21. She said she had a relationship for 3 years (she's 19) and broke up almost a year ago.
After dating a while we dive in a bit further and she tells me had a slutphase (she regrets it) and has a number above 10 (probably didn't remember she gave a different answer on our first date). Not to mention the amount of guys she gave blowjobs to.

This has made me really insecure the past few weeks and I don't know what to do. I'll probably hurt her if we talked about this and I don't even know what good comes if we talked about it. How do I leave this shit behind me, I don't want to keep being reminded she has been drilled by bigger guys.

Typical female probing to see what kind of man you are. Tell your girlfriend that her friends need to stop being jealous bitches.

Is it wrong to leave a relationship because the other person is depressed and it's taking a toll on you?
Their tantrums, their episodes, they're all taking away my sanity

>I don't want to keep being reminded she has been drilled by bigger guys.
If this is literally the only issue, don't sweat it. Bigger isn't better. Just focus on learning her body in and out, and which buttons to push, and you'll be far better than a ONS who only had his way with her once.

Even as a girl, I must say, ensure she is tested. I know it will feel really shitty to ask this question, but you really should both get tested. I don't care if you both claim to have ensured you didn't catch anything, STDs can transfer even if you use condoms.

I've answered this before in these threads, and I'll do it as often as it needs to be said:
Always prioritize yourself. Some people may call you an asshole, she'll flip out, and it will not be a fun talk. But she'll understand later down the line. I know I did when my boyfriend left me due to my schizophrenia.

To put it as simple as possible:
>I want you to stay to make me feel better
>If you say and get worse, we will hit a point where we are both miserable, and neither of us will ever get better, because we keep dragging the other person down whenever one starts to improve ahead of the other
>If you leave, I will feel like shit for a brief period, and then work it out
>You will not get worse, and I will see the man I love be happy
>I can focus on getting better, and not worry about making the man I love miserable.

Never sacrifice your own health to stay with a mentally ill person, even if that is only a depression. That is not good for either of you.

She said I give her the best oral sex she has ever had which makes me happy.
But it's just my ego that makes me feel like I'm a lesser man for not being able to go deeper, even though I'm slightly above average in both dimensions.
I can easily go balls deep without warming her up properly. I really don't want to sound like cuck but I just know that she can handle and maybe wants it deeper. My ego just tells me she probably dreams of that one guy who had a large dick, even though this is just my anxiety speaking.

Also we're both clean luckily.

Thanks for this response. Yeah, I am getting better, but it's a very uneven process. I function normally for the most part, except for having regressed back to not caring about my appearance, and my inability to remove my ring. Tried once to leave it at my psychologist, and I have never had a worse panic attack in my life. He has instead urged me to at least try moving on and seeing other people.

I actually promised my husband to move on, too. It's just a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. He was my first, I have never even considered other people before or after him. I know it probably only requires trying a few dates with someone who shows interest, but it just feels wrong somehow.

I suppose it might be worth a try at least letting myself get swept away, instead of trying to resist it whenever anyone approaches me. I just get so confused at their intentions, and almost feel like I have to be defensive whenever anyone does approach me, for some reason.

>even though this is just my anxiety speaking
So you have identified the cause.
If she says she's happy to be with you, then take her word for it. There's no other way around it.
Go do different things with her and build your trust with her. Do things that you're scared to do. It'll help deepen the roots of the relationship.
And once you feel like you trust her, you can comfortable take her words as the truth. And the volume with which your anxiety speaks will go down

How big are you? Most guys think they're smaller than they actually are.

>I can easily go balls deep without warming her up properly. I really don't want to sound like cuck but I just know that she can handle and maybe wants it deeper. My ego just tells me she probably dreams of that one guy who had a large dick, even though this is just my anxiety speaking.
"Deeper" isn't equal better. That's what people think right until they have actually tried it, and then it stops being interesting. I can pretty much say for certain that she is not dreaming of any bigger guy, especially if he is honest about you being great at oral, because that is *FAR* more important than having a bigger dick.

around 6x5.5 probably tiny bit smaller

That's literally the size of my bf and our sex life is amazing, don't sweat it dude. Your penis is more than fine, what's important is getting skilled at fucking.

Imo passion, attitude, stamina and willingness to listen and please your partner is way more important. I'm sure your gf is fine with your length.

Be more concerned that she lied to you in order to get you invested so she could drip feed the truth to you with a much lower risk of being dumped. She's not only a slut but manipulative as fuck too. Drop her.

What should I do? Anyone can answer.
>Been pursuing this guy almost six months, can't really determine how I view him as because I don't have friends in general
>FINALLY get him interested the next time we met even though I pretty much had met him only twice before. Why? I had a hunch we'd get along well and I was pretty much right
>I suggest another meeting next month
>"Sure, I'd like that!"
>Fast forward next month
>We had great time together the weekend I was there
>Other one's schedule is full the rest of the summer so another meeting is set up in autumn
>We also had this weird moment where the other mistook my open arms as an initiation of hugging so he also opened his arms and I still ended up jumping in his arms because fuck it
>It's been about three weeks now and we aren't in contact with each other because the guy is super super busy and that's why I won't even bother reaching him
Um, this bad? Was I forgotten already? You think he's ghosting me or something? Or should I seriously just trust him what he says and wait until the next meeting? After all now I'm just beginning to know him and we always get a bit "closer" whenever we meet.
I mean I'm not even sure why I'm so fascinated by him and what I want from him overall. My last friendships have always ended up in failure because I shut them out for my and their own good so maybe that's why I'm so dedicated with this one.
What should I do? I'm so damn lost.

Nobody's too busy for a few check-in texts. Fire him a text asking how he's been.

What, that's not small.

It's not huge, but it doesn't have to be. This is just about perfect.

Have the same situation with a girl I know. Tried to meet with her for lunch, but due to work and exams we couldn't meet and she told me she'll call me but hasn't in 5-6 days. Maybe she is just busy with her physics exam.
>mfw anxiety kicks in and I think story related is about me but I am absolutely certain I'm on the 'receiving' side of the ghost

I'll be honest, in the sea of sluts and whores with 20+ men they have fucked, you sound like an already polished diamond someone dropped in the sand.

Dont rush into anything. You should rather just let it happen naturally. Wait for the guy that either reminds you of your husband, or makes you forget him (whichever coping mechanic that kicks in for you). Rushing off to whore it up is a terrible idea, and your qualities alone should be enough to let you pick and choose.

I wish more people had your mentality, men and women both. It's so sad that tinder culture has ruined dating so hard these days.

But does it really matter? I feel always great when someone asks me how I've been but that's probably because i rarely get to hear that and this guy has other friends and a lot.
Though he did say he doesn't have those "heartfelt" ones like at all and people always drag him to places and text him so he doesn't do that. I wonder how self-aware this guy is. I can say he has a big ass self worth because he really is a damn nice guy and he doesn't send me that usual "jerk" fibe what I've ofter felt in my previous friendships.
He's also the first person I truly feel happy for if he's achieved or done something great. Previously I'd just get jealous and/or bitter.

Just to chime into this conversation, since I accidentally ghosted someone about half a year ago.
>Chatted with a guy
>Met for a date twice
>Get into an accident (got assaulted and hospitalised)
>Family short circuits and flips out on me, and refuses to show up at the hospital, but instead keeps calling
>Get out of the hospital, super stressed out, family won't see me anymore
>Go back to work and work myself half to death
>Worked 82 hours week 1, and 92 hours week 2, before I cut it back down to just 78 week 3
>Gets a call from a number I don't recognize (new phone, hadn't had time to input contact)
>Freak out and almost yell at the person calling me
>It's the guy I was on 2 dates with
>He hangs up quickly
>Write an apology, and asks if we can talk on the phone later that night
>Apologize for disappearing like that, and try to explain why I went MIA for 4 weeks straight
We are currently dating, but Jesus Christ I lost all sense of time in that period of my life. I did not intend to ghost him, and I am honestly surprised he even contacted me again.

By drinking together with them. I know for a fact that she's kinda jealous of our sex life.
I need to watch out it doesn't end up in a threesome though (my gf had one with her and her boyfriend, twice).

Have to agree, anyone with any knowledge of finance will immediately think you're dumb. It might be a fun idea but it's definitely not a valid long term strategy.

I am in a very strange situation...

So I used to date this guy. We sorta broke up because he wanted to work on a ship, meaning he was out for 3 months at a time, before being back for 3 months. I couldn't deal with being alone for that long, and wanted to break it up. He wanted me to wait until he got back, and I said I likely wouldn't.

1 month in, this new guy starts talking to him. A lot. Super interested, and constantly follows up on everything. I give in after a month, and go on a date with him. I liked him, and while I would have preferred to wait, I didn't see the point. I as already made my stance on my previous relationship clear, after all. And I really liked this guy. He was super nice, a real gentlemen, and despite how hard he had pushed for dates, I never felt under pressure during the date, and when he dropped me off, it was with a quick kiss, and then he let me leave without another word.

I decided to tell him the truth over the phone, and he seemed strangely okay with it. He said he was fine waiting until my ex got back, but I had decided I didn't want to bother. My ex had made his decision, and i had made mine. So I went out with the new guy in earnest, and had a new nights at his place.

Then my ex got back home, and immediately got in contact with me. And this is where things got weird. He knew the guy I had been going out with. It was a friend of his. He wanted to propose a split where I would be dating both, so I ever had to be alone. They had been talking about it, and thought it sounded like an amazing idea (somehow), and just needed me to get me on board with it.

And here I am. My gut feeling is to tell both to fuck off, my mind is telling me to try sticking with the new guy, and my curiousity sorta wants to see if it can actually work to date two guys at once. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? Does it have any chance of working, and what would you have done in this situation?

Imagine attractive 8/10, 22 years old, sweet guy. Now imagine the same dude but with braces. Does it add to his charm? Looks disgusting? Has no effect? Or is it different from girl to girl? I personally think braces add charm to a girl that's already qt 3.14

Braces look better than shitty teeth, so yeah.

Found woman of my dreams who completely changed my life.
Yes, but find a soulmate, not a cum dumpster. Cum dumpster will just leech out of you and ruin your life

Already tried this last thread, but I'm still unsure.
I recently hooked up with a girl at a party at a friends place.
I was very drunk, I think she was somewhat drunk as well.
We talked, danced, had some chemistry, one thing led to another and we are in bed fucking.
From my perspective, it was not very good (on my part mostly).
At first my dick wouldn't get hard, after a quick blowjob, I was at least working with a harder semi.
I tried eating her out, which didn't elicit much from her, a bit of fucking in various positions, some kissing, not much more than heavy breathing from her. I guess she enjoyed it at least a LITTLE in parts.
In the end neither of us came and we just decided to call it a night after idk how long, might have been 20 minutes, might have been an hour or two, I was very drunk.
She lays down beside me, gets close and gently places her hand on my chest.
I wrap my arm around her, and some drunk pillow talk later, I pass out.
I wake up the next day to her about to leave.
All that's being said is "Good morning" and "Goodbye", at least as far as I remember, I was still a bit drunk and very tired.
I am unsure as to what to do now.
I have her number from the previous evening, but should I contact her?
The fact that I didn't perform very well and the way she left in the morning makes me think no.
I am also a bit embarrassed to be quite honest.
On the other hand, I don't wanna be a jerk that would ghost her.
Also there definitely was some chemistry there, we managed to laugh off the fuck ups and honestly I still had fun despite it all.
What do you think?

Ask her on a date, see what happens.

Alcohol fueled sex is never as good as sober sex.

Jeez, I don't know man, sounds like faggots to me. Find a real man instead.

Or, you know, enjoy being double dipped I suppose.

Stop making excuses and just text him fuck sake

For the time being now you will be alright and have probably fun time by having two men for yourself, but in the long run it will not only fuck up your reputation for guys, but also will completely wreck you as a human being and destroy your mind after 2 months.
I don't even want to talk about what will happen if the guys will start fighting with each other.

If I were you OP I would just tell both of them to fuck off, unless you are a risk taker and want to see where will this head

>unless you are a risk taker and want to see where will this head
My curiousity wants to see where this goes, but I am definitely not a risk taker. Fuck that then.

Ha, yeah well, I only mind if there is a risk for me here, and it sounds like there is.


I realize that it's possible that she's taking time to find the words to let me down easy, but I've been in a similar situations before and was almost immediately given a friend speech.

How likely is it that she feels the same and just wants to hide it a bit more to see if I'm being for real?

M to F (24 yo)

I am exceptionally inexperienced sexually because I am horribly socially awkward. I have only had sex probably 7 times in my life, all of which was with an equally desperate overweight girl that I honestly just had sex with because I didn't want to reach wizardom.

Assuming I can somehow land a girlfriend who is not a landwhale, will they basically lose interest once they find out I'm a fucking novice essentially? People from high school are starting to have kids and I've barely stepped into the game. How fucked am I?

Attached: received_2242451542448565.jpg (500x404, 33K)

>"""""Only""""" had sex 7 times
And here I am, considering myself inexperienced while being a virgin at the age of 27.

Don't bother going for sluts who sleep around every day of the week and you'll be fine. You are a God damn pro compared to me.