Do you agree with Senator Byrd (former KKK Grand Wizard) that there are "White niggers"?
Being British naturally I can understand this viewpoint
Do you agree with Senator Byrd (former KKK Grand Wizard) that there are "White niggers"?
Being British naturally I can understand this viewpoint
You stand by your co-ethnics no matter how fucked up they are, it's an axiom, not conditojal
There are some low class, trashy uneducated whites.
But they don’t possess the most offensive characteristic of the nigger, which is his sense of perpetual victimhood, entitlement, and ingratitude
That's not the Spartan way.
Throwing olive niggers at birth off of cliffs is.
Yea and IMO it applies to both rich and poor whites too.
You clearly haven't been to Belfast or Glasgow
I am shocked and disappointed to hear that such exists within your kingdom
Having an English accent can get you beaten to death in certain areas of those cities because of perceived past injustices as to why their white nigger-tier lives are shit
So stand by whites who happen to be child molesters. Got it. You fucking brainlet.
I have ancestors who settled in Armagh Co. around 1580, but departed as Quakers to follow William Penn to the new world. So I supposed they got out before it went to shit
We discipline them for their crimes ourselves. Don't throw them to a pack of feral niggers, it sets a bad example.
It seems most of the actual Scots-Irish settlers and old Irish catholic elite emigrated to the New World or Oz, the ones that were left after the potato famine were just the gypsies
And what's the "bad example" that you're trying to avoid exactly? Define it as clearly as you can.
The scots that settled canada were good men, sa to see how far they've fallen from grace both there and the jock bastards here
It seems the Stuart kings ran off plenty from the British Isles
Yeah, of course he was right. Everyone who condemned or counter-signaled him was a fucking coward. I'm sure that we can all think of people who qualify as white niggers.
Whites improved themselves over time by ELIMINATING the niggers within their ranks. The introduction of the death penalty for murders between commoners in the Middle Ages had a hugely eugenic effect on Europeans over time.
God damn. A clan of white niggers confirmed
Are these some of the "white niggers" that Grand Wizard Byrd had come across in his time?
>Daniel's sister, Jada Macrum, 20 and her boyfriend, Alaeldin Mohamed, 21
Lmao even american white trash are getting muslim blacked now? What is even going on anymore?
Yes, Irish and Slavs are white niggers.
I feel like 20 and 21 are a mistake.
Yes. You have to understand that he was from a state called West Virginia, which is historically a bit of a backwater. While it has a lot of fine people, it does have a rather nasty white trash underclass element. Part of the struggle of groups like the KKK was actually help defend whites against the total "niggerization" of their people. Not entirely in the sense of actual race-mixing, but in the sense of cultural decay and decline. And part of THAT involved shaming and controlling the "white niggers" in their midst.
This was a very important social function that was actually mirrored in certain black organizations of the era. But it's impossible to discuss these things honestly because of the tendency of modern people to screech autistically and ahistorically about "racism" to the exclusion of all else.