
Thread died a couple days ago and I've been too occupied to start another. Advice on how to quit drinking is always welcomed, though seldom followed.

Still hovering around my 8 beers a day. The only thing I really enjoy is drinking and video games. Even music has really fallen by the wayside since I have no inspiration. Was doing better a couple weeks ago and taking lots of days off but it's gone out the window. At least I'm only doing more than 8 on my days off.

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Shit I figured there'd be more people here on early July 4th benders. Guess it's still a bit early for Murrica.

My lowest point was at 2 bottles of whiskey a day and some beers.
O got off that shit when i started keeping myself busy and having people around me helping me with that.
I was a functioning alcoholic, but i wasnt sober for at least 7 years of my life.
Havent touched a bottle for 5 years 11 months and 2 days

coming up on 6 months without being drunk. almost 8 grand spent on weed, no fucks given, it's working so it's worth it.

Just another 8 hours till I can drink.


You get withdrawals?

Former pisshead here. 5 years completely sober. The best advice i've got is to get a long term goal and work at it everyday. I was a fucking deadbeat pisshead until i told myself i wad going to sort my shit out, get a job and go to university. All of a sudden my days were too important to waste them either drunk or hungover. Dont fuck around on the small details, get a long term goal thats challenging but realistic. Forgive yourself if you fuck up, but make sure you keep on working towards the goal.

You can do it.

At the end of the last thread I was experiencing really bad dts and decided I had to taper off. Every time I stopped drinking I felt horrible, and I had enough of that shit. Thanks to the user that said good luck btw. I made it through in the end. I honestly had no I idea that withdrawal could be that extreme. So if you drink a lot for many days in a row, even if not continually, consider tapering off. Just know it takes a lot of discipline. Gatorade or even better Pedialyte is a huge help to stay hydrated. And also make sure you have a couple days relatively free. Just a side note that its obviously better to seek professional help when quitting alcohol, but that isn't an option for everyone.
Read this if you want good information on how to taper off. But if anyone wants some info from someone who just went through that, ask away.
Good stuff.
That's the plan user.

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>almost 8 grand spent on weed
Completely stupid

Replacing once vice for another is no improvement at all.

>t. someone trying to remove both evils from their life

If you really think that smoking weed is as bad as drinking you're not an alcoholic. There's no longer broken glass, vomit, blood and piss everywhere, I no longer black out, no longer end up in hospital or prison, people no longer hate me, I'm no longer in agony... and this is no improvement at all? You are a fool, you do not know what you are talking about.

>Completely stupid
I'd pay 8 million to stop drinking. Fuck you, go find a drinking thread on /b/ with the other rebellious teenagers.

>you're not an alcoholic.
I never said I was; I simply implied I struggled with both over many years

>There's no longer broken glass, vomit, blood and piss everywhere, I no longer black out, no longer end up in hospital or prison, people no longer hate me
I don't know what trauma you've experienced to become an alcoholic so I won't guess.
What I can tell you is that you're just swapping for one lesser evil and while you might be doing less tangible damage to yourself physically you are just moving to a different substance to dull the pain.

I'm not going to attack you as a person for using drugs to escape (as I have), but if you're honestly proud that instead of drinking a shittonne you're just going to smoke weed like a train and believe that's moving ahead in life then I think you're deluded

>swapping for one lesser evil
Yes and as such it's a massive improvement you impossible moron, not "no improvement at all". You call someone stupid for escaping the near-literal hell which is alcoholism? I'd spend every penny, and throw in a limb just incase. Please think before posting infuriating drivel.

Sounds like you're making excuses but ok

Just fuck off user.

The whole fucking week, picked a bad time to stop drinking, but we're almost like 4 weeks in and finally over the insomnia hump i think. feelsgoodman. i believe in all of you.

>really enjoy drinking, but limit myself just fine to healthy doses
Feels good

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Totally agree. Feels good to sleep without the room spinning. Pick a cut-off time, and water down the rest of the night.

I hope it's okay to post this here.

Does anyone here have any experience drinking while on SSRIs? I'm on Lexapro (escitalopram) 10mg and I keep encountering situations where people want me to drink with them. I don't drink at all but I don't want to feel left out or like I don't want you to participate or whatever. So far I've only had tiny amounts while eating and drinking water. Should I keep that up? I'm just worried about what might happen with my body. My brain started feeling numb after a single fucking jello shot recently. I'm not sure what's gonna happen later down the road since my friend really wants to go clubbing with me.

I take Cymbalta which is similar and the interaction makes me pass out after a few drinks. Not sure what the two do together but that's the only slight negative I get when combining with my meds; It may be different for you. Generally not good to mix any psychiatric medication with heavy amounts of alcohol though.

I see, thank you user.

You’re essentially shitting on someone for going from twelve beers a day to six, just because they haven’t quit drinking altogether.


Have you gone through withdrawals? Cause I tell ya that shit really sucks. It's good your only drinking beer(now?) but slowly ween yourself off of it. Remember the other things you loved to do.~

Just a couple days of sleep paralysis nightmares and weird sweats back when I was drinking more Now I just get cold sweats when sleeping on day two and insomnia. The dreams are a lot less psychotic thankfully. I look at people's horror stories about detox here and try to have that keep me from going too far. I think next week, or this week after the 4th, I'm going to try to cut back again. Maybe down to 1 24oz can a night then get back to taking proper breaks.

I've had weird dreams too. But I also stopped smoking so that could have something to do with it.You can do it. Ween yourself or stop altogether. It's up to you. I still drink heavily but I was in a bad relationship you can say I'm weening off that first. Good luck anin.

I wish I felt like I used too

The 'good old days' are gone forever

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Time to start drinking. Have a good Fourth everyone.

Man I know that feeling. I'm sitting here thinking about all the people I miss most and wondering if they miss me too. I can't help but think they don't and it's better not to reach out to them but I don't know. Hell I wish I was as good at connecting to people and getting along with them as I used to be, and that I felt as passionate and easily entertained too.

Does the rest of /ck/ / al/ck/ know we're here?

Some threads were posted there to advertise it early on. I think the mods started banning so people stopped.

>Coworker gave me some of her antidepressants
>Took them with some cheap champagne
Happy Independence day

My dad used to be a big alcoholic. He went to AA meetings and they read passages from the bible and eventually he replaced alcohol with soda. My family is really proud of him.

That's how I made it out too. Sometimes I come to these threads to remind myself how horrible it was back then. Keeps me sober for another day. Make sure you tell your dad how proud you are! It'll mean a lot.

is my arms feeling weak connected to drinking or not drinking anyone ever have this?

I honestly don't understand how people are retarded enough to not drink in moderation.
I'm literally a homeless man with no family or friends, and even I don't exceed a 0.1 BAC when I drink.

Sometimes after a rough night of drinking, my arms feel weak when I try to prop myself up to drink water in the morning. Like this weird buzzing, lightweight feeling.

Been sober for nearly 3 months. It's been mostly easy but sometimes I really just want to drink. Been tapering down for the last few years but used to drink between a fifth and liter of hard liquor just about every night of the week, a day off here and there.

Might have been me who said the 'good luck btw'. I hope it was. I maybe finally did something good in this world.
Either way, so proud of you user!
Earlier this year I went through the worst wds f my life. Twice. Literally unable to function.
I am currently on day two sober, but I've been so scared of that feeling again, I'm finding if I go hard four days, then force myself to take a break, the withdrawals aren't nearly as bad.
Having said that, being absolutely useless to my wife or anyone for the days that I drink is no life for me and especially not for her.
I start back at work on the 16th, so hopefully that'll help me quit, or at least keep it to Friday nights. I'm an alcoholic though, so there the old saying that 'one drink is too many and a thousand is never enough'. :/

Great advice user. Thanks.


Hi user. What you drinking.
I haven't had a drink in 48 hours and god I want one. Something. Anything. Ffffuuuuuu

It’s time to get back on the wagon, friend.
Let me pour you a drink.

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Hes right you know.
Its time to have a drink.

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what's this, glassware for ants?

This thread is degenerate and has nothing to do with advice.

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I advise you to go back to Jow Forums

Who tf visits bant but stupid people?

BTW great job dealing with your addictions.

Just ignore the know-it-all kids, dude. Inevitable here on 4chins, try not to give them attention or they'll never stop whining.

"on the wagon" means sober.