Reminder that this man single-handily destroyed the West

If Catholicism prevailed in Europe, we would have millions upon millions of more white people, no Muslims and strong family values.
Martin Luther was a faggot and all you Protestant heathens following his teachings are failures to the white race.
Repent at once or doom yourselves to a future of pain and anguish.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>irish poster
But you are right. Luther was the catalyst for this liberal worldview that prevails all over western europe. Sad!

Reminder you are a faggot. Sage.

>millions upon millions of more white people
Nigger, it was 8 million over 30 years.
Hitler killed more.

I think Calvin is the bigger issue because Puritanism mutated into SJW bullshit.

"Don't read the Bible goy! Pay your tithes!"

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If you wanna have premarital sex and go to hell that’s on you buddy

As a person who is Irish and protestant. I disagree.

>the irony that you now live in an ultra-capitalist society due to the absence of Catholicism
You're still paying tithes, you dumb nigger. The only difference is you're giving your money to Jews, not the Pope.

Lutheranism never made it across the Rhine you daft cunt.
The lads who fucked your shit up were Puritans hyped up on Knox and Calvin.
You can blame the famines on the Anglicans though.

Think off all the little buttholes priest miss out on because their ancestors converted

>Martin Luther was a faggot

Now this is a m o v e m e n t I can get behind

Lol no.

Get yourself a KJV Bible and learn the truth.

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>Reminder that this man single-handily destroyed the West A
Gas yourself, JIDF.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2

Read through this thread, it's all there

Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now

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Now think about the fact your country is 60% non-white and realize this all stemmed from bleeding heart Prods who sought to liberalize immigration just like they did with Catholicism.

get fucked potato nigger

Fuck off mormon

no, SJW shit was spread by the (((frankfurt school)))

It’s actually just germans that are the problem

based boyfucker

you know thats fuckin gross dude cmon

Since when did they install internet in sewers?

Based. No one likes being Catholic

think of getting blacked

I'm not Mormon. I'm a KJV Bible believer. A Mormon would have told you to get the KJV and the book of Mormon.

holy fuck why do you even post here

fuck off jew

Care to explain why the pope sold out for jewish loans then, you irish fuck? Ireland is catholic and cucked.

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Constantine destroyed the West.

Why are you arguing about a semitic religion?

Based muzzie

>yes got, being under a totalitarian draconian system is good as we know what’s best. Protestantism bad

>Thinks christianity destroyed the west and not enlightenment humanism
just LOL!

Maybe because you disgusting Prod fucks got everyone to stop paying for the upkeep of the church. The irony of a Swede calling me cucked - Your country is the laughing stock of the world.

You going to suck his dick, like your sister does?

People are too stupid and dishonest to interpret scripture on their own. That's what protties don't understand. The concept of "muh own interpretation, muh personal relationship" is liberal as fuck. Listen to authority, faggot.

>Pope sold out his faith to the jews becouse he didn't have enough bling
You can't make this shit up rofl
>Durr muh sweden cucked durr
Sweden is atheist and cucked, ireland is catholic and cucked.
All western european countries are fucked, no matter what religious denomination.

Do I know you?

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This. Dumb hippy faggots who cannot read between the lines have fucked the West.

>Nigger, it was 8 million over 30 years.
It was 380 years ago you stupid fuck. That 8 million would have translate into over 100 million inhabitants today.

Mad potato nigger is mad
Stop thinking about shitskin dick all the time, faggot

Luther wrote a book titled "On the jews and their lies".

It's kind of surprising that protestantism is even legal in Europe.

how about i massage your stomach for you, I promise it will feel gud ;)

>Ireland is as cucked as Sweden
Ppffffffwwwwwwahahahahahhahahah okay Mustafa

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All protestant churches cuck extra hard becouse of this unfortunately (atleast the swedish church does) and tries very hard to distance themselves from luther, quite sad

>t. Pedo

Neck yourself

You're delusional. Luther began the liberation of Man from the oppression of the Catholic Church.

Here's a direct quote from Ingatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits whose sole purpose was to fight against the loss of control of God's word and access to salvation. He laments how these "heretics" have made the word of God accessible to the common man:

"The heretices have made their false theology popular and presented it in a way that is within the capacity of the common people. They preach it to the people and teach it in schools, and scatter booklets which can be bought and understood by many, and make their influence felt by means of their writings when they cannot do so by their preaching. Their success is largely due to the negligence of those whol should have shown some interest; and the bad example and ignorance of Catholics, especially the clergy, have made such ravages in the vineyard of the Lord."

How dare Luther take away their income from indulgences, their "gating" of salvation and destroy the hegemony of the Catholic church?

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Whoa, a Muslim wants to have sex with a man, what a surprise!

You morons went around butchering millions of Europeans in the name of your particular concept of a failed jewish rebellion leader. This was while the Ottomans were still expanding, no less.

How was the whole of Europe even convinced to believe he was divine if the argument wasn't presented at the tip of a spear?

wow a potato nigger does his best to stay sober, what a surprise

>y-yeah Luther triggered the Protestant reformation and religious skepticism, b-b-b-but it wasn't his fault!
Fuck off

There is resemblence of resistance in Sweden while Ireland is willingly letting the niggers in, even after seeing what happens when you do.
Your country just majority voted in favour of abortion and the pope gave no fucks.
You LITERALLY have outspoken marxist leninists AND trotskyist in your parliament; what's your political opposition to the niggerifaction of europe?
It's nonexistant, atleast we're doing something about it here.
Sure, the situation is worse here admittedly, but you guys are FUCKED and will die a slow, painful death.

>meme flag
Your opinions are invalid

>resistance in Sweden
The only resistence is Sweden is the hymen that Muslim cock is breaking
>muh niggers
We're 94% white. With our top 5 immigrant groups including 0 nigger nations.
You're a fucking clueless retard.

>Europe was destroyed by Sweden defending lutheran priunces in the HRE
Eh? The french catholics had a 300 year alliance with the ottomans and fought against the HRE by their side bud
Every european power allied the Ottomans, except for russia.

>>meme flag
and yours isnt? the english will conquer you soon enough

Pic related is the end path for all Protestantism.

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You have to go back farther than that.

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Awww, hes too afraid to show us what irrelevant shithole he lives in.

I'd like to respond, but you'd actually have to put forth a coherent argument first...

If, as a supposed Irishman, you actually support that rotten organisation even with all the evidence of their crimes you've forfeited the right to claim to be a patriot.

Pope Adrian IV ordered the conquest of Ireland in order for our religious authorities to be subsumed by the Papacy, which lead to 800 years of misery. (

Pope Innocent XI bankrolled William of Orange in private to spite Louis XIV of France, which ultimately prolonged our suffering for 300 years.

The Papacy didn't lift ever lift a finger to save us from the Anglo, yet there are still grand wee altar boys like you chewing at the ankles of the parish priests.

That's not the right way to look at it. What happens is that the State will take on the role of interpreting the Bible instead.

christcuckery is garbage, but protty cuckery is worse garbage.

>protecting the catholic money grabbers
>"Gib money so god forvies you your sins"


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Oh fuck off with this guilt by association bullshit. I haven't mentioned anything at all in relation to the shit you've posted.

Luther was scared of suffering in purgatory for sins he didn't recall so he pilpuled his way into being saved without works.

>*direct debits*

>Durr things aren't currently bad, this will be the case in 10 years guys!!
Yeah, i guess the marxist leninists and trots will magically lose support and Ireland will become super based, right? Our third biggest party is kosher-nationalist, sure, but it's alot better than literally fucking nothing (also have the most national socialists per capita in Europe, most hatecrimes too)
Your country has been prepped by schlomo and soon will be completely fucked.
2016 figures were 13k non-european immigrants and it's growing, fast
Tell me, is ireland suddenly going to go full 1488 after having a parliament more cucked than sweden? Don't think so
You've already had some terror attacks, no? Nog killed 3 people with a knife, still going strong on the cuck train

nah blacked raw is better.

I am not wasting my time reading the utter drivel you are spouting. Your country is fucking dead, you dumb cunt.

More people should read:

most of modernity = rooted in Christian theological disputes, usually promoted by Kings/the Pope to undermine one another, since the Church was a political entity that wielded actual power at the time. This was probably a mistake by the Church. When we note that liberalism has its roots in a system of divided power, it becomes obvious how we got to where we are today.

You seem to unironically believe in r*man christcuckery and bow to the pope, who espouses original sin yet you don't believe in guilt by association.

If there's one thing I agree with the SJWs in Ireland about its the destruction of rome rule in our country. Wouldn't be surprised if you were an Opus Dei geebag.

>"Gib money so god forvies you your sins"
This never happened. Indulgences were so you didn't have to do as much penance. They were considered a good work that supported the church.

Just because you're forgiven doesn't mean you don't have to do justice to God. You don't get out of jail if you're sorry.

better than your shithole

The catholic church teaches polytheism (Mary worship), may Jesus forgive them (and may He forgive me too). When the catholic church repents, then we can go back to the bargaining table.

>hmm, you agree with A, therefore you must agree with X, Y, Z.
I'm not playing this retarded game

A Christian loves God as He reveals Himself to us. Those who reject Christianity would rather have a god that conforms to an image that is less threatening to them in their sin and rebellion. God's grace allows a person to love Him as He really is, not as something we wish he would be.

This is the single issue that separates true Christians from man-centered religions. Whether the work of slavation is perfectly accomplished by God for His own glory, or dependant upon man's co-operatin and assitance (i.e. the clergy/pope/works, etc.) is the central issue that separates biblical Christianity from everything else.

>marxist leninists and trots in power
Your country is so cucked you literally have two communist parties
You're catalonia 2.0

Want to prove that? Show me that flag, sand nigger.

>Mary worship

BTW just to let you international lads know most people in this country detest the cathocuck church.

Wankers like OP are a minority and "lay person" that isn't involved in their cult hates/pulls the piss out of them.

>ireland is catholic
Not really, culturally maybe but not spiritually if you know what i mean, not anymore. It's kind of like muslims who are only muslims because they'd get murdered if they came out as atheist, but it's more like you'd get an earful from your granny.

remember when the catholics were trying to convert all the shitskin barbarians while the protestants just killed and displaced nearly everyone they met
compare north america and south america or africa

Nice to know you dumb jews are still ass hurt that Martin Luther woke so many people up about the jews. He wrote "the jews and their lies" if he were around today we would make him the president of /pol. Stay mad kike. Keep up the smear campaigns. Proof that you are losing your grip.

Huh, but it's still quite a strong force then? I thought the irish were quite religious to own the northerners

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>wrote a book called The Jews and Their Lies
>I'm supposed to believe this guy was bad
Fuck off Cathocuck potato nigger.

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Except hitler didn't kill anyone but he should have.

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>desperately pandering for little tummy rubs from cucked nations
It's painfully obvious you're a smelly Dub inbred.

Yeah because Prods are so based and know all about da jooz!!!!

Not even. Our boomer generation were abused by the priests and nuns that were supposed to be educating them.

Not only did they rape some, but they used to cane children as they pleased in order to humiliate them in front of their peers. Usually this was, as I said, at their own discretion but they attempted to especially make examples of the children that didn't respect their semitic scriptures.

This user gets it

haha holy shit, youre so fucking desperate, why dont you just kys for wasting everybodys time

Checked and don't forget the coke and choir boys

It's more along the lines of
>Why would a [Baptist] Christian go on a site filled with porn and stupid degeneracy

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You sure as hell didn't kill all the african slaves you brought and now these same people are fucking your, "wh*te*, mutt, daughters and influencing your people to the point were wh*tes try to be black and listen to hip-hop. American, Anglo, Protestants are more cucked than any South American country

The catholic church literally told people that they would have to spend less time in purgatory if they pay (Indulgence).

And not only did they torture and kill 1000s of people (muhhh evil witches and wizards) no they also took all their money, land, houses and disinherit their families so they could get all of it.

>Surely if i posted these hilarious pictures the marxist leninist party and the trots will leave the irish government
I don't think it works that way

this man speaks the truth
fuck l*ther
fuck pr*ts

>he still hasn't showed us what shit hole he lives in

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