Be me 24 college grad who had full ride

>be me 24 college grad who had full ride
>old high school friend invites me over
>be surprised that he lives in a nice little house. Meet his gf, pretty woman, quite intelligent.
>am quite happy for them
> "so where do you guys work?"
>they tell me they are both strippers
>wheezing "holy shit what?"
>keep calm on surface but inside brain is tortured to know every damn time I think there is a good little story in life, it has degeneracy behind it in some way
>drink to stupor
>literally on the verge of mental breakdown
It's a fucking nightmare, I cant take this shit everything is ruined

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everyone is fucking everyone and doing drugs and just partying. Don't fight it. I used to fight it now I gave in and fuck everything on 2 or 4 legs.. it is a MUCH more enjoyable life.

Well, someone has to be a stripper, user.

bullshit. No one makes a career out of stripping . The max amount of time you could do it is about 15 years if you stay in great shape.

I would say they're actually drug dealers or do something else illegal that's a cash only gig like prostitution.

Who knows man, I mean that isnt out of the question.

Go read cosmo you faggot

Literally the dumbest shit you could have posted.

>everyone is fucking everyone and doing drugs and just partying

nah live sucks iam doing drugs and fucking nobody

assholes ghosted me. even the girl that likes me because iam too autistic for the group

why do chrismas time and asccocieted partys be so horrible? dealing with people is just shit

I really don't drink much and I dont do drugs at all and I have no friends because of it.

fpwp, kys faggot.

What's wrong with being strippers?
It is an honest earning.

you dont really get friends with it either. is worse then no friends.

Most people are hyper-firendly till theys stab you in de back. The more extreme the circumstances the more the people will be extreme, ugly and degenerate. Better to have 1 friend that gets you dann 100 traiterous asslickers. The mostly hermit live is the best i could find.

Hermit life is awful lol. Dude I got herpes from an ex who cheated on me. So i have no friends and can't even fuck anyone anymore I literally sit on my ass all day waiting for my grad school apps to come back

how old are you? i used to think this way too until the lifestyle basically destroyed me both mentally and physically and now i can barely enjoy anything that i love

liberalism will literally destroy you, it is LITERALLY toxic, please god learn from my mistakes and dont fall for the liberalism meme

Dancing naked every night infront of masses of unhinged boomers seems like hard work. And respected like shitcarriers from times gone by.

At least you had fun, I literally got cheated on and given a lifelong std by the woman whose shit I bought.

Christmas parties suck for everyone but young whores looking for a promotion for sucking dick. Got any hobbies?

Go and spread it among degenerates. Consider it a gift to be shared.

>Male and female stripper couple

user, this trainwreck is headed for you-know-where.

That just happenens all alround man. The times are fucked. My ex of 6 years turned into an moster and did everything in her power to destroy my life after i broke up. Whole whiteknighting douchbag sqouad immiadatly jumped in and i was the evil one. Only one friend remained. Everyone else jumped in on her bullshit. Most people arent even worth a bit of attention and staying mostly hermit is the rational way to go.

My cousin has a similar story. Women are out of control in the moment and it destorys the fabric of our civilation.

OP, I'm in my 40's and have tons of friends who were making bank in our 20's ('bank' in your 20's is quite different from 'bank' in your 50's) while I was learning and building a marketable skill. Now they're still making the same bank and I'm making actual bank.

They're all real quick to tell me how lucky I am.

Don't deviate. Don't take shortcuts. You will wind up ahead of them.

You could probably find them fucking for shekels on a cam feed somewhere.