Hey Jow Forums, I just asked out this really cute trad Christian girl from my work. What should I do for a wholesome...

Hey Jow Forums, I just asked out this really cute trad Christian girl from my work. What should I do for a wholesome, traditional first date?
A little backstory
> Be me, 19, pretty much an incel. Been on a couple dates but never so much as kissed a girl.
> Also started very seriously working on my social skills and working out about a year ago
> Looking good feeling good, became a slightly strange but really funny guy
> Working at pizza place in my small white town
> New girl
> Solid 7.5/10
> Doesn't cut her hair because she's a certain religion, (she says she's non denominational but I don't think that's right.)
> Bakes food all the time for the employees, just because she likes to do it
> Flirting a lot back and forth at work Christmas party
> Finally ask her out last night

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>Doesn't cut her hair because she's a certain religion, (she says she's non denominational but I don't think that's right.)
Sounds like Pentecostal or Holiness.

Outdoorsy stuff like walking through a park if it's not too cold, little cafe where you can get fancy coffee

jeez why are you talking like it's a bad thing that you never kissed a girl? 99% of girls would DIE of happiness if they married their first kiss. i've seen girls screech and scream and giggle and jump up and down at the THOUGHT of someone ELSE marrying their first kiss. let alone it actually happening to her. it's a dream. it seems like an unrealistic dream though because too many people think kissing multiple people is just expected. kiss your wife first, you'll make her happy and sparkly for the rest of her life.

Congratulations sounds really good

Thanks for the perspective, and user. It probably will make her feel very special.

Do not even think about pushing for anything more than a kiss for a while if you truly want to be with her. Show her you're interested in her (aka her mind) rather than her body.


Yes, here's the key. Do not initiate anything physical and take your time to find out what you may have. She might be so Jesus obsessed that you may want to cut her loose

Pro tip: go to some sort of roller coaster park or action/horror movie or something like that. Get her blood pumping. The adrenaline and increased heart rate tricks the female brain into associating you with excitement, and so she feels excited whenever she’s around you.

Believe me, she is my first. I want it to be slow and organic. I don't want to do anything more than that

If she’s around your age, you’re probably her first as well. If so, keep in mind that she likely has no one else to compare you to. Take that as you will.

Take her to church and then go on a nice dinner date afterwards. Nothing more traditional than that.

just DON'T talk about memes and Jow Forums

Oh no, how he's probably gonna do it.

is this shit for real ?

Miniature golf is top-tier for a fun first date. Maybe go at an uncrowded time, so you can get to know each other and not feel like you're getting pushed through by other players. Top-tier date after you know each other a bit: go karts. Enjoy.

don't shit where you eat retard

Yes, it is. It's honestly kind of surreal. I thought that being an incel to 19 would mean I couldn't find a real good girl. She is though. I really like her

Nobody wants an atheist

Take her to see the town Christmas tree or take her to see lights. Do something lightly physical where you can chat with her and in public so she doesn’t feel like you’re sinning

Premarital sex is a sin. You should get to know her. Sometimes people seem one way but are another. It takes time.

If she invites you over see if there's an opening where you can grab some used socks or even a shoe or two and stuff em in your bag in case things go south

gtfo and take your Jow Forums friends with you, you fucking cuck

it’s a pizza place, retard.

good luck user

What a dumb leaf that was, at 19 working a crap job like a pizza joint there is nothing wrong with dating a co worker, he's not a senior manager at a pharmaceutical company you dumb cunt.

I am happy for you op, if things don't work out don't go too hard on yourself. I made the mistake of sleeping around a lot when I was your age and I feel guilty about it now. Now I'm married to the girl I dated when I was your age but back then she was just another fling. Feels bad and I would take it back, so don't regret staying a virgin. It's just brainwashing making you feel bad.

Take her hiking in the mountains of Morocco

Post nudes

i used to take girls out for smoothies, then to one of the better pet shops, (your girl might not like this, but most do) psychic readings(if you tip the psychic that it’s your first date they’ll throw in some positive bullshit. they know it’s all crap anyway), and an arcade that serves food that doesn’t specialize in video games(we had a great one when i was your age, but all that’s left now is chuck e. cheese)

why? it gets the conversation away from yourselves, which can be saved for car rides, and makes the woman focus on things other than you,but still have fun with you. and if things go wrong you can leave early and laugh it off. unlike a movie where you spend 40$ and if the movie sucks you just wasted an hour and a half of your life and she’s bored. women are retarded and in turn will think you are boring.

Brah take her to a fair, get her on a roller coaster or something.