To all autistic guys here - how to seduce you? I'm 3/10 so can't rely on looks

To all autistic guys here - how to seduce you? I'm 3/10 so can't rely on looks.

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Be smart


"autistic" guy reporting in. What are you trying to accomplish? do you just want to have sex with them or get into a relationship? be more specific about your intentions. I'll give you all the advice you could want.

Don't be a tumblrina.
That's enough for me because every girl I met is one.

My ultimate goal is a long, loving relationship

>Be smart
A priori, it's impossible for human beings using such terms as "3/10", "7/10", "alpha", "beta", etc. bullshit.

When in Rome...

Are you fat

Yes, I also wear glasses

How fat? This is important. Autism isn't a reason to settle.

Not autistic, but generally I'll like you if you're nice to me and pay attention to me.
Then again, "3/10" sounds pretty hideous honestly so that might potentially be a dealbreaker. That is, unless the guy is "3/10" himself.

this literally helps almost all situations.

Do you already have a specific autistic guy in mind? Or just want to figure out how to snag the one you know you want when you see them? This can get complicated and i'm trying to give advice that will be the most useful over the broadest range of autists.

But put a slight amount of effort into making sure they're comfortable, the autist often feels out cast in their interests. If you genuinely share interests that's a massive bonus! a red flag for an autist being a douche is he will aggressively challenge your knowledge on a certain topic you claim to enjoy such as... "WHAT WAS THE TWELFTH LINE AND SPECIAL MOVE OF EPISODE 136 IN DRAGON BALL Z" there is a small change this type of autist has been baited by attention whores and doesn't realize how this is an unrealistic shit test.

Make sure you're assertive, as long as everything is good he will most likely be very much into it even if he isn't putting effort into advancing the relationship. assertive meaning you're messaging them, pushing to get time together, talking about things, doing stuff together, moving things along.

Do not put out immediately, sex is not a key to a relationship especially with an autist. If he gets easy sex gets a massive immediate confidence boost, realizes it isn't that hard to get sex, and thinks you're also an easy slut it's likely he will drop you even if he just ends up a lonely autist after again.

be thin.
dont be unthin
go up to dudes and ask to fuck

Also autists generally don't care about looks, (humble brag) I'm a 9/10 but i'm autistic I don't care if a girl is ugly, i do care more that she's putting effort into herself but that very well could just be a personal preference.

this is literally just advice for women to get nothing but easy casual sex from guys, some cash/food and nothing more.

Very fat
>Autism isn't a reason to settle.
That's hardly why I'm into guys how are or seem to be autistic. I just get on well with these guys and tend to have more in common with them.

I'm cautious of any girl that targets autistic guys because that's how I was born because my Dad thought he couldn't do any better and had a horrible life with a horrible wife that atrophied and died due to her own atrophy. And I refuse to let that happen to me, even if it probably won't happen to me because I'm a 4/10 confirmed by /soc/ and can't even get fat chicks on Tinder.

2 words plastic surgery

>Very fat
Why wouldn't you upload an image with a hidden face?

I have a particular guy in mind, but he is very hot-and-cold, and sometimes won't talk to me for extended periods of time. He is a very private person too, but he seems to make exceptions for me and tells me some personal things saying that 'he thinks I should know that'. He is very knowledgeable and enjoys talking about very specific and somewhat obscure things, but never arranges any shit-tests. He seems to be content with lecturing me, and I'm content with that as well.

lie about birth control. now youre pregnant and he is trapped.
boom. casual sex just netted you a financial slave.

being able to talk to some one about things you find genuinely interesting is really good. Try talking about things and see what peek his interest, figure out the things he likes to talk about and encourage him to talk with you about them with you and talk back to him and i bet he will develop a lot of interest in you and then you can get more aggressive with relationship stuff with him pretty easily.

I can't take a selfie right now, but my figure is simialr to pic related. Only my breasts are bigger and I dress like a spinster in her 50s.

Thank you user. Do you think I should initiate our conversations more often?

I forgot to include the pic

Attached: Fat-Girl-Flow.jpg (1217x1227, 189K)

if this girl was healthy she would probably be an 8.5.

>Thank you user. Do you think I should initiate our conversations more often?
very well could be what you should do, but try to give him enough space he won't get anxious or if he does become attached to you will miss you when you're gone rather than be thankful for the breathing room. It's a tough thing to measure out and get right but it's not like you need to be perfect at that or think about it constantly, just a normal thing to be mindful of.

>be sweet
>be attentive
>be patient
>be openly interested
>cook for them
>take care of them
>make them feel like no one else matters
I would seriously marry any woman that would do this

It also helps if you actually talk to us.
I had this girl at college who was nothing special. Not really pretty or anything. But man, she was the most intelligent girl I've ever met.
On the second year I started talking to her more and more, she was extremely intelligent and talking to her felt so awesome, and I developed a crush. She had a boyfriend tho, and I made a fool out of myself so she doesn't really talk to me anymore.

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You gotta first lose weight. Being fat as in pic related is a deal breaker for most guys (and those for whom it is not are most likely fat fetishists).

Just lose weight then follow the advice given above.

>if you're not shallow then you must be a fat fetishist

I have tried losing my weight a bunch of time in my life, I always gain it back because I'm a lazy person with unhealthy coping mechanisms and contributing but unresolved medical issues. Unfortunately I can only hope I find a guy who won't care.

You looks quite happy with all those tattoos. Seems like you need no autistic guy at all.

That's not me, just some random chick with a simialr body. I don't have any tattoos or piercings.

>it's another "the singular solution to all the girl's problems is to lose weight" thread

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women live life on easy mode and yet somehow they still manage to fuck it up.

What the hell is going on here? Where's your actual photo?

To be fair, it's the solution to a lot of guy's problems too. Obesity is a real issue.

>t. fat fuck

no, because after I lost 60 pounds I suddenly realized I was a 22 year old who spent his entire adolescence dwelling on my obesity, resulting in zero social and romantic experience and that no one was going to help me out just because I lost weight

>ironic ad hominem

>I'm a lazy person with unhealthy coping mechanisms and contributing but unresolved medical issues
Kudos for recognizing you have problems.
I'd recommend you to try to fix those before searching for a partner. Otherwise, you will have to settle with someone who, as you say, would accept you for what you are, but would most likely have issues on their own. That will most likely make you both unhappy. Taki it from a guy who tried to soothe his mental issues by finding a girl who would love me for what I am - guess what, it never worked and only made the girl more unhappy in long term.

So fix yourself first. Fuck love if you can't even love yourself.

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Yes, because if you aren't a fat fuck then your health will greatly improve and so will everything in your life. You'll spend less money on food. People will like you more. You'll be able to physically do more things. Being fat is a fatal flaw that should be corrected. By the way? You're most likely going to have zero social and romantic experience if you're fat.

Fat people are disgusting. You can virtue signal all you want, but you know in the end that no matter how much your partner """loves you""", they will never want to kiss you with the same desire they'd have if you weren't a fat fuck.

ok and it's still not the solution for any man who comes here to post a thread

it IS the solution for any woman who comes here to post a thread, because then they just have to sit there and get what they want

I won't post my photo

I have been trying to fix my issues for 20 years. Some things can't be fixed. In the end I don't mind being on my own. I just sometimes wish I could have someone to spend my life with, but it's fine if it doesn't happen.

these guys are not autistic, they just want a mom who loves them

We're not talking about a girl with just a little pudge here. Granted I'll give her some points for being honest about get position but if that picture genuinely resembles her build losing weight is just a prerequisite. Doesn't matter if they have chemistry if there is no attraction.

>ok and it's still not the solution for any man who comes here to post a thread
Yeah it's the solution.
>"I can't get a girlfriend"
>"No one respects me"
>"My life sucks"
Have you tried not being fat, bro?

>I have been trying to fix my issues for 20 years. Some things can't be fixed.
That sucks. Lifelong issues can be very tolling on a person's quality of life and psyche. May I ask what issues do you have, if you don't mind talking about it?
>In the end I don't mind being on my own. I just sometimes wish I could have someone to spend my life with, but it's fine if it doesn't happen.
That's a pretty good attitude to have. Makes you seem like a chill person to be around.

Where do you live OP? I'd give you a chance.

>We're not talking about a girl
You're right. This entire thread is a trolling.

I was a very sickly child, so I didn't move a lot. I mostly stayed home taking my antibiotics, injections and other medicines. My father was abusive and violent, so when I was scared of him, which was often, I went to my grandma who coddled me and gave me sweets and snacks. I suppose this is why I eat compulsively whenever I'm stressed, which is often too. I was briefly depressed at 13 and attempted suicide, but my depression mostly went away and now I function normally. I have hypothyroidism, asthma and slight insomnia. I stopped believing I will lose weight and become a physically fit person, but aside from that I'm content with my life and try to better myself in other ways.

Central Europe

Do some exercise
>Problem solved

I'm a very good looking guy that has no problem getting women, i'd be more than willing to date an obese girl as long as she had the genuine intention of getting healthy and changing those life styles. But unfortunately I'm also aware of these facts
1: people think changing themselves even for the better is oppression
2: peoples helpful intentions even when done perfectly can be viewed as an annoyance
3: to get to that state of prolonged unhealthy behavior suggests other more serious issues.

and a couple other extremely difficult to navigate complex issues. But I'm an exception, there's also a ton of guys who
1: genuinely don't mind
2: actually have it as a fetish
3: are so desperate they don't care

Anyway you should probably chill out because just because some one is obese doesn't mean they're a bad person. And not every one handles the world in black and white sociopathic tendencies and ideologies.

Don't bother with these rejects, you think you get along with them and in some respects you do, but they're bound to fuck up in big ways because they're autistic and don't understand anything outside of the inner workings of their hobbies.

Same way most guys are seduced. Doesn’t really matter if the guy is autistic or not, or how appealing your looks are. Just groom well, be nice, and flirt a little bit.

If the guy is socially anxious, he may not make a move, and may want you to take all the initiative.

Not to mention I bet at least half of these faggots are just as fat. Hygiene and being trim is something for the woman to do so she can look like their fetish cartoons. They don't understand that they need to be this way as well, they'd rather look for excuses like height, so they can give up trying to understand the unforgiving complexity of female attraction (which actually isn't complex at all)

>I'm a very good looking guy that has no problem getting women, i'd be more than willing to date an obese girl as long as she had the genuine intention of getting healthy and changing those life styles.
Exactly what I said. Being obese is a deal breaker - only willingness to change can make it not-a-deal-breaker.

>But I'm an exception, there's also a ton of guys who
>1: genuinely don't mind
Never met a single person like this in my life.
>2: actually have it as a fetish
I already mentioned this.
>3: are so desperate they don't care
True. The quality of those guys is questionable, though. There must be a reason for their despair.

>Anyway you should probably chill out because just because some one is obese doesn't mean they're a bad person. And not every one handles the world in black and white sociopathic tendencies and ideologies.
You seem kinda upset. Why?

Elaborate on this female attraction. I'm not fat and I dress nice yet I always fail, so you are making it sound too simple.

Share all my autistic hobbies. Share my disappointment with people and life. I would date an uggo if i empathized with her a lot.

Just lose weight sister
B yourself and chad will marry u

>be smart
More like don't be fat. Listen OP, women are lucky in a sense that all they have to do to drastically improve their chances at getting a boyfriend is to stay thin. Find a diet that works and stick with it. Work out 3 times a week will help also but mostly diet.
Guys don't really care about smartness. They will settle for anything when their in a famine mindset, which most people hear are.
As for your original question, just try and hang out around him a lot. And be suggestive. Familiarity cures all autism eventually. Just don't be surprised if he rejects you because autistic doesn't mean low standards. Good luck.

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You can be unattractive, but you cannot be fat.

-Engage conversations
-Be feminine
-Wear cute/beautiful dresses
-Do those adorable little swaying and dancing motions girls do
-Touch us
-Greet us, say thank you, say goodbye
-Compliment us
-Give us little surprise gestures of sacrifice (this will turn men into husband mode)
-Invite us to stuff, or make it glaringly obvious that you're trying to get the guy to invite you somewhere.
-Respond quickly, and with cute grace no matter what.
-Reject guys with a smile and gratitude. Gentle yet firm, make them know you appreciated you thinking about them and having the courage to initiate.

You can be straight up ugly and guys will want to wife you left and right.

Learn to cook, clean and take care of the house. Be ultra feminine. Imagine a crazy short haired feminist. Be the opposite of that. Most men (not just autists) would queue up to ask your hand in marriage because feminine women are a rare breed these days.

Autistic people are not blind.

succ the pe-pe

There's billions of "look I can make roti" women. Guys also want them to have a career (like accountancy or something) for that dual income lifestyle.

There are a whole slew of personality disorders that have absolutely nothing to do with the autism spectrum. What you're signing up for might be entirely fucking different from what you think you're signing up for.
>oh I thought he was just an autist but he's actually bpd with severe self esteem issues and he beats me
Good luck;have fun.

Be my friend first

Effeminate men who are also not financially stable want a working woman to supplement their income. I don't think most women really want to marry someone like that. That is why most marriages end up in divorces when the women meets a more competent man. I don't blame them. They don't want to feel like the man in the relationship.
"Look I can make roti" women are gold standard for women in my books. You might be right about the number of roti makers. But I can't seem to find any "roti making washing machine angels" in my social group. I guess I need to look outside my social group.

Well women cant reap all the benefits of equality and none of the costs. Society wont tolerate it for much longer.

I'm on the spectrume: minor aspergers. Autistic guys just want a nice girl they can bond with over their own personal interests and hobbies. You need someone that can understand you without using words because sometimes it's difficult to express yourself in words.

Fuck off. That’s how.


Post your ugly mug. I wanna laugh.