The Trolling Never Ends

He really is a master of trolling.
Let's have a "Trump fucks with the Left" thread

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Wishing for one of your fellow Americans to die is cowardice and treasonous, incel cowards. shes accomplished more than any of you fat losers and closet gays on here.

>Trump wants Ruth Bader Ginsburg to live, and that's a bad thing.
>t. CNN

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He doesn’t “fuck with us”.

Look at the comments, all the libz are laughing at him. He to stupid to own anything, that’s why he’s declared bankruptcy 6 times, including fucking casinos. ITS FUCKING MATH!!!

>look at all the Twitter bots posting the same thing on every Trump tweet 24/7
And nothing will change
no amount of shilling will change the fact that you'll lose in 2020

>not posting the reply

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Post feet cunt

>Dec 22, 2018

Damn he's posting from the future now

Enjoy being a virgin the rest of your life

Fuck him! And fuck our senators too. Former conservative here avid Trump supporter not anymore. No wall cucked senate im done with this ride. Yellow vests when. Trump is just a democrat a wolf in sheeps clothing. Hes doing what hes doing to make republicans look bad and the Q psyop is part of it. Force us to all look crazy and take drastic measures then say ha i gotcha! Next term he runs as a democrat or switched before the end of this one. I swear to god im so fucking over this bullshit. Time for a real fire to rise. Our government doesnt fucking care about either party or its base its all about their own sick gains and fuck the real people. Our founding fathers would be physically ill to see the absolute state we are in. YELLOW VESTS NOW!!!

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Wow, you sound smart. Must be all the incorrect talking points you somehow managed to memorise.

No hes not a closet democrat hes just a racist and sexist

Shut the fuck up linda youre a retard

Everyone learn from the Master.
Ever wondered who was this occasionally posting witty God, having hundreds of (You)s and derailing threads in just one post. That user always causing havoc in imageboards since their existence ?
Wonder no more. That guy is Donald Trump. The Original Fag

And nothing you can say will ever make trump look like a smart decision.

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If thats all youre hung up on is some stupid shit like that you need to dunk your head in some water and wake the fuck up. Our government is playing us from both sides like fucking pawns and your response is absolute proof.

Yet hes still a billionaire and your still a virgin faggot living in noms house at 32 freezing cold because you are 6'1 and 102 lbs.. with no job fighting the fascists on poll waiting for your faggot soic boyfriend to come home and kiss you on the mouth. Kill yourself with fire and stay assblasted. HE IS STILL PRESIDENT. FUCKS A SUPERMODEL. HAS A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY. AND HAS BILLIONS..

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Die you traitorous KIKE


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Looks like he's fucking with you big time.

>Believing this

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like killing millions of babies?


>trying too hard
You're doing a shit job. You should be fired. They shouldn't hire women in that shill organization of yours.

>Mexico will pay for the wall

You shills aren't even good at this. Stay mad shill. Your days are numbered.

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lol implying I'm not openly faggot
ginsbug has accomplished a lot of destruction of the constitution though, you're correct it's pretty impressive

Yea im so shilling bro. Shilling like a villian. I love our god emporer. Its just our senate that has me so ass blasted. Did you not watch that shameful display on the senate floor an hour ago. Fucking faggots everyone of them.

I just love this country in its ideals.

Centre of equal daughters, equal sons,
All, all alike endear’d, grown, ungrown, young or old,
Strong, ample, fair, enduring, capable, rich,
Perennial with the Earth, with Freedom, Law and Love,
A grand, sane, towering, seated Mother,
Chair’d in the adamant of Time.
-Walt Whitman

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yea its the jewwwws right? fucking lunatic.

you mean the American military killing brown babies on a daily basis?? yea that's wrong

yea this one was my favorite -absolutely excellent "shit-posting"

Listen linda listen i dont give a fuck about jews. I dont give then any power over me you are just young and stupid and have no brains yet. So please as i said before shut the fuck up linda. Also tits or gtfo!

When you owe the bank $1 million, you have a problem. If you owe the bank $1 billion, the bank has a problem.

That’s why he depended on Russians for credit during the 90s

Also mrs trump isn’t as hot as he pretends she is

>And nothing you can say will ever make trump look like a smart decision.
Still about a million times better than Hillary

>Krassenstein liking Trump's tweet
At this point I don't know who's jewing who

I'm probably older than you and stop pretending like you incels don't blame all problems on the jews here. And maybe if you treated women with respect she'd show you hers but your anti social weird. That's why youre here. Just so you know my boyfriend reads everything you all say so keep talking and say hi to twitter incel l

"god emporer"
Lol how gay

>Also mrs trump isn’t as hot as he pretends she is
why are all male leftists homosexuals?

No offense, but you two will burn in Hell

I would bang the shit out of his daughter. I love those big bra-less tits, she’s the little White House slut.

His wife is not attractive though. He just couldn’t get a wife that understands our culture and could only get the most money grubbing of them all


This man is the greatest. How is anyone else going to be able to outdo him?

>Kikesteen didn't know what to say.

Guess what boomer bitch and boomer bitch cuck boyfriend fuck you both. You think i give a fuck if you post anonymous shit on twitter. Scary. Please dont worry nobody wants to see your dilapidated tits. I got my own to play with. Unfortunately for you, you will never have a brain.

You have to go back. Nobody uses a name on Jow Forums besides new tards and retards.

Also nice trolling linda. Kek but i reverse trolled your troll so your trolling was cancelled out by my troll therefore you are not a troll because i was trolling everybody in reverse.

One of the best. Possibly only second to the IRL master troll Justin Trudeau

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She is a fucking kike who is loyal to Israel not the US. On top of that her supreme Court opinions are disgusting, she ruled in favor of partial birth abortion. She is traitor and deserves the rope.

He should have put the frog in the driver's seat.

Pretty sure he's Ken M.

>the frog
You have to be 18+ to post here, champ.

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"My favorite tweet you've ever made"

The absolute stupidity of the commie left.

How new do you have to be to not realise that twitter manipulates which replies you see regardless of how many likes they receive?

t. yet another walking reminder letting women vote was a mistake.

+ Women have no mind for warfare as usual.

Pussy what women have to resort to when attacked. You forget that your gender sells that shit, cunt?

So you think its ok to kill millions of black babies here, because we kill brown babies somewhere else?
You see how your brain lacks the ability to reason, and form simple logic?

We have eyes kike. You can't change reality if we can see it.

Wonder how many bags of teenager blood she transfuses per day?

>Just so you know my boyfriend reads everything you all say so keep talking and say hi to twitter incel l

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