What do I do if every girl is a slut and it kinda grosses me out...

what do I do if every girl is a slut and it kinda grosses me out? every chick I meet is a giant slut and I haven't been much of one i've mostly only had sex in long term relationships and shit and never done any wild crazy ass stuff with stranger(s)

every chick is just a goth slut now half naked on social media and they have crazy moments where they fuck tons of dudes back to back or all at once and blow random dudes and shit. every girl Is a slut and its so disgusting to me. im afraid to even enter a relationship because as soon as I talk to a girl I instantly think of her being a slut and then I either get anxiety and turn into a cuck or have to be a hoe and talk to tons of girls to counter balance it

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If they're not a virgin they're literally worthless. Just keep trying, nobody wants used goods.

This is silly, you will never be happy with this thought process, you're stressing out for no reason. I'm not saying you have to date sluts, I'm just saying you're overestimating the amount of sluts.
This is why no one likes you, Stanley.

well I just want a girl whos not a hoe every girl I talk to is just going from guy to guy to guy to guy and fucking strangers every opportunity in between. I was talking to a goth slut today who only posts half naked slut pictures and asked whats up and she just said im asking this guy to buy me food and then just vanished all day and i've heard other girls say they've done shit for weed before and i've heard dudes say they just get girls high and they fuck them

I dont really want to mess around with hoes because I don't want to die alone or with some used up skank after shes disgusting. i've only really ever done stuff in relationships and long term relationships before I haven't really done much with strangers but it seems like no other girl cares. they just do every slutty thing they can and then expect it to not matter later on. I don't even know how these girls are keeping count I tried dating this one slutty chick in high school and I was in college years later and found she fucked over 100 dudes and brags about it

The issue is that you’re ignoring the unattractive ones. They have all of the qualities that you want. You’re just as bas as the girls that call every hot guy that doesn’t want to settle a fuck boi.

What you find depends on where you look. Go where the sluts are and you'll find sluts.

>what do I do if every girl is a slut and it kinda grosses me out?
Kill yourself, I guess.

no im not ive been placing personality over looks. it seems like every girl just has compulsive sex now every dude is trying to fuck every girl and everyones just saying fuck it. I remember girls used to dress classier and shit now I just see girls being half naked as much as they can

idk where else to look besides tinder and facebook and shit I work at home.


If you are on fourChan stop talking about your personal marriage this is a anormal site pussy.

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bumble? okcupid? plenty o fish?

if your quest to find someone good enough for you is this unsuccessful then you may want to consider trying in a different dimension? the afterlife maybe? seriously. shoot yourself in the face.

>what do I do if every girl is a slut
There's nothing to do because not every girl is, that's why you wrote "what do I do if" you already know they're all not. You're stupid as who thinks only the unattractive ones aren't sluts, aka all attractive girls are sluts.

>and it kinda grosses me out?
>every chick I meet is a giant slut and I haven't been much of one i've mostly only had sex in long term relationships
>much of one
>mostly only

If every girl is a slut why do they keep rejecting you?

>thinking making up names to the post you're condescending to is funny
go back r/roasties

>go back r/roasties
If you're this unpleasant to interact with over the internet I can't imagine what a headache you are to speak to in person. I'm assuming your presence triggers some animalistic response in women that compels them to immediately scurry away from you kind of like how dogs and cats freak the fuck out before earthquakes and shit. They just sense something is wrong.

I wish I knew the answer to this..

I’m in my late twenties and it seems as if every girl has a high number for sexual partners. Boyfriends isn’t an issue, but casual sex is. Either they are still fucking around or they are retired and now looking to settle. One girl even openly talked about it she said “well, you know I had my fun just like most people do, it’s normal. But now I think it’s time to settle with a good guy”. So she just told me that she liked slutting it up in her past, but she’s quenched her thirst of dick and now she wants a long term partner

>“well, you know I had my fun just like most people do, it’s normal. But now I think it’s time to settle with a good guy”. So she just told me that she liked slutting it up in her past, but she’s quenched her thirst of dick and now she wants a long term partner

This is the part I don't understand. When I was in college I partied some, drank some, probably missed more classes then I should've. When I graduated I decided that it was time to buckle down and I eventually settled into a decent job. I got tired of living like I was never going to die and started thinking of things I never had before. When I was single I went on dates with girls that maybe I shouldn't have, went for more exciting relationships because I was young and new on the dating scene and not even thinking about what I was going to do in the long term but eventually I grew up a little, realized I wasn't going to be young forever and started being a little more thoughtful and conscious of chaotic people. When I was young I owned a motorcycle. I loved the fuck out of it and drove it rain or shine because it was small and fast and exciting and I was 19 so I never even contemplated what I was going to do in the next 10 years. Eventually I realized that I couldn't keep the bike and had to trade up for something more practical that I would feel safe transporting my wife or kids in.

Being young and stupid and not thinking about your future but then eventually learning to make smarter decisions is how children become adults, user. I'm not excusing unsafe or sexually compulsive behaviors but I don't understand how we readily accept the maturation process in every other facet of life but for some reason a girl is some kind of unredeemable slut just because she had a few flings (like most children do) and didn't have the wisdom or foresight to look for a stable, long term partner when she was a teenager. Does that make any sense to you?

I live in the middle of the woods :(

no it doesn’t. Because even tho I had the opportunity to hook up with girls, I made the decision to not do it. I have the will power to keep sex within relationships. Did I think about sex a lot? Of course. But I made the decision to not act on it, because I think sex outside of relationships is wrong. So why should I just excuse a Stacy who’s fucked 12 different dudes during her younger years? She’s still an adult. She’s able to make her own choices. I don’t want someone who freely gave themself to strangers as if they are worthless

Not everyone experiences what you have. We don't all party and drink in early adulthood. Not every person "has a few flings". Many people don't want to be with people who have experienced it and some are willing to look past it. You were young and dumb, and from reading your post I'm sure you're just as dumb now. You have to live with those experiences and mistakes, using the excuse of immaturity so you don't have to take responsibility for them. The actions which will be a part of you for the rest of your life. I see it for what it is, people like you don't belong with people like me. It doesn't matter if you had some life changing realization, your past still follows you. Too late. Others might be more accepting of a past like that than me and I'm sure many that are have experienced a similar lifestyle at some point. I don't blame OP for feeling the way he does, the whole party, drugs and casual sex is becoming more and more normalized. The "phase" is lasting longer too. A twenty seven year old woman who is still going out every Friday to get smashed and fuck some guy is not attractive to anyone as a partner.

>no it doesn’t. Because even tho I had the opportunity to hook up with girls, I made the decision to not do it. I have the will power to keep sex within relationships
The conversation isn't about willpower to me because my partying in high school, my chaotic dating life and my motorcycle had nothing to do with willpower; it was me being so young and inexperienced that I had no idea what healthy choices looked like and no ability to see forward into the future. I didn't have the "willpower" to avoid a lot of impulsive decisions when I was a child but I don't see how that devalues me or anybody in the future.

>I made the decision to not act on it, because I think sex outside of relationships is wrong
Well, there's the crux. Not everybody shares your definition of right and wrong. You're entitled to whatever values you have but it always troubles me when people use their values as a weapon against others.

>So why should I just excuse a Stacy who’s fucked 12 different dudes during her younger years? She’s still an adult. She’s able to make her own choices. I don’t want someone who freely gave themself to strangers as if they are worthless
I think your characterizations are very telling. You immediately characterize this person as a "stacy" who "fucked 12 dudes" and "gave themselves to strangers" because this is the strawman you have erected for this argument. Talking about the perfectly reasonable, perfectly average 19, 20, 21 year old who maybe makes an impulsive decision or two or has a few partners they think they're in love with doesn't fit your narrative. Only talking about the wild "stacy's" who fuck random strangers fits your narrative because its the easiest strawman for you to tip over. It sounds as though you have a very particular agenda that doesn't leave any room for nuance or individual consideration. You're under no obligation to "excuse" anyone but I think your mindset isn't relative to how actual human beings grow and evolve.

>Not everyone experiences what you have. We don't all party and drink in early adulthood. Not every person "has a few flings"
We've all made poor choices and then learned from those choices through trial and error. That was my point. My point was that viewing everything in the metric of right vs. wrong when you're talking about adolescent children with wild hormones and varying levels of support structures is an oversimplified cop out.

>You have to live with those experiences and mistakes, using the excuse of immaturity so you don't have to take responsibility for them
That isn't what I implied in the slightest.

>I see it for what it is, people like you don't belong with people like me
You don't know what kind of person I am.

>It doesn't matter if you had some life changing realization, your past still follows you
Speak for yourself. I'm not ashamed of it. I was a completely different person 15 years ago. I don't feel compelled to apologize for it nor would I ever entertain being with someone who wanted me to.

>A twenty seven year old woman who is still going out every Friday to get smashed and fuck some guy is not attractive to anyone as a partner.
True, but I fail to see what your hypothetical has to do with what we're talking about. Again, I never implied anything of the sort. I clearly said in the end of my post that nothing I said was meant to justify unsafe, compulsive or unstable behavior but I see you conveniently glossed over it.

Who says unattractive girls can't slut around.

You’re still legally an adult at 18. You are responsible for your own choices. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have, you’re still accountable for your actions.

Also, don’t give me that “love” thing. We all know that it’s common now for girls to go around on tinder having casual sex just for fun

>We've all made poor choices and then learned from those choices through trial and error

If a girl had 1 (single) ONS, and decided to not do it again. That could be believable that she realized it was a mistake, learned from it, and made the decision to not do it again. Girls you’ve had several ONS enjoyed it because they kept doing it. A girl once said to me after she realized I didn’t like her response that she had 6 ONS, “ohh they were mistakes tho! I wish I hadn’t done them!”. She can’t say this. She made the choice to continue doing it, she enjoyed it. If she didn’t like it she would have stopped right away

This. The biggest sluts I know aren't that good looking, and 2 of them are pretty unattractive.

As long as you dress in a way to show off your body and open your legs, there will always be guys willing to fuck you

>You’re still legally an adult at 18. You are responsible for your own choices. It doesn’t matter how much experience you have, you’re still accountable for your actions.
Again, what I'm saying has nothing to do with being a legal adult nor accountability. Firstly, if you think legally being an adult is at all indicative of having the wisdom and foresight to make adult decisions then you've obviously never met an 18 year old before. Ultimately, in my opinion, the only person you're accountable to is yourself. I think your assertion that being young and immature is always just an excuse to not take responsibility for your actions is extremely one dimensional and over simplistic. Children make mistakes. I think the area of contention arises for you when those mistakes involve sex. For some reason, in your mind, this is the one carnal sin that has no room for nuance and separates good people from bad people. Again, its my opinion that this mindset is incredibly childish and over simplistic. The mindset that the decisions you make as a teenager are always indicative of your long term character is also incredibly childish and over simplistic.

>Also, don’t give me that “love” thing. We all know that it’s common now for girls to go around on tinder having casual sex just for fun
Common is not the word I'd use. I think maybe you're allowing your bias and anecdotal observations to influence your perception. Additionally, I don't know what girls having casual sex on tinder has to do with what I said. You keep bringing up things that is not at all relative to my points. You're building strawmen again, user.

One of my friends is the definition of chad, and he told me before he actually prefers fucking below average girls. He says they are much easier. He told me that hot girls want to fuck, but they expect to be treated out to dinner and drinks before sucking dick. But with below average girls, they are desperate for dick so they don’t care about anything else. They just want to fuck. He told me one time he matched some below average girl on Tinder. She showed up to his apartment, walked in to his bed. Said a few words to him, then leaned onto his bed and pulled her panties down. He fucked her asshole until she came. She then pulled her panties up, they spoke for a bit and then she left. He then showered and played video games. He said it’s THAT easy. Whereas with a hot girl, he has to dress nice, take her somewhere nice, spend money, and then take her back to fuck.

Were you jerking off while he was telling you this story?

Yes, it is a big deal. When a girl (or guy for that matter) hooks up with someone from Tinder, they are exposing themselves to serious risks. Literally, giving their body to someone they don’t even know in the most intimate act you can share with another person. Putting themself at the risk of physical harm, STIs, pregnancy. For what? An orgasm? That’s reckless. There is nothing valuable about this behavior. It reflects on how they view themselves. They don’t care about these serious risks because if it happens “oh well I’m fucked”.


We can talk in hypotheticals all day long. In some cases, you may be right, but my assertion isn't to accept every girl regardless of her sexual history. My assertion is that analyzing people on a case by case basis and not condemning everyone with blanket generalizations based on your limited knowledge of their sex lives is the only logical, mature way to approach the situation.

Also, I think your response also completely glosses over the complexity of human behavior. Who knows why this person had 6 one night stands and came to regret it but to pretend like compounded mistakes don't exist isn't how psychology works Pretending like anybody who experiences a bout of depression or mania or compulsivity can't regret their decisions if they've made the mistake more than once isn't how psychology works.

You've never dated someone maybe a little chaotic? Maybe they play with you back and fourth, on and off and even though they disappointed you a few times you still came back hoping that maybe something would be different? You made the choice to continue talking to her even though you knew she would probably disappoint you again. Does that mean you enjoyed it? What if it were your mother or father? Maybe they constantly let you down or say hurtful things but you still always make the choice to go back sustain a relationship. Why? Is it because you enjoyed being disappointed? That doesn't make any sense, does it?

Again. I'm not implying that everyone should be excused for all of their behavior ever. I'm saying that your analysis of human behavior is incredibly over simplified and one dimensional. "If you make a bad decision more than once its because you enjoyed it" is an incredibly idiotic interpretation of psychology, user.

>be attracted to girls you don't find attractive in the slightest bro

yeah pretty much this. ive been kind of a slut in relationships but nowhere near like showing my tits in public while strangers pour champagne on my tits or fucking in a room full of people type shit

>ive been kind of a slut in relationships

You mean that you kept sex for actual boyfriends right? Or are you including casual sex/FwB/ONS?


>they have crazy moments where they fuck tons of dudes back to back or all at once and blow random dudes and shit
lol dude this is only happening in your head, stop agonizing over these weird made-up hypothetical scenarios and get a life