Should porn be banned?

Britain is already taking steps forward, what does Jow Forums think?

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This is the first step to assure no anonymity on the internet.

Sounds like a lot of blackmail.

Oi gov'na, you got a loicence for that fap?

Honestly I think porn has proven socially destructive, conditioning men to be limp dicked cucks accepting of ruined women.

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You probably need it to pacify the pakis and blacks.

You’re right but it’s hard to quit

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any drug is

never ban porn.. I need to jizz into my cumrag every morning more than I need breakfast and lunch.

>the pakis and blacks
Those dirty hypocrites go home and pull their dicks to it harder than anyone else.

>what is a vpn

Half the population can't even work email, the hell are they supposed to use a VPN?

Probably a good idea to be honest, I watched so much pornography as a teenager I think my brain is broken now.

yeah, this is great, it will stop underage cunts from jerking off

Is this porn? I can't tell

Yes, let’s go with an idea from fucking Britain’s playbook. That will go well.

this muh landsmann

>porn turns men into pussies who are mentally and sexually stimulated enough that they are mentally convinced they get to fuck every night while slowly teaching them to watch other people fuck and enjoy it including the ones they love
sounds like something children should be allowed to explore without any oversight whatsoever, maybe just add one of those "are you sure you're 18" things they do

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They don't know because they never had a reason to know.
Now some will have an incentive.

So basically set up a VPN for porn users, and rake in the $$$

>British porn
Have you ever seen that shit?

Porn unironically needs to banned or tightly regulated

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Good, people are too stupid to be allowed self determination.

this is a power grab by (((big porn))) to drive out amateurs and hentai artists and dictate fetishes

I fully support this. Kids being exposed to extreme porn before they even hit puberty is bound to fuck up their perception of sex and relationships.

Yes it should be banned.

It's really messed up that the British government has this much control over their people.
No one should be able to dictate which images are "safe" for you.
Guarding kids from adult content if the parents' job.

Bad idea in practice, but internet porn is the worst invention in recent history. As if jerking off wasn't bad enough, now people jerk off three times a day and become literally insane and depressed.
I guarantee you, if every man stopped jerking off, a while later there would be a few thousand potential Hitler 2.0s making plans for the fourth reich and the rest of them waiting to join in

I thought Britain was kiked beyond belief, this is music to my ears

Really? Porn has helped me to see that women don't really offer much, and since the average woman isn't going to let you do half the shit you see in porn then why even bother?

I might be limp dicked, but I'm not accepting of many woman now because there's no mystery.

Do you have a loicense for that benis, m8.

Good. Porn ruins people, it just does!


I think porn pacifies whites so they dont start getting violent towards apes touching their women

Cynical. Both men and women have been equally kiked. People are easily broken then easily manipulated.

that's exactly what it does, and more
the porn-passivity connection goes in deep, this image is particularly informative (I'm not the user that was making questions by the way)

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Kill urself plz and ty

Wasn't this a thing around Y2K? You needed an adult pass to get in the paid sites.

there is no anonymity on the internet. your government knows exactly what you say, when you say it, where you say it. no amount of proxies can protect you. all of the supposed workarounds and promises of anonymity in sites like Jow Forums are to make you feel comfortable enough to share your true views and behave as you would naturally on the internet if you weren't being watched.

changes such as these are purely psychological. they're to get people to consent to the idea of being overtly surveilled so that government can begin clamping down even more on offences they have witnessed on sites such as Jow Forums, or on other more public, non-user sites but behind proxies.

they already know what you do and say, they just want to be able to use it against you now. and in order to make that happen they have to have you consent to being overtly surveilled, basically.

All according to plan.

1. Get goyim hooked on free porn.
2. Get "laws" passed that require (((porn sites))) to have proof of user's age.
3. Porn addicts now willingly sacrifice their anonymity to continue using their drug, OR buy whatever that age verification card is, OR buy new (((VPN services))) to get around it. All good for the elite.
4. The goyim are now trained to sacrifice their anonymity for every little thing and will laugh at anyone who resists such a practice and call them a paranoid schizo conspiracy theorist.

Fits like a slipper.

>a while later there would be a few thousand potential Hitler 2.0s making plans for the fourth reich and the rest of them waiting to join in

can Hitler 2.0 be black? because I'm about a 2 weeks into nofap and boy I'm feeling it, Mr. Krabs.

come to think of it, what WERE hitler's opinions on other races besides jews? I don't recall ever being taught that in ((School))

>need a porn-viewing license

UK is a sad dystopian meme

I don't know for sure, not a historian, but the fact that (((public schools))) don't (or didn't, when I went) take the opportunity to say Hitler also hated black people, just to make him seem that much more terrifying, intolerant, and taboo to innocent young minds who are already simultaneously being conditioned against even the slightest hint of (((racism)))... leads me to believe that Hitler didn't care about black people.

Long-winded way of making my point but fuck it.

Thats because Germany allied itself with non-white countries such as palestine, india, and several african countries. It was the west who had an exclusively white and jewish alliance. Yes really.

Be a shame if all the white Brits stopped using porn and slowly became uncucked.

they will ban VPNs too or force them to hand over the data on people like they did in russia and chinkland

will never happen, just more bigbrother and regulations everywhere

i dont give a fuck. neither should you. porn is degenerate. stop fucking staring at subhumans fucking eachother and go do that thing you keep saying you want to do but wont cuz you spend your down times jerking off cunt.

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im on that waiting list bruv.

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Exactly. This is just another step toward the totalitarian surveillance state.

Better start downloading your favorite porn now.

You dont have any. I would know as they tracked me online 14 years ago and could call my home asking me why I made a specific post on an internet forum. I kid you not -- you have no idea how far we are down the shit hole.

says the fucking maple syrup.

>Oi m8, you got a loicense for that stiffy?

Its playing out on both sides.

UK is such a fucking joke. The people in this thread who think this is a good thing should be executed honestly, because next you'll need ID to browse Jow Forums. Yes, you're fucking traitors.

I'm sure people are very much aware of how deep we're in that shit, but this is going to make the idea of giving up your privacy a publicly accepted thing and that's the main difference.
At the moment they're tracking everyone in "secret" but the moment it becomes acceptable to start demanding people's ID's, were in a situation where even the illusion of anonymity is thrown out of the window and that's going to have massive repercussions in the long run.

unironic approval. Pornography is unhealthy.
next step total ban.

>Should porn be banned?
It does seem kinda concerning that porn is being ended by left wing companies tho. They probably have sinister intentions. If I had to guess, I would say they're probably blocking porn so that the corporations can control what women you see. They've been trying to push body positivity to make you attracted to unattractive people, but it didn't work because normal people would just go look at porn of the most attractive people there are. Maybe by blocking porn, their propaganda can be more effective at controlling what you find attractive.

if you post on Jow Forums and want the government to track your fucking internet use, you are a fucking shill, no way around it, UK is a bad thought PC police state, and the fact you want to strengthen it is pathetic

I legit cannot wait for this shit to get hacked and leaked onto the web.

Those stupid bongs need to learn.


This is going to lead to a lot more muslim teenagers raping schoolgirls. Good job bongistan.

like kiddos wont use a vpn

Didn't they try using showing Pandas porn because they stopped having sex and wanted to re-teach them it.

When a species is hurtling towards extinct, I'm afraid there is not much one can do to stop it.

>People needing porn to masturbate

is that why terrorist cells knocked down the world trade center?

Coming from a muslim, this is hilarious.

>What is koran
>What is haram & halal
>What is a picture of Mohammad

>sir, that wasnt me tho
Then again we know that people stop at nothing

good thing I already downloaded more pron than I will ever need!

Have yourself a good one:

and I mean a real good one