Gun Owners of America to File Suit Against ATF Bump Stock Ban The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF) today announced its long-expected regulations banning bump stocks.
I want to assure you that Gun Owners of America has already prepared a lawsuit against the ATF and the Department of Justice to seek an injunction protecting gun owners from these unconstitutional regulations. We will be filing our lawsuit as soon as the ATF regulations are officially published. As written, this case has important Second Amendment implications for gun owners.
After all, in the coming days, an estimated half a million bump stock owners will have the difficult decision of either destroying or surrendering their valuable property -- or else risk felony prosecution. GOA will argue that courts should be highly suspect when an agency changes its “interpretation” of a statute in order to impair the exercise of an enumerated constitutional right.
Statutory law is clear: Under 26 U.S.C. 5845(b), a “machinegun” is a weapon which shoots “automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single FUNCTION of a trigger.” (Emphasis added.)
A firearm equipped with a “bump stock” uses the recoil of the firearm, coupled with forward pressure exerted by the shooter, to force the trigger to function more quickly than it would normally. But the trigger is still required to function each time a round is discharged. Therefore, the gun cannot be said to function as a “machinegun.” Another problem with the regulation is that it is overly broad and could later be relied on to ban semi-automatic firearms in the process of trying to ban “bump stocks.”
The ATF has previously said that “[Bump stocks] convert an otherwise semiautomatic firearm into a machinegun...” But hold on a minute. If the AR-15 becomes a “machinegun” -- or even if it is readily convertible into a “machinegun” -- then AR-15’s could eventually become illegal as well.
Think the ATF wouldn’t use this regulation to summarily outlaw semi-automatics? Maybe not right now. But you can bet that the first anti-gun Democratic president to win the White House will order the ATF to do so. These regulations would deny honest Americans the enjoyment of their Second Amendment-protected rights.
And so based on these objections, Gun Owners of America will shortly file suit to overturn the illegal, unconstitutional, politically motivated action by ATF in outlawing “bump stocks.”
Benjamin Young
For those who own or possess a bump stock and want to contact ATF to turn in your bump stock, please realize that the ATF will likely direct owners to sign ATF Forfeiture (Form ATF 3400.1) and/or Property Receipt (ATF 3400.23) forms.
You are not required to sign any form, but if you elect to do so, note the following.
The ATF Forfeiture form is a waiver of your rights and releases ATF from all liability. So read the form -- and talk to your own attorney if you are thinking of signing it! Even if a court later decided against ATF, a person who signed this form would have no claim.
Unlike the ATF Forfeiture form, the Property Receipt form is simply an acknowledgement that ATF has received your bump stock and you no longer possess it. If you plan to turn it in, then get the ATF to sign this form as a receipt and you keep a copy.
Despite the fact that the Obama administration approved the sale of bump fire stocks on at least two occasions, the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law. The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations.
Chase Lee
>Gun Owners of America to File Suit Against Trumps Bump Stock Ban FUCKING OBVIOUSLY!
Mason Myers
So I am well versed in UK gun law - we determine a firearm, or the restricted parts of a firearm as being the pieces that hold the pressure, so the action, barrel and receiver. This is what is considered the actual "firearm". I own and shoot regularly so get the fuck out with "b-b-but brits can't own guns"
I understand the right to bear arms, but I don't get the fight over bump stocks. They themselves are not firearms, they are a device designed to alter the regulated parts of the gun. Which is to say makes it full auto from the civilian semi auto without changing the fire selection cam system you get on an AR platform.
So... do bump stocks come under the category of firearm? Are they the same to the ATF as a gun or are they considered an accessory?
I don't see how its a restriction of your rights - its not a firearm and under the right to bear arms is to do with forming a militia to over throw a tyrannical government - a wildly inaccurate piece of plastic, which is going to burn out your barrel and cook your entire platform with extended use - isn't the greatest of investments.
I just don't get the whole chimp out - it aint a gun, guns are still fine, bump stocks are stupid and a trained shooter is putting round on round cloverleafing that shit in a controlled manner.
Bumping. Bump stocks are gay, inaccurate, waste of ammo range toys. But god damn these people will take anything we let them have.
Liam Bennett
I don't get why you try to make sense of legislation that is all about gaining more power and undermining America. Bump stocks are just a convenient vehicle, since it's scary and in a grey-ish area of the law. The sooner you understand that the sooner you can worry about simply stopping any and all leftists where ever they raise their horned head. Never give them an inch for them to grab on to. Never leave them a cloven-hoved leg to stand on. Leftism is Cainism.
Of course the britbong wouldn't understand bump stocks.
Let me spell it out for you. You obviously do not "understand the right to bear arms" or you would realize that it is not just about "bump stocks" but the steady erosion of our rights that has been going on since the 1930s. We are sick a tired of "oh, you don't NEED this or that, so let's BAN it! Don't worry, we aren't taking your guns away, we're just banning [insert weapon related thing here]". For whatever reason, someone has upheld that machine guns aren't "firearms" (which is nonsense). And so clever people came up with a simple apparatus which plays within the law, but allows for higher rate of fire; it's not at all useful, but it's the principle of the matter. Now that they want to do away with it, we are fed up. We want our WHOLE cake back. Enough of this steady erosion.
The day of the rope is now.
Xavier Thomas
They ban bump stocks and we'll have to go back to using our fucking fingers, webm related, yo bump fire. This is bullshit!!!
(((They))) want to stop manufacturers from exploiting this legal loophole and selling purpose built "bumpfire machineguns" which effectively close the ever widening gap between military/police grade arms and civilian arms.
I can assure you that this bumpfire technology could be extremely effective, not much less effective than full auto, if utilized properly.
Carter Collins
We stopped caring about Britain's opinions on firearms in 1775. Fuck off.
Why not? That's fine. Let's see how the judiciary that has been owned by Jews since 1805 feel about it. Maybe they'll be nice and strike it down to keep you cowed and delusional about the protection guaranteed to you by a scrap of fucking paper, but I doubt it.
Camden Cox
Neither of which are particularly ergonomic... they don't care about your shitty bumpstock techniques - they want to stop the big manufacturers from cashing in on this new fad and making bumpfire weapons that are actually usable.
Jaxon Morgan
Bump fire is boring and just wastes ammo. Learn proper aim.
can someone explain the mechanics of how a bumpstock operates? just don't understand why it's this big bulky device
Brody Ortiz
Your finger stays stationary and you pull the gun forward to fire the gun using the recoil to rock back and forth against your finger, you dont need a bump stock to do it with most semi autos, just makes it easier
Carter Lewis
>supreme court finds that bump stocks are full auto >they also find that this doesnt matter and full auto is covered by 2nd Post yfw
Eli Young
Is a bump stock a gun?
Owen Rivera
>they also find that this doesnt matter and full auto is covered by 2nd I might give me a reason to vote for Trump 2020 but thats a long shot at this point
Cooper Sullivan
they sure don't care about the 'pistol brace' loophole, effectively making SBRs legal.
Jack Gomez
theres absolutely zero reason for a politician to try and repeal the NFA. the only people who would love him for it are the same people who already vote for him because he said he was pro-2a
Luis Garcia
>Is a bump stock a gun? It use to be a novelty but now it is a fully automatic machine gun built after 1986 so there is no registration to be had, is a felony and will get you 10yrs in prison
Justin Williams
Local gun shop here is selling binary triggers at like 60% off. Fostechs going for $200. My guess is they expect them to be banned son they want to liquidate stock ASAP.
Jacob Rogers
any chance i can turn in a chunk of 2x4 and tell them its a bump stock? i kinda want a receipt from the ATF for receiving some lumber with memes scribbled on it with a wood burner
I have two fostech and one franklin, since you posted I just found a fostech for 299, is it really 200? you have a link? I'll buy another tonight
Jonathan Butler
Just make your own. You gonna cry because you can't buy it a Walmart? fuckin dummies
Joseph Torres
Yes! Stop supporting the NRA my fellow Nazi- er, I mean Patriots! Let's hear it for the First Amendment, the law that says we can halve fully semi-automatic machine guns without background checks!
Eli Davis
>Yes! Stop supporting the NRA They need to be burned to ash GOA is the only real gun lobby in AMERICA
>Previous head of DOJ says we need to brainwash people on how they think about guns. >Current President encroaches on gun rights further. >Wants to destroy any gun lobby.
GOA did more in Heller than the scumbags at the NRA ever did, all the NRA does is fear monger for donations just to give in and help write more gun control
Jacob Jenkins
I canceled my NRA membership over a decade ago, wouldn't buy a raffle ticket for a fucking t-shirt if .10 cents of it went to the NRA
Nathan Clark
It's very revealing how few threads there have been about this. I guess magapedes trying to shut it down is a big part of it.
Charles Barnes
Parker Murphy
Thanks for making me look user, I just got the one I found for $299