Why do Jews have higher IQ's on average than Whites according to all studies, even those by right wing racial realists like Richard Lynn and Jared Taylor?
Why do Jews have higher IQ's on average than Whites according to all studies...
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What are "all these" studies? I only know of one, which sampled 36 ahskenazi jews.
that is just ashknazi jews, though
other jews have a far lower average iq
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2
Read through this thread, it's all there
Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now
Because ashkenazis are eugenicized italians.
>invent the notion of IQ
>design the tests
>administer the tests
>surely never cheat on these tests to further jews and get preferential rides into the ivy league
what is in-group preference
Selective breeding for intelligence. Although I come from a pure white trash lineage and my IQ is north of 130, so who knows.
because jews cheat
Show the curve faggot. It's very flat. Unbelievably flat.
The curve would have some kikes hitting 260.
Because no credible study has ever compared the average IQ of "Ashkenazi Jews" as a whole to other equivalently select racial groups.
What are the parameters of your study pictured OP?
For one thing it's fallacious to compare "Ashkenazi Jews" to "whites" - if you divide Jews into such a select subcatagory you also need to divide those who you are comparing them to into select subcatagories.
Because they only test their best.
"Ashkenazi jews" also includes the inbred ultra-orthodox retards.
If kikes are smarter, then why do they only make up 12% of Cum Laude grads in the Ivy League, but make up 35% of the enrollment?
Why do jews celebrate their supremacy without shame? Why do their celebrate their fascist ethnostate?
Slide thread
>Ashkenazi IQ is 115
Average is between 107 and 115. Probably closer to 107. Also, show your flag, kike.
Because extreme nepotism allows them in.
>muh cheat
Why is that only insecure white men always claim some other groups cheat without any evidence when said groups turned out to outperform whitoids in a way?
because whites pull out of syria
A big titted jewess is waiting for her taxi during the night. It was raining and our hero was taking a walk trying to escape from his nightmarish reality. He sees that eagle nosed goddess with her wet blouse being poked by nipples as big as a clitoris. He stares confused, she notices it and he leaves quicknening the pace of his steps...
Supposedly the stupid jews were killed in the holocaust, which would raise the average. There are still more whites at every IQ level than jews.
Show me 800 kikes with a 170 IQ,
Can you name 2?
The vast majority of Jews are Ashkenazi.
If Ashkenazi Jew IQ is 115 then the rest of Israel has an average IQ lower than that of sub-Saharan Africa.