What would the world be like without the religions?

All of them. Gone. Never existed in the first place.

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>All of them. Gone. Never existed in the first place.
Depends if we learned the truth from which all religions stem.


One would pop up.

>Depends if we learned the truth from which all religions stem.

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It'd be a godless place.

People would still be loud mouth bigots but it would be harder for those kinds to get followers. None of this "god is on my side" bullshit.

We would be in the stoneage probably.
Religion and fear of the big picture made people built structures, draw depictions and create written language write down books etc.

sub human trash would need to look for alternative excuses for acting like sub human trash

probably filled with less gullible retards

>fear of the big picture
This is a great expression for religiousity (in a good way). I'm stealing it and I'm not even black.

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Same shit but humanity would invent another cargo cult to replace it.

*Mic check * Mic check

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I think it would look a lot Jow Forums

Massive lack of ethnic/family cohesion, cultural identity, and sense of connection to ancestral land. Proto-religious behaviors like burying/honoring the dead and leaving valuable items next to their graves were exhibited since the Neanderthal era and are also practiced to some extent by animals of big brain-to-body ratio such as great apes and even certain species of corvids.

it wouldn’t exist

if you're an athiest and asking this question, you're like 16.

People already have a built in conscience, heart, intuition to seek something more and find deeper meaning in life and death. You're just disconnected from all the vital parts of your being, so you're basically an NPC Atheist spouting the .exe

Religions are man made. Spirituality is some sort of connection with the universe.

Rome wouldn't have fell and the Dark Ages would've never happened

Middle East wouldn't be a hotpot of violence

Moon base, mars colony, space stations around the gas giants and their moons

Saying "religions are man made" is a man made statement.

>Spirituality is some sort of connection with the universe.

Yeah, because God is within the whole Universe and its natural, normal, and part of humanity to find this whether is via religion or not.

Without religion, civilization would be more like nature: Chaos.

Like you could walk out on the street and get murdered by somebody who was having a bad day and that would just be "nature".

Most of society is NPC. About 80%. As such, they need a Fear Mechanism to force them to follow rules and support society. It used to be God, now it's Global Warming.

Most people only follow rules because they fear something. Religion offers that framework. Government tends to fall into that framework. But you have to have religion first then build government on top of that.

>One Nation Under God

Get it?

You wrongly assume that most of society "thinks" like the 20% or so who are woke.

Haha retard we’d be thousands of years ahead. Writing came without religion.

>hur religion and spirituality only ever existed as the religions I know today
Imagine being this retarded.

If there is a pwoer vacuum something else will fill it.
Religions are just power structures

religion is a story people tell one another to explain things they dont understand. Then it became a way to control the working class and poor, and extort money out of them, like mind control. Now its basically the same as it was then.

would the world be a better place if religions never existed? probably.

Religion is a means to distort good and evil so you can convince groups of people to kill each other.

the world would be a-spiritual

religion is the only thing in history that has kept men from killing each other.
no other appeal has ever had such authority to pursue peace over war.

No more global warming and vegans.

Maybe. On the other hand, there would be open war on faggotry, degeneracy, and other issues that go against the natural order without fear of moral apprehension or divine retribution.

Superstition and magical, child like thinking have to be channeled somehow. Humans don't leave home without it.

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There would be no world, since God made it.

>religion is a story people tell one another to explain things they dont understand. Then it became a way to control the working class and poor, and extort money out of them, like mind control. Now its basically the same as it was then.
you need to have an IQ above 85 to post here, friend.

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without a transcendent view of the natural world there is no 'natural order'
There must be a meta-criteria by which things are ordered.

Yep m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=Qh8rpFTVBuM

Civilization would have stagnated at Sumer. No religion = no priest caste to develop writing and shit.

Initially? I thought it would be a better world.

Now though? I'm stuck realizing that some people, whether it's a product of their environment or not, are just small-minded and mean spirited on some fundamental level. I'm left wondering if religion is the only thing that can graft some basic sense of morality into their barren souls- or if these people will be cruel and self-serving regardless, and will pervert their religion to rationalize their wanton behavior. I swear if Jesus descended on this planet he'd be shot within a month as some communist cult leader, our society is fucked.

So I have no fucking clue what the world would be like without religions. But as I get older I become more misanthropic and despairing for the fate of humanity.

Here is your answer. Get fuck Atheist.

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This is actually a rabbit hole of a question. It's very possible, even likely, that humans required the concept of 'sacred' in order to use their nascent consciousness to model external factors, perhaps in consensus forming groups, in order to modify their future behavior for their own benefit. IE there is something of a gap between basic reinforced behavior in order to model the environment to eat and breed, and everything we consider special about human behavior. We may see some glimpses of this in some other organisms, mostly those with strong social behavior and caretaking of offspring.
Plenty of people in the last century have pointed out that a loss of organized religion really doesn't eliminate this drive, as humans will still attempt to create sacred things, whether they be the state, social justice, chaos frogs and random number generators, whatever. The only way to have a world without religion may be to have a world without our style of consciousness.

>imaginary invisible sky dad belief is a sign of intelligence

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A lot of people are starting to learn more and more about the truth from which all religions stem. With the internet readily available it has become so much easier.

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About the same. Religious devotion is hardwired into our brains, at this point. As a matter of fact, look at the atmosphere of atheistic nations. They simply put it into political beliefs.

Although the modern bible is greatly disfigured, it is nevertheless infused with the ancient secret doctrine. However, the many levels of meaning hidden in the Hebrew letters are not visible in the modern language versions of the bible. For example, the very first words of the Bible, in Hebrew, are: Bereshidt bara Elohim. The common literal translation is: “In the beginning, God creates...” But the Hebraic translation, found in The Zohar, reads: “In wisdom, Elohim creates...” Elohim is a Hebrew word. The root El is Hebrew for God and is masculine. The feminine form of El is Eloah, which means Goddess. Elohim is plural, thus meaning Gods and Godesses, male/female. In contrast to the familiar image of a bearded old man, God is established in the first three words of the bible as androgynous, containing both male and female. (Androgynous Shiva, Ardhanareshvara, Hinduism) (Male-Female Creator, Ometecuhtli, Aztec). The word Elohim has many meanings; in one sense it refers to Angels, the governors of creation. These Divine Beings are male/female, in the image of their creator. This is clearly illustrated in most ancient images of Angels, showing them to have the attributes of both man and woman. In the Bible, the angel who oversaw the creation of humanity is called Jehovah Elohim. (Jehovah Elohim formed man from the dust of the earth. He blew into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being. Genesis 2:7) Jehovah is another important name of God, not to be confused with Yahweh. The name Jahovah, or Jehovah, is comprised of four Hebrew letters: Iod, He, Vav, He. Yod/Iod or Jah, can be translated as “male” or “phallus,” Adam. Heva or Heve, is “female,” “mother,” or “uterus,” Eve. Even the name Jehovah contains both masculine and feminine forces. (God created man in his own image; in the image of Elohim created he them: male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27)

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So god was a trap? Couldn't the translation lead one to believe that there were two creators? One male and one female? Why does it alway have to be a tranny?

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No. God is within us. Male and Female united. Elohim are advanced humans who created us through genetics. You're gonna be a dead israeli soon,

You're taking it too literally. I would say the source of creation is neither male nor female. It just has aspects of both. There is a balance of the two to create a whole. Not a literal dick and a literal vagina.

>imaginary made-up make-belief middle-eastern desert fairy tale zombie carpenter flesh-eating and blood-drinking cult that worships an invisible floating sky daddy in a toga who floats in space and tells people what to do

Every atheist argument I've ever heard aside from "H-how can you prove God exists?"

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You mean if some invisible force prevented all religions from ever existing?

Probably like Sweden but 10 times worse.

literally no reason to follow any sort of established morals as there is no ultimate punishment awaiting

You’re always going to have hive-minds and impressionable superstitious people running things with or without religion. It ultimately depends on whether or not they prefer practicality over ideals.

Can I see you numbers and sources on that claim? I would like to use them next time this argument comes up, if true and verifiable.

you people are always saying you want the truth... well here is a red pill for you, but you are probably not ready for it.


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