About "Women of Success", and The Tsundere Effect

Hey there, Jow Forums. Wasn't sure where to post this. Not in Jow Forums, I'm not an incel, and no other board really made sense.


There's this physics teacher I have on-on-one lessons with. Smart guy, he's like 60, we talk about society, the universe and worldview ideology a lot. Guy's lived a lot and knows his shit.

He told me this story that I hope will fit in the character limit that has given me a much more full view on our current world. Let me tell you in greentext format.

>Be me, high school student
>New english teacher this year
>She walks into the classroom not looking too happy
>Around her early 20's, I Forgot/10
>She starts begrudgingly teaching us english
>Then, the unthinkable happens
>One of my friends drops his pen
>She absolutely loses her shit, starts yelling at said friend, storms out of classroom
>A few minutes later, the fucking principal walks in, and he asks us what happened
>We tell him the story
>He just sighs and tells us that she's like that
>He walks out
>This shit keeps on for idk how long. Bitch is fucking hysterical, goes fucking apeshit at every opportunity
>However, things are about to change.

>One day, find out she's getting married
>It's our first lesson after her wedding
>She comes in, smiling


>She never smiles.
>Lesson starts
>She seems to have done a complete 180 in demeanor, she happily teaches the lesson, even cracking a few jokes along the way.

This man has seen this exact story happen several times over his time spent in various schools: Woman is single, works, acts like a soulless spawn of the devil himself. Then, she gets with a guy and goes from complete bitch to actual human being sometimes in a day.

I think "The Tsundere Effect" would be an appropriate name.

But, we're not done yet! Both being scientists at heart, we analyze our data and come up with a theory.

However, due to character limit, I'll have to post it in a reply to this post.

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Our theory goes as follows:

>Women focus on career a lot, forego seeking a husband or even boyfriend
>At their early-mid twenties their bodies realize "hey, something isn't right, I should be fucking now, in my prime!"
>The body then goes into this sort of panic mode - beauty is but a fleeting thing!
>This, in combination with stress from work and a deep-rooted feeling of unfulfillment, creates the perfect mixture of psychological issues to make our woman an insufferable being to be within 10 meters of.

For those of you writing fiction, boom, you can now make an actually sympathetic, human tsundere girl accurate to reality, and have the annoying part toned down significantly once she gets together with her guy.

But, for those more scientifically and historically oriented, you might know where I'm going with this.

This whole feminism thing has only hurt womem in the long run. This push for women to work, act like and essentially try to be men and to forego their biological hardwiring is just absolutely destructive to their psyche. Social engineering can't melt the steel beams that are evolutionary biology, and if this isn't reversed, much wrong could happen, and ultimately, the women would suffer worst.

Huh, this message and character arc COULD make for a decent light novel, maybe a high school romance story that ACTUALLY goes deep into human psychology? Such a juxtaposition of the genre known for the Romeo and Juliet model of love and legitimate, realistic characters and plotlines and serious sociopolitical message that amounts to more than the hideous glorification of what is often called "love" (though I'd leave the love to the adults, what I'm talking about is more of a sort of extreme infatuation, oneitis) could make for a fascinating read.

I'll leave it at that, though. The more artistic of you might get inspired by this, but all I'll do is just put this idea out here.

its not just the tsundere effect user. Its more sinister. The hormones of a woman especially just purposefully destabilize her when she doesnt have a man, so that the dull and stupid...usually less emotional males get trapped into her emotional spiral.

It doesnt even matter if its good or bad emotions that flip out of control. Its just when the hormones flip they are meant to evoke panic, and also interest, and care from the other guys. Women who are in this mode are so designed by nature to be "more connecting". To create more opportunities for men, to be more noticeable.

One can see it happening somewhat in females who slowly reach maturity...they REBEL. That is when their hormones start messing with their emotional balance. This unstable emotional thing that is now a woman is much more susceptible to the influences of other men, and the men to her.

Think of it this way. Without it a woman wouldnt just care, but with it, when she passes you, even if you dont do anything (I actually experienced this) she tries to get an emotion, a reaction out of you. It can even be random. Something stupid, maybe you didnt say hello that morning. Maybe she was telling a joke and you didnt listen or just walked past. Maybe you didnt look at her enough.

You know, I tried to actually minimize all of my actions around one woman and even then, even when I managed to calm shit down, and avoid her nearly 100%, she still managed to bully me. They bait you, try to put emotional lures, even when you make yourself unapproachable. The tricks that they learn. The concentrated fucking effort of pure horror that they have.


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Hmmm... So what you're saying is she does it to attract a low-value male in order to have ANY male?

I think that there's one big hole in this theory, and that is that the low-value male would be... well... low-value. Why would evolution favor this if it meant bad genes were being passed down? This would've died out before civilization happened.

It took you and a 60 year old professor to work this out?


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and the majority of it, basically comes at their ovulation peak? When they are most fertile. You could make brilliant arguments to them beforehand, like "we are incompatible, I just dont really care, pls leave me alone", and it will be fine and dandy for a while...until her hormones compel to go into "I am a huge female retarded faggot please rape my face, lets do exactly the opposite of everything for these few days"

low value? Any value my guess is. That is what sluts are, women who cannot control their peaks, or who are so extremely destabilized that at those days they just desire to let a "train run over them". Its not just sex, its the actual act of getting pregnant that can set them off even further. Maybe they are selective with that too.

additionally: think of it this way. Though it may be strange for you but, sometimes you can make a friend out of an enemy. Why? Because you had contact with that person in the first place, a negative relation perhaps, but a relation none the less. Women when they are extremely retarded like this at their time of the month also strategize like this. They think "if I bully him enough, I can just apologize in the future, be niece and then I maed sex friend lol"

at least if you close of any venue of normal friendship. By any means necessary man! It also works for men, if we want business relationships, information or other garbage from other men too but its just somewhat of a social strategy. When a woman is in this mode she may also choose it. In a more rigid society perhaps that is what would happen, or if the woman is picky, and really want sex also for a kid she may also choose it.

A slut, in my opinion, is a woman who was simply raised poorly. A woman who absorbed the ideology of hedonism from her paremts and surroundings, and who will, eventually, regret her decisions, whose life will be ruined by a lack of discipline and restraint taught by parents and school.

well yea, but now you know the system behind it. The hormones also compel us when we want to fuck women, to act differently. But we too can suppress it, or act in a certain way that we choose, according to our own beliefs. The "programming" or rather what you say, what she has been taught will determine for a large part how she will act with this emotional unbalancing. Perhaps one could argue that it is even fair to let them have a day off work if they are in such a state. After all, its just boring hormones really.

Also, going off my own experiences, the anger is not necessarily focused; it seems to be lashing out at any stimulus that reaches the senses, and not actually a (semi-)concious effort to connect.

yea no shit, its like a radio transmitter just broadcasting "fuck me", and if you reply with the correct protocol of her tastes it will initiate a sequence that will indeed lead to that. The problem is that if they actually decide to look upon the subtle cues that we do not have direct awareness off. Like "how am I perceived by others around me" which in some cases can bite you in the ass even if you are passive to such a broad caster. Territorial control, intimidation, stuff that we do on our own just for self respect and the choices that we made of friends also they see. And react upon. This radio broadcaster...it can learn man, greatest nightmare ever to behold. Still have nightmares about her.

Seems you had a rough break-up

more like an extreme avoidance of a thot who just couldnt give up and eventually involved the whole team around me. I build up this knowledge just for you man. Just for a thread like this, be aware. If you spot the signs of a bad female, dont agitate them in any way. Avoid them but show no emotion. Dont fall prey to their baits, like them flirting with other guys around you. Dont make your political alignments and preferences known. All exploitable points.

If she knows that you hate it that she smokes...or that she should be tidy and neat, or a many other great deal of things...SHE WILL DO THE OPPOSITE. SHE WILL FIND YOU. SHOW YOU THIS OPPOSITE AND EVEN LAUGH IN YOUR FACE TO PISS YOU OFF

Seems you're biased in your advice to me desu

Wtf I tried to type desu and it turned into desu

I'm not even going to question the filters here...

Well, thanks for your first posts being quality, newfriend.

Hah! Well, I wouldn't post here if I didn't have something to talk about.

Is there like a list of the autocorrect filters somewhere or?