How do i cure my own bpd without meds or therapy

how do i cure my own bpd without meds or therapy

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With meds and therapy.

Try asking a therapist

Try taking meds


my bf would be so sad

Unironically this. I've been around enough "people" with bpd to know you're actually a demon sent from hell.

i really wish i wasnt im sorry

You mean the man youre manipulating will feel sad. Seriously a relationship with a bpd isn't a relationship

this is not true. i really love him

No you don't. You can't feel love the way the rest of us do. The best thing you can do for both of you is to dump him and psychiatric help. Being with an unmedicated bpd is like being in a tornado of razorblades and I wouldn't wish it on anyone

but i do.. i feel sorry for my episodes sometimes but sometimes he does deserve it

Control it the same way high functioning autistics do. When you start losing yourself, touch a thing. If it's a sofa or a table or your thumb. Grip it and focus on it until the tidal wave is over

If you haven't been to a therapist and haven't tried out meds yet then here's a tip: you don't have bpd. Get off WebMD and go see if you even actually have a problem. You're probably just a malsocialized dick.

Your episodes are who you are. Stop rationalising bating a shit person to some sperg over the internet and get help

wanted to post this

i was diagnosed in hs at a clinic , therapy is not mandatory in my country
please stop being so rude and give me good advice .
i may try this

Good advice: Talk to a professional therapist. They can't force you to take meds. I don't know why you're so resistant to professional help. Appointing Jow Forums as your therapist is not a good idea

You will never get any helpful advice that isn't to seek professional help

I'm always baffled how every female BPD person has a bf. One would imagine the price to pay for BPD pussy would be to high, but apparently it isn't.

Morality is actions, not motivations. When you do bad shit because of your bpd, you're not being a good person held back by a disease, you're actually just being a bad person.

I think a lot of guys don't see the red flags until they're already in it too deep, and it's not easy to break up with a BPD case

This isn't really a good site to get support for bpd. Many people here have been burned by somebody with bpd and hate the lot of us. As much as I hate to say it, you may want to turn to Tumblr for better advice.
I have bpd but I have gotten better to the point where I no longer fit the dsm requirements. You can't "cure" bpd though. For me it got better with age and having a stable relationship. I have been with my wife for 5 years, living together for 3. The first 6 months or so of our relationship were not easy and I was subconsciously trying to scare her away. That didn't work because she has aspergers and it kinda went over her head. After 6 months or so I felt more secure that she wasn't going anywhere and calmed down significantly.
Therapy was never helpful to me and I was dropped by many therapists.
How old are you, op?

But tumblr is focused on feelings and appearances rather than actual results and tailored advice
Not that you're wrong about here, just that you ARE wrong about tumblr-- if you think of us as the 'way too cynical and hateful' side, you can think of tumblr as the 'not realistic or critical enough' side where they'll let anything slide so long as it appeals to their fee-fees

How to get qt aspie gf mate?

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Not possible you need meds to control your mood swings and group therapy to learn how to cope.

I don't need that many paragraphs to tell you tumblr is full of fucking high schoolers and adult-children who never mentally graduated high school

I can't think of any other place in life I see their behavior than in high school-- and at least back in my day social media was barely taking off so it may not have been this bad

I keep debating on whether I should try pandering out to them, tumblr is easy money if you do kickstarter things and shit

we're about the same age. go for it.

Then you haven't met green and leftist parties in germany or europe for that matter

Can we stop with this meme that people with personality disorders aren't to blame for their actions? Like holy fuck how venomous do you have to be to think it's not your fault when you threaten to kill yourself because your boyfriend smiled at the waitress while he bought you dinner? If you can't act like a decent person then you aren't a decent person, end of story.

If you really think that they do that with intent to do harm to you because of spite or contempt you are a fucking retard. If you don't know anything about the condition and how it affects the ones that have it, you should better stfu you little shit

not even that guy but
>i feel sorry for my episodes sometimes but sometimes he does deserve it

Intent doesn't matter, you don't get excuses for being awful just because you regret it after. Besides, it's not like they think they're doing anyone but themselves a favor, they just happen to have moments of lucidity down the line.

No, he's actually right, and despite your best intentions, the prevalence your mindset does more harm than good to people who struggle with mental illness. They aren't just completely broken, helpless people with absolutely no self-control. They DO need to be told to take responsibility for their actions and behavior, same as everyone else, because they have to live in the same world and participate in the same society as everyone else.

It should be recognized that they have difficulties and obstacles in self-control that most people don't, but the right way to deal with it isn't just blind reinforcement and treating them like a helpless idiot. Saying "she couldn't help it, she doesn't know better, she has a mental illness" is the same as saying she has no hope for improvement. And she does, but it involves hard work and self-criticism, taking responsibility for mistakes and actions that hurt others, and trying as hard as possible to do better. That can make the difference between a completely dysfunctional life, and a mostly "normal" life where the symptoms are an occasional setback rather than a series of massive disasters.

People with mental illness need to hear the message that they're capable of doing better, and get the best possible treatment to help them with that goal

t. butt furious BPD nutcase

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See a good neurotherapist, user. It's not a meme, a good one will help you live with it.

Heya. I have bpd. Am in a four year relationship and man it's been tough. A few tips:
1. I keep a few pages with reminders on them for when I'm starting to feel paranoid/betrayed/hurt and so on. The first page is some rational truths. Like, okay, even if some one did hurt you, people hurt eachother, and that's normal. What isn't normal is to fly off the fucking handle and plot destruction. Hurting others for the sake of self preservation absolutely has never made you feel better. It is a quick fix for the anger and not real.
It's worded different in my journal.
And then reminders of certain cues people give off that can be misinterpreted. Silence can mean thoughtfulness, as opposed to them plotting your suffering. That type of shit.
The next bit, I have a list of "reset" things. I go through a check list to make sure that I have the best possible chance of having this "episode" subside without a major incident. Things like, are you hydrated? Are you running on only 4 hours of sleep? Have you had a solid meal today? Those kinds of things.
Communication is huge. Staying on top of bad habits is huge.
Those with bpd do feel love. I would argue that they feel a love that is so strong that it feels like it's crushing their own soul.
Learn what sets you off. I'm actually about to start going to therapy again because I had a very scary episode a few days ago. I managed it okayish. Every day is a learning opportunity.

explain to me why you lot burn through relationships so much. i have been observing a family member suffering from it and she has had about 15 boyfriends in the last 3 months

Your post sounds dumb as shit. I literally have been in one committed relationship for 4 years. He is my first real relationship.

Also why are your family members peers enabling that behavior? It sounds very unhealthy and like she isn't dealing with some shit.

Cluster A faggot here.
You can't.

Psych major here. Therapy and Medicine. Do you even know which type you are

so your weekly dick you had before that doesnt count? fuck off

I was a virgin when I started dating him lol. Had a few "boyfriends" in highschool that lasted a few weeks and was confined to hand holding in the hall and texting. Broke up with all of them. No heavy petting involved.

your kind is prone to manipulation and lies. why in the fuck would i believe your shit?

T. The filthy normie who lives to prey on vulnerable types like me.
I can see your games from a mile away. Go die.

(This post is ironic.)



Trips of fucking truth.

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