Status Report

We have no Defense Secretary, no Attorney General, no Chief of Staff. The stock market is tanking. The government is shutting down. And Trump is a habitual liar and unindicted co-conspirator on multiple felonies committed to help him win an election that he just barely won.

Tired of winning yet?

Attached: mattis.png (2056x1449, 3.83M)

Trump will assume full control soon. God Emperor of mankind.

glombpft is finished, it's for real this time!! polite sage

>Tired of winning yet?

sorry, what? u NPC projecting trash

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> Invite chaos
Chaos arrives

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Mattis doesn't officially relinquish his post until February, retard. He remains on staff until a successor is nominated.

Orange man bad

Ok ORANGE MAN BAD. Thanks. Happy haunaka.

Still gets two scoops, faglord.


Attached: cristiano-ronaldo-jews.gif (500x289, 830K)

>The government is shutting down.

It tends to do that during Christmas, shill.

you forgot to mention you are a faggot

So say 'His' name; & he shall appear; dare you speak It, 'His' name.... ;*

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Does OP not know that they stay on until the new guy comes in to replace them?

Jews are white, liberals are not
simple as

Good. Management is overrated.

The majority of these idiots don't even understand the documents that founded the nation or the basic functions of the branches. Can you really expect them to understand administrative protocol, or even the ability to read his resignation letter outlining the time frame? LOL

I am delighted. I want the entire federal government, and almost all state and local government eliminated. We need to get rid of several million more useless government jobs. Not kidding, we have way too much useless overhead, we need to cut tons of unproductive, taxpayer subsidized jobs. And "unindicted co-conspirator" is a meaningless term. If someone was a conspirator, he would be charged. If he is not charged, he is not a conspirator. In addition, the conspiracy is not even a conspiracy to commit a crime. Me and a few friends can conspire to go to a hockey game, and drink some beers. This is legal, because going to hockey games and drinking beers is legal.

Dude, war is great!

The first step towards fixing this country unironically needs to be shearing the federal government back down to it's pre Civil War level of power.

This is what most people dont understand. Hell, most people in Swizterland wouldnt even know who the president is and they have one of the best countries in the world

4d chess etc. Sage.

promises made promises kept

and you better believe he got an eye on that toxic FED

people will look at their 401ks this year and trumps chance at 2020 evaporates

Let's slip some lies with some facts and hope nobody notices.

General Tranny-Fag McMattis will remain on duty until February like the good cuck he is.