Absolute Madman

>guys goes on his show saying how walls are old and outdated
>"What about Israel's wall?"
>he couldn't answer

Attached: tucker.gif (449x252, 1.05M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Kek. This is the ultimate question right now. It's exposing just how fucking corrupt our system is. FUCK ISRAEL. DEATH TO ISRAEL.


He just has to respond "Hey, if you want to spend 30 billion a year to defend and maintain a wall that is less than 1% of the length of the border, that's fine with me.

I saw it live. I'm sure the clip will be uploaded on youtube tonight or tomorrow

BASED Tucker. God Bless him for always preaching the truth. And redpilling as many NPC's as he can


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Cucker Carlson supports the jew practice of child mutilation.

Attached: ff.jpg (940x490, 124K)

Fucker Karlson is a racist wack jobs who covinces uneducated inbred whites rubes to vote against their own economic interests

>"What about Israel's wall?"

Attached: tucker on (((elites))).jpg (1452x869, 290K)

Cucker Carlson is using the same argument Bibi. All it does is legitimize Israel. America does not need Israel's or Jew's permission to build a fucking wall.

Attached: cucker bibi.png (1024x558, 242K)

So why is he in favor of pulling out of Syria.
Stupid, shill

My economic interests involve not paying for parasites and providing for myself. Which party allows that?

>switches topics
Because Syria is being handed to Putin who will dispose of Assad in a couple of years all according to (((plan))).

Attached: trump syria regime change.jpg (1122x874, 131K)

Who was the interviewee?

NEETs don’t pay taxes , faggot incel

Pray every night to heaven for the annihilation of Israel and that it may come by the work of our hands.

Shut the fuck up, any white person who votes for Democrats, who want low IQ third worlders into our country, are voting against their economic and human interests. Need to be hung honestly.

It has that big eared bald faggot that Judge Jeanine used to bring on her show.

Eat shit Cletus

That’s what the plan in Murcia is too, though a little more than one percent. The anti whites don’t even want better security. They want a non white take over where the good whites get to bask in the glory of the ruined white world. They don’t even care if they have to die. They must get revenge on the white race.

You don't have to like them to use them as a case study. They don't like us and they use us for money all the time.

We dont need Israel for a case study. 46 other countries have huge walls we can use. Israel is an illegitimate occupying power and deserves nothing but condemnation.

True, but they are successfully occupying land and removing kebab, we can't even control tacos, so perhaps the Zionists are doing something right.

and using Israel as a case study is relevant when you're dealing with kikes that say the wall is a bad idea

Thanks for being an object lesson on why Trump won the election.

>removing kebab
they control kebab. it's all fake. israel deserves nothing but complete exposure and condemnation.
>when you're dealing with kikes that say the wall is a bad idea
we don't need their permission.

Attached: ISIS israel.png (582x696, 406K)

Truth is the only thing that matters in this Universe. Those who spend their lives searching for and spreading truth will be rewarded. Tucker is gonna evolve into an inter dimensional god when he dies.

Hes a literal child MUTILATING kike shill you retard magapede

Prove it KIKE


>Oy vey male and female mutilation aren't the same you anti semite! How dare you!

Fuck cucker

So every single parent who has had their sons dick tip cut for supposed "health" benefits are "literal child MUTILATING kike shills"?
Fuck off faggot.

Yes you fucking idiot they are. Nice job defending cucker as some kind of arbiter of truth when he defends literally mutilating children. Stupid brainwashed kike.

Anyone with access to the internet and all the knowledge we have who still does this to their kid should be killed. Period.

Attached: ff.jpg (1500x1500, 434K)

>So every single parent who has had their sons dick tip cut for supposed "health" benefits are "literal child MUTILATING kike shills"?
Yes. You're bluepilled as fuck, back to Kikebook you go faggot.

>muh dik

>muh dik he says as he mutilates baby dicks

Leave them alone schlomo

More proof that anti-racist is just a code word for anti-white. Why are you so anti-white, user.?

>he thinks we're only pulling out of syria
Oh, lad. You have no idea what is about to happen. Will you miss us? I think you will.

>muh jews

You're so boring, user.

The answer I would've given is that Israel's wall is tiny compared to the southwestern border -- and they've been working on it for 20 years and are still not done with it.

People don't realize how small the West Bank actually is. It's like walling off Fort Worth -- not one of the longest contiguous borders in the world.

I can't imagine being this much of a fucking ignorant blind retard. Consider suicide.

>muh jews
Zzz... ..Zzz..


kill yourself kike

>attacking jewish ritualistic mutilation means youre a kike

Fuck off and die fox Jews shill

8 million people in israrl vs 320 million in usa

Tucker "no love for fake news and hebrews" Carlson


Possibly the one thing kikes got right was genital mutilation. The majority of the human population are plague that should have never been born anyways. Make it less pleasurable, less likely to give into base carnal desires. KYS before I kill you and your family.

It doesnt stop people having kids you retard look at Muslim countries.

Hopefully you die a slow painful death for daring to pretend to care about truth while defending such sickness. Typical newfag talking head worshipping rat. I'll spit on your fucking grave abrahamic scumbag.

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>handed to Russia
why should anyone in America give a shit? Have you heard of shale oil? Why waste money and lives messing about in shitholes when you don't have anything to gain?

True. What it did was to spark the idea in the mind of the true GODS that eugenics is the answer. Sorry I have been so soft...I will make sure to snuff the life out of you and anybody like you from here on out.

Be the change you want. You definitely shouldnt have been born. Go take a gun and fucking shoot yourself jew faggot.

they actually aren't the same though

Youre right. Male circumcision is actually almost always worse. Only one form of fgm removes as much tissue and function as mgm, and its only done in one percent of the cases. Watch Cloppers video on the subject.

You fell for the stupid feminist Jew lie to convince people mutilating boys is okay. It isnt.

I will take my many guns and destroy those like you when the time is right.

Hang all baby cutters.

Attached: DoHRbmtUUAAbcxI.jpg (480x480, 41K)

>how dare you question our jew masters rituals!

Hope you die slowly faggot. You will be the one who will be killed.

They need to be. This sickness has gone on far too long.

You are right. Eugenics and no mercy are the answer. Fuck giving people help and trying to curb their base instincts. The human existence was a mistake.

>Human existence was a mistake

Then go end yourself before you mutilate more kids jew

great wall of china doesn't work

try to invade china, snowflake

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Yes they are. You're perpetuating a kike tradition that you have absolutely no reason to follow.

I love you kikes. Truly you demons are perfection when it comes to human manipulation. I can't wait until WW3...I have millions of bullets waiting to meet your grey matter.

No it doesn’t (obviously), but Israel’s wall is a clear success.

Libshits always like to use other countries to argue for shit they want, like universal healthcare, so why the fuck not bring it up?

Thanks for the link nigger
