Where does Jow Forums stand on foreign cars?
Where does Jow Forums stand on foreign cars?
I drive a Camry
Far away from them. I'm broke.
My own country dosen't produce cars aside from special bullet proff ones that cost hundreds of thousands Euros, i would buy German car if i had money i gues, but if i had A LOT of money i would buy Italian ones.
I’m a Honda guy broski, just because most American cars have a reputation for trash quality so they seem less practical to me. German cars are for faggots who want to show off. I’m just a regular guy who uses my car to get from point A to point B but if I had money to throw away I would rather get something fun like a Mustang or Challenger.
that's more american than a ford or a Chevy.
I like to stand on the engine bonnet while I'm driving your mother on the roof!
Tell her I say hello.
i prefer the hood, i wouldn't want to fall through a sunroof.
I prefer to buy American, but the cars seem to be overpriced. I did buy an American Truck, they seem to be the best at that.
Most American cars are ugly, European cars are garbage and Japanese cars, while extremely reliable are pretty meh looking.
If I had the money I'd definitely buy a Tesla though so I guess I'm all about American.
Teslas are ugly, garbage, and unreliable
Why would you stand on a car? I sit in them.
My dick has had a stinging rash for a week now
ive got a tundra. ford and chevy I like
Japan makes the best cars on the planet.
They're typically kinda boring but every once in a while brilliant.
Will outlast anything European or american.
As long as they're not crossing the border illegally or engaging in criminal acts like driving through a school I'm ok with them.
The hood
European cars aren't foreign to us.
Yank cars are crap handling.
Japanese cars are reliable but soulless
Anything but nissan
It's like buying 2 used or local cars of equal or greater performance only you get to pronounce to the world in a perfect decrepit tongue how much autism you've invested in a vehicle meant for flatter roads
They FINALLY brought in some STYLING from Europe.
I am against foreign cars. Only real car is pic related, it’s domestic.
Doesn't matter so long as it is pre-chip era, simple design with longevity and easily replaceable parts. Would even go with an old soviet era build if they weren't so rare in North America. That said, I can't afford to own and maintain one anyway so the point is null.
Domestic cars have the right to exist in their homeland. Foreign cars are eating up market share and displacing Domestics in their home marketplace. This is Domestic Auto Genocide.
Not too sure.... I was talking to a Cypriot taxi driver and his Merc had done the best part of 1 million miles. Very flat roads and not much rain though...
I drive a Japanese brand SUV manufactured in the US State that I reside.
This car is hideous, but good for you
Japan imports only all others are garbage including American.
A fine vehicle
clearly eesti has never been offroading
I drive a taco and it's pretty much the same. good work user
They're ok. I would never buy a Chinese car, though.
Only retards stand on cars, what are you tying to do break your neck?
>> Foreign cars
Typical burger who thinks everyone is from America.
287,000 miles about 50k of which are off road. It is my daily.
Not exactly. Everyone in the world imports Japanese cars, fag.
I have a Tundra, wife has a 4runner. Fuck American cars.
Some can be good
I don't give a fuck if the company is headquartered in a foreign country if their plants are in the United States. By that reckoning Toyota is more American than goddamn GM is.
close but that's stilk not Puch. Also Pinzgauer is good
I don't have choice. Our domestic cars are armoured vehicles, mine clearing vehicles and electric meme car
More % of a Toyota or Nissan pickup are build in the USA than a Ford or GM, which are primarily assembled of parts made in Canada and Mexico thanks to NAFTA
I don't stand on them, retard.
yota for life. If I had fuck you money, I’d get a mice audi or benz, but id still have a bunch of landcruisers and tacomas.
Fed up of seeing nothing but German cars in the UK. Good thing is that they're getting so common that they're not even nice to have because you'll see the same car within 2 minutes.
Jap cars are the way forward.
true that. got 300k miles on my landcruiser, only had to change the timing belt and cv joint on it.
A car is a car. I'll buy whichever one is better. Couldn't care less where it came from.
based and redpilled toyota driver.
my taco has 210k on it, and it'll go for another 200 at least.
I only buy Jap or Korean. No bongcars left.
Bought an Audi, worst decision of my life. Overeengineered German trash, specially designed to make repair and maintenance as hard and expensive as possible.
Despite all te refugee retardation, Germans know how to design cars
6.3 here.
Japanese car manufacturers design their cars for manlets. So I prefer German cars.
I have a BMW, I no problem with foreign products. just with unfair trade deals that fuck our country over.
I drive a Toyota Avalon and its a really nice car. I'm very happy with it
North american cars are unreliable because the workers are lazy or incompetent, and at the same time we're expected to only buy american to let them stay in those jobs. Never buy one out of warranty.
Asian cars are better designed and made by more reliable employees (generally, but there are factories in burgerland too). I'd recommend only getting a japanese car if you're a manlet. I'm on the an-hero side of the manlet chart and they still feel a bit cramped for me.
German cars have (((german))) engineering which makes them drive gooder and has lots of bells and whistles. (((German))) engineering also makes it expensive to maintain, all the parts are imported and every system has its own $900 USD dollar computer that will be fucked if the battery dies once. Their build quality is just as good if not better than the yellows because their working class is just as autistic. These cars were designed to hoon around with literally no speed limit, so I would question the sanity of anyone that gets one and only uses it as a daily commuter.
I only care about its inherent qualities. currently driving a Ford made in Belgium. almost 200 million meters and no major complaints.
They are inherently Jewish.
I wish i could afford to import a diesel powered Toyota Hilux instead of the over weight and under-powered Tacoma abomination we Americans are forced to waste money on. I was traveling abroad and got to drive a real offroad diesel hlux and it makes a Tacoma look and feel like pure dog shit.
>computer that will be fucked if the battery dies once
Same except also hatchbacks.
>hose in an Audi breaks
>that'll be 700 dollars please
For fuck's sake, Germany. Your vehicles are over-engineered to a fault.
i like them but that doesn't mean that i'll take any rapefugee
Most Japanese cars are more American than our own "domestic" brands. Yet our domestic brands use our tax dollars as a fall back option and then whine to us as they set up shop elsewhere
Škoda here, no ideological problem. Also low maintenance so far. German parts, and also quite popular among germans during the 40's.
Why should anyone have to buy an American car if they fucking suck?
I used to buy German cars but I've decided to boycott all halal products.
What type of pickup should I get, lads? I was set on a Mitsubishi L200 or Nissan Navara, but I saw a gorgeous Ford Ranger Wildtrak the other day, and now I'm not so sure...
Thats cause they are american made shit wagons.
European cars made here dont break down.
>the over weight and under-powered Tacoma abomination we Americans are forced to waste money on.
>Ford Ranger Wildtrak
Isn't that a bit overkill? I've seen pictures of the roads in your country and they look tiny. You'd be pushing everyone else off of the road.
This leaf gets it.
I want a current year s-class before I die. I have a '79, best ride I've ever had.
My datsun truck is nice.
>European cars made here dont break down.
You're full of shit. All cars need general maintenance over the years and German cars are notoriously expensive to maintain.
Japanese bikes are also superior to Indian and Harley in every way. Harley is the biggest cosplay company to have ever existed.
good looking truck, id love one with a white body and black trim. Theyre the fuckimg bomb as far as cars go, I used to have a ford 6.0 and blew the motor on it before I switched to the landcruiser. my dad has an fj too, and it has been flawless so far.
>Harley is the biggest cosplay company to have ever existed.
but why? did the financiers take over? Why can;t Americans engineer, when we practically invented the modern world? what happened?
fuck them all, except nips. nip is based, mostly. we'll see how his peace agreement goes.
>we dont even know if you are sovereign - putin
>Why can;t Americans engineer, when we practically invented the modern world? what happened?
We moved all of our automotive factories to Mexico.
>Where does Jow Forums stand on foreign cars?
On the roof, so I can get a better view
I’ve got a cruiser and have had the opportunity to drive the most recent prado and ranger. The ranger is a beast. Took the coast road up from cairns and never got out of fourth gear. Built to mine spec, which is why they sold so well here in the mining sector and squeezed Toyota out of that market for a bit
Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but on mercs whenever you swap a battery, you have to attach an auxillary power source so the computers don't lose their memory.
That's not a huge deal for you krauts since you actually take care of your shit, but for us americans most people don't know the first thing about cars or their maintenance.
Harley has a lot of stores that sell just gear and accessories and no bikes. They saw that they can profit off boomers by selling them a bunch of chink made shit with the "HD" on them.
I honestly can't blame Harley Davidson for doing it because they've made a killing from it all.
I don't see any foreign cars?
I hope German motors get fucked up as Brexit present. Fucking traitors whoever buy them.
I'd rather we manufacture our own vehicles.
Good for jobs, keeps the money here.
Fuck cheap Chinese quality
Fancy European shit is fine but flexing anything but the absolutely iconic Euro cars is cringe
some foreign cars are unusable, like US-cars. too wide and gas-gusseling for our cities and gas prices. also spare parts are a problem, since every screw is in coocoo imperial system.
Some Japanese cars are very nice and I personally drive a Peugeot and are very happy with it.
I had a 94 Ranger with a 4.0 manual. That truck looked like dog shit and was ugly as hell, but it was a lot of fun to drive. Wish I never sold it sometimes.
>i would buy German car if i had money i gues
You'll need money for the expensive and constant repair-bills. Unreliable, overpriced pieces of junk.
Take that back. The metric system is for niggers.
Unlike bri'ish cars ...
>I want a current year s-class
a man with taste, modern Mercs has the same feeling of prestige as their older days missing in their cars 90s and 00s models. IMO, their current lineup is proof they've finally recovered from the Daimler-Chrysler days.
>Funds anti-german atrocity propaganda since the late 19th century
Still on top
Still have my 80 series. Idk how ugly or old and beaten up it is. Those things just don’t stop.
Who said anything about British cars?
(We don't make them anymore --- except high-end luxury ones.)
Toyota Celica and I'll never veer from Toyota again. The new Supra better be affordable.
Not sure how that refutes the crappiness of German cars.
The whole world has to be made up of masochists then to want to buy german cars.
It's amazing how little concept of reality indoctrinated bongs have.
>british car
the closest thing to a british car nowdays is a nissan micra