

Attached: EM.png (635x499, 54K)

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what does it say?

I don't speak Sand People or Baguette

Macron will defend Israel and his own generals will kill him

Trump is a genius starting those yellow vests. Imagine Macron trying to take military action tomorrow. Dude will die if he tries that.

Attached: 1513963324944.png (1232x994, 240K)

I doubt thats what it says




Oh wow

Why is he tweeting in Arabic?

Mashallah he has submitted to Islam.

He's speaking to french citizens :^)

Francois Caliphate when?

Martel is rolling on his gravy

I hope police join protestors tomorrow and kill Macron

that man should have a brown dick in his mouth by now; it'd be very fitting for him; fuck i think he's sucking 1 now... hmm, nevermind
(is that real, holy fuck, lol)

Attached: emmanuel-macron_no-such-thing-as-french-culture.jpg (500x316, 56K)

I think it was the brits bussing in strike force from bretagne. They're gonna brexit and take France down with it.

Nature is selecting against whites.


he's tweeting about a deal with lebanon, they speak arabic there, they don't understand french.

Nature doesn't have morals; I hope you don't think 'nature' is training 'whites'

Attached: 1449727824947.jpg (3072x2048, 1M)

It is only natural for the leader of a country to speak in its primary language.

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lebanese people nearly all speak french... And this cuck write it in arabic.

He’s talking about Lebanon, a former French colony. Lebanese speak Arabic and French and probably he suited it toward them. A lot of Christian Lebanese still see France as their guardian
> t Leb Christian

Attached: not my president.jpg (924x858, 100K)

This is true why the fuck is he doing that???

Neither do I
> France is working to ensure the stability and independence of Lebanon. I have held talks with the President of the Republic, Mr. Michel Aoun, and Prime Minister Saad Hariri, and we hope to form a Lebanese government as soon as possible to promote cooperation between the two countries.


People rolling them out were getting tear gas grenades with as much TNT in them as WWII frags thrown at them.

French crusaders descendants. Liban is a part of France...

Because he's a retard.

Attached: fete-de-la-musique-a-lelysee-21-juin-2018.webm (640x360, 2.51M)

Tomorrow, yellow jacket, act 6: "Merry Christmas to Macron".

Many Lebanese are Christians or redpilled Catholics. Only small portions are shitheads.

this can't be real

That's a language, you dumb murican fuck.


Attached: In the street in french we are in Quebec period.png (503x699, 269K)

Better than being part of Syria or “Palestine” or Israel. Didn’t know you guys still remembered us, Pierre. And yes most Lebanese speak French. It’s mostly the Christians like my family who love France, the Sunnis tend not to and Shiites don’t really care either way.
Lebanon’s borders should have been from Beirut to the north with the Christian areas of coastal Syria included. Too late now, but fun to think about. I have family in France and Canada. My grandfather absolutely loved France and spent half his life there, the rest between Egypt and Lebanon.
> French crusaders
Funnily enough, I’m extremely pale by ‘arab’ standards.

>German flag
>defending shitskin muslims

This checks out

Thanks. Most Lebanese diaspora, which are 3 times the size of domestic Lebanon, are Christian (catholic and orthodox). But even the Muslims of Lebanon are far tamer than other Muslims.

Jews destroying us from within. They blame ALL white people for Hitler and now want to exterminate us because we're "Amalek" to them.

Meanwhile, nothing Hitler did to them was unwarranted.

Attached: CII3K32.png (811x811, 752K)


All trolling aside, it's not necessarily a bad idea, because it means he won't be mis-translated by Arabs ready to explode at any moment and storm the embassy.

wahahahhaha you cant make this shit up