What went wrong?
Nick the faggot
You didn’t apologize
Catholic mutt mad he doesn't have revolutionary heritage just another off brand wannabe.
That guy is such a soi femboy.
Apologize, wignat.
Still upset you got blocked?
>He doesn't, says he'll do a Shutdown if he doesn't get his wall funded
>House literally gives him a fucking budget for the wall, Senate cucks out
>He shuts the Government down
What's the problem?
You can’t be a German and mock anyone else’s masculinity that’s too ironic to even be funny
Wow, Trump caved in after his base got mad at him instead of "trusting the plan" like MAGApedes like little nicky do.
better than jewish, rabbi
Zoomers are based!!!!!
don't be upset that he's blowing your controlled opposition plants out of the water left and right, fangirl.
He's not criticizing the pressure people, he's criticizing the people that jumped ship (AR) and started talking about abandoning electoral politics.
The budget they gave for the wall is hardly enough to detour the problem.
Keep celebrating 5 billion bucks. It's as meaningless as the 0.3 percent THC products. You have all been worked by another one of the you scratch my back/I'll scratch yours deals planned out by career politicians more concerned with public perception than they are with introducing substantial change to America.
It's $5.8B for just 2019, dummy.
This. Trump was playing his base for a long time, realising he can betray them on every position and just drop cryptic hand signs and Q here and there, and that would be enough to his base believing in some 5D chess plan, when in reality he's done nothing and nothing will be done.
I'll believe it when I'm sniping spics from the top of a 200ft tall wall.
>Trump does nothing for months
*nick stays silent*
>Trump tweets about doing something
Jumping ship is putting pressure
>get blocked by a faggot
>call him a faggot on an anonymous racket ball stringing forum to get back at him
nigga what?
don't be upset, man. the alt right is fucking retarded, accept it.
>every incremental positive step is bad
Keep waiting for Hitler to return and smite all the shitskins, retard.
>Jumping ship is putting pressure
No its not. AR is cancelled.
Qfags are the worst and it's such a fucking effective psyop because they keep waiting for the cavalry to come riding in and save us all at the last second without having to do anything but just wait.
Are MAGApedes and Q-user's different? or do you differentiate? No one on Trumps side is leaving, we have one last chance and this is it, you better be doing everything you can to enable it to work, he is obviously doing what he can in a very difficult environment. Now we are laughing at you shitlibs and literal faggots because we have gotten most of what we wanted and only 2 years in. Holy fuck the next 6 years is going to be traumatic for you.
>a literal 20 year old spic
Just trust the plan goy, Trump is releasing felons and tweeting about doing something
im white
Literally Who?
>stop calling my GF the N word
This spic is way to uppity. Let's ruin his optics forever Jow Forums. Pic related is Nicky boy standing in front of a Confederate and white nationalist flag while pointing with ISIS finger at Charlottesville rally.
It's a fence
Lol he's sooo obsessed with counter signaling the alt right, what would he do without them?
You literally look up to a 20 year old virgin with no life experience for your ideology
>my children will have blonde hair and blue eyes
The reality is, anyone who spends as much time fighting with people who agree with him on 85% of things, instead of enemies who agree on 10% of the stuff, is not someone who'll take us places. Non-children will emerge.
i like nicks show
We need that mother fucking wall. I don't know if our senators are ignorant, treasonous, or absolutely fucktard, but that shit needs to happen right fucking now.
>Spic thinks he understands European people
We don't care anymore. We're hungry for blood.
I dont think he's trying to take anyone anywhere, he just wants to make a show and spread his manifesto through it.
Look mommy! I'm right!!!!
I don't get it. Is that Nick's brother? Who are thee people?
Nick the spic seems to not realize it was pressure and heat from blackpillers like Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh that got Trump to suddenly decide to fight for the wall. Trump only cares about his ego.
Is there anything more nauseous than an e-celebrity who talks in memes?
Nick is a subhuman spic
He's an AR figurehead that was attacking Nick and it turned out he has a black girlfriend. He even got upset someone called her a nigger on a stream. The absolute state of the AR.
The guy on the right is James allsup who is 1/4th Filipino. Never trust a mutt
A spic versus a race mixer.
America in a nutshell.
Yeah, we should trust Hamback instead. He's based and redpilled on the JQ.
Yeah, no one in the AR or white advocate should have a nonwhite girlfriend or wife. That's definitely a bad look.
Nick is a beaner who is dating a poo in loo
Allsup is cool though and doesn't counter-signal like retard.
And I'm suppose to be surprised?
But he isn't white yet larps as white. This is a bad precedent to allow
People were sucking Trump's dick for supposedly revoking birthright citizenship just before the midterms and he hasn't done shit about it yet.
I'm not trusting that orange jew until there's actually a wall in place.
Is it even guaranteed the wall is going to come out of all this? Last I checked it still has a few steps to go, why celebrate early? Cause Trump "Fought for it"? The reason people were blackpilled about it was -if- Trump does go ahead with trying to push for it, he's not exactly in an advantageous position come next year.
You aren't white either.
Trump did cave on the wall. He caved so hard that he is not even trying to get it built, instead pretending that Bush-era fencing is a wall.
There's going to be a government shutdown and that's a step in the right direction. Not to mention that he said he would use the military to build it if it comes down to it. It's not a sure thing, but there does seem to be a difference in Trumps urgency and rhetoric.
House gave budget for a few miles of fencing, same as the last budget. Pay attention.
Filipinos are also half spanish which makes him roughly 80-90% white. Plus he identifies as white which is very important. Varg-tier Europeans will scoff at this, but us Amerimutts have to work with what we have. But, remember most Europeans aren't even white either, especially Nords.
On one of his streams, JF said he's dating Lauren Rose
>he identifies as white which is very important
No it isn't.
She will be killed on the day of the rope for race mixing.
Nords are closely related to Native Americans (Natives being closest related to Nords than any other group).
This I’ve seen it 10,000 times before usually in non-white veterans who wish they were Americans. They double down on being what they perceive as American so hard that they stray from where the founders would have been and begin undermining the European heritage whilst simultaneously thinking its what makes America great.
Agreed, it is a step in the right direction; If it is acted upon. I'm hoping with Mattis gone, maybe that was the monkey on his back and something will get done? Maybe the phonecalls are actually helping? People are getting easily blackpilled because let's be real, he's dropped the ball after stuff like this before.
Doubt it. I've been hearing about this day of retribution for years now, it never happens. Man, you guys really cucked out and aren't keeping your promises. Probably sold out to ZOG!
>defends mutts
>proceeds to divide and conquer with the classic " aren't white"
t. le 76% face nick the spic.
It's not phonecalls. Those don't do shit. Trump got butthurt because all of the pundits were turning on him. Within a two week period, Tucker, Anne Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh all came out and said Trump is a miserable failure and a coward. Trump's ego couldn't take it.
TRSodomite detected. GTFO my Jow Forums nigger.
To be fair, anyone who bled for this country should be considered apart of it (not post Korean War warfare however). Im sure the Founders would concede to this.
>t. brvnch eater
>Being half Spanish and half Filipino makes you 90% white
Since when are Filipinos 80% European?
Isn't Nick a white nationalist? He's spoken about his beliefs with Spencer and he's woke on the JQ.
Rope days happen spontaneously lad. They are black swans, but one will happen. Empires like the USA don't just peacefully decline, and USA is on the fast track into the garbage bin of history. There will be violence.
I was a preempting a European dogpile.
>revolutionary heritage
No one in this world is more stuck up their own ass, lost and utterly delusional than Puritans lmao
Veteran is a loose term today, it means anyone who wore a uniform not that someone bled. A chef or truck driver is considered a veteran, the air force and navy too lol and each one gets the benefits.
Also did those who bled really bleed for their nation and it’s children, or were they in unjust wars that had no benefit for the American people?
You can't be a white nationalist if you aren't white. He has native and black ancestry which he has admitted to and provided proof of
If he were, he would have moved back to Mexico. He is a mestizo nationalist.
Who is this then?
Having racial standards is good. Unless you want to be like brazil
>Emmy winner
>5 children
>real estate mogul
I listen to his show from time to time, when I need to kill an hour or so
He's basically a JWoke catholic paleocon with a hard-on for optics
He is a failure as president. He is the weakest president in at least the last century.
Tfw your an incel but resort to calling yourself a volcel to justify your virginity.
Ronny "my mulatto children will look aryan" Cameron.
You have none of them. All your cities are blacked, jews run your schools, you have no traditional culture anymore and you set the standard for it to happen to this whole zog'd country. It's over user. As soon as this wall vote fails.
Most of the alt-right/dissident right don't have any issues with trumps personal life.
Thank you. I hadn't heard of him before.
You're not white because don't know math. You said Allsup was 75% white 25% Filipino. Therefore, 12.5% Spanish and 12.5% Asian. Equals 87.5% white and 12.5% Asian. Of course, this is a rough estimate the precentage could vary because we don't how spanish or how asian he is. So, maybe 80%-95% white.
>It's over user
Man, I feel like I've heard this before...
>Also did those who bled really bleed for their nation and it’s children, or were they in unjust wars that had no benefit for the American people?
I'm of the belief that those who sacrifice themselves to war transcend responsibility for the cause of said war. I wouldn't put down the soldier, but instead the statesmen for their decisions to go to war. Although, the way war is fought nowadays (modern warfare) I'm uneasy to call any regular infantryman a warrior who bled for his country.
Still cooler than ronnie
muh dik
It is for all those communities that purged their traditional culture.