Just share 1 good thing and 1 bad you've experienced. Hopefully this'll make someone feel understood/hopeful.
The best and worst of life
Good- met a friend who helped me through depression and other bad times, taught me how to be a human being, made me want to be better for someone rather than off myself.
Bad-Despite my clear intent that I like her (yes I've told her) It's a platonic thing where I'll always be supporting her And that's fine It's just some of her behaviors make me feel like an us is possible when it's not. She'll text me when buzzed talking about how much I'm trusted or ask to hangout or something. We spend every day talking and it's so wonderful but so painful because I'll never truly be at the side of the girl I love.
Rekindled a friendship which I thought I had lost forever. The guy broke all my misconceptions and stayed loyal.
Seems like I lost a very old friend of mine who I considered to be my bff...
Funny how life is.
Too bad I have to force myself to don't write more stuff on the bad, while I could only name this one good thing.
That lityle drug addict blonde that begged me to fuck her in the ass.
Getting divorced.
sympathies, but an overwhelming amount of bad is overwhelming, hopefully your new friend makes up for it user
Nice, I see that you are OP and we can relate.
I dunno, I get through the bad times on my own, friends are only good to remind me to take things less seriously and to have fun, otherwise I feel like I'm only whinning and making a fool of myself.
I am overwhelmed, confused and tired, I feel like I am a stranger in my own life and I lost reign from it.
Knowing I have my friend by my side has been a good albeit small solace, but we can only hang out or have a real talk for such a small fraction of what constitutes my life, and when that is over, I have to go back to my current reality and that just kills it.
But hey, if it wasn't for him, I would be even more fucking lonely, so at least I have that.
I feel that, I've been trying so long and so hard to show her I can be good enough and she's helped make me into a person who can actually interact with others without making me want to leave immediately, She makes me happy thinking about her, sadly that's not gonna last as life is always changing and I know that I'm basically a commodity, people make you miserable sometimes but thankfully there are some who make you happy.
Same guy Now that I vented I'll give you my two cents.
It's so heartbreaking to go through what you are dealing with, I've been there too, but I decided to cut it down, because I couldn't be just friends; even though the girl genuinely wanted to keep me around, and to this day I sometimes feel melancholic about the lovely dynamic we had with one another. But the alternative was to be utterly heartbroken for the sake of someone who didn't want me, all while knowing that she was having a blast with her new bf, and that would have been much worse for me.
This can't be the same for everyone of course, but you shouldn't invest so much time and your emotional well being into someone who doesn't want to reciprocate (it is drastically easier said than done, I must admit).
You don't need to outright break it off, but try to meet more girls and having a colder approach with her.
No one deserves to blueball themselves for the sake of someone who regardless of this sacrifice you are willing to go through, are just gonna keep enjoying themselves and fucking around with other people.
I hope you can overcome this and to feel better, I really do, bro.
>1 good thing
Loving someone worthwhile and having them love me back.
>1 bad thing
My sister's suicide and the aftermath from cleaning the apartment in which she rotted for 11 days to handing my partners' mental breakdowns that followed.
I could not have handled the latter at all without the first.
Thanks m8, I'll do my best but being around her is just so intoxicating, She's just the embodiment of the compassion and personality I want in a person and it's hard to let that go when you're a sad and lonely fuck.
I hope you feel better dude. Friends are the way to go and it makes me glad knowing someone went through the same shit as I did. Stick with your friends as they're the ones who choose to support you for you, not any previous ties or some shit and if you do feel like the stranger in your own life find someone that prioritizes you and makes you know you're someone more and someone that matters
That's rough m8, my friend nearly killed himself once and shook me myself. For that to actually happen and with someone so close is a tragedy, I'm glad you're with someone worthwhile, hold on as tight as you can, they're precious
Thank you, that last bit really got to me.
Maybe I tried so hard to appease to others in my job and love life (or lack of), that I'm losing track of my true self, and my struggles in these two aspects aren't making it any easier.
But I'll do the effort to switch to the no fucks given mode in order to get back on track and rediscover how I really want to be.
I went to japan and met my grandparents only once. I never got to visit their funeral.
No prob, I started this thread for the sympathy feels so it gladdens me to see it's working. Life isn't about pandering it's about doing the things you want so you can be happy. Just takes time and sadly that's not always in abundance
That's rough, It's hard to be so close to your roots while also having them disappear like that. Hopefully you saw how precious it is.
I am being grateful for being alive, even if I don't really get/have what most people have in life.
My father's passing, a year ago due to misdiagnosed by doctors due to too late to get a dialysis. Me and him don't really get along when he's alive so I somewhat regret some and miss him sometimes, I always asks for forgiveness, hopefully one day, I will be forgiven for my sins.
I don't think you need to ask for forgiveness, it takes two to make a relationship work and sometimes we don't have that luxury. I once told a friend who went through a similar thing to write a letter to them so that even if you aren't with them you have something that connects you with them.
Met the best girl I could ever imagine
She didn't love me so I moved on
This life is a bittersweet one. Good luck out there user
becoming best friends with a psychopath. Being taken advantage of throughout our friendship. Ending up confused and depressed, giving up on life for 4 years.
Rebounding from the above. Getting in contact with an old friend that had warned me that I was messing up, ended up becoming best bros with him. Long way to go still but life is better than ever.
Mad love N. You got me out of a tough spot bro.
To be able to deal with that in the first place requires immense strength. If anything I hope this experience will give you enough to where you can share it with others.
I was being rude and disrespectful to him when he's still alive. But you were right, in the end I just want to be a better man than I used to be, but that shit is moving in a slow pace now.
have a great family and am really close with my brother who's my best friend
have terrible self-esteem and anxiety, not sure if i wanna improve or just accept and suffer through it. dealing with it feels daunting
I'm glad to hear that you have people that care user. Let them support you in trying new things, the world is your oyster and with people's support no one can stop you.
thanks user :)
No prob, believe to achieve, teamwork makes the Dream Work, positivity equals possibility.
Kinda the invisible, painfully shy, poorish girl in HS but tutored some of the football players in English and one of the captains on the team took me to prom.
All the other girls made fun of my dress because there was a stain on it
That does kinda suck but that's dumb as hell. Id rather go to prom with a girl with a stain on her dress than one who just sits and makes fun of people. At least the stain shows that you don't care that much. I knew a girl who bought 3 fucking prom dresses and it was my challenege to not look at her like she was crazy. Don't worry about being shy or poorish or whatever because people notice the sweet people. Those that help on an English assignment or what have you, stay baller user
I almost didn't go since I didn't have the money for a dress but found one at a garage sale and altered it to fit. My date was one of the most popular guys on the team but really nice and I liked him so much, he even told me how pretty I looked and if he saw the stain never said anything. It was just one stupid girl that saw it and pointed and started laughing and everything crashed down and I apologized to the guy knowing how embarrassed he was for being there with me.
That's a shite experience user. I personally didn't go to prom because I found my peers pretentious. But I think he was probably a bit bashful because of some weird social interaction. (I still have problems empathizing with people but I try) Idk user, find someone who can appreciate you for who you are, a lovely dame that can be appreciated for helping and educating and for those small fun moments of joy. You're a rad person user, don't you forget.
I just wish people had the intelligence to treat those that did good by them well. No limiting contact when you're the most dependable person they have, No flashes of embarassment, no lack of support. People could be so much better of they only tried harder.
watching the youngest members in my family slowly growing up to be wonderful kids.
realizing as a kid what a wonderful world we live in, and having to find ways to carry on living.
Bad- married a girl who ended up cheating on me countless times and caused depression that ultimately ended my military career after a string of events
Good- met a girl afterwards that showed me how life with a real partner is supposed to feel
To experience being accepted; even by oneself. That's how it feels to be human sometimes.
The worst? For me it's the backstabbing. To have your trust broken, even by family. To be betrayed by oneself and lose all your confidence.
Head-over-heels with cute girl
Ex girl cut and eventually sorta died, wasn't the same person if you get me.
Getting stabbed a whole bunch of times.
I lived.
Betrayal is a sort of inevitability anons, it sucks but it happens. Hopefully you can rebuild those relationships or find new ones.
That's pretty hardcore man. You recover?
I've realised that everybody has issues both big and small, and that I'm not alone in feeling the things I do. In this realisation I found my will to live and better myself.
I've also had to cut out a lot of toxic people from my life. The loneliness I felt shortly after was one of the deepest and darkest periods of my life. Even if they were rotting me from the inside, they were still the closest thing I had to a friend.
Playing in a professional band is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. We played “The Universal Judgement” (a version of it is on YouTube if you’d like to listen) and it was beautiful. Being in the middle of the band, blending with everyone else was like painting a giant piece of art and everyone was freaking Divinci. It gave me hope that life can be amazing and fulfilling.
Though I usually get a good chair like 2nd or 3rd (similar to a rank), I always seem to be a little behind the other trombonists. It gives me hardcore imposter syndrome. I might just be good at auditioning and not good at performing which is dumb as shit. Or I might just be too hard on myself. I feel like I’m mooching off of everyone else’s skill and talent
Almost entirely but with complications for the following 2 years.
My shoulder is permanently fucked up. I had a temporary case of trigeminal neuralgia.
I almost had to have a colostomy bag. My neck wound popped open after the staples were taken out.
I came back days after being discharged with a kidney infection.
All of my hospital bills in total were around 140k. I thought I'd be in debt forever until charity paid it off.
>That smile and spark in her eye when you can SEE that youre the whole world to her
>When she gets cold hearted and bored years later and decides to leave to start over, shattering your entire world and leaving you alone again
Absolutely nothing.
I've never been respected/appreciated/loved even once my entire life.
The post about seeing how everyone goes through the same sort kf shit got to me. We may never have your exact same experience but whether you're in a hospital with some unfortunate shit happening, trying to figure out how friendship is supposed to work, or spending time with a lovely dame I'm glad that people are able to deal with these problems and I really hope you can feel inspired by the shit that's said here to better yourself and those around you and show strength in your sadness. Gl you beautiful bastards, we'll need it.
Everyone craves human attention and compassion user its a basic behavior but maybe if you look away from people and at other stuff you can find something good, a beautiful walk or just 1 moment with an awesome doge, there's always a little good even if it's a bitch to find.
here's a good thing for you: you beat me to the exact same post.
you win, and once again, I lose.
i got people in my life that i can go to at any point
i lost the person who meant the world to me, and realized that they were a huge shitbag
I got to hang out with friends I'd met online for a few days.
said friends now hate me
We'll get there anons, we need to find people that respect us and can do the rad things for us that we want to do for them. We will fimd someone like that one day.
my entire childhood, I'd rather relive it over and over again than have a billion dollars now
my childhood dog dying
R.I.P. Doglass (like Douglas but dog). I'm glad you had such an awesome and supportive childhood and while the death of your doge sucks hopefully it shows you how precious life can be. Feel better user.
good- having been able to overcome my dyslexia
bad- my fathers' death at 12
Good- Apologised to a best friend who I fucked over really badly and they forgave me and now we help each other with our depression
Bad- Still hearing about her asshole of a friend who tried to ruin the lives of my friends and I even though I've tried to forget about her ever since it all happened
Feel better anons, dealing with loss or an asshole is always rough. 1 small step is 1 huge leap anons, we got this.