9-11 Part Two

Everyone says if 9-11 had happened today they never would've been able to get away with it. Too many cellphones, too many people on social media, nobody trusts the fake news, etc.

And yet here we are. A virtual shoah on social media by everyone in the MSM and half the politicians in DC. With more than a few making veiled threats against America.

But what would they do and how would they get away with it? I really do think they're shit out of luck here, but maybe I've overlooked something.

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mmmmmmmmmm, that fear mongering

Another Mossad Op in the making?

That guy is a fucking moron.

Didn't Obama run on pulling us out of Afghanistan?

Now here's a guy that need to move to Israel where he belongs. (read in Maddens voice)

So the kikes will be that butthurt?


They know they will get surrounded by pissed off arabs for getting the US to invade

Yes, pulling out of Afghanistan will pave the way for Saudis based in Germany to obtain flight training in the U.S. and hijack passenger planes and crash them into buildings. I can see why he says such things.

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I voted for Trump to end the perpetual wars tbqhwy. Graham can suck a cock.

Who the fuck says that? The right would think it was a false flag and the left would be on their knees for the delicious cock of fake news blaming it on Trump.

Obama's only accomplishment was being a nigger as he was the same old shit as everybody before him.

what if i told you that a second 9-11 would be cheaper in lives and money than staying there?

Well where the fuck are these boots going then?

Not to the border, that's for sure.

Nice market correction there bro

Honestly, kikes, just fucking bring it. I'm sick of this fearmongering.

let me clue you into what is really going on here

the military industrial complex of international mega corporations, and the international banks control the government of the united states. The politicians in congress only advocate for things that cause their controllers to get more money. War in the middle east causes the military industrial complex of international mega corporations, and the international banks to make lots and lots of money.

therefore it should be very clear to you now why the members of congress say what they do, and who they are really working for.

guess his redemption arc is over

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>Didn't Obama run on pulling us out of Afghanistan?
Joe Biden was a big anti-war guy too.
But now that Trump is actually doing it...

>Muh Greatest Ally

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Ended a couple weeks ago.

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Both Turkey and the Kurds are ostensibly our allies, so I see no winning in choosing sides.

Bin Laden could have planned it from another country just as easily. He was in Sudan when Clinton missed the opportunity to take him out and in Pakistan when he was killed. Of course these are the same people who believed it was a good idea to invade Iraq because of 9/11. You can't fix that kind of stupid.

notice how its always "our allies" when we all know its for ally 1 and ally 1a. trying to give the impression they are helping like japan or canada or some shit.

Brainlet Commie Terrorists that everyone hates

"We will flood Europe with Jihadists if you don't let us join the EU!'


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>ignores the word "ostensibly"

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So Israel is going to attack us again?

What does Afghanistan have to do with the fact that the Saudis did 9/11?

>the Saudis did 9/11
Hi CIA, how are you today?

No, not even ostensibly We tried to kill Erdagon and the Kurds get thrown under the bus every time no exceptions. The Jews are the only ones who pretend we give a shit about the Kurds so they can avoid the issue of Americans dying for Israel in their Media coverage.

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This fucker literally became VP off the back of Obama's promises to stop the endless wars in the Middle East.

so STOP GIVING THEM VISAS, problem solved butters

>Destroying Muslim countries will prevent another 9/11

God im sick of politicians and their obsession over Israel.

Lindsey Grahamnesty

>Destroying Muslim countries will prevent another 9/11
This is actually true. As long as we sacrifice American lives in the ME, Mossad won't bomb us (as much)

>yupThey know they will get surrounded by pissed off arabs for getting the US to invade

What is their end game? To piss off Arabs and get the rest of the world to fight them?

Is this why they demanded we let them all into Europe? So we would hate them too and go and fight wars for Israel?

This is the most pertinent question.

Probably, until we put candidates under oath we'll get the best Jewish approved liar every single time.

They can still weasel out of that

>we're planning to pull US troops out of Afghanistan as soon as it becomes possible to do so

Las Begas hoax was kabbashed because of us. Let them do IXXI 2 and see what happens.

>What does Afghanistan have to do with the fact that the Saudis did 9/11?

Go back to 1999 when the Taliban banned opium production in Afghanistan and you will find your answer.

Then all of a sudden America/Israel were obsessed with Afghanistan.

Never should have went there to begin with faggot

so does that mean another false flag to force America into a middle eastern conflict?

>This is actually true. As long as we sacrifice American lives in the ME, Mossad won't bomb us (as much)
I like this Goy.

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Oh really, well then dont you think building a wall and enforcing border security is a good idea?

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Quite the coincidental alignment that the photographer captured there. Wonder if the editor intended suggestion when he picked that photo.

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He's literally saying that the locals can in no way deal with the threat of a terrorist group, meaning we have to stay there forever.

The Nine Elevenier

Haven't seen (((them))) invoke 9/11 in a minute. Israel is getting desperate.

so the jews are gonna do another 9/11 and then blame it on IRAN. screencap this

If you work for CIA or NSA and the egyptian government (on the axis of evil conquest list) warns you of an impending attack, take the warning seriously, instead of intentionally ignoring it to create pearl harbor 2


Plus more than likely a second 9/11 would happen in a major coastal city, meaning it would mostly be thots, niggers, and progressives getting killed.

Oh no guys, if we pull out of Afghanistan, then Saudi Arabia will be able to send cash and extremists to get trained by Pakistani ISI so they can launch another attack! We must confront this problem head on and continue to occupy Afghanistan.

That's the problem with trying to blame an attack on ISIS. There is now years worth of reporting with the Israeli government openly supporting ISIS. Yet they still seem to think they could avoid any blowback.

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>pave way for second 9/11

not if we secure the borders

>not if we secure the borders
Oy vey not if we impeach Trump first!

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>we'll bomb you goyim up if you stop giving us trillions of tax dollars for a made up war!

Or we could just kick all the brown people out and live in peace

Maybe he’s trying to warn us the Jews will pull anyother 9/11 if they don’t get what they want

Someone switched his red pills with a Jewpill. Someone help poor Lindsey out.

Graham has been a flaming homosexual Zionist kike shill for decades, sucking the neocon war cock and worshipping Israel. He is the definition of a faggot cuckservative. This kikery is nothing new.

Greatest Ally™

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why was a group of jews arrested filming the collapse and high-fiving each other?
then released from police custody by direct order of that one Jew?
explain this one, shlohmo

So disappointing when he bailed out Kavinaugh then he does a reverse.

>we will surely discover
whenever audacity leaves you at a loss for words, you're probably dealing with a Hebrew

>guess his redemption arc is over

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